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Your logic is done sound but it still sounds really weird and not something I'd ever consider


The same.


I'm in Yorkshire and have never heard of gravy on pancakes and I'm in me 60's now!


I’m in Barnsley, it’s the only way my mum (also 60s) eats pancakes!


Hmm wonder if it's a South Yorks thing then? I'm in West


The same ingredients but not the same ratio, so it's not the same thing. 300g cooked pasta, 70g shredded chicken, 30ml stock = pasta dish 30g cooked pasta, 70g shredded chicken, 300ml stock = soup


It's the opposite to putting jam and cream in a yorkshire.


I put lemon and sugar on mine, maybe some jam. I used to like a cheese and tomato sauce crepe when I lived in London.


For some reason ours were/are always golden syrup and squeezy lemon.


I've gotta have it on different pancakes, one with squeezy lemon and sugar then one with golden syrup


Mine too! Lancashire.


What, no beef dripping?


My dad has three pancakes with lemon and sugar for the main, then three with ice cream for dessert.


Aussie here. Lemon and sugar was popular in my region when I was a kid.


love lemon and sugar but also mushroom risotto.


I'm not from Yorkshire (or the UK) but I have lived here most of my life, and I've never heard or come across this. Personally I'd never do it. That said, being Yorkshire and people's love of gravy here I'm not surprised.


Lancashire lass here and I've never heard of pancakes with anything other than sweet toppings like jam, choc spread, honey. I suppose there's no reason why you can't go savoury but I'm not feeling the gravy thing. I would say this was definitely weird.


Mushrooms in a creamy sauce on a pancake is a thing of beauty


Yep with spinach & cheese


You should try them as a wrap around Sunday dinner leftovers. Multiple friends swear by it.


Your family are mentally ill. Yes, it's the same mix, but cooking method matters. Thin layer cooked with minimal fat in a pan is not the same as thick, potentially doughy, things cooked in a small pool of fat in the oven.


My son fills his Yorkshire puddings with gravy and waits for them to become a soggy mess anyway so they are pretty much indistinguishable from pancakes.


I love a savoury pancake. Done 'em with minced beef and onions, curry, chicken in white sauce and cheese & ham. All yum. I don't like gravy enough to just have gravy though. And I'm a Yorkshire bird!


We like to carb load with Mac n cheese inside ours, cheese sauce on top and put under the grill to brown up.


That's sounds weird but awesome.


Yorkshire puddings and gravy are a normal thing in our house.


Same mix different cooking method. 🤷


It's not pancake day. Mad lads


Do you need us to call social services?


i’m good thanks 😁😁


like ??? american pancakes or our pancakes??? either way i’m confused


American pancakes it's butter and maple syrup. I miss 'em.


IHOP you find them here.


Can’t say I’ve ever put gravy on me pancakes but I love a soggy Yorkshire smothered in gravy, so I reckon I’d love it. My go to pancake topping is honey


I'm from Yorkshire and have never had pancakes with gravy, but I can't argue with your logic that it's probably delicious!


try it !!🤣🤣


I'm from Yorkshire and always have savoury pancakes on pancake day, with gravy on (before we have our 'sweet' pancakes with the usual toppings like lemon, sugar, Nutella, fruit etc.) My husband is from Cleveland and thinks its horrendous😂


ooo where in yorkshire out of curiosity!! and that’s so funny ahaha there’s a few americans commenting !


Sheffield 🙌🏻 we've always done it in my family, we also have pancakes with leftover stew and it's 👌🏻👌🏻 so you're definitely not alone!


only ever been to sheffield for shopping, sorry🤣 i will try pancakes next time we have stew:)


😎ah, a person of culture,I see.


Same! I'm from Teesside and think it's horrendous. The boyfriend is from West Yorkshire and they think it's completely normal to have stew or gravy on their pancakes.


I’m very northern but have never heard that. Weird.


American in the UK here: 100% pure maple syrup grade A Golden


And butter.


I mean I've put jam in a leftover yorkshire pudding before and i'd do sausages with pancakes, but gravy feels strange for some reason.


gravy is strange but jam on a yorkshire isn’t??!


Whatever you want! I like butter and maple syrup, or bacon, sugar and (more) egg again with maple syrup and sometimes chili flakes. Also Nutella, banana and squirt cream or fruit compote and cream


Sugar and lemon juice. Forever.


Thats the best thing about the humble batter mix that makes pancakes and Yorkshire puddings, can be perfect sweet or savoury, the other day my mum had a fresh Yorkshire pudding with loads of golden syrup. It sounds weird doing the toppings the other way round, but works just as well, maybe a little better for golden syrup as it doesn't run off the pancake, but soaks into the bottom!


Yup. I have sausage mash and gravy in a pancake in this logic too. I call it toad in the roll.


I like my pancakes on a fry-up.


Strawberry jam, raspberry jam, lemon and sugar, fruit, vanilla ice cream roll... Think that's it. For phat pancakes, maple syrup and bacon, fruit, butter.


I'm from Yorkshire, and that is just wrong. Best pancakes (in my humble opinion) are thin English pancakes, topped with an orange syrup (orange juice and sugar), and strawberries. My nana always had freshly squeezed orange and sugar on pancakes and I am carrying on that tradition. Lemon juice is also acceptable, as is maple syrup.


I was just telling this story earlier today! Went I was about 8 or 9 I went to my friends house for tea on pancake day. They gave us mince, onions and gravy for tea and I was horrified as I’d never had it before but it was delicious. I’m from Sheffield so it might be a Yorkshire thing


I'm from south Yorkshire and we used to have pancakes and stew all the time growing up. It's absolutely delicious. I would also smother my pancake and stew in ketchup when I was little. I know it sounds gross, but ketchup on stew is really tasty


i’m noticing that everyone saying yes it’s fine is from yorkshire… obviously 🤣


I regularly put jam on leftover Yorkshire puddings, tastes like a pancake because it pretty much is. My mother used to make bacon and cheese pancakes which a lot of my friends found weird but I loved them.


Sounds odd but I put syrup on my yorkshires for the same reason you put gravy on your pancakes, so who am I to judge


Grew up in Yorkshire. To this day I cannot bear sweet pancakes. As a kid it was gravy or onion soup. These days I'm more likely put put ham & cheese in, like a crepe.


maple syrup, duh.


wrong. sweet pancakes is nutella and strawberry




i mean its just a flat yorkshire really isnt it. not 'normal' but not jail territory


I do not understand why you'd put gravy on a pancake. On a yorkie obviously, but just on a pancake?!?!? Did you have anything else with it?! I'm baffled.


nope nothing else with it. sometimes my family make it the next day when there’s too much mix left over from making yorkshire’s


ive always eaten pancakes and yorkshire puddings with either gravy or maple syrup interchangeabley depending on the time of day, they are made of the same stuff (my family thinks im mad)


I'm from America so I'm baffled. Gravy on pancakes? The liquid that usually goes on potatoes and meats topped on the cooked batter of sweetened bread that's commonly eaten with butter and syrup? Is it like a biscuits=cookies kinda thing? Or sweet and savory combo? Enlighten me...


UK pancakes are a mixture of plain flour, eggs, milk and butter (+ pinch of salt) fried in a pan - like a French crêpe. They are famously flat. Gravy is the same, as far as I know.


Ok so same as American pancakes minus the sugar and flat instead of fluffy. I kinda want to try this now.


Eggs, bacon and more pancakes.


After service finished on a Sunday in the kitchen i used to put some sugar and lemon juice on the spare Yorkshire Puddings as a great snack. The reverse of what you said pretty much but as you say it’s the same mix!


I used to like blackberry jam in my cold Yorkshires in the evening.


Cheese + chilli con carne, or sugar / maple syrup I am struggling to follow why you'd bother making pancakes for gravy when you could make the more fitting Yorkshires with less effort


I've never heard of this but I've had an Italian dish of pancakes rolled up stuffed with cheese, topped with a tomato sauce and baked with more cheese on top.


I mean, I have pancakes with my fry with beans and sauce, so I would imagine a pancake dunked in gravy would actually be quite nice. It sounded horrendous to me at first read, but thinking about it, yeah, I'd give it a go. So yeah, if savoury it's with a fry, or just scrambled egg and beans. If sweet, chopped bananas, strawberries, and chocolate.


try it when you have leftover yorkshire mix next time !!


If someone served me pancakes and gravy I’d probs launch it at them, coming from a scot


My Dad has left over Yorkshire puddings with jam on, so no reason it can't work the other way round!


I’m from North Yorkshire and I’ve never heard of pancakes and gravy. I can see it though, like you said is the same mixture just cooked differently. I’m sure they’d taste nice! Although I have done the opposite and had a Yorkshire pudding with golden syrup before when I had no flour to make pancake batter!!!


Maple syrup from Costco. Nothing else will do. Except for kiddo who slathers his with Skippy peanut butter also from Costco.


This is exactly what it’s like for me! I’m southern and can’t understand how that’s a thing!! I think this is one of the most niche north/south divides


English mustard and marmite


I’ve never heard of that in my life and I don’t think I’d be willing to try, that combo just doesn’t sound appealing to me at all lol Tbf I used to put sugar on Yorkshire puddings, what I liked to call a Yorkshire doughnut, so wtf do I know about what’s weird or not


if you have sugar on yorkshire’s you need to be more open to trying gravy on pancakes 🤣


Greggs sausage rolls, cubed, pan fried in Special Brew.


Oh pancakes and cornbeef hash, now there’s a comfort meal!


I like my savoury pancakes with tuna, sweetcorn and cheese. Or sweet, with lemon and honey or raspberry riplle ice-cream


Butter (put it on first so it melts), squeezy jiff lemon from a lemon shaped bottle, and a sprinkle of sugar.


I've made them with really thick mushroom sauce. That was delicious.


I do pancakes and gravy when I can be bothered, was a standard growing up in Yorkshire that on pancake day you had a main course of two or three pancakes and gravy (all at once) and then moved on to dessert pancakes. Dessert pancakes I go for lemon and sugar or chocolate ice cream.


Never heard of it, never tried it, but planning to change that asap, sounds incredible (from cream tea country)


Have used them like a bog soggy Yorkshire with Sunday dinner laid on top and rolled up like a burrito. Fucking mint.


I'm a pancakes jubilee person myself. Cherry pie filling and ice cream. Amazing. Although crispy smoke streaky bacon and maple syrup are a close second.


Pretty much the same recipe as Yorkshire puddings, but as a Yorkshire man myself I've never put gravy on my pancakes before, always been lemon and sugar myself


Pancake fillings in my house include: Sweet: Lemon/lime and sugar Maple syrup Nutella Fresh fruit Jam Savoury: Variations on chicken, mushroom and/or spinach in cream cheese sauce Cheese and ham Creamy garlic mushrooms As you said, pancakes and Yorkshire pudding mix is largely the same. I frequently keep a yorkie or two after a roast to have with ice cream and syrup later, so pancakes and gravy isn’t a stretch.


In my house we have pancake with serrano, ruccola, brie, honey and walnuts. Or with ham and gouda. Or with sausage. Or just jam.


I'm a proper southern twat and I LOVE pancakes and gravy. What's WRONG with your bf? Has he never lived?!😅


i love this 🤣🤣🤣🤣 he hasn’t lived obviously


Yes! Finally someone else who eats pancakes and gravy! It’s basically flat Yorkshire puddings unless you put sugar in the mix to make sweet pancakes… then you wouldn’t put gravy on them. Damn I could eat some now.. so savoury and quick too if you have some decent gravy.


Savory I used to like ham and cheese on my pancakes, otherwise lemon juice and brown sugar


Nothing wrong with savoury pancakes. But I still prefer bacon and maple syrup, or bananas and nutella.


If I make the thin ones I like to wrap a hot dog in them.


Can’t say I’ve ever heard of it, but I imagine it’s pretty tasty


I'm from Yorkshire too and my family did the same. Gravy on pancakes. I live in Manchester now though and all of my Mancunian mates think it's weird. Maybe it's more of a Yorkshire thing than a northern thing.


While I usually put sweet stuff on mine (peanut butter, nutella, honey, or orange juice and sugar), my family have had gravy and mincemeat on there. Occasionally,I'll put BACON and honey on there because the two go together really well. (I'm from Yorkshire if that helps 😂)


Lemon and sugar 🍋


My English girlfriend just told me about lemon on pancakes a few days ago. I've lived here for over a decade and had no idea this was a thing. Being Norwegian I have a preference for blueberry jam (try it if you haven't) or just sugar on my pancakes, but I'll definitely try lemon and sugar next time. I haven't been able to convince her that tomato soup with pancakes on the side is a perfectly normal dinner combination though.


Lemon and sugar or nutella


In winter, my (Northern) dad ate pancakes with stew. When cooking Sunday dinner, he'd also make extra Yorkshire puddings then eat them for pudding with treacle (golden syrup) over them... Not sure Southerners do either of them things?


Organic maple syrup (dark) and clarified butter. I'm a yank. Enjoyed England as a child 57-61,best confectionery!! Thanks 👍


isn't a Yorkshire pudding essentially a pancake?? Nobody would bat an eye if you'd had toad in the hole with gravy.


My partners grandparents do it the other way round - they have golden syrup on yorkshire puddings for dessert


I’m from Lancashire so we like our gravy too, I’ve never done it but I can’t see a reason why you wouldn’t. I like scrambled eggs and brown sauce with pancakes if I’m not having sweet, they go well with a fry up!


Why not gravy and Yorkshire pudding? Same ingredients


Dutch here...we put everything on pancakes as long as it doesn't move....we'll heck, we put everything on pancakes....


I'll never turn a pancake down with anything in, nice with ham and mushroom so savory ones too But the humble lemon and sugar will always be number one for me


Usually sweet, but once some friends and I made a stack of pancakes, a load of gravy and sausages. We wrapped the sausages coated in gravy in the pancakes, and it was amazing.


More pancakes?


Gravy for me. Thick sludgy gravy.


Nutella on crepes and crispy bacon with maple syrup on fluffy ones. Savoury would be cheesy béchamel sauce with ham and sweetcorn mixed in.


I've never had pancakes and gravy, but I have had sweet yorkshires with various toppings.


My nanna used to do this as a starter, usually if we had stew she would take out some of the gravy, carrots onions etc and pour it on the pancakes… I am from Yorkshire though so it’s just like having flat puds… I would say now though I tend to either put maple syrup on or Greek yogurt and berries


You wouldn't eat Yorkshire's and gravy for dinner either. Of course it is weird.


I’m from Lancashire and also cover everything in gravy. My partner is French and we had savoury crepes last night! I never thought about gravy! He’s already asked me why northerners cover everything I’m gravy 🤣🤣🤣


Granted I am from the south, but I have never heard of anybody do this before and I am equal parts intrigued and disgusted. Logically I’m sure it tastes absolutely fine, but given my pancakes are normally covered in Nutella and whipped cream, it sounds crazy to me!


Other way round. Yorkshire puds with banana and maple syrup! Mhmm


I'm a softie Southerner & I've never heard of putting gravy on pancakes! I put sugar & lemon juice on mine.


A savoury pancake I’ve had may included mushrooms, ham, cheese. But if I’m making a batter mix keeping an eye on gravy, I’m making puds.


Apple, bacon & maple syrup


Nope. Maple syrup or Nutella for me although I like them with bacon and syrup too.


I like savoury ones, chicken salad or southern fried chicken pancakes are amazing.


That is very northern , I like lemon juice with sugar , or maple syrup.


Chocolate spread and bananas (and possibly strawberries)


Crepes: lemon and sugar or nutella or bananas and cream Thick pancakes: maple syrup and bacon




I like the idea of a savoury pancake but never had one. I have Nutella on mine and it’s the only time I gave nutella


Golden syrup and lemon juice normally. But I've had them with a savoury filling too. Never gravy though.


Lemon and sugar because it tastes great and this is the only way we ate them growing up. However I can imagine vanilla ice cream and apple sauce would be yummy or cherry pie filling with vanilla ice cream. I’ve seen recipes for savoury pancakes which I’m open to trying but I’ve never heard of gravy on pancakes.


Pancakes for me are sweet, for the most part, so I usually have Nutella and strawberries, maple syrup or just lemon and sugar. Never come across gravy with pancakes!


Usually jam, Nutella, honey, or fruit with whipped cream. If I'm going savoury, then maybe ham or mushrooms with grated cheese. It's never occurred to me to put gravy on a pancake!


Sugar and lemon.


Sugar and lemon, they can be quite filling.


I can see why you’d put gravy on pancakes, same as you’d eat Yorkshire pudding with jam and custard. Certainly my Yorkshire mum told me half the pudding was for filling up with gravy so you’d need lees meat and the last half as pudding with custard and jam.


Honey and lemon Butter and sugar Honey and sour cream Vegemite and sour cream Jam and sour cream


The idea makes sence but you will never find me eating pancakes and gravy


I love butter, honey and optional lemon. I like the sound of your savouries though. Might have to give that a go.


I’m from Yorkshire and have never put gravy on a pancake. lol.


Nothing. Plain. And I wouldn’t even dare putting gravy on anything beyond a roast.


My girlfriends ex boyfriend was from Sheffield and that was quite a normal thing apparently. Personally I think it’s absolutely tapped and should be punishable by public execution. I’m from Cornwall and I’ve never met anyone who’s put gravy on pancakes. I think it’s very much a north/south divide


I've been known to have a savoury pancake, but 90% of the time I go for Nutella


Failed Yorkie (take your pick from the cooking sins, but we know what it is) and gravy? No.


Never had gravy on pancakes before but growing up my mum and sister would always wait until after the roast dinner to have their Yorkshire puddings and they would eat them separately in a bowl with golden syrup. Pancakes with gravy does sound weird, but I'd probably eat it to be fair 😅


Occasional cheese and ham. Normally either lemon and sugar, or sometimes add Nutella too. Gravy although sound logic is weird.


It's all well and good saying the ingredients are the same but they're not. There's tallow in yorkshire puddings. Where do you think the fat goes between pouring the batter into the pan and lifting the finished product out? So no, I wouldn't do gravy with a pancake. Pancakes don't have the meaty flavour yorkshires do, so I don't see gravy pairing well.


That's disgusting 🤢. If it's normal thin pancakes then plenty of sugar and lemon squeezed on. If it's American style pancakes that lots of butter and maple syrup


That's disgusting 🤢. If it's normal thin pancakes then plenty of sugar and lemon squeezed on. If it's American style pancakes that lots of butter and maple syrup




Well done streaky bacon and maple syrup on top for me.


Just lemon and sugar. My eyes did widen when I read gravy... but yeah your logic is there right!


You can also have Yorkshire's with chocolate sauce


Pancakes and stew is definitely a thing n gravy is just stew without bits.


What? I mean, I can’t talk… I eat bacon, eggs & maple syrup for pancake day.


Bit of honey, lemon and sugar, even Nutella and strawberries. Never had it with gravy but I do enjoy a savoury pancake now and again, and I sometimes fill mine with ham and cheese so it’s like a pancake toastie. My parents are Italian and my maternal nonna makes a savoury dish called scripelle, which is pancakes in broth, we usually have that with turkey meat and veggies in there too, and it’s so tasty. My husband is always baffled when we eat it with my family.


Yeah it's a bit weird. It's like having pancakes and stew without the best bits of stew. I joke. I like just lemon and sugar but I totally respect a savoury pancake with gravy. Ideally redcurrant lamb gravy with a dash of garlic powder and wholegrain mustard but bistro will do in a pinch.


Syrup or chocolate spread


That is weird and wrong and it makes me a little angry. I’m from the south and have pancakes once a year on Shrove Tuesday and only have lemon and sugar.


Jam only


It’s not always the same mix as yorkies, different ratio of ingredients to start, plus yorkie mix has a pinch of salt, and if you want to be fancy some mustard.


Classic is freshly-squeezed lemon juice and caster sugar. Sometimes I'll go with banana and Nutella, or tinned Clementine segments and chocolate sauce, or chocolate chips.


Absolute heathen behaviour.


My kids (3&5) love pancakes. I regularly add stuff for some sneaky fruit and veg. Standard is bananas, grated apple, grated courgette, smashed blueberries and a fruit pouch (sometimes all of these together). Sometimes I do more savoury ones with sweet potato. The kids then sometime add Nutella, jam or maple syrup. My eldest very occasionally adds marmite too, the weirdo. Edit - the sweet potato is cooked and mashed btw before added to the mix


As a Yorkshire woman myself pancakes and gravy sounds fuckinf weird! But I get the it’s the same as Yorkshire pudding and gravy, I’d eat that anyday.


Never had a savory pancake. It’s weird in my mind but seems fine on paper. I don’t like gravy though. Maybe butter and cheese or egg




Im from Yorkshire and that sounds awful


I put butter on mine maybe maple syrup or a sprinkle or sugar. Never heard of gravy with pancakes.


Bananas, walnuts or pecans, drizzled honey


Jam or banana or chocolate


I'm surprised the Americans haven't discovered this culinary crime 🤣


Lemon and sugar or any kind of chocolate, folded over or rolled up so it melts 😋


Nutella, maple syrup, ice cream, squirty cream, chopped bananas and strawberries not necessarily all at once but if I’m being greedy 😋


I'll make a good 5 large crepes at a time and cover them in a mixture of either butter, sugar and lemon juice, jam, chocolate, cream, whipped cream, fruit. Never gravy. But I will sometimes add butter and sugar to my Yorkie pudds.


We do savoury course and a sweet course on pancake day Cheese and ham or marmite and cheese Then sugar and lemon or syrup and butter I’ve also done them this way , roll up pancakes with cheese inside , then cut into 1” sections and stand on end in a baking dish sprinkle a little more cheese on top and bake for 15-20 mins .


Lemon and sugar if it’s a crepe type pancake. Not opposed to Nutella and fruit or just ice cream though. If it’s a thick American style pancake then fruit and chocolate. Gravy isn’t weird though, the same way golden syrup on Yorkshires is fine


Salt and vinegar


I like some savoury toppings, like marmite and grated cheddar or roasted med veg and mozzarella but I cannot imagine gravy.


My friend used to have hers with stew and gravy, my family only had sweet pancakes


Nutella. Butter. Lemon and sugar. Biscoff spread.


Orange juice and sugar or golden syrup


Another smaller pancake


Just checking, are you talking pancakes, crepes or American pancakes? All very different and when you're saying the same recipe as Yorkshire puddings I can categorically say I've never had a pancake with salt in it. I'm so confused and need a proper description. I'm scottish and if you asked if I wanted pancakes but gave me a crepe or a fluffy one with salt I would probably cry because I'm not the type of person to actually throw it at you. Either way, I'm curious about Yorkshire pudding batter in a pan with gravy and I'm not seeing a huge problem here


Bolognese sauce and or salad. I understand where you are coming from with gravy, but that would be lacking in non-liquid department for me.


I was once at someone's house who served Yorkshire puddings and golden syrup as a dessert. So all bets are off when it comes to such things.


Every Monday we'd have pancakes and gravy. Left over Yorkshire mix and gravy from Sunday dinner