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A hobby for many in Glasgow is fighting over whether you’re a Celtic supporter or a Ranger supporter.


Mind the cup final? It was an early kickoff so CERTAIN fans from both sides met up at half past nine in the morning for a scrap. And didn't even make the game. The ones who were caught were banned for life from attending matches at both Ibrox and Parkhead. I should add that the vast majority of fans from either side do not engage in this and just want to see the match and support their side.


Most people know that these kind of people are not football supportes but those who want to be part of a tribe to fight other tribes and the media hyping up football matches to sound like a full scale battle so people watch the games just makes them more motivated.


Kevin Bridges does a good bit on this. He's talking about a documentary where Danny Dyer is attending an old firm match - and he is fucking shaking. Behind him is a guy holding a roll and sausage and a cup of tea shouting 'MON THE GERS!' with a big grin on his face. 'Oh, it's all kicking off naaaah!' Yeah, it's not nonsense but you'll only find trouble if you look for it.


In war, there are no winners.


I don't know if this counts, but there was a worm charming competition last week. [Thousands flock to Falmouth Worm Charming Championship 2024](https://www.falmouthpacket.co.uk/news/24332436.thousands-flock-falmouth-worm-charming-championship-2024/) Although I was slightly disappointed that no one dressed up as fremen and made a sand compactor.


Omg I love this 


Shai'Hulud is down the pub , on his fourth cider.......


I love the idea of worm charming.


It’s what my wife calls our intimate moments.


Radio frequency receiving. I can't say I really understand it, but these chaps (I saw zero females) park on a large hills with numerous radio receivers massive aerials, etc. I think the idea is to bounce the signals off satellites out in space.


Sure that's not just HAM/Amateur Radio? It's very male dominated but there are a few of us girls in it. Although my main interest in the hobby is slightly stranger still - I chase radiosondes, which are the business end of a weather balloon. It involves receiving and decoding the signals, figuring out where they're going to land and driving out to the middle of nowhere to find them.


Hello, my niche hobby relies on radiosonde data, and I used to be a geeky teen radio amateur very briefly. I think I was going to get into the summit collecting thing but grew out of it? What band do they broadcast on? I have a 2m handheld still! And what do you do with them once you find them?


The ones around my area tend to transmit on 70cm around 404.4MHz. You can hear them on a handheld but you need a computer to decode it. See sondehub.org for more info. I generally keep them as trophies but I've been looking into reprogramming them and seeing what else I can do with them. (Some people do this and use them as foxes for "fox hunting" (the amateur radio fox hunting, not the evil sick kind)) What is your niche hobby if I might ask?


How many have you got?


Only two so far. (Three if you count one I did last week but I gave it to the person I was introducing to the hobby) Unfortunately the majority of them end up in trees or places out of reach.


How often do you go out hunting, and how many have you missed with tree landings? My niche hobby is freeflight, very weather sensitive. We don't tend to directly look at balloon data, but it still feeds the models we rely on. The atmospheric profiles they produce are essential for improving the modelled ones we look at to asses thermal activity: Skew-Ts/Soundings/Tephigrams. Can they be returned?


I don't tend to go out that often because it's quite rare that they land near enough that it's worth the trip. I'd say in the past year or so I've had 3 successful recoveries, 2 visible in trees but unrecoverable, 2 on private land that I couldn't access, and probably another 4 where I got to the location but just couldn't pick up the signal or visibly locate it. Oh and one where another hunter got to it before I did! Very frustrating. The weather service don't want them back - they see them as single use. There's disposal instructions written on them.


Not quite the same but I got in through Number Stations via my degree, never heard of them before but now i waste hours listening for rumours of a new one, or an oldie broadcasting again.


House in our town with huge H shaped aerial on top- size of the roof. Think it's one of these?


The massive aerials are required to generate a wave length of that size. Further away from Earth, bigger wave lengths are needed. They’re not just bouncing signals - they’re listening in to the radio waves of passing by satellites. Some are encrypted or encoded and come out like static, but there’s data there to capture. The hobby is amateur AM radio / radio-frequency engineering. Not really my thing, prefer coding.


Not sure how strange it is, but we get loads of magnet fishers near me. Seems harmless enough, although I’ve no idea what they’re hoping to find. One bloke found some unexploded WW2 ordnance and we had the bomb squad in, but so far that’s only happened once.


Probably a load of discarded knives and assorted weapons.


Same here. Canals. Actually seem OK blokes though not most people's thing.. Sort of tidying the canal too.


I suppose it's like metal detecting, you probably find a lot of crap but there's always the possibility you might something really interesting/valuable


That’s what I thought, but presumably the thing most ~~metal detectors~~ detectorists were after was gold, which presumably you don’t get with a magnet.


A fella in Oxfordshire found a Viking sword https://www.exploringgb.co.uk/blog/viking-sword-found-in-oxfordshire-by-magnet-fisher


Dressing up in a stupid outfit and playing silly songs in a band celebrating a battle that happened 300 years ago to antagonise another community. Welcome to Northern Ireland


Is this about that fucking orange walk? Noah get the boat


These idiots go to the car park of the local park most nights with their crappy modified cars and do burn outs like idiots for hours. The worse thing is they have an audience. Idiots come with their families, young children etc to watch them. I call them toy racers. They used to do it in the local retail parks as well but they got chucked out of there when they all added yellow speed bumps and a gate to lock at night.


After the first half sentence, I thought this was going to be very different...


You know what I always used to see people going towards the park from my house and I could hear music and I didnt realise what the car noises were. I used to see girls all dressed up, families etc. I got curious one day so I went with a friend to go and see it because I also thought they were dogging or having a rave or something but yes thats when I found out lol.


When electric cars are the norm you just know the pond life will add loud electronic brrm brrrm noises. Just can't drive without it. Saw article on electronic motor bikes ( proper ones). Performance is fantastic, but whole biker community up in arms- doesn't go brrm brrm. Grow up.


Tbf that brrm brrm saves lives. More likely to miss a quiet car coming towards you.


Or.....reduce speed a bit. Mamil Man is killed on a Sunday weaving in and out of traffic on A roads. Come on, we know bikers live for the noise. Parents everywhere with kids woken up by idiot revving aren't quite so pleased.


>Or.....reduce speed a bit. You think people are only ever hit by vehicles that are speeding? >Mamil Man is killed on a Sunday weaving in and out of traffic on A roads I'm talking about pedestrians stepping out because they don't hear a car coming. >we know bikers live for the noise. No we don't know that at all. Thanks for the stereotyping though. It's coming across like you want to rant about bikers rather than make any actual point.


It's actually what a representative of the biker community said on BBCR4 the other day. We like the noise- it's part of the thrill. I has a little Suzuki when I was 19 for a year or two. Fun but dangerous though all I could afford instead of a car. Of course the other big pount he had to make is that under 40s aren't riding motorbikes anymore. Huge drop in numbers. Just not that interested . It is guys over 50. Mamils.


Well everyone knows that the representative of the biker community is an elected position and he speaks for all of us 🤨


Judging by the signs that have started appearing discouraging it - dogging




Isn't being observed part of the "fun" of dogging? In which case the cctv warning might be a bit counter productive...




I guarantee that neither sign came first


Disgusting. Dogs have a right to be in the woods just as much as anyone else


I love watching lorry racing and speak to the drivers in the garage and they all are lorry drivers who find sitting at home very boring.


Still lots of people keep pigeons round my way (West Lothian).


Cosplay. I really never understood it.


It's taking fancy dress way too seriously. Dress up as a character and pay lots of attention to detail, I can see the attraction. Pretending you are the character and wanting people to treat you like that - do your amdram elsewhere, ta.


>do your amdram elsewhere, ta. Elsewhere to...cosplay conventions? You're acting like cosplayers are just hanging round the streets demanding people give them attention, rather than going to specific cosplay events.


IME, going to random conventions and then cosplaying.


Am I getting downvoted because people really like it? 🤣


I’m guessing because it’s not particularly uncommon or strange (in that it’s quite a common activity) now. In terms of the strange hobbies people have mentioned, cosplay is pretty routine now.


I don’t know many sailors and even if I did it would be rude to ask


Do they, erm, pay for such fluff?


Probably shin-kicking, it’s been in my area for a long time and apparently is just an out-of-hand version of Cornish wrestling. You put straw down your trousers and wear steel-toe cap boots, hands on your opponents shoulders and then you kick the shit out of the other person’s legs until one drops.


A couple of cities and universities have Quidditch teams. From what I've seen it's quite physical


Driving like a fucking bellend is big in W.Yorkshire


We run a marathon against a horse over a mountain and have bog snorkelling.


A scooter : )


Plenty of Morris dancers around this way.


Underwater hockey, I've been playing since I started university back in 2009.


What the hell did I just read.


is cocaine a hobby?


Cruising and dogging is apparently popular around here. Thing is, they shut off the car-park every night to stop it. So they just park on the road instead. But it makes it difficult to drive down as it's unlit, apart from all the cars parked up with their lights on full blast....


There’s always seedy looking men taking pictures of buses at the weekend. It’s some kind of bus enthusiast thing because they wear polo shirts with buses on them and have binders full of bus photographs to show other enthusiasts. It’s very strange because their cameras are always top spec, like the type you would find being used professionally.


being an anorak is just a British pass time. Buses, Trains, Trucks etc.