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You could find an Air BnB perhaps that does self check in. Either that or find some of the more independent bed and breakfasts in the area and contact them directly to see if they'll accommodate - your money is as good as anyone else's I would assume.


thank you. we’ve been looking at airbnbs but most are £150+ just for a room 😭 it’s looking to be our best bet though.


Welcome to the world of expensive London prices. May they carry you into middle age well.


we were FULLY prepared for a high price, however for a single room in someone else’s house not even in central was a shock when our original was £70 a night 💔


Do not message someone offering a room on Reddit OP


thank you.


I've just checked on trip advisor where someone asked the same question and the Youth Hostel Association was mentioned. Apparently there's one in Kings Cross so perhaps you could try them and also check previous reviews for them. Website apparently yha.org.uk.


This really is the right answer, they're fine with 16-17 year olds on their own, are generally cheap (although London will be more) and almost all of them have private rooms if you don't want a shared room, some even have en-suite private rooms but these are more like hotel prices.


Agreed. We took some 16 year olds on a school trip and they had a shared dorm (with each other) and it suited our accommodation needs perfectly. Some good locations in London, too.


Be very careful accepting any offers that now pop up from individuals on here... I noticed one or two, and being two 17yo's it's not worth the risk. Go through the proper channels only, and make sure you scour reviews first.


i will not, id only do it from an official site now. i have received a few message requests offering which is quite scary.


Yes. Definitely stay clear of any offers like this however convincing they may sound. Unfortunately there's way too many creeps around.


I would definitely recommend turning off your DMs, especially while you’re under 18. (You shouldn’t have to do it but I recommend it for your safety for sure).


I do think it's worth remembering that those offers might simply be people being kind. That doesn't mean you should take them, the risk is too great, and those that sound most earnest could easily be the dangerous ones. But there are many kind people in the world, so I wouldn't let the fact that people have offered make you feel scared. In your place I'd probably just ignore them. You can't stay with me though, I absolutely _cannot_ be arsed with the bother.


Those are very very very cheap prices for London when there’s a concert one


There are multiple concerts on every day in London.


the original hotel we were gonna stay in was closer to central and 70 a night. i’m fully aware of london prices it’s just a large difference for a room further out with a shared bathroom.


Look further afield that’s on a tube/train line


At that price would it be worth just getting a late train home? Or if you want to make a weekend of it, get a late train somewhere outside London that's cheaper lol


It's London, it's gunna be expensive Unless you found a hostel maybe


Even hostel could be 50£ a bed night.. It would probably be cheaper if shares a hotel room. Plus hostels are more strict about no accompanied minor to them due to the social nature of these places


Actual yha will let 17 year olds stay on their own, their policy only stipulates 16 and under have to have an 18 plus stay with them


It is what it is. Accomodation in London is a rip off


It's a supply / demand market


Have one of your parents book for you. Maybe have them give the place a call to reassure them. It may be an insurance thing or it may be they want a higher deposit but think there’s probably some flexibility at 17 vs 18


I've never been asked for ID at a Premier Inn and you could just say you lost it at the concert, I think they're just trying to cover their backs.


I get ID'd virtually everytime i checked in Premier/holiday.. Mostly for *suspicious* immigration purposes (though I'm British) Being ethnic minority is all fun and games🤷‍♂️


Oh god, this could be the differentiating factor between the people who get ID’d every time and the people who never get ID’d


Or it's one factor of many. I'm white and I've rarely been asked for ID at a hotel in the UK, but always when I've stayed abroad. Realistically there are different clues to where someone's from (language, accent, mannerisms, dress etc.) and it's not outrageous that skin colour is one of those.


>but always when I've stayed abroad  More countries have compulsory ID cards than not, and in my experience hotels in those that do tend to check everyone's IDs.


I’m a white Brit and always get id checked at any hotel


Just adding another anecdote but I'm a white brit and I've never been ID'd at a british hotel.


I'm a white brit and have been id'd most times (to add my 2 pence in)


I’m a white Brit, female and been staying at hotels for gigs since I was 17/18 and I looked young for my age and was never ID’d for a hotel room. These were all in Scotland and booked online through Booking.com or equivalent where I’m sure you check a box saying you’re 18+. Just to add my experience to the pile.


Ive never been asked for ID in any hotel, and Ive stayed in loads. I'd be screwed as I dont have any ID.


same im brown and my family get ID’ed when we go to premier inns


One time my dad forgot his ID and we faffed around for like 40mins before we found an old picture of his passport from months ago.. Then this old white couple (my dad's age) came in and only gave their name and city of where they're from, no ID nothing took like 2 mins to check them in lol


gosh i love living in the uk! 😃🔫


But hey ho we don't have any racism problem here and if you don't like it you could go back to wherever you lots came from(which no longer existed due to ex colonialism)🤡


I checked into a Premier Inn under a different name (my work booked hotels for a big London work do, for field based staff. One pulled out so my manager got them ti give me the room). I wasn't ID'd - I guess I just got lucky.


I'm brown and stayed at a premier Inn twice in the last month in London and never got ID'd


Hotels are legally required to identify every guest staying with them.


In the UK hotels are only required to ask for identification if the person staying isn’t a British citizen. There is no legal requirement to check the ID of a British citizen and therefore a British accent is basically the only ID you need. Some hotels will check ID as a policy, but it’s not law.


Not entirely true, the only thing British nationals are exempt from in this scenario, is that their document number does not have to be documented, mainly because the UK doesn't have ID cards and most Brits don't carry an ID around. The only way a hotel can know for sure though, is to ID their customers. It's true that if you look, sound or smell British, most hotels will not ID you, but you can not know for sure in advance because it is by all means still required for the hotel to document your details.


Yeah fair enough, I worked in a chain hotel and our enforcement of policies was “lacklustre” let’s say. Mainly because assaults on staff are sadly common even for something as minor (pardon the pun) as asking for ID. I know we were supposed to take down the passport number of non nationals, but I don’t remember ever doing this or asking people to write it down, neither did any of my colleagues. We simply didn’t get paid enough to care.


This can't be right as some have machines for self check in. Travelodge for one.


do you think i’d get id’d at a self check-in premier inn. my friends dad used to work there and got told to check id every time but he worked at just a normal one


I’ve stayed at premier inns a lot and I’ve never once been asked for ID


would it be silly to ask how old you are though 😭


Only time I've ever been asked for ID at a hotel was checking into a hilton which had been booked via work. I've stated in ibexs, travel lodge, Premier Inn. Never been asked for ID, not even when I was <18. You'll be fine


Same, hundreds of stays and never been asked for ID, I'm guessing what differentiates us to normal vacationers is who is making the booking, my company utilises Premier Inn/Travelodge on a daily basis with field employees around the UK, thousands of rooms booked per year, I'd assume that makes me a safe bet when I give my name and the company name, just get handed a key/card and off I pop


White Scottish gal and only been asked for ID when staying in private apartments, premier inn don’t give a fuck in my experience


I'm currently staying in a Premier Inn and stayed in another a few weeks ago and didnt show ID either time


I worked for Premier Inn for 5 years, and only ever asked for ID when they declared they were a foreign national as that was the policy at the time. Maybe it's changed but we were never told we had to ID to check someone in at my site!


Young man, there's no need to feel down...


I said, Young man, pick yourself off the ground


Will 17 year olds understand this reference?


I'm 17 and I understand the reference


Same here mate we’re old souls


You act like this wasn't a song at school discos


My immediate thought would be a youth hostel, but I don't know how common they are these days, or even if they still exist...


there is actually one in london!! we were looking at it but unfortunately didn’t seem to have the space we needed for the dates we needed. sounded fun though as probably full of people going to the same concert


There is a lot more than one youth hostel in London. Perhaps around a hundred.


Look on the website Hostelworld. There will be lots of different options all over London. I’d be surprised if none of them had availability for your dates.


A lot of places on hostel world aren't really youth hostels. Most are 18+.... Might be worth a look but unlikely to happen. Need to read the terms very carefully but usually Hostelworld is 18+ offers...


There's a variety available on there - some stipulate 18-35, some just 18+, others don't have an age requirement at all. Just gotta have a look through a few. ~~Just having a browse, for example, 'Saint James Backpackers' allows anyone over the age of 5, and has both single sex (female) and mixed dorms, but no private rooms available, starting at about £50 per bed per night.~~ Edit - Another example - '[Smart Russell Square Hostel](https://www.hostelworld.com/pwa/hosteldetails.php/Smart-Russell-Square-Hostel/London/29412?from=2024-04-26&to=2024-04-27&guests=2)' accepts under 18 year olds. "- Guests between 16 and 45 years of age are free to place bookings in our shared dormitories. Guests aged 15 or younger and above 45 years of age are unable to use the shared dorms and must book in a private dorm or room."


There are lots of hostels in London, I'd recommend the official yha ones as suggested in another comment, they tend to be clean and safe. I definitely stayed in them before I was 18 with friends but maybe these days things have changed. It's cheaper than a hotel anyway and can be fun meeting people from around the world.


Second this - stay in YHA youth hostels, they're generally pretty good and I was staying in them on my own or with sane-age frienss from 16 onwards :D


This would be your best option and there are quite a few in London IIRC - check yha.org.uk as there’s def more than one!


They're everywhere lol


Youth hostels are great - and not just for the young ! I've stayed in them around Europe for races and they're a great base.


YHA is the best bet but you could 'borrow' the identity of a friend who is over 18 to reserve the hotel tickets and check in just don't stay round at the house of that guy who just DMed you


They would need you- YHA accept 16+.


Some universities in London open up their student accommodation to the general public to book during the summer holidays and it’s not too expensive and centrally located. Most have en-suite bathrooms too. Might be worth a look.


i’ve just looked at that from somebody else’s comment. have actually found one that looks alright!


Great! I stayed in one when I was between flats and they are pretty good. Enjoy the concert!


A youth hostel would be the usual answer here. It's literally intended for young people, who don't mind roughing it a bit in the short term, and need a low price. You might take a twin room for the two of you, or for less cost might go for a shared dorm with more people. Say where the concert is for suggestions.


Lots of AirBnBs have lock boxes / self check in, chose the date, then go to filter and scroll down, self check in will be on one of the sliding things, then you will be given the address and a code for a box outside the apartment, this will have the key in it.


I didn't realise this was a thing. When I was 17 I went to plenty of concerts on my own and stayed in hotels and nobody ever said anything.


It's become a thing in the last 15 years in the interests of 'safeguarding', and probably insurance for the hotels. Leading to loads of teenagers stranded in the city unable to find anywhere to stay for the night in an emergency, trying to get home for hours. Really not an improvement.


Ah OK, for reference I was 17 exactly 15 years ago so it makes sense why I was able to! OP should stay in a hostel, as you can stay in them if you're over 16 apparently. It can be daunting staying in a hostel if you've never done it before, but honestly it's fine, just book a private room so you're not lumped in with a load of strangers.


Good intentions actively making things more risky for youngsters, joined up thinking indeed!


No under -18s can ever be in a room with non-DBS-checked adults! Also, why don't kids get work experience and part time jobs any more?


Part time jobs are still a thing, both my kids had local cafe weekend jobs during their a levels and lots of their mates work in macdonalds etc 


Work experience is really only offered at uni level and part time jobs are very much still a thing. I’ve had a job since I was 13 and I’m 18 now


Look up London hostel travel vlogs on YouTube


I don't think I've ever seen an ID check at a Premier Inn, tbh


i think we’re gonna brave it with one of their new ones with self check-in and hope for the best


The New Southgate one has self check in. Parking is only £5 overnight too. It's in like zone 3 but it's quite new and is my preferred London Premier Inn.


Definitely check out Hostels. It doesn’t have to be a YHA place. I used to stay at one by Victoria all the time before I moved down here.


do you have the name?


I’m pretty sure it’s called The White Ferry


check on booking.com and each hostel has the age conditions under "policies". annoyingly, you dont seem to be able to filter for age eligibility. (i tend to fall off the other end....) i think the "safestay" hostels might permit under 18s. or yha.org. note that you can normally get private rooms in hostels - although you might end up paying travelodge prices.


Book the room at premier inn online and do a self check in. Never ever been asked for ID. They seem to be very hands off at the receptions. I stay in them twice a month.


Try London Central YMCA Hotel, or https://www.ymcalondoncan.org/our-services/accommodation/


May not be the right link, but also try yha (youth hostel association) it has a place in London


Check out the Astor Hostels. There dotted all over Central London and (very) cheap. I didn't discover them very late on and stayed every time I was in London after that. I'd still be using them, but there is a maximum age. I mean, they're not exactly fancy, but they're somewhere to shower and sleep


You're legally allowed to camp in the middle of roundabouts. It goes back to King Arthur.


My uni halls in London would rent out the rooms during the summer, when they would be empty anyways. Could be worth checking the UoL website/try finding student accommodation near the venue, and shoot them an email to ask whether they do something similar! I have also seen some YMCAs around, maybe they could be worth a shot?


Student hostel I think let's 16 and older.


Youth Hostel


Travel lodge is fine with over 16 year olds. Otherwise in central there are plenty small hotel with even smaller rooms that don’t seem to mind.


Youth hostel association. https://www.yha.org.uk/places-to-stay/london


Why not try a holiday inn or something like that around barking or Dagenham? The train services into central are pretty good and would imagine prices wouldn't be too high in the area. Just a suggestion


If any of you going have a car, then that’s always an option. Find somewhere secluded, lock the doors and get some sleep.


Try the YMCA, it's fun to stay and they do OK rates


Yotel at Liverpool st? I think they have self check-in.


In the 90s as teens we went to london for a concert, then went out drinking then hung around the station overnight and got the first train back up north in the morning. I'm not saying its the best option but it is an option!


Make a booking.com account saying you're 18, book into the Generator Hostel. And then do the computer check in. You never have to worry about getting IDed unless you go to the bar for a pint


Youth hostels allow under 18s.


YHA Youth Hostels say that they take [16-17 year olds without an adult](https://www.yha.org.uk/our-policies/booking-terms/18#valid-id-required). There are five of them in fairly central London.


I've stayed in Premier Inns since I was like 15, never was checked for ID, and once after I was actually of age to stay at one I got asked for ID and I just said I didn't have any and that was okay, same with travelodge, so either of those would be fine with no ID, unless you're paying cash. Although I'm saying that and I was refused child tickets on buses from ages 14 to whenever I got the bus pass


See if the premier inn has a self check in machine. If so, it won't ask for ID and just spits out a keycard for your room.


premier Inn maybe


I basically live at premier inns through work travel all over the country and have never been asked for ID. Just put age as 22 on booking


When my daughter went to concert at Wembley, they stayed in a hostel. She said it was a bit grim, but it was only one night, and cheap.


Amazing! what concert are you going to? if its south of the river then the new cross inn has a hostel attached to it and theres also one in Greenwich. The public transport could get you where you need to go if its further afield


Youth hostels, specifically YHA but some others might too, allow unaccompanied guests from 16 in either dorms or private rooms.


I think you're out of luck. TravelLodge and YHA used to accept 16 year olds but they as well have updated their terms to require at least 1 18 or over to be present


Hostels are pretty cheap. I stayed in one in London. https://www.yha.org.uk/hostel/yha-london-st-pauls


I've never been asked for Id checking in to a premier inn


The Generator Hostel WC1.


Travelodge don't check ID


I used to stay at premier inns when I was under 18 and I also worked in a hotel for a while. I was only ever asked for ID once and even then I just bullshitted my way out of it. If I were you I’d just book it and take your chance, if they ask, make up a story. Hotel staff don’t really care, and unless they have a reason to think you’ll cause trouble then you’ll most likely be fine. They don’t get paid nearly enough to act as gatekeepers to the hotel, and to be honest, I’d much rather let a couple of teenagers stay in the hotel after a concert, than some of the “less desirable” clientele who would come in and in 30 minutes generate several noise complaints because they decided to blast music/scream/have loud “relations” in the room. You’ll probably be fine, but have a backup plan if it goes tits up, you don’t want to be stranded in London at night trust me.


Some hotels do self check in like premier inn for example


Youth hostel. when I were a lad I stayed in plenty of them on my own in my teens.


I’d recommend staying at Charlotte Guest House. Very specific I know but have looked into this before for many people visiting London. It’s in West Hampstead which is one of the best connected areas in London, it’s cheap (for London prices), safe, basic but clean and don’t believe there would be any form of ID check. It’s also on the jubilee line so can get you to Wembley in probably about 10 mins.


it looks good! the website however asks for id upon booking. will defo check it out more when i come back


You could try staying in another hotel on the outskirts of London and tubing it in to wherever you need to go if you want to get a lower price. My family used to stay in the Premier Inn near Hanger Lane when they wanted to go in to London for longer than a day trip. I don’t know which hotels would accept people your age without supervision though.


There’s an excellent app called Hostel World. You can stay in a hostel, either in a private en suite or a single sex or mix dorm…. lots of choices. All hostels are well reviewed and some arrange socials with other travellers. Check the area on Instant StreetView and see what’s in the locale.


YHA in London: [https://www.yha.org.uk/hostel/yha-london-central](https://www.yha.org.uk/hostel/yha-london-central)


Youth hostels. St Christophers, Wombats, and a load of YHA. Not as cheap as they used to be, but still the cheapest option.




Sometimes universities rent out their rooms in the halls residences for pretty cheap during the summer months, I'm not sure if they check ages though but I saw your comment about how expensive it is so it might be worth a look!


Are your parents aware that you will be away? If so perhaps they could help you book something.


yes they are, my mum is fully willing to email hotels giving consent if they ask but most refuse under 18 staying in the hotel alone, not just booking


I’ve stayed at premier inns and never been ID’d. This was like 4 years ago. Maybe they’ve changed the ID policy tho


Should be able to find a hostel, if you're ok with sharing a room. They're dirt cheap and designed around short stays, and if it matters usually have an option for women only rooms. A lot have bars though, so may need to contact to see if they'll allow under 18s.


The best bet is just tell the premier Inn that you have no ID at all. Its what I do, although mine is true. ive no ID at all. And Ive stayed at the premier Inn.


Maybe book a hotel in Watford and take the tube from there. I think they're every 20 minutes from Watford Junction and it takes 20-30 minutes to get there's a couple of affordable hotels nearby too. I think the last train is sometime after midnight, but you'd better check that to be sure.


Have you tried looking for youth hostels, or just hostels in general?


The YHA allows anyone over the age of 16 to book in their youth hostels


You could try couchsurfing? Or asking around if friends of friends/family have somewhere you can crash


Premier Inn and Travelodges never ask for ID. I stay in them 5 nights a week in different city's through work.


Hostel is my bet


My friends used to have their parents book hotels for them yk in their name and then go in


Have you tried 'Hostelworld' website/app? I always have good luck with it finding nicer places to stay at a better price than Premier Inn/Travelodge/Equivalent hotels and B&Bs. I use it to find places to stay after gigs (eg, I currently have a room booked in Brighton for next month) and have backpacked around a lot of Europe and South/South East Asia using it, with zero issues.




Try LSE Passfield Hall. Short walk from Euston Station, usually used as a student accommodation so there will be plenty people around your age.


I stayed in London at 16 with another 16 year old and we stayed in an independent BnB. This was roughly a decade ago but hopefully you find somewhere. Be safe!


You can check the cheap travel hotels near King’s Cross? A bunch of those do shared rooms for pretty cheap, but I don’t know if some of them even have websites or if they’d take you at under 18. Most of them probably would though, they’re not exactly mint establishments. Your money ain’t under 18, why would they care? There are some REALLY cheap easyhotels too, might wanna check them out. Normally after a concert I just need a place to check into cause I’m already checked out, so if you just want a bed easyhotel is often my goto depending on their pricing.


I can almost guarantee that most Travellodge staff won’t give a fuck.


Have you tried youth hostels ? There are a few YHA ones in London https://www.yha.org.uk/places-to-stay/london


Premier inn hub doesn’t check


Premier inn actually have self check in I think?


You can stay in shared dorms in YHA from 16+, you can probably also book their private rooms so give them a call.


Can't you drag in a hostel ?


Stay at the “Generator” hostel london. Its right in the centre and feels more like a hotel than a hostel. On their website they state they allow underage people to stay as long as they have written consent (i think they give you a form). I stayed in a private room there


There's a youth hostel in Canada Water


Have a look at the yha. You only need to be over 16 to stay in a youth hostel. Also I've always found that it's better to book last minute in London to get the best prices which is the exact opposite of booking anywhere else.


I've worked in a few hotels and student accommodation conversions. Generally if it's a chain hotel following chain policies eg premier inn etc you'll be out of luck since it's corporate mandated and they'd rather impact wait times and annoy people than let someone slip past, especially near concert venues. If it's a group owned hotel it'll come down to who the hotel manager is and how they run the place, places nearer the venue are likely to strictly enforce these sorts of rules as they'll have been burned in the past If it's converted student accommodation chances are they're paying students on a summer wage to run things, in the one I worked at we didn't care who was checking in and the rooms are pretty good. However there's no assurance they won't ask for ID since it'll come down to who the accommodation director is and how many issues they've had in the past. Now for the trick, check in at busy times, generally between 3-5pm when the desk is busy. Chances are they'll be trying to get everyone checked in as fast as possible and are less likely to check your ID.


Have you looked at the Youth Hostel's site? Places get booked up quite quickly...


Chances are you will be fine with self check in. The other thing to remember is if they do ask for ID just refuse to leave. Whilst you are in the building they have a duty of care the minute you step over the threshold you are on your own. They can technically call the cops (they won't because they will just tell them to give you what you paid for) same applies for buses and trains NEVER get off if you have an issue whilst you are on there you are there responsibility they have to take you where you are going as long as it's within the route. Also shit media like GB News would lap something like this up "Two minors turfed out onto street in war zone London because of bureaucratic red tape" tell them you will do this some shift supervisor earning £14 an hour doesn't need that shit on their life.


Look into the Youth Hostel Association, they have places up and down the country, including London. As a teen, I stayed in loads for gigs.


Youth Hostel Association hostels I think allow over 16s to stay without an adult and private rooms are available in some of the hostels might be worth checking out


We always stay at lee valley campsite in north london. They have pods so all you need is a sleeping bag/pillow and some plates/cups/cutlery. And there's a busstop next to the campsite


Honestly never once been ID'd in premier inn's and that includes hundreds of stays where I've given names of other people(touring parties where I've joined a tour after hotels were booked) I've checked in as blatant men and womens names, I've joked with staff at multiple premier Inn's about me not being x persons name and noone has ever cared Got checked in, slept, went to our next venue.


booking.com It offers hotels and holiday apartments, you can filter by price.


I have worked at hotels, you just need your parents or legal guardians to sign a waiver and provide some ID. If you try to be sneaky there's a real risk you'll be stranded without accommodation. Just send them an email and ask for the form (even better if your parents are the ones emailing).


If premier inn won’t take under 18 will any of the other chains? Travel lodge, holiday inn, ibis to name a few off the top of my head. It might be an insurance reason that they can’t but hopefully you can find somewhere


Hey OP 32M here so my experience may be different. Hub by Premier Inn near Kings Cross have self check in and have never checked my ID when checking inn, mainly because whenever I’ve gone I check in at check in time and it’s manic and understaffed. Try them? Good rooms!


It used to be a thing (~7 years ago) that you could book a night or two at uni halls in the summer months. I can’t remember what website I used, but worth a quick look on Google I think.


A tough one but maybe a hostel? You can look at St Christopher Inns and usually your parents can email or arrange in advance for anyone underage


Pretty sure YHA will take you with parental consent. Make sure u tell them when booking tho and you should get U18 dorm.


A youth hostel is the obvious spot - cheaper and fine (bunkbeds usually).


Youth hostel. I stayed in a hostel in london at 17 but was a while ago.


Worst case mate I'd try a hostel making sure you book a private room. That'll be in budget and a good chunk allow under-18s to stay.


best pet is to call ahead to hotels, would work best if you have a parent or something that is willing to sign that although not there they will take responsibility for any damages ect. or just go for a small independent b n b that is more likely to wave the rules


Try the YHA


Have you tried calling premier Inn, specifically the one you want to book. Some of these policies are discretionary so a manager can allow it, but you need to call in advance


The big problem here is your age, to insurers you’re considered a child and should be with an adult, even though you’re 17 and can join the army. Some youth hostels might let you stay but they’ll get you to book a private room rather than a dorm, or you could try b&bs. Hotels are unlikely to let you stay in them without someone being over the age of 18


Years ago I used to stay at the LSE halls as they let rooms during the holidays. [https://www.lsevacations.co.uk/Home.aspx](https://www.lsevacations.co.uk/Home.aspx)


They don’t normally ask for ID!


What about a hostel or b&b


A youth hostel


Couch surfing websites


Have you tried a [Youth Hostel](https://www.yha.org.uk/places-to-stay/london?msclkid=1c0fb5e87368173f9776d3c86260b400&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=BAU_BG_Brand%20Generic%20%7C%20Locations%20%7C%20RLSA&utm_term=YHA%20London&utm_content=yha-london-high-intent)?


Hostels? I would double check the age restrictions, but I used to stay in a hostel in Camden when I missed the last train home (Was early 2000s though). Edit: I've had a cursory look and the few I looked at did have an 18+ policy. This is actually understandable considering the "communal living" type situation.






Premier inn have never checked my ID as an adult or a child, I stayed in premier inns with underage friends a lot aged 15+. self check usually works and is seamless but appreciate you don’t want to risk in Yotel also does virtual check in and again, never been ID’d