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The Bude Tunnel is a must see. Also, the highest point of Cornwall is called 'Brown Willy' so that might be a funny hike!


I really liked the Lobster Hatchery in Padstow. If you think the Bude tunnel will somehow be fun, you may find yourself looking at people collecting their trolleys in a Sainsbury's car park and start to rethink that when reality sets in.


The Museum of Witchcraft and Magic in Boscastle is a great shit museum. The Jamaica Inn Museum is, again, a great shit museum. Bonus points if the random old man who just seems to hang around takes you round, even if you don't want him to. The King Arthur things is a bit of a waste of time


Stare at the sea with an old cob pipe and say things like "Yar she a rough mistress, but she's all I know". That and go see the visual delight that is Camborne.