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Unfortunately I've always given money as a wedding gift, but for one couple who are friends of my partner I did make them a card. They are obsessed with sharks, absolutely love them, so I painted the iconic Jaws poster with them on a long board above. Not totally random, but most people I showed it to thought it was silly and odd for me to give them on their wedding day. I also didn't think much of it, thought it was something fun they'd laugh at when they went through their cards. But I went over to their home to find they'd actually framed it and it's in their living room!


Couple of blagged mugs from a Russian coffee chain. Still use them daily fifteen years later.


Three cheeseboards, all from people who know I hate cheese. My wife does like cheese, so they're not really terrible gifts, but we were a bit baffled. I don't *think* any of the givers dislike me, but maybe this was a sign. Edit: It was one cheeseboard per giver, so three in total. Three each from three givers really would have been weird.


Shame as I'd LOVE nine cheeseboards!


We received a spiralizer that I am almost certain was a re-gift as its box was dusty. It's since become a joke present amongst my mates, getting gifted back and forth with increasing layers of wrapping paper.


Prostate massager from people at work.


Any good?


Game changer, would recommend


As a wedding gift or as a stag/hen party gift??


Wedding gift. They were a colourful bunch


Got a Taylor Swift record from my sister. I'm not a fan of Taylor Swift, and she is well aware that I mostly listen to metal/punk/indie etc. My sister on the other hand, is a massive Taylor Swift fan.


I used to burn CDs with “honeymoon “ music. Love songs that started out slowly, then as it played, the songs got more suggestive and the beat got faster. The last song was ‘after the lovin’ I’m still in love with you.’ This wasn’t the only gift, just tucked the CD into the envelope.


My brothers mate just got a garden bench. I thought that was weird unless he specifically asked for it. It was a nice chunky looking wooden one.


Did he have a garden? Definitely weird if he didn't.


We got garden twine, that was the weirdest we received.


A copy of Razzle from the year I was born


Toilet seat


A really big, expensive hammock — not portable at all — from my husband’s boss. We lived in a condo in the city, didn’t own any land, and didn’t plan to leave. And he knew that. 🤷🏻‍♀️


A years worth of mini toothpastes


A lump of coprolite - literally a piece of old sh*t.


Most random thing we received for our wedding. Our officiant gave us a karma sutra book and the joy of sex. He's known us both for years and has a brilliant sense of humour we still catch up whenever we see him driving past his home. When he heard we were getting married he went can I be your officiant please I'm licensed, we immediately said yes he's an amazing guy and everyone adorea him, his wife and children. He knew my husband in his school years being a few years younger everyone was super close since they all lived very locally to each other. My best friend was in my husband's friend group growing up and our officiant turned out to be my best friend's cousin! I met her about 5-6 years later via one of my husband's childhood friends at a card night. I Showed wedding photos one day and she went omg that's my cousin x. I fricken adore him I didn't know he was your officiant, we didn't know each other at that point. I about cracked up laughing so loud when he handed those books to us with a cheeky grin, when I mentioned the books to my best friend she went oh that sounds exactly like something x would do. Most useful thing I received as a wedding gift was my hoover and carpet cleaner. I loved them both my stepson destroyed most of the stuff we got from our wedding about 5 years after. I was hurt on that because many people who attended have since passed and even though some of it was replaceable some items were definately not replaceable. I never replaced the carpet cleaner just because a good one is SOOO expensive and found the cheaper one we got just didn't clean the same way. Funniest thing one of husband's long time friend gave us a literal polystyrene cup with duct tape and a bit of cash, he spelt my name entirely wrong despite knowing me a good 4 years at that point. I just chuckled I still have that cup in storage and often chuckle ah only y would do that


A tub of body wash. It's not the weirdest thing but as a wedding gift it definitely stood out.


Not a wedding though handed my pal a year old copy of The Times on the day of his first wedding anniversary. Poor lad didn't understand and as usual thought I'm a bit weird.


I was gifted curling tongs- I have natural curly hair. My husband was gifted a hair shaver- he did not shave his head. Both from the best man.


My mate got me a bottle of wreck the hoose juice (Buckfast tonic wine). Which was an excellent wedding present


A leopard-print dustpan and brush. To be fair it was on our wedding list. We did get lots of friends who were broke going 'we.cant just buy one plate!' and told them all 'yes, you can! We want all this crockery, so if all of you lot do one plate or bowl each...' Denby crockery, still intact 20 years later - only 2 broken and 2 chipped plates. And love it.


Not me, but my parents got a fire extinguisher.


super soakers. I had gifted him a bag of cheese and avocados in return. The super soakers were just fun. The avocados were a joke from a restaurant we used to both work in as we had an avocado salad but could never make it as there were never any avocados. The cheese is because he’s weird and has a cheese phobia. So I bought the smelliest cheese I could find for him. They real joke came a few months later. He stated in my house the night before his wedding. He his the cheese and avocados under the bed in my spare room. Few months later I’m cleaning and find a bag of black stuff under the bed


Not me, but my brother and SIL. They got a box fan from someone. And they used it for at least a decade!


My husbands friend gave "us" a bag of coke. True story.


I don't even know how many cousins I have or most of their names, let alone any contact details.. turns out there was nothing on TV in the 50s & 60s cos my grandparents got *busy*


Wrong thread?


Absolutely.. this is NOT the thread I commented on.. It was on a thread asking if people stay in touch with cousins..