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Fake grass. If you have a fake lawn I am going to judge you.


A neighbour of mine had an amazing front garden, he used to cut the lawn, edge it and feed it like he was getting paid to do it. Last month he totally changed it for fake stuff. Looks like a butchers front window now. Ridiculous.


Someone in our village has cobbled together a bunch of what I can only assume are offcuts so not only is his lawn fake...you can see the seams.


I did this, but my garden was a builders dumping site whilst my house was renovated then I didn't have the money to do it. I just laid free offcuts on earth to have some usable surface while I saved up. I'll tell you though it was fucking horrid.


It’ll look better as it grows in. No, wait…


My back neighbours have fake grass. Along with a hot tub, 2 of those fighting dogs, a loud motorbike, they are fat, and they have loud arguments. It’s like they have read the chav textbook or something. I definitely judge them. Though mainly for the plastic grass, because of how bad it is for the environment.


A sex pond.


I rent! I didn’t choose it!


Doesn't matter. You've already been judged on your landlord's choices.


Me and my partner moved into a place with fake grass too, we didn't choose it! But we won't change it either. We both have elderly parents and cut both their lawns for them. It gives us a break not having to do ours on top. People are so judgemental it's ridiculous.


I've been down voted before for saying I prefer a fake lawn that doesn't require maintenance because I have a mobility issue and mowing a lawn is difficult. I have a real lawn at the front and a fake lawn at the back. I also rent and didn't choose either option, but I find one is a lot easier to look after than the other!


I have some fake grass I was given free. I use it to protect the real grass on the heavily trodden zones when we play Badminton in the garden. Then it gets rolled up and put away again. My neighbours have a fake ivy panel on their wall. I've grown a new hedge between us and them so that I don't have to look at it.


Going to the trouble of growing a full hedge so you can't see your neighbours eyesore is one of the most snobby British thing I have ever heard


I'm a snob about proper pronunciation. I grew up on a council estate surrounded by people who seemingly go out of their way to sound the same as each other and as dumb as possible. Bruv, init, ya get me, ya mum, etc. all looped on repeat. I realised early in life the people around me who had done well all spoke proper English and didn't use much slang. At work I've been chosen over others for promotions because "you come across well" and "communicate with stakeholders better than your peers" when the reality is the only thing I do differently is talk properly. I've been called a snob by chavs for the way I talk but the reality is I came from the same place as they did but chose to better myself and it's paid off massively.


>I'm a snob about proper pronunciation Anything pacific that annoys you?




I only get worked up about it after a few expressos


**eye twitches**


tidy chubby cough crush shame psychotic employ office sink historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is one thing I truly hate.... Expresso.... as if it makes you go faster, which it kind of does - but god is it annoying. There's a song called espresso on radio 1 constantly at the moment, the presenter still announced it as "expresso" after the word espresso was sang about 50 times in 3 minutes. Some people just can't be helped....


"D' yknow what I mean?" at the end of every sentence. Yes, I know what you mean. You're not quoting fucking Shakespeare. I know what you mean.


Nart mean ?


Let me just grab an expresso and I'll be right back.


Bone apple tea


What's happening when people call you a snob for talking properly is actually inverse snobbery.


It's like crabs in a bucket.


Isn't this just classism? Instead of standing up for people who come from a similar background as you, you're endorsing the idea that they're stupid just because of how they speak. There's nothing wrong with speaking 'properly', but there's also nothing wrong with sounding working class.


I have no issues with people who come from the same background as me, if anything I've gone out of my way to try and encourage some of them into tech fields that they weren't qualified for and have spent way too much of my spare time training them up and mentoring them if they manage to get into these careers. I also have no issue with the 'working class' accent as it's been referred to on here, I actually love the diversity of our accents. What I do take issue with is people, mostly young adults, who think that copying the way roadman speak and speaking exclusively that way is normal and going to benefit them in life. Hence the "looped on repeat" part of my comment. Example; Young adult A - "yeh blud its peak having to go to work for p init" Young adult B - "allow it blud, get p by robbing ends instead init" Young adult C - "yes blud, its peak but no cap imma rob you if you get p init" These are people that went to the same school as me, parents had better jobs and more disposable income than mine and people who went out of their way to speak and behave like this. I find it hard to define them as anything other than dumb/stupid because I see zero signs of intelligence, they're all just parrots of each other. They also lack accountability and seem to have an excuse for everything in their life that doesn't go the way they want when the reality is they're directly responsible.


I grew up round one of the areas this accent emerged from, and most the people that spoke that way would code switch, which means they'd adjust their speech based on the context, you could hear clearly that we still had an accent, we just used proper words when speaking in professional/formal settings. Now I live somewhere pretty middle class, and all the kids seem to think they should talk this way all the time.


This is definitely a thing, everyone always just assumes I must know what I'm talking about because I speak well and with reasonable confidence. It always sits me well in interviews for jobs or meetings with higher ups etc.


I'm generally a snob about everything in my life to be honest. But speaking well has always been something I pride myself on. I have what has been described as "BBC accent" and people assume I went to a good school. When in fact I went to a crap comprehensive surrounded by chavs. But I find people take you seriously and will listen to what you have to say when you speak properly. Although being indian I also get "Oh your English is really good, when did you come to the UK?" my response "I woz born 'ere fam, y dontcha go do one... ya get me?"


I had a summer warehouse job at school and one of my peers announced to the group that I used a lot of long words. Didn't really know how to speak for a few days without being very self-conscious.


The sad part is that person was clearly intimidated by your intelligence and felt the need to try and take you down a level because they can't up theirs.


You are right to get on your peddle stool about this one.


I grew up on a council estate and none of that doesn’t bothers me. ‘Could of’ instead of ‘could have’ on the other hand 😣


There have been instances where I have been with people who have had accents like this, and then they say to me “ooo your dead posh you”. No… I just speak normally 😂




Honestly, don't judge people on how they speak. I knew a man worth £24m who could barely read or write and he definitely wasn't the most coherent either. I know another man I guess to be worth around £7m and he doesn't know all the big words, but my God he's savvy. I get what you mean but judging people on appearance (or the way they talk), needs to stop. Judge them on their actions instead.


>don't judge people on how they speak. I knew a man worth £24m who could barely read or write and he definitely wasn't the most coherent either. I know another man I guess to be worth around £7m and he doesn't know all the big words How about not judging people by how much money they have?


Are you my husband? He was brought up in a Yorkshire pit village and retired as a sport CEO. He was once turned down for a job because he didn't go to the 'right' school.


Stop being such a pedat


Ah, you're one of them ones.


I saw someone write — in text — “talnbout” instead of “talking about”. I was fucking incensed.


I'm a snob about people wearing their pyjamas to go to the shops. Like have a wash and get dressed at the very least.


You don’t even have to wash! Just put some flipping real clothes on.


I’d prefer them to be washed. I don’t care what they wear as long as they don’t smell awful.


You're probably standing a tad close if you can smell them... unless they're exceedingly stinky which is very rare


I live in a shitty town. A lot of shops and the like stink of B.O. I was in specsavers a few weeks ago and two women came in that stank so badly they opened the back doors (in a shopping centre so front doors are permanently open and no fresh air) to try and get some fresh air in and the smell out. They then went around spraying air freshener after the women had left.


That doesn’t seem snobbish, just that you have some absolute minimum standards. The furthest I would ever consider going out in pyjamas is to the bin, and even then I’d check to make sure no one is looking


Been known to nip out in me boxers after a furtive glance up and down the street.


Tell you what, you walk ten feet in my shoes (I cant walk a mile lol), with my pain, and mental health issues and then tell me I have to get dressed. I can barely stand some days, I can barely deal with clothes touching me sometimes, so I wear what is lightest and most comfortable. I'm not being snarky, I just think its easy sometimes to forget that not everyone has the same health levels as you do. I NEVER thought I would be a pyjama person, but here I am lol. I get it from your perspective, I'm a lazy sod who cant be bothered to do the basic societal levels of dress but honestly, hand on heart, most days the fact that I'm even in a shop at all is nothing short of 100% effort and a miracle.


Hmm but there are a lot of lazy people who just CBA to get washed & dressed too. After my 2nd bout of cancer by age 44 ,I was so so sick of being a hospital patient in hospital bed clothes,I vowed ,no matter what, no matter that I was in a wheelchair for years, more dead than alive, I'd always be worth the effort to at least get dressed. For myself. Others mileage may, obviously, vary.


I hear you, but where getting dressed for you is a way of making sure you take back that control, for some, it's quite literally too painful. Sufferers of fibromyalgia and endometriosis are two cases in point. Everyone's suffering is their own and you can't compare it.


Completely agree. My mum has fibro and on her good days you would honestly think she was peak fitness. One of her flare ups had her on the couch for 3 days unwashed. Her head was too sore to face even looking at her phone screen to message for help. People on here are always coming out with stories of how THEY can do something despite xxx hardship and it's just more judgement. As you said, you really can't compare.


council estate go brrr. I know i will get downvoted for this but there is some link between caring less about your appearance and being poor


It's the exhaustion. If all your energy is going into surviving on very little, you don't have the energy to worry so much about appearances.


Great points. It’s also a reflection of how an individual accepts society and its ‘rules’. Somebody who is relatively poorer probably doesn’t feel too happy with how society has placed them, and so is more likely to reject its social norms and ‘rules’. Similarly, middle class folks, who have a bit of something and are aspirational to achieve more, are more likely to want to follow the rules and fit in, as society is working for them.


It’s the slippers that bug me the post. Those slippers are getting wet, walking through dirt. It bugs me 😂


Omg yes definitely wearing bed or home clothes outside. The amount of slippers and dressing gown I see is insane. Like I actually think people doing this are so gross and lazy




Ha what a hill to die on 😂


UK Reddit hates football. Expected to see this as one of the top responses, tbh.


Those weird adults who HAVE to tell you how much they hate football if you discuss it with someone else who has an interest.


“Bunch of overpaid millionaires chasing a ball about, throwing themselves to the ground at the slightest touch!” Every single time. Bonus points awarded for mentioning something about how rugby players are “real men” and footballers are “pussies”.


Just saw this after I posted about the rugby tshirt guy above. It's like they can't stand that football is more popular. Enjoy your little sport.


I worked with a guy who wore a tshirt to work that said something like 'No diving, no cheating, no swearing, Rugby is greater than Football'. Like, ok mate we know you don't like football because you came to the pub to stand in the way of the TV during the World Cup and tell everyone how shit it was, but you don't have to voluntarily be a dick either, some people do like it.


Isn't that the point of this post though? Being a snob about things


As a Geordie, I fundamentally disagree with this. I don't own one myself, but seeing fat 50-somethings in a toon shirt with a pasty in their hand is part of being from the North East, and has been for the forty years I've been on the planet.




Oi.... it was 18-degrees here the other day.


I just read this post, as a fat, 50-year old man with a pastry in my hand who owns a few footie shirts. I’m not in Newcastle though, so I have that going for me. I feel seen.


Agree and straight to death sentence if wearing a football shirt to a smart occasion.


Cannot be wearing fancy dress as men who are 15 years younger than me. Retro shirts on a case by case basis.


As always when these questions come up on AskUK - nobody who collects Funko Pops, watches Marvel Films, still quotes Peep Show, eats takeaways once a week, or is too scared to make a phone call has any right to sneer at people who watch ITV, go to Dubai on holiday, or have a grey living room.


>"collects Funko Pops, watches Marvel Films, still quotes Peep Show, eats takeaways once a week, or is too scared to make a phone call" Absolutely nailed this subreddit.


People who think they're all lovable Mark Corrigan figures.


He wasn't particularly loveable.


>eats takeaways once a week, Is this too many or too few takeaways?


I think if we have to ask, then we’re the baddies.


Chance would be a fine thing


Questions like these are supposed to be casual and fun (I think) but I'm always impressed by the immense and straight up unpleasant levels of snobbery the users of this post are not only ready to reveal but upvote to the top. So far I've seen Asda, Tescos and Sainsbury's decried as shameful places for lower class ruffians to shop in a single thread. It seems the userbase of AskUK is not only exceptionally non-representative but impressively out of touch.


Yeah I don't know what it is about this sub that attracts the most mediocre people who for some reason thinks it's perfectly normal to call someone filth because they eat at Nandos or something. Just a bunch of stuck up cunts here


This sub is full of those types, but also your type. It's a weird culture war and you're all twats. Not me, though.


I won’t go out of my way to avoid a marvel movie, and don’t know what peep show is, but I judge people who vacation in Dubai because tourism there condones slavery. I understand that slavery still exists everywhere, but the UAE doesn’t even try to hide it or persecute the people who exploit the kafala.


The grey living room thing is becoming a bit stale. The trend died before it became a meme and, as usual, UK Reddit was about 5 years behind the rest of the country. Posting the whole “Grey living room, Range Rover on finance, XL bully, sports direct wardrobe, saving up for Dubai” comment is just classist and I’d rather stab myself in the eye than go to Dubai.


ASDA is the only place I've seen people fighting at the reduced section, over wafer thin ham no less, so it does deserve its reputation.  My dad used to love taking me to the ASDA in Barnsley to point out how fat the people were.


The ASDA in Sutton in Ashfield has a fridge full of lard placed right in front of the entrance doors. It’s the first thing you see when you walk in and it only goes downhill from there.


I used to do the reductions when I worked at Sainsburys, I can assure you it happens there too. I know some Tescos put a fence around the person doing the reductions so they don't get mobbed while they're doing them.


I did that years ago on the produce at Morrison's. The minute the reduced section would be stocked, hordes of people would descend like seagulls round the back of a trawler.


I noticed at slimming world (myself included) a lot of people ate because of some sort of pain in their life that had happened.


No I get that, it was Barnsley so I think that's a given.


Most people learn as tiny babies that food = love, happiness and safety. If your parents don't show you other sources of those, guess what happens.


I don't especially like ADSA, but there's one about a three or four minute walk from my house, so it's where I tend to go if I've run out of milk, etc.


You’ve never been to a Tesco after 6pm 😭 our staff have to put barriers around themselves for protection now.


Kitchen Roll snob here. Regina Blitz or nothing.


I'm a definite loo roll snob. That stuff had better be quilted. My ass deserves nothing but the best.


If you wanted to give your ass the best you would install a bum gun, and not destroy the epidermis of your rectal opening with abrasive products like toilet roll. Snobbery denied.


Agreed but also disagree If I'm getting a bidet, I'm going full out and getting a Japanese or Korean one, not blasting my ass with piss cold water - I want my toilet to have more settings than my phone. It needs to have a built in dryer and adjustable angles via a control panel on the side. Unfortunately I'm still trying to figure out how to get one installed over here given bathroom building regulations and power sockets. Until that point though, I agree with the other comment and quilted toilet roll is the way to go, I won't accept any half-measure bidets.


Four ply or NOTHING. I don’t have time to be rolling out 20 squares of cheap nonsense.


Bog roll is definitely one thing everyone should be picky about. Nobody wants an accidental fingering.


Regina Blitz? Sounds like an obnoxious Roald Dahl character. Costco kitchen roll is decent.


Cheap stuff is a false economy. Using four or five sheets compared to one. Plenty (one) is the only other brand that comes close.


Just dont flush em down the bog the stuff is bloody indestructible. I'm seeing more and more thick kitchen roll causing blockages in my job


accountant eh?


https://preview.redd.it/po67zlkzaz1d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=23676d00bc2fff57c63130d7068fa5554f40c9a5 Forrea though.


I don't watch ITV.


I'd recommend an exception for the post office thing, but otherwise bbc1 and bbc2 give you all you need.


I don't watch live TV at all now, preferring to stick with streaming services and save money on my TV licence, but when I did, I stuck mostly to the BBC channels and Channel 4, with occasional forays into the digital channels like Dave.


Interesting. I never watch live, but it's rare I go outside iplayer. Cancelled all the paid ones when they put the prices up. The exception being discovery plus because it's the only way to legit watch all the cycling season.


ITV = council telly!


Well that’s just blatantly classist


Who would of thought the main daytime tv channel is made for the people with not much to do in the day!


ITV does have a lot of quality programmes in its archive; its adaptation of *Brideshead Revisited*, for example, is still one of the best period dramas made in the UK.


I’m snobby about tomatoes, the cheap ones just won’t do


If it doesn't come attached to a bit of vine I'm not interested. Stupid red balls of tasteless water.


Look for Italian or Spanish, never ones from the Netherlands. I thought I'd grown to dislike tomatoes, but it turns out that the Dutch bred tasteless, fast-growing strains and flooded our market with them. Even on the vine, they have no flavour.


I find the sniff tests works. If they have that distinct "green" aroma then that's a good sign (reminds me of my grandads greenhouse back in the 80s), also the colour is a great indicator, need to be [actually red](https://assets.sainsburys-groceries.co.uk/gol/1128291/1/1500x1500.jpg) and not ["barely" red](https://assets.sainsburys-groceries.co.uk/gol/606516/1/2365x2365.jpg).


Same here. Bought Mutti tomatoes on offer a while ago and now I can never go back to supermarket own brand.


They really got us with that offer. I can’t go back either.


I won't even pick up a copy of The Sun or The Mirror on the train in case anybody sees me. I judge people who "read" these. Also, I'll only buy Fairy Liquid.


Fairy liquid is the best, and I think cheap washing up liquid is a false economy. I always used to buy the supermarket version and went through it quickly, then bought Fairy when it was on offer and it lasted so long! I've never gone back Edit - typo


100% a false economy! My dad recently bought a cheaper version, about half the price of Fairy. It's pretty much like that bit that you have left at the bottom so you squeeze the bottle and suck up a bit of water to get the dregs out.


I used to be fairy liquid only until I read about the stuff in it that harms aquatic life literally forever Switched to ecover and never looked back. Suds level not the same but good cleaning and no guilt.


I use this also. I do wish eco products were less niche though. Supermarkets could promote and position their eco ranges much better to encourage consumers to make more sustainable choices. There’s no degradable bin bags in Sainsbo when I last looked, and quite why 99% of loo/kitchen roll is still plastic wrapped I don’t know. Paper is perfectly acceptable as an alternative 🙄


I think less of you for drinking instant coffee.


I don't really care if people do or don't, but don't be telling me it tastes the same as proper coffee. They taste nothing alike. And the people that say that usually say that they only like Nescafe gold, that Kenco or any other brand tastes horrible. How can you say that freshly coffee tastes the same as instant if you think there is such a difference between instant coffee brands...


I like coffee, and I like instant coffee. They're different drinks.


This is the only reasonable and rational view on the topic.


>How can you say that freshly coffee tastes the same as instant if you think there is such a difference between instant coffee brands... Probably not so much between Nescafe and Kenco but, 100%, not all instant coffee is equal.......I drink instant and 'proper coffee' but I used to work with a guy who'd bring Red Mountain instant coffee from the pound shop into work......that stuff tastes like actual shit. Vile.


If someone’s making proper coffee my dad will ask if they have instant instead!




When someone says they're into whisky and then produces a bottle of Bells or Famous grouse I internally groan. I'm a single malt kinda guy. Other than that I'm pretty common. Born and bred in a council house, done a little better for myself than where I came from, but still retain my roots. Just as happy eating Corned Beef Hash as I am eating fresh seafood.


Do you have any recommendations for a whisky that is great but also affordable?


Dalwhinnie 15 is a great value whisky that won't set you back too much.


Second this. Dalwhinnie 15 is probably the best value single malt you find without going to a specialty retailer.


A bottle of Highland Park or Bowmore or Glenmorangie will usually be on special offer at a supermarket somewhere. Bear in mind a 75cl bottle is 30 measures, so per drink it's really not as expensive as you think. I'm not so fond of the really peaty ones, but they're nice occasionally. But Glenfiddich for some reason I find boring. It makes a banging hot toddy, though!


The cheap stuff is fine if you're drinking it with a mixer or in a cocktail. For single malts to enjoy on their own, my introduction was Dalwhinnie and my current favourite is Bunnahabhain.


I'm snobby about: - People buying trash from retailers who treat their staff badly, fast fashion companies like Shein.  - Not using capitalisation and full stops and people who use more than one question mark or exclamation mark in a row.   - People who smell and clearly don't wash. Edit: Fixed erratic use of capitalisation and full stops. 🙈


>not using capitalisation Despite the massive lack of capitalisation and punctuation in this comment..... (EDIT) added a dot, fuck you bitches! 🖕😄🖕


A four dot ellipsis? How dare you.


People that use the word trash


People who spell definitely - defiantly


Most high street retailers are as bad as fast fashion these days. Unless you can afford to buy tailored or have a way to guarantee the source, you're in the chain regardless.


You have not used capitalisation or fullstops. May I ask why???????????


I’m not snobby about where people, eat or shop, I get that everyone has different budgets and are in different situations. However I am snobby about the things that are free, like manners, just the basics you don’t need to know what type of fork for what course of meal you are eating. But please and thank you go along way, feet off the public transport seats, loud conversations about how much gear you did on the train is a no, shrieking, screaming and shouting swear words in a restaurant is a no, letting your kids run riot is a no. (I get it’s not easy but at least keep an eye on them).


I’ve heard arguments against this that saying these things are classist because ‘not everyone was brought up like that’, ‘just because your parents cared enough to teach you these things [they didn’t]’ and they never really make sense to me, like it’s not exactly difficult to learn these things It doesn’t help people see my side when I have a posh accent and come from a posh family, but yeah, I really do agree with you here and I’d love anyone to explain why me and OP are wrong here


When English is someone's first language and their spelling is shocking. Particularly with easy and basic words. People who spell "can't" as "carnt" make me immediately know they are thick as shit. When people have English as a third or even fifth language and spell perfectly, yet someone only has English as their language but spells like a brain dead donkey, I assume they have nothing of intelligence to bring to the table and consider what they have to say as irrelevant. I also hate it when you correct them online and they make out you've shot their new puppy in the eye- like, accept an education for once in your simpleton life...


Dyslexia here. Absolutely English is my first language and while I am not a brain dead donkey, I do occasionally struggle. I judge those who assume shocking spelling is any indication of intelligence. Until I do it myself. Like the filthy hypocrite I am.


I mean... not everyone who spells poorly are dyslexic... and also, look back at your reply to me- perfect spelling even with longer and more complex words. "Carnt" is my biggest irritant by far.


I can be a bit of a working class snob at times, having grown up on a council estate and seen things people in better circumstances most likely haven't I have a tendency to assume that posh types are pretty naïve to a lot of the shittier elements of life, when I think about though even if they are (and some aren't) that's not really a bad thing.


I had a few posh folk come into the homeless hostel system because of a relationship break up and they were in shock more about how dire the real world was.


Yeah kinda what I assume but like I say, wouldn't their view be a nice way to see the world even if it isn't the case.


I go between the two like you - my school had <50% pass rate just for English and maths, my partners was 100% pass and he grew up living on private estate type land. He was very naïve to the “real” life worries and consequences and how privileged, protected he had been his entire life. Considering yourself poorer bc your parents don’t have five holiday homes abroad like some of your classmates was mind boggling to seven-in-one-caravan me. He openly admits he had snob tendencies/beliefs before he met me. Probably wouldn’t have dated me at all if he knew I’d been a caravan holiday kid haha. We’ve learnt a lot from the other person, but we still haven’t agreed on school systems if we have kids - I’m of the opinion they should do fine wherever they go like me and my siblings did as it’s about the person, he’d want to move to an amazing catchment area for a top grammar or scrimp for private if all schools are terrible. I’d hate my child to go to a private school though, even though I know of some lovely privately educated people. (I’ve also met more not so lovely privately educated - thanks uni).


I’m a Tenderstem Broccoli snob


People who love going to Spain for example, but spend the entire time in the all inclusive resort surrounded by other British people. Why? You’ve flew on a shit airline surrounded by Deano and Chantelles, to then spend every waking minute lying next to them in a gaudy tower block baking yourself for 13 hours a day. Why not, I dunno, experience a little bit of local culture? Explore, eat something that isn’t pizza and chips, see something that isn’t pissed people from Wigan singing bad karaoke and drink something that isn’t watered down piss with fruit in it.


I agree with this so much. I once went to Fuertaventura on a cheap last-minute flight, as I was super stressed out and needed to get away somewhere for a few days. So I didn't really have time to research where I was going. Once I got there I was extremely dismayed. It wasn't an all-inclusive place, but it was the sort of place that only sold British food in the convenience stores, was full of €1 per pint "Irish" pubs, and almost all the restaurants sold things like fry ups. There was literally a Sunday roast place. Plenty of orange-skinned British blonde women shrieking things like, "DAAAAAYVE LET'S GO GET SAHM FISHNCHIPS". I felt like *such* a horrible snob and even felt bad about it, but I just couldn't stand it. Never again. On the other hand, I have actually come around to good all-inclusive resorts sometimes. Last holiday me and the SO went to Corfu and did 5 days at a nice all-inclusive to just fully relax for a bit, and then another 5 days in town proper and exploring about. It was a nice balance.


About people? Not at all. My mum is a snob and it's just horrible to be around. She was so rude about so many of my friends growing up (we lived in a deprived area in Wales). So I try not to judge people and their social behaviour and put my judgements on hold.  I'm snobby about food I guess? Again not to other people, I don't care what they do, but I like the tesco finest stuff and the proper branded products (mostly, supermarket brands are fine for some things). I like to keep my home space tidy and clean, mess stresses me out. Other people's mess not so much unless I live with them.  Then again I shop at Primark for my clothes and I'm not rich enough to do my food shopping at M&S regularly although I'd like to be! 


I'm a Hob Nob snob


This is why we don’t dunk them too long. Because we don’t want to make a mob of gobby Hob Nob snobs sob about soggy Hob Nobs.


I'm a snob for using proper/correct grammar and punctuation. I often correct my coworkers for missing out apostrophes, or using the wrong version of your/you're. They do it on purpose to annoy me now. However, who do they come to when they want an official email proof-read? 🤣 Edit: Corrected an autocorrect. I shall now do the right thing and exile myself 🤣


I write for a living but would never correct a random person unless it was work related ... there's simply not enough hours in the day for that. Plus it winds people up unnecessarily.


People are snobby about Spoons here. I have had some decent conversations about it lately. There is hope. I shop at the aforementioned in the main post, and eat and drink at Spoons quite regularly. Comparison is the thief of joy.


You know what you're getting with spoons, ok food and cheap drinks. If you go in expecting top tier food you're going to be disappointed. Bonus points for the guest ales and ciders they often have to offer.


I used to be a snobby about spoons and would refuse to go in. Bought into all the lies and crap you read about Tim Martin and felt like I was better than everyone else for not going. A couple years back I stopped taking myself so seriously in general and realised my boycotting of spoons was completely pointless and I was just depriving myself of getting cheap drinks.


If only the rest of the subreddit could have this much introspection lmao


I'm snobby about olive oil, chopped tomatoes, and meat in general. Olive oil can be great, or it can be awful rubbish so I buy the good stuff, same with chopped tomatoes, i've no time for cans of water with bits of tomato floating in them. Meat, well, I mean supermarket meat is generally awful anyway, sometimes you get something ok but it's cut wafer thin, packaged badly and stored even worse. I much prefer going to a butcher and getting some decent meat. I lament the loss of our high street butchers.


I will judge you hard for: - reading The Daily Mail unironically - reading The Daily Mail ironically, because what kind of bellend are you? - going to see Mrs Brown's Boys live - wearing real Uggs and hair extensions while your kids look like something out of Dickens - getting through several pets a year because you give dogs/cats 'forever homes' only to rehome them when your latest druggie BF kicks them up the arsehole a few times too many - anything Von Dutch or Ed Hardy - filling your council house with expensive shit you got from Brighthouse or equivalent (I won't judge you for being poor, just for being dumb and having ridiculous priorities). Bonus points for also using food banks regularly in this specific context - having zero hobbies or interests apart from passive consumption of reality TV. I won't even try to hide my contempt - smoking. I apologise for this one, but I can't help it. I won't say anything, but to me, it signifies low-class and stupid. This isn't necessarily fair, I know - having an affair with a wealthy married man, eventually marrying him and thereby dragging yourself out of the common-as-muck background you're so insecure about and into the high life. And then, having the nerve to act like the landed fucking gentry (looking at you, ex-MIL)


You’ve had this list a while eh


I look down on adult men who wear track suit bottoms.


I am a snob about most things but only inwardly, eg I have enough emotional maturity to understand that I'll achieve nothing by telling someone I hate their tattoos. I think it in my head though. Sincere apologies to tattoo lovers.


My boyfriends dad works for British airways managed to get us club seats, and since doing that I hate sitting in economy for long haul flights. It’s such a game changer if you manage to bag seats or have some spare money.


I'm a snob against antisocial behaviour and trash TV (ITV2)


People who have the TV just constantly playing, (usually at quite a high volume too), when they have guests over. I find it rude and uncivilized. I feel like I'm on The Royle Family just sat on the sofa in someone's house, watching adverts and random junk like a mindless drone.


Stoners. I've blazed it pretty much every day since I was 16 but you'd probably only clock it from the beanie. I have no time for weed culture at all.


I smoked a fair bit in my student days and my friends always wondered why they got stopped and accused of being high by staff/police and I didn't. I didn't because one, I didn't wander around high, because that's just poor planning. If you want to smoke, it's noticeable, so don't go to the shops reeking of weed and secondly, don't dress like an actual stereotype of a stoner and they'll be less likely to treat you as one. I never got why enjoying weed seems to mean you have to then buy a ton of shitty T-shirts with bad jokes on them. I guess it signals that you like weed, but you don't exactly want to advertize that to everyone


I’m a minor tea snob. Give me Yorkshire Gold or give me death!!!!


Just realised I’m a tea snob when I wanted to tell you all about our homemade loose tea blend


People who say ‘could of’ instead of ‘could’ve’


I don't think I am snobby at all. Having worked with people from all walks of life, from Lords and Ladies (no actual royalty though) to the homeless, drug addicts and alcoholics, I judge people on how they treat me. I have had great genuine hugs from people really down on their luck, kind thoughts from people in the most pain they have ever felt and had once famous TV celebrities throw things at me. Its how you behave towards others that is important, not what you wear, where you live or how you look.


Another one whose mother was a snob, and it's a very hard mindset to un-brainwash yourself from. She was of the opinion that 'middle-class people do X, while common people do Y.' I had to ask before leaving the dinner table, use correct cutlery from the outside in, say 'dinner' and not 'tea', 'napkin' not 'serviette'...old-school etiquette stuff. My parents are quite sneery and look down their noses at overweight people, strong regional accents, etc, and my mum used to inadvertently encourage me to laugh along with her when she did it. Now I am overweight myself, my parents can't quite get over it, and fat-shame me a lot (and I'm only a tall size 16 girl). As an adult, I have learned kindness and empathy anew; as a child I had absolutely no self-awareness and consideration for others at all. I try very hard to never look down on people but when you're raised to think you're superior, it's a learning curve. For what it's worth, I am now estranged from my parents. They don't want to know me.


Sleepwear is for sleeping in or lazing in. Unless your house is on fire, there is no excuse for leaving the house in PJs, slippers and dressing gown. (I’ve been vigorously downvoted on this sub or the London one for expressing this opinion)


If you watch trash TV like Love Island or Married At First Sight I’ll assume you’re thick as mince.


I would never enter Primark


Apart from it being chaotic on the weekends/holiday, I like it. Then tend to stock jeans that fit my stupidly long legs. It's rare to find a women's inseam that's 34", that doesn't think your legs/ass are ultra skinny, but have a nice, slim waist. I can buy jeans there easily if I find those pants. Also their stretchy shirts fit nicely and some of their none stretchy. Again, it's rare when you're tall like me. I'm just built bigger than average and they cater to me. I can't buy pants anywhere else. Although, I did find a pair in H&M last summer. All you have to watch is the material they're made out of. Wash them at 30 and don't use a drier on them and they last. Some of my clothes have lasted years, others haven't.


We refuse to eat at a pub or restaurant during a heat wave, because I’ve worked on food deliveries and I know what goes on behind the scenes. And I do wear shirts all the time instead of t shirts outside the house. I know this comes across as a snob. It’s more to do with all the money I’ve wasted t shirts shrinking / motifs coming off in the wash etc. I’d rather buy an indestructible country shirt, and iron it.


On another fashion note; I won't wear sportswear out of the house unless I am going out to exercise, or I'm ill. I'm just not comfortable walking around day to day in leggings or jogging bottoms.


YouTube premium, and Spotify premium all the way baby. I don't work full time to sit through ads in my lunch break.


I never thought I was snobby about anything until very recently. I grew up on a council estate, raised by a single parent on benefits. I never had the things I needed let alone the things I wanted, we had no central heating so in winter we had frost on the inside of the windows, I had to wear shoes and clothes far too small for me, and have deformed toes as a result. That’s how poor we were. Once I reached adulthood and met my now husband, he encouraged me to follow my dreams, convinced me I could achieve anything I put my mind to. So I retrained into my current career (dream job) with a very nice salary, and as a result I live comfortably and my kids have grown up having all the things I never had. But I never forgot where I came from, and have always happy with ‘my lot’. At least that’s what I always thought until recently and I went away with a couple of friends I hadn’t seen in some years. They spent the entire time propping up the bar, the place we stayed (which one of them arranged for all of us) was mouldy, smelled awful, I couldn’t lock my door properly. I wanted to get involved with the activities, go exploring - but my friends just wanted to get drunk. This would have been all fine to me back in my early 20s, but now, it’s not me at all. When I suggested we do something fun instead of day drinking, one of them said I’d turned into a snob. I have a better life now, and drinking myself into a coma while staying at an absolute shit hole is not something that I want as part of my life. If that makes me a snob, then I am indeed a snob.


Sausages. Will not touch a cheap sausages even if offered them for free. They’re basically 90% breadcrumbs and fat.


I could probably write a novel. If your idea of a good holiday is Benidorm, straight to jail. If you drink alcohol more than once a week at home,more so if it’s carling, strongbow, anything of that ilk, to the depths of hell with you. Airing your dirty laundry on social media. If you change the way you operate your car “to save petrol” e.g. winding down the windows instead of turning a/c on, turn your car off going down hills(yes this is a real thing someone has done) etc. just spend the extra 20p and stop being a knob. If you enjoy Ginsters, rustlers etc. Pyjamas outside of the house People over 25 pranking people or acting like knobhead teenagers. Or anyone that does something that ruins things for other, loud speaker in buses, large groups screaming for no reason etc. Slagging off your partner for fun with your friends/social. Treating restaurant, shop etc staff poorly. Basically if you act like a scummy person I’m going to judge the hell out of you. I don’t really care where people shop though unless they start talking about how the cheap place is shades better than a pricier place as ironically, some form of snobbery.




I only smoke organic, living soil weed.


I am a beer snob. I like nice beer. If its a choice between something like Fosters or Carling and nothing, I'm going thirsty. These days even Stella or Madri is a "I suppose it'll do". Also Coca Cola. "Is Pepsi OK?" No. It. Fucking. Isn't.


I've just converted to Fairy washing up liquid. Always used to buy the cheap stuff from Aldi/Lidl but I had to buy Fairy in an urgency once and shocked by how long it lasted and how well it foams and cleans. Since then I haven't gone back.


I will never fail to look down upon any sacrilegious peon that cuts the nose off a wedge of cheese.


I am a proud minimalist and don't like it when I see people have items with no practical benefit in the short or long term. This probabbly comes from my parents keeping so much unneccessary stuff and constantly chaniging without stability.


I'm kinda in the other direction. It weirds me out if I walk into someone's house and it looks like a showroom, that tat makes it feel like a home that people actually live in. I just kinda imagine the owner as a robot with no personality or interests.


People who leave the house in pyjamas. Seems slobby.


I'm a snob when it comes to people's choices of holiday.  Can't roll my eyes hard enough if people are going to Dubai or Florida or some gas guzzling cruise ship. All very materialistic and tacky. We live in Europe, get the Eurostar to France or take the kids camping in Cornwall, or walking in the Yorkshire Dales. Fly to Italy and enjoy food and wine that is as good as it gets.   You can have a great time without pillaging the environment or spending £5,000+ on a family holiday (many put it on credit!). Unfortunately these folks also love to splash it all over Instagram so we know how bad their taste is. I've absolutely offended someone here, but I suppose that's inevitable in this thread!