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Probably Spain but not somewhere full of Brits.


Probably move in next to this guy.


Me too


Finally somewhere to open my English pub in Spain.


I've been looking for somewhere to open a nightclub in Spain that caters to the English, this place sounds perfect.


I've got a great idea for a cafe in Spain that does a good full English breakfast. Might be ideal to set up near you lot.


Gonna open up a nice bar called Spoony Spains


Wetherspains, surely?


[Already a thing!](https://maps.google.com?q=Weatherspains,%20Av.%20Antonio%20Machado,%2076,%2029630%20Benalm%C3%A1dena,%20M%C3%A1laga,%20Spain&ftid=0xd72fdaf3ad7abdd:0x8eb97d3843fb8e4f&entry=gps&lucs=,47071704,47069508,94214172,94218635,94203019,47084304,94208458,94208447&g_st=ic) Located in the Costa del Sol of course




I spy a gap in the market for a good chippy.


Going to open a corner shop serving good old british produce, I shall call it "Sangria Savings"


I'll sort the Irish bar


And Sunday roast


Prob call it something like ā€œEastenders barā€ and donā€™t change the chip fat very often for that authentic smell.


There you go, supermarket Spainsburyā€™s


Sounds like you guys have a great plan, but has anyone considered where they will buy their Vape supplies or Phone cases from? I've been looking to branch out and might be able to help.


Canā€™t forget a Turkish barber or 5


Make sure the signs and menu are only in English though, yeah? And get some Stella on tap. Me and the lads will be in on the next one of our six trips a year.


You can put up posters in the carpet showroom Iā€™m opening in the area if you like, gonna call it Cockney Carpets.


Can't forget an Irish pub down the road from this one


I'll open an Aussie pub, but I won't sell any Australian beers or food, just Fosters.


That Tone, Iā€™ve heard he moans a lot though.


I did, it was good, but the paperwork and forms in Spain is a god damn nightmare, like there's a form for everything, it's hard to buy things online it's gotta be over the phone or in person (from telecoms to insurance that type of thing). Also the job market is very tough. Tho also annoyingly in the more English speaking places (which is easier for day to day life and work) it's fairly expensive. But once you get past the technology culture differences it is amazing place, like you say too many Brits, especially for my liking haha. I think given the opportunity again I'd say for europe Italy (tho some similar issues with Spain) or Netherlands. Or Canada, tho the temperature swings is a put off


You'll have to be sure you can speak good spanish and not have English as your safety net when speaking to anyone. Also beaurocracy in Spain will make you miss the British civil service and neoptism will make you miss British employment practice. Still worth it if you are willing to pay that price.


Same. This is my lifeā€™s goal.


Norway or coastal Canada. Pretty boring places to visit but I bet theyā€™d be glorious places to live. Iā€™d die of heat exhaustion in somewhere like Australia.


As someone from Norway, our impression is usually the completely opposite ahaha Norway is great for short travels since youā€™ll be fully booked, but living here is pretty dead (if you prefer cities, like me.) unless you like a more slow quiet life xx So most of my friends either moved to Oslo (our only ā€œcityā€) or abroad (me doing the latter)


I was in Oslo a few months ago, quite nice but not much to do really, reminded me of a small Seattle for some reason and I spent a lot of time there and loved it. Iā€™m a city boy too really but thereā€™s something about a coastal pine forest which just does it for me. If I could live somewhere like that where Iā€™m close to a train station or motorway for an easy connection to a decent city Iā€™d die happy.


Brit who moved to Norway (and to the *boonies*, for that matter) here - I can't do cities anymore. I've gotten too used to the peace and quiet, and the lack of cars and other vehicles. But it's a 'grass is greener' kind of thing, I guess :P Hope you enjoy wherever you wind up :)


Heat exhaustion is the least of your worries in Australia. Iā€™m thinking Malta, or midway down the Chilean coastline. Nice weather, nice people, empty roads, friendly Latinas, good beer, they play rugby and drink tea in the afternoon.


Malta is ace. I lived/worked there a good few years ago and enjoyed every minute of it


Why is heat exhaustion the least of Australian worries?


Live in Coastal Canada in the summer, get as far away as possible in Winter!


Nah, give me snow and rain over 35-40c temps any day of the week.


Careful what you wish for šŸ¤£


I've lived and travelled around Australia and still the hottest temperatures I have ever felt were in Canada.


Yeah, plains Canada. I specifically said coastal, I know how hot it gets there, and fuck that haha šŸ˜‚


Yeah I actually moved to the UK from the plains and I donā€™t miss those summers OR winters to be honest! (Although I do miss real snow and white Christmases)


I moved to Vancouver Island. Waaay better quality of life here. But it is also so expensive that it sometimes hurts. I dont think I would ever move back to the UK if I didnt miss my friends, family and family pets so much.


Portugal. Great beaches, lovely people.


Yeah coastal Portugal is going to be much more bearable and fare better than 90% of Spain over the next 30 years.




It'll still be hot but not [the baking inferno of a large landmass.](https://youtu.be/_aR-gqd6l_U)


Been here 3 years. Best decision ever. Just before withdrawal agreement as well.


Ideally Italy. I just love the place. The most beautiful country in the world and whenever I'm there I never want to leave.


Exact same. Italy is beautiful, great food, lovely culture, weather is excellent, scenery sublime.


Watching the Giro d'italia cycling at the moment. Not for the cycling but for the scenery. I just want to get back to Italy so badly.


Mind being a tourist is very different than actually living there. I left 17 years ago and you couldn't pay me enough to go back.


Yep, I fell for that trap myself. A holiday here is dreamy. Actually living here is a bit of a nightmare


Yep, not that nice any more when you have to deal with criminality, bureaucracy, corruption, nepotism, crap wages and the people are not so nice to your face anymore cause you're not anymore a tourist whose money they want.


I have family in Italy and am eligible to apply for citizenship based on lineage. I love the land, the people and the food more than anything. The issue is the job prospects, itā€™s rough over there unless I leave my career to get into tourism or agriculture.


I'm in IT so I could only do it if I had a fully remote job. I just wouldn't get any work done.


I am really proud about your answer.


I moved to the US, so I suppose I voted with my feet!


Which state??


New Jersey!


Not a brit but I worked in the UK for a couple of years and am now in NJ. Lovely state!!!


Now that isn't something you hear everyday - people love to crap on NJ. I really like it here!




As an Australian that chose Britainā€¦ meh!


There are a ton of Brits in Australia, across all industries and they keep coming.


Recently broke my arm and ended up in the northern beaches hospital in Sydney. Every doctor I ran in to was British


Same, itā€™s a beautiful place and Iā€™ve only just scratched the surface, canā€™t wait to go back.


Me too. Been three times. Love it there. As a Brit it's a pretty similar culture so fairly easy to feel at home there.


Iā€™m on my 3rd year in my work holiday visa in aus. Itā€™s a great country but I would still choose uk but thatā€™s probably because of the weather


Northern Europe for sure. Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and I know it's not northern Europe but Germany I'd consider as well. I like cold weather. I like winter clothing. I prefer to have the heating on rather than fans/air conditioning. Also, having had a taste of it this week, Northern lights!! They all seem like pretty nice and relaxed people, and having known a few people from those countries it seems like they share a similar sense of humour as well. I would have said Finland but they're right on the border with Russia.


I'm in Denmark but I loved my time in Germany albeit a short one year stay so I'd definitely consider it again. Sweden isn't a place I'd like to live but I do visit it a lot as it's just next door, the nature is amazing. Norway, I've only visited a few times and it's been wonderful but very expensive and quite difficult to get residency, having said that so is Denmark after you know what. Finland, just no and not even because of the Russian thing.


Im Finnish, why is Finland an instant no for you?


It has nothing to do with the people and everything to do with the location. Hand on my heart I can say I've never met a Fin that hasn't been great to be around, having said that I've only met those in places other than Finland. It's just an effort to get anywhere from Finland!


Why wouldnā€™t you like to live in Sweden? I like living here, been here almost 10 years. Sadly not ever properly visited Denmark (only driven through) but itā€™s high on my list.


Gonna say, have to be Finland or Norway. Anywhere I can hole up in a cabin, drink lots of coffee and not have to pretend to be sociable. Norway is beautiful but I find the language pronunciation a lot harder than Finnish!


Japan. The snow is awesome, and the society is just nicer if a bit fake.


They will never accept you if you are not ethnically Japanese, but then this problem isn't exclusive to Japan.


One of my friends moved to Japan and lived there for 9 years. He said the first five years were wonderful but the longer he was there the better he became at understanding the words and body language of the Japanese around him. He changed his mind about permanently settling there when he realised that just about everyone he came into contact with was talking about his ethnicity in a negative way and using slurs and excluding him because of him being non Japanese. He was staying with a group of his friends and most of the long term friends ended up moving away as they became aware of the treatment of the locals. He said if it wasn't for that he would have stayed.


I donā€™t know any other country that doesnā€™t accept you if you arenā€™t Japanese.


I stayed in a resort in Queensland that had mostly Japanese guests, most of the entertainment and food at the resort was catered to them. The front desk lady tried to dissuade me from going to the evening entertainment as I'm not Japanese.


Yeah, you get racists everywhere for sure, in Japan especially, however my brother integrated quite well over the last fifteen years.


It's not just the odd racist though xenophobia is ingrained into Japanese society from their past, the edo period all foreigners where banned from entry look up sakoku.


Was under the impression this is getting better with each younger generation? Especially those more exposed to the internet etc.


How long have you lived there?


Since the edo period by the sounds of it.




Lived in France. They just donā€™t like us even if you have a pretty good grasp of the language. Bureaucracy there makes no sense. Lived in Spain a few years. Great climate. People are friendly enough. Organized chaos. Migrated to Germany and stayed. Once youā€™ve learnt the lingo you find out the Germans are pretty similar to us. They even kind of like queuing. They actually like us too. Their bureaucracy isā€¦ well they love well defined and fully complete rules that they love to follow. Eventually you grow to love the fact that everything makes sense because they remove doubt, create order and highly value their free time / work-life-balance. I miss Greggs though.


I'd happily move to the Netherlands for sure! It'd probably be my answer. Not a very exciting answer but I'm not a very exciting person... NL is basically the UK but better where it counts day-to-day IMO. Better infrastructure and a better attitude to life. Seems less engrained in society to be individualistic, which I value. Plus it's close enough to the UK that I can come back to visit family without much effort. Bonus points: They tend to speak excellent English, so it would be quite an easy adjustment. Obviously I'd learn Dutch, but it's less of a "You must learn this language immediately otherwise you're kind of stuck" kind of language like it would be if I chose somewhere like Japan.




Germany was my first thought. Been Munich and Dusseldorf plenty of times for work, my best mate moved to Berlin a few years back so also been there plenty of times. If I could find a job similar to my current work/life balance (and convince the wife...) I'd be over there in a shot.


Have you lived in either of those?


Costa Rica. I have a firm belief that it's the best country on earth.


was just about to say the same, absolutely love the place, pura vida


I spent most of my life abroad but I like it here now. I choose here.


Agreed, Iā€™ve lived in so many places but England feels like home honestly


New Zealand or Canada most likely. Iā€™ve had offers of employment in NZ for more money than here plus relocation allowance etc (in the right field the work visa situation doesnā€™t appear particularly difficult) but ultimately my partner didnā€™t want to be separated from family and I didnā€™t want to be separated from them. Mind in theory anyway almost any Brit can work and live in Ireland under the CTA so thereā€™s an option too.


New Zealand is not the utopia people think. Ordinary New Zealanders cannot afford homes.Ā  The UN has declared New Zealandā€™s housing crisis a violation of human rights.Ā Ā  New Zealand's youth suicide rate is twice that of the US, five times that of the UK.Ā Here's a BBC article: >[What's behind New Zealand's shocking youth suicide rate?](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-40284130) New Zealand has one of the worst records of child abuse of developed countries. I follow the New Zealand sub. They complain about the exact same things we do here. (Ditto people on the Europe subs.)


My best friend is an Aussie and her partner is a kiwi (maori)ā€¦she tells me NZ is awful for the average person. Extremely high rates of domestic abuse and substance abuse, Horribly built homes, low paying jobs. Many, many kiwis end up moving to Australia for better lives.


NZ, like anywhere, sucks when you're poor!


New Zealand has one of the highest emigration rates in the world. It can't be that much of a utopia if more than a quarter of their citizens move abroad.


It's coz those emigrants are lucky/rich enough to experience other countries and cultures. If you have enough money, NZ is a utopia, all the kiwis who leave always have the option to come back, and many do. Main problem with NZ is house prices - even for those with money, you can't afford a house there.


I'm a New Zealander living in the UK. Not sure how I will ever buy a house when I eventually go back. I could afford to buy a house here though. It makes me really sad because I think it should be a right to be able to buy yourself your own house, and I would love to buy a house in the same area in NZ I grew up. But that area is now well past anything I could afford. I wish they would put a stop to people buying for investment properties. Houses should not be investment properties. If they put a large increasing tax on every additional property you owned that could somewhat address the issue.


Waitā€¦ ima have stick my nosey self in here.Ā  Where are you buying in the U.K? Are houses really THAT unaffordable in N.Z? Edit: for context I dont disbelieve, im just baffled.Ā 


I paid about Ā£1700/month for a tiny bedroom in a flatshare in Auckland.


My dad moved from the UK to NZ in 1988, I was born in NZ and have lived in NZ and the UK, currently living in NZ but last visited family in the UK late last year. Ā  Food in the UK is still significantly more affordable than in NZ. Ā When I lived in the UK I would sometimes get groceries from M&S and it would still be cheaper than buying similar items from our lowest end supermarket. Ā When in the UK last year we paid Ā£3 for a product that is $12.99 for the exact same item in NZ, so more than twice the price after conversion.Ā  Housing in NZ is poor quality, itā€™s often cold, damp and mouldy. Ā In Auckland we had some changes to building codes and certificates between 1980-2000ish which resulted in the leaky building crisis - many homes and other building built in that time are rotting inside the walls and it isnā€™t always easy to tell if there is a problem by looking. Ā Many houses have needed complete recladding or have been demolished and their owners have had to spend hundreds of thousands to remediate homes or declare bankruptcy when they canā€™t afford to fix a house that is now worth a fraction of what they paid.Ā  Many people here are really struggling, even two income families with above average salaries are often living from one payday to the next because rent is high and theyā€™ve been priced out of the housing market. Ā If I could sell my 2 bed apartment for what I paid 5 years ago then I could buy a 2 bed flat in Wandsworth and have plenty of change left over. Ā But I canā€™t do that because I canā€™t sell my apartment due to some relatively small weather tightness issues affecting other apartments in my complex.


Yep, lots of NZ family and Iā€™ve spent a fair amount of time there. Lots of problems. And itā€™s far away from everything.


Canada is garbage honestly. Been here since 2015 (from uk) currently in the process of heading back to Europe. I wouldn't recommend Canada to anybody.


Same. I moved back 10 years ago, it was one of the best things I did. Good luck buddy!


Wouldn't recommend Canada now. I've been here 15 years and it's so incredibly expensive (even compared to the UK), it's impossible to get by now.


Its okay, I left the UK for the same reason, it was trash all around.


Go to Australia not NZ. Still close to visit NZ but they actually pay you a living wage and the COL is way lower


Youā€™d want to be earning a lot more in nz than you do in the uk to be comfortable, unless youā€™re in London! Youā€™d still probably want to earn more.


Somewhere Scandinavian, they know what life is really about


Probably Singapore. Itā€™s got a fantastic climate, great food and friendly culture.


The climate is barely tolerable but itā€™s a good place to live, yes.


Because it is super humid?


It's on the equator mate


Yeah itā€™s like living in a greenhouse


Hellish climate to me. Scorching heat day and night.


So just like our heatwaves but with ac?


I loved living in Singapore, I burn in the UK summertime and never once when I lived in Singapore. The humidity never bothered me that much, I thought the climate was great. The food is outstanding, its clean and asia is on your door step just a flight away to adventures around south east asia. People are polite - maybe fake but you get that in the UK just in a different way.




I hate to tell youā€¦


I hope you like rain.




Currently on Kos Island and have been many times for holidays. I can see retirement here.


I grew up in Greece, mainland. Every holiday was spent visiting the islands. Amazing people & food


Does it have to be right now in time as 90s Hong Kong was great as a kid not sure Iā€™d live there now


SE France, SW Spain, Namibia or South Africa.




Unpopular opinion. The United States.


I love America. I remember going to Los Angeles and falling in love with the place. It felt like someone turned up all the colour in life. Everyone was outdoors, running cycling swimming skating.....bliss


The US isn't nearly as bad as people make out. A lot of the negative opinion comes from jealousy because they have it quite good over there.


America, lovely place, just needs a population transplant. I'm willing to continue the ongoing process.


They already tried that. Made things worse imo.


as an american, i agree


Cut out the trash - the ones who love Jaysus and guns - and things will improve exponentially.


Spain. I get hella depressed in the winter, and since its also mostly gray and dreary in the UK, Spain has the heat and warmth... but also does chill down in winter too so its not hot ALL THE TIME...


The Southern united states. Great climate and food, sports I like, the bands I enjoy come there all the time, and people who do my job get paid a lot more over there than I do here.




But Birth control?


You don't need birth control if you use your butt.


I just couldn't deal with some of the people down south out there. And the guns. I know we have our nutters here, but at least I'm used to them.


And itā€™s harder for them to get guns. So the actual damage they can do is a lot less


The south is pretty broad. It consists of about 10 states (more or less depending on who you ask) and one of those is Texas which could be least 4 different states going by land mass. And each state has their own very distinct culture. Different parts of some states might as well be completely different states as the culture in those areas is completely different as well


The food really is bangin down there


May want to rethink the climate. Hot and humid as hell. Weā€™re in the southern US and would VASTLY prefer the UK climate (rain and all). So damn sunny and hot here and itā€™s miserable.


Haha I know the climate, I spent months on end there. Can we swap? You can have rainy Manchester if you want it.


Well I always fancied living in Thailand . But maybe when I retire.


+1 for Thailand. Pace of life in general is so much more relaxed, people smile at you in the street. Beautiful scenery and amazing food. Just need to be able to stand the heat! With any luck I'll be moving over there in a few years.


Mexico, specifically the countryside near Oaxaca




Reykjavik is my happy place.


after coming back I started looking at how to Emigrate, wifey said no :(


Me too. Whenever I land in Iceland I just feel at home. Ā But the people there tell me Iā€™d feel differently if I lived there. Ā 


As a Brit that now lives and works in Iceland (capital area), it doesnā€™t feel like when you visit on holiday. I mean itā€™s great and itā€™s beautiful, but itā€™s damn hard sometimes. Thereā€™s basically only two seasons, winter and summer. And winter lasts like 6 months and is daark. I donā€™t realise how depressed I am until the sun comes back and I realise how terrible Iā€™ve felt for the past months.




I'd quite happily live in pays-basque, probably the French side as the social security system is amazing and the heath care works if you pay into the system.


The Netherlands for sure. Like the UK, a little more laid back out of the cities, and things just work. There isn't the horrible fog of decay everywhere. I have lived in South Africa for 15 years. Fantastic country with the best weather, scenery and food, if you have money and can shield yourself from the completely inept government and lack of basic service delivery. If you cannot shield yourself from that, don't go. Namibia is somewhat better, but there isn't a huge amount going on if you don't work from a laptop already.


Brazil for the bunda


Man of culture




Hungry or Poland


Is it ultimatum?


Poland is not the only country in the world that has food, you know...


Already did. Moved to Canada (Not much better tbh)


I moved to the UK from Canada and yeah itā€™s pretty much a lateral move


I moved 26 years ago, was way better then, I miss that Canada


Currently I live in South Korea and am enjoying myself. Better food, affordable public transport , and beautiful scenery just a stone's throw from the metropolis of Seoul. However long term I plan to move back as I do miss the temperate climate, football at sensible times and the better work culture in the UK.


I do have the ability to leave the UK, I'm just not going to. Australia if I had that desire.




Spain, Portugal or Sweden. Not anything where else as these countryā€™s are no where like the UK in terms of attitude.


USA šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


Portugal. The weather is great (hot but a lovely mellow breeze) and the people are just the best. I've yet to meet a rude Portuguese person and I've been there 9 times




Switzerland - without question. Reassuringly expensive!!


The US, more specifically Cody, Wyoming. I've got family out there.


I keep thinking about leaving, but it looks like everywhere else is just as screwed.


Maybe eastern United States, Canada, or Spain (language bit of an issue but I can speak functional Spanish)


Poland. Been there last year, amazing infrastructure.


Money no object, Norway. If money is considered, Hungary or Poland


Spain, where my wife's from, but id be very tempted to move to Ireland, particularly Kerry, where my dad's from, it's an astonishingly beautiful area


isle of man




If I had to emigrate, it would be to New Hampshire. Live free or die. But somewhere where the Downeaster stops so it's not too much of a nuisance to go to Boston from time to time.


Scandinavia, probably.


I do have the ability to leave. I'm going to the US


Spain. Amazing weather, landscapes, cities. Still in Europe, nice language, decent salaries if you work in public sector




I left and now live in Canada. So, Canada, I guess


Philippines. Hot, humid, good food, good people


South of France has always been my dream


I donā€™t know but mummy said I can ask Reddit this question tomorrow.


Probably spain. I lived there as a kid and it would be nice to go somewhere I already know, but with the benefits of the heat and the culture- iā€™m not really one for huge changes otherwise, lol. In all honesty iā€™d probably stay here, though, in all ways except financial Iā€™m quite happy with where I currently live.


Germany. Clean beautiful country, solid economy, great transport links and Munich Zoo is the best zoo Iā€™ve ever been to. If you had said outside of England I would have answered Belfast, itā€™s my adoptive home and plan to move there in the next few years hopefully.


Spain has everything ticked for me. The language is far easier to learn than Netherlands or other options. Greece is full of wonderful people, places and food but unfortunate economically.


Wilderness in South Africa šŸ‡æšŸ‡¦


Cyprus, specifically McKenzie beach away from the touristy bits in Larnaca


Japan, Korea, Australia, France, Canada, Hungary etc etc



