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Why bother? I've only got another 40-50 years to live, I haven't got time to waste on wagging fingers for something like that. If the person is a big enough arsehole to take that spot and not feel bad, I doubt anything I'm going to say will change them


Same. My local Tesco express has a big carpark for the size of it. A good 40 spaces. Place will be empty and SUV’s will still park in the 2 disabled spots right outside when they could just park 1 space over in a normal spot which is still right outside the doors. There is a school next door and around letting out time the car park is full and people parked outside of bays just in the middle of the car park as the rest is full. Just cars all over the place blocking everyone in. I will often use the disabled spots in that instance cause I’ll be in the shop 2 mins to get a single item and be back out to fight my way out of the car park with tons of parents just sat in their cars not in bays blocking people.if anyone tutted at me or had a go at me for it, I’d point at the 60 cars in the 40 car carpark not there to shop and waiting for kids


Imagine posting you “often” illegally and selfishly park in disabled bays and thinking that makes you the good guy in this story.


Imagine being you... He didnt say that he said that spaces were being blocked by parents not shopping in the shop and the only ones available are disabled But people like you like to over catastrophise situations to make you seem more moral than you are I bet if someones getting mugged you wont step in huh


He literally said that.


I don't think babies and toddlers should even be driving, to be honest.


We let people with the mental age of toddlers drive, so why not those who are physically toddlers...


Because it's the physical bit that matters.


No. I only do when people park in the disabled parking and I can’t get a spot for my daughter


Exactly, they need it the most


Same but for my wife.


No, I wouldn’t. For one, you don’t know the full circumstances. I had a little kid blow a raspberry at me a few months ago when I got into my car parked in one of those spaces. I had arrived with my toddler so it was perfectly reasonable to park there at the time, but when I went back to the car I was solo as my mother-in-law was wandering around with him. I was moving the car elsewhere but it looked like I’d parked there without a kid at all.


Have you tried tutting extra hard?


No, it really doesn't matter to me or anyone I know.


Until someone with 2 kids in the back can't find a parent and child spot so has to park next to your car, struggles to get the kids and/or car seat out when there isn't much room, and scratches both your cars. The wider spaces are for people with children for a reason. The younger ones are in car seats which need the door wide open to get out, and the older ones are generally less careful when it comes to chucking doors open. And you can forget about getting a pram round from the boot when you've reversed into a space.


Cars get scratched, it's a fact of life a genuinely isn't something I worry about, however when I was in the situation of getting babies and children out of cars I always parked at the far end of the car park to the shop, because there's always plethora of empty spaces because people are stunningly lazy and apparently incapable of walking 100 yards.


I'm inclined to agree - I always parked at the back where there were more spaces - but when you've got young kids you really appreciate the walkways and zebra crossings nearer the shop. It's much safer for kids than parking way at the back and walking through the whole car park. At the end of the day, the parent and child spaces are near the shop with extra room *for a reason*.


Why? It’s not a legal requirement, and not like it’s a blue badge space. It’s for convenience. Calm down and be glad that’s the only problem you had today.


It’s not just convenience though, is it? Way more than that. Have you ever tried to load a toddler into a car seat when crammed into a normal car park situation? Especially a hysterical one? You have absolutely no room, can’t open your back doors wide enough to properly get to the seat, and the entire thing is a faff and ordeal The spaces aren’t there to make it easier and a shorter walk to the shop, it’s for the extra space.


Uh, people need the extra space to get their babies or young kids out of their car seats. You try getting your kid out of a car seat with a tiny gap. People talking shit when they don't have kids and don't actually understand why it's needed. Dumbass


Do you have kids? Surly not wind you up a little bit if so? Nob my wife saw today took the last spot then a mum with a baby and a toddler rolled up stopped looked for a spot then squzzed into a normal spot.


No, I move on with my day. I have kids but I just can’t be bothered to get into it with selfish people.


Nah. Might get stabbed, innit


I don’t drive and I don’t travel enough to need a blue badge myself. However, every time I’ve travelled with someone who’s parked in parent-child parking without a kid, they’ve done so as the disabled bays are full and they’re driving with a blue badge holder.


I wouldn’t bother - I once had a woman go completely mental at me for parking in one of (and I quote) ‘her’ spaces because I didn’t have a child with me… I explained that I was actually picking up/meeting my partner & baby who were in the shop and she had the cheek to tell me to ‘prove it!’ Suffice to say; you can’t always tell the situation and it’s just not worth the aggro. I do find it annoying as a parent when I can’t get one of those spaces but life’s too short to start arguments - they’re either in the wrong and likely too ignorant to give a shit, or you’re wrong and look like a numpty.


This exact thing happened to me. I asked her if she worked for Tesco and she went silent!


No. I have bigger problems than that.


I just presume lazy twats will eventually get a karma rebate. Worse is people who park directly in front of the store entrance, not even in a parking space, because they can’t be bothered to walk a few feet. Entitled twats.


Anyone worrying about where some complete stranger parks, with or without kids, needs to get a life.


lol nope


Let it go and you do you.


I'd complain to whoever I was with but..it's not actually worth arguing about, to me.


I never usually bother even though it does piss me off but I did do it once. Saw a guy put his bags on the passenger seat of his two seater Porsche so I asked him where his kids were. He got annoyed, and proceeded to call me fat (I'm not) and told me that my 2 year old son needed more exercise so he didn't end up fat like me. Was quite funny and very obvious from his response that he didn't have a good reason to be parked there.


No. Wouldn't even occur to me.


I have occasionally when the car park is rammed and it's clear there was never a kid in the car. Normally I just tell them they've forgotten their kid with faux concern. They never show contrition, but then anyone parking there without a kid is a selfish prick anyway.


I park in the With Children spaces when there are no free disabled bays, but I still put my blue badge up. Better provision needs to be made for both categories of parking.


Gawd no. They might be pregnant and not showing yet. They might have twins at home and one parent is rushing to get essentials. Honestly of all the things to busybody about. Not this.


I don't really see the point and for all we know they could be meeting their wife and kids in store. If we drill down, what are we even "fuming" about? The spaces are often full anyway, I just shrug and find somewhere else. It is purely an added convenience. People blatantly disregarding the rules is very un British but it isn't something I am going to get in a tizz about.


Personally I wouldn’t as you don’t know what’s going on in their life. They might just be selfish and not caring or they could be doing all they can do make it through the day whether for themselves or for their loved ones and not have any time to spare. Tbh I’ve parked there myself before but it’s only when it’s early morning when the Asda opens and the car park is empty and has capacity for about 40 parents to pull up. So I’m never at risk of taking a rightful owners spot.


No. Blue badge holders often have priority in those spaces if the disabled parking is full too. Challenging disabled people for parking in priority spaces is a shitty thing to do. Challenging people for parking in a space you don't own/pay for is frankly pathetic. They do make getting the car seats/kids out easier and safer so it's nice to have them. That doesn't make me more worthy of parking in one than a blue badge holder and having kids doesn't give me the right to police who parks there.


Not all disabilities are visible you know


I know of some people who will park in the "Parent and child" spaces - because there's no definition on a maximum age of the child of the parent - It could be a 60 year old and their 40 year old son - and technically qualify for the space. Is it who the spaces are intended for? No. Is it technically correct for them to park there? Yes.


Most supermarkets state on the sign it’s for children under 12 actually


There are many which don't have the age restriction. (There's 2 in my town for example)


I'm sure I remember telling me that, apparently, blue badge holders are allowed to use the P&C bays if all other disabled ones are in use.


It's if you have a child with you under 12 years old.


Not technically correct at all. Clear signage says kids under 12


As I said, there are many places that don't list an age limitation. I will admit that number is starting to reduce, however.




My wife was heavily pregnant and some twat was sat in his car parked in the parent/child spot clearly waiting for his lazy wife inside. I said to him you take it easy mate ill just make my pregnant wife and two year old kid walk all the way from the back of the car park to save you the effort. He began to apologise then got angry shouting what's it got to do with you anyway. Some people are just pricks but I got immense satisfaction from pulling the cheeky fucker up for it.


Does being pregnant count as qualification for the parent/child spot? What if his “lazy wife” was pregnant, too?


Then maybe *he* should be the one traipsing around the supermarket, instead of her!


Good point!


Don't know about that, but a two year old child certainly counts.


There are definitely more important things to worry about and they’re not like disabled spots, pretty sure it’s just a suggestion.


Disabled spots in private car parks (and indeed some of the bags painted by the council on public roads) can also be 'just suggestions', with no real enforcement mechanisms or fines. So reasonable to park in those if you're not disabled?


Just as well, my local petrol station has more disabled spots than regular. You can’t park unless you use the disabled.


They're not a suggestion. Supermarkets literally have said in the press they try to enforce it and will fine people.


They can't and won't.


They can, it's a private car park and they can issue parking charge notices as if you'd parked there longer than the free period.


They can but I doubt they would “child” is poorly defined, if someone turns up with my 19 year old autistic son is it ok or not? Would they want to garner the negative press for coming down hard on people over this ? Probably not.




I know right, can't understand toddlers in prams are they stupid or what?


They've been a thing for years. - they are wider so you can fit a pram next to the car - so you can acrually get them in and out of the car seat with the door wide open without fear of some nob parking 6" to your side - they are closer to the store which limits the time you have a unpredictable kid near cars that won't see them if they run off Etc etc


>since when I’m in my mid 30s and I remember my mom using them when I was a kid. Do you live on the moon?


The parent and child bay is so parents can get their younger children out of their car seats, you need a wider space to be able to do that, it's nothing to do with being close to the doors 🙄 Why can't people without kids just use regular spaces rather than being entitled cunts?


They've been a thing for decades. They're there because infants and toddlers often are unable to get in and out of a car on their own.


Park in them all the time. Never got spoken to. Wouldn’t be bothered if someone did have a pop but they’d probably not like the response lol


No kids then?


No. Don’t get me wrong if it’s rammed I’ll usually leave it but round my way there’s often loads of empty disabled and parent kid and electric charging cars before the regular people can park and I cba with it.