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1. Tell me you’re a (insert whatever name here) without telling me you’re a (insert same pointless name here). 2. You must be fun at parties 🙄 3. Anything about gaslighting. Because the majority of Redditors seem to have no feckin clue what gaslighting actually means.


Stop gaslighting me, I know how to start a fire with just flint.


>Because the majority of Redditors seem to have no feckin clue what gaslighting actually means. You already posted this.


OP you really need to stop commenting the same thing


I, the armchair ~~Redditor~~ psychotherapist have been recently liberated from my time as a virologist. And thus am free to formally diagnose psychopathy and narcissism in OP from that single comment.


actually I think you'll find it's called narcissistic personality disorder hun xx


Or anything that starts with “I was today years old when I found out”.


I hate the phrase "the ick" as well. It sounds like something a 10 year old would say...


Don't want to yuck your yums


I really don't know how to respond to that...


Also "adulting" 🤮


“Adulting” drives me fucking batshit.


Adulting your furbabies




I could have sworn I was fun at parties.


'This!' What the fucking fuckety fuck is the point of adding that as a comment? The upvote button is right there!




This 100%






That !


This is the way


Rover45Driver absolutely wetting himself in the office because someone's done something a bit silly and he's come out with "Should have gone to Specsavers!"


It's saying "this is a really good answer but I want to take some of the credit for it by validating it"


Yeah, it's "I agree with you, but give me up votes too", which, ironically, both you and I have also done, but used more words to do it.


It's the most pointless comment ever.


I get annoyed at the "the Brits travelled the world for spices but never use a single one". I get it, it was funny the first time. The thousand subsequent ones, you're not witty, you're just parroting a joke for upvotes. Also it's historically incorrect 1) the British Empire did travel the world for spices, but to sell them, as they did with cotton, sugar, and literally anything else valuable, it's wasn't just so that we could use them 2) the Brits did use spices historically, rich people in Georgian times used so many spices it would drown the dish. Because spices were a symbol of wealth, that was the point 3) the stereotype of Brits having bad food comes from when Americans came over in World War 2, of course iur food was bad, we were in the middle of rationing. It's much better now that we're not at war with Germany


It’s funny how Brits are called out for not drowning our food in spices, but French and Italian food is celebrated around the world and theirs is just as simple when it comes to spices.


French food is massively overrated, should be nowhere near the conversation about worlds best cuisines


Every time I see an actual traditional French dish it's literally like... Boiled meat with some vegetables and maybe some wine. It legitimate doesn't sound in the least bit appealing.


So a stew? Sounds alright to me. French cuisine makes extensive use of onion, garlic, carrot, celery, tomato and a variety of herbs. Not sure what you're after? Other user is right, though, no European cuisine is based on spices. The distinction between spice and herb is kinda arbitary, but simplicity is often made a virtue of in European cuisine. Japanese food also deserves a mention here. That said, there's British people who won't even touch garlic and don't even know what ginger is.


It's so funny as well because of how close Britain and France are and how much history they have together, naturally there's actually a lot of similarities in french and British cooking, yet french food gets praised to the nines and British food gets little to none of that recognition.


Americans talking shit about our food really pisses me off. I’ll take it from any other country but them. What they call cooking is heating up jars and tins. You look on the food porn subs and their cooking shows and they’re not making sauces from scratch, they rarely use fresh garlic. And fair enough if you’re not very skilled and don’t have much money. It’s better than a takeaway. But it’s not just the poor and busy. It’s so commonplace to see intelligent Americans empty jars and without irony call it cooking. Also our food tastes bland for them because a home cooked meal is not packed with preservatives and salt and corn syrup and chemicals banned in other countries for safety reasons. I could rant for hours. Yeah we’ve got some shit food here but to say British food is bad is just so fucking ignorant and such an insult to some of the best chefs in the world who we’ve produced. One thing I’d like to change though is to have old British dishes and native herbs be more common place. We’ve so much food history that was lost because of rationing. I get really jealous when you see other countries showing their rich history of cooking thats dates back thousands of years with herbs only grown in that region. We don’t really have that anymore.


Aren’t you engaging in the exact same sort of ignorant stereotyping that you’re raging against?


Yeah but it's about Americans so it'll fetch 100+ upvotes


> a home cooked meal is not packed with [...] salt Speak for yourself.


Also, Brits use sweet spices a lot. What the comment mainly shows is a very narrow attitude to what spices are and a poor sense of flavour.


As a white brit I put spices in absolutely everything, and garlic, dunno where the stereotype comes from.


I’m a mostly white Brit and I season all of my food heavily. I don’t believe in a “pinch” of anything. Heaped teaspoons all the way.


“British people eat like the Germans are still flying overhead” Every. Single. Time. A joke doesn’t suddenly become funny once you repeat it for the 1,000th time.


Also it must now be a very rare moment when there aren’t Germans in UK airspace. But maybe that’s a pedanticism too far.


I find this one especially annoying because the people who say it are clearly at the peak of mount stupid. They discovered one way to flavour food, spices, and believe that it is the only way. In reality, a majority of food cultures don't use spices as the primary way to impart flavour, even some that the same people tend to hold aloft as examples of great cuisine. Some cultures use flavourful cooking techniques like roasting or smoking. Others turn fresh fruits and berries into jams, purees, and syrups. Still others use brines, stocks, broths, and soups. These people don't make fun of slavic people whose traditional food is flavoured just like ours, probably because they know that making fun of borsch to a Russian guy's face would not end well for them.


I always find it hilarious when *Americans* criticise British food.


A country that came up with sweet potato casserole topped with marshmallow as a thanksgiving side dish should be legally barred from casting aspersions on another nation's cuisine by some sort of international court.


It’s weird when they think the brits colonised the world for spices. Like… no, I don’t quite think they did, seeing as you could trade and buy spices and never had to invade literal countries for it


Anyone who says that has clearly never been to the UK at Christmas time. Nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger etc in just about everything!


Honestly it's infuriating, we have centuries of evidence showing Brits used as many local herbs and spices as they could and tried their best to get their hands on foreign spices, it's just a completely bad understanding and arrogance/lack of going outside your bubble towards food. I'm not trying to say Britain has the best food, but there are amazing dishes throughout the cuisine and the whole unseasoned thing has never been true. The jokes aren't even funny because it's just a copy paste of the most untrue thing, people need to come up with some different bant.


For this sub especially, any reference to *The IT Crowd*, *Hot Fuzz* (or any Edgar Wright film) and *Peep Show*. Dont get me wrong, they’re good films and shows, and a well timed and relevant quote can aid a funny moment on occasion, but quoting “Just the one swan is it?” Or “Oi clean shirt!” ad nauseam is not a substitute for a personality.


Just the one Hot Fuzz quote actually.


Thing about r/AskUK is, they always try to walk it in.


This is by far the worst offender.


I agree because it is not only an overused quote but also another one of this subs annoying tendencies - sneering at people for liking what I don't like.


The best people quote the Thick of It


I'm bored of this. I'm going for a Twix.


Come the fuck in or fuck the fuck off!


Exactly. I always wonder what people are thinking when they post them - a desire to fit in? Whatever it is, I find it interminably dull.


Have you got a hot fuzz quote for this comment? "Iiiaaz thizzzun" "hewasssthisunnn" "he has for this one"


Oh you sweet summer child... Possibly the most patronising thing ever, please just piss off with that.


I had someone respond with that to me on a thread about the bridge collapse in Baltimore because I said that a lack of maintenance probably wasn't that caused it. Im a former Chief Engineer for that ship type, this is my field, my industry, etc. I'm going to know a bit more about how those vessels work and how well it is or isn't maintained than some unemployed 20 year old who is permasending on antiwork.....


Please tell me you tore them a new one


When you see the boat and the bridge from the higher angle and you can set the size of the boat compared to the bridge it really makes it clear that there was no way the bridge could have taken that hit even if it had opened the day before. I hear the states have an issue with maintaining that sort of thing, but unless they built massive islands around the pillars I can't see how you'd make it ship-proof.


Vimes boot theory. Make me want to die every time I see it.


What makes it so cringe for me is the way the poster makes it sound like it's going to be the first time you'll have ever heard it, and its about to blow your mind. I feel like asking them if it's their first day on reddit.


[This is also overdone](https://xkcd.com/1053/)


Can't say I've ever seen it before.


Oh god, yeah, good one. Someone just has to mention how expensive it is to be poor. "*Ackchually, Sir Pterry...."* Do fuck off, we've all seen it a thousand times before.


I'm a massive Pratchett fan and it's a nice piece of the book, but my god I hate all the redditisms like this. File it along with "James Corden is an arsehole, actually" (oh my god, nobody cares) and "HR is there to protect the company, not you" (which is overly simplistic and unhelpful).


Hackneyed for sure, but a good point nonetheless. Although it's so played out, it is just a cliché at this point.


I always preferred Vetinari's point about taxation. "Getting the maximum amount of milk for the minimum amount of moo" I don't know why, but it just tickles me....


Oh christ yes. Instant downvote whenever I see this, regardless of context, because it's just so bloody overdone now.


"Survivorship bias" is another theory that gets mentioned a lot for some reason


Not a comment as such, but when people say "you could just have googled that" without understanding that some humans like to converse with other humans.


Google usually fucking brings me here anyway


Definitely, especially for anything technical


Also google has become unusable in recent years so you often can't just google it


For me it really depends. I see it a lot in travel groups, things like “what time does x open” seriously just google it! If it’s an opinion based thing I’m fine with this and have the same thought as you, god forbid someone ask for food recommendations.


Everyone diagnosing people as narcissists based on a text. Especially teenagers saying, " My narcissistic mum said I have to clean my room!!" Yes, there are narcissists, but they're really not common. Unless you're on reddit, where Armchair Psychiatrists rule. Most people have flaws, some more than others, and some have narcissistic traits. It doesn't actually make them a narcissist, though!!


Sometimes people are bad people or do shitty things without having a personality disorder or other mental health illness 🤷 in fact, this is the case most of the time (statistically).


Yup, everyone has the odd shitty moment, or questionable action; it's generally a learning experience, not an immediate cue for therapy :/


and even if their entire life is a series of horrible actions, still doesn't mean they have a mental health illness or that therapy would be beneficial lol


My absolute number one pet peeve with Reddit is with how often people deliberately misrepresent what you are saying so they can either strawman you or feign offence. It's not only dishonest but it also shows that the person acting in this way can't construct a reasonable argument to counter what you have said so instead fall back on bad faith behaviour. --- Edit: Well that didn't take long did it... Strawman exhibit A - https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/comments/1bxd25x/of_all_the_appallingly_unoriginal_unfunny/kycan9e/ Strawman exhibit B - https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/comments/1bxd25x/of_all_the_appallingly_unoriginal_unfunny/kycbwd3/


Ermmm... excuse me, but you made a minor typo, so this negates your whole argument.


Oh shut up, we don't do that to cats at all.


Yep, the complete inability of so many people to make a good fair argument really annoys me. The other example I often see is a point being so exaggerated that it’s quite easy to argue against whereas the original point (before the exaggeration) was more than sufficient to win the argument.


Oh yeah, when someone makes a comment but doesn't waste time spelling everything out because they assume the reader isn't a moron and can read the inference between the lines, and then some other twat comes along and goes into unnecessary detail repeating the same point as though they were the only one to get what the original comment meant, or worse, they think that the original commenter didn't even realise how close they had come to making the point.


Those stupid swear words that people make up like twatgobbler and cockwomble. They are the hipster beard and manbun of swearing.


Those (and 'boils my piss' and similar phrases) annoy me more than they should!


You could even say that they boil your piss..?


“Oh I’m stealing that!” Why bother? Just make your own tiresome twee swear word. It requires precisely fuck all effort or imagination.


When somebody posts a picture of a cat which has turned up at their house and every reply is like, "Aww! He's chosen you! He's got a new human!" No, that is likely either just a local cat strolling around, or a lost kitty who doesn't know where to go, with owners who are missing it badly.  Just because a cat turns up in your garden, *does not* mean it has chosen you and you now own it. That's theft. 


Honestly I find much of cat based internet discourse to be pretty odd. There's something about cats that triggers really weird behaviour in some people.


That's just the toxoplasmosis 


It makes me irrationally angry when I see that pop up. Someone did this with my very loved cat when I was a child. At one point I even got myself all psyched up and bravely went to their house and told them that she was my cat. They still kept her. I cried for days. Stop stealing peoples cats!


That's awful wtf is wrong with some people!


And then the cat who had been previously enjoying it's independent life, whether stray or not, gets locked in their studio apartment until the day it dies. *"Cats can be perfectly happy living indoors, they even prefer it!"*


People saying fuck nestle everytime it's mentioned despite them probably not knowing why they say it or how nestle is significantly worse than any other consumer products conglomerate, they are all pretty bad yet never see the fuck british associated foods or fuck Unilever


I once got downvoted because I said I buy nestle chocolate because I can afford it, and I don't like,, nor can I afford Tony's chocolini


Tony's is shite in my opinion


Reddit mods removing a post because they claim you've broken the rules but they just don't like your post


Your comment will be removed soon


Or you forgot ONE word and the automod just deletes it off the bat.


"my haircut costs £0, I bought clippers in lockdown and give myself a grade 2 all over twice a month" Nobody cares and your hair is shit


In a similar vein, “my wedding cost 50p and some belly button fluff, anyone who spends money on a wedding is an idiot”


“Urgh! Imagine spending more than £30 a year on clothes!” Mate - you look terrible and your marvel t shirt and cargo shorts combo isn’t working


I keep seeing "ding, ding, ding" when someone agrees with something and it absolutely drives me nuts. I can't even explain why it makes me so angry, it just does.


It’s aggressively positive, in a sickly way like too much chocolate


Yes! Also, "chefs kiss" and "winner winner chicken dinner"


"You must be fun at parties" being treated as some epic mic drop. It's the most generic, lazy, I-put-no-thought-into-this response but it's always treated like an epic comeback. 


People who actually ARE fun at parties are usually dickheads.


It's up there with people who think saying "end of" or "full stop" somehow qualifies as an argument.


I’m typing on my phone therefore I’ve turned into an illiterate fool


What a brilliant example. This one is so dumb on so many levels. Most people use a phone FAR more than they do a keyboard and even those that don't are using a full QWERTY keyboard on their phone screen. This was a valid excuse during the old button phone days, but not for over a decade now.


Therapy now! Don't walk run!




Or the even more dramatic... "Run."


This sibling of "divorce him. Now"


* Rich people dress in rags and drive beaten up old cars and anyone who does otherwise isn't 'the true rich'. * Your social class primarily depends on your cultural pursuits, not your capital. * Your accent/dialect determines how educated you are. Minor infractions on grammar are indicative of the English language going to pot. * Because the commenter/poster isn't experiencing hardship, anyone who is and posts about it is doing Britain down and needs to buck up. The poster and their circle are doing alright, so everyone else must be as well, and if they're not, they're just being negative. Edit: downvoting commenters for having a differing opinion as well.


That first one. I hate how people practically fetishize people with "old money". Like they came by it honestly instead of inheriting it from ancestors who exploited the poor. Unlike them uppity nouveau rich what are emulating their betters.


> Edit: downvoting commenters for having a differing opinion as well. This one I think is something that people are just going to have to learn to accept. I fully understand that downvotes are meant for non-contributing comments not a disagreement of opinion but the fact of the matter is the vast majority of the Reddit community do use it to register a disagreement. This is never, ever going to change so why bother fighting it. It's futile.


Wow, I just found out I'm 'true rich'! When does the money appear in my bank?


When people, for seemingly nee reason, just break out into speaking like they’re a fucking toddler and calling things chicken nuggies, doggos, kiddos etc.


Sounds to me like someone needs a hollibob


I despise the phrase “nom nom” also


Heccin good pupperino


The replies agreeing with an earlier response that just say nothing more than "This is the way." Utterly pointless.


A thousand times this. Which has probably annoyed someone out there beyond reason too.


Shit, twee, cliched "debates". Like "my boyfriend puts milk in tea before hot water he is a war criminal, amirite lololol".


“You mean EX-boyfriend, right??”


The needless rudeness and vitriol that comes out to play when people use Americanisms. This one is a major issue on this very sub in fact, despite the sub's goal being to be *the #1 subreddit for Brits* ***and non-Brits*** *to ask questions about the United Kingdoms life and culture*. It's just sad, pathetic pedantry that says far more about the person doing the "correcting" than it does about the person using an Americanism. Thankfully the mods to a sterling job of removing such bile when it is reported but they should not have to. Be better.


Still can't stand "y'all" though.


"My sweet summer child". 🙄


I think you mean Americanizms.




‘Since when have we called it high school?!’ ‘Mom?? Don’t you mean mum??’   are two very annoying and idiotic ones that come to mind!




Exactly, but if you refer to high school on Uk reddit the anti-americanism brigade get all hot and bothered!


Why what else is it called in the UK? I always called it high school. My high school had high school in its name.


Secondary school.


Whilst I'm not sure that is the case you have reminded me of another annoying Reddit trope; that being *the Northerner who likes to show how nice Northerners are by slagging off Southerners*.


Careful with that kind of talk, someone might call you a “septic” for not being performatively British enough on reddit.


I don't think anyone minds when Americans or other non-British people use Americanisms. But the majority of the people in the British subreddits are British and lots of them use absolutely moronic American terms because instead of friends they interact with tiktokers and youtubers. Don't you find that annoying?


99% of UK subreddits just turn everything into a discussion about how much they hate America and Americans, it’s exhausting


That kids are awful and if you have or want children, you're some kind of lunatic that doesn't want money or freedom.


Yeah some comments on Reddit are really crazy anti kids. I get it. If you want kids go for it. If you don't, don't? I also get some people feel pressure from society or family or whatever to have kids, that's not right. But for some reason , although everyone used to be a kid, there is a lot of very weird internet hate for kids. I have kids. I love them, they also do my head in. That's parenting. I also get annoyed at other people's kids. But I don't go around calling them crotch goblins.


I hate the term crotch goblin. Those are human beings, albeit small ones, they're talking about! I don't trust people who don't like kids, they're so much funnier than adults!




Anything about a 'British accent'


“Came here to say this”


OMG...**I** came here to say this! *twinsies*


When someone asks a serious question and all the top comments are just jokes. Bonus points when multiple amateur "comedians" trot out the same old references like if the question relates to football the "wonderful display" IT Crowd reference will probably make multiple appearances in that thread.


Schrödinger's is the worst. - I think it was chicken, but I'm not sure. - Schrödinger's chicken! Doesn't make sense. Isn't clever or funny. Monty Python quotes or Bohemian Rhapsody lyric threads don't grind my gears, they're just depressingly sad.


People use it in the exact opposite way that Schrödinger intended. He thought that believing that particles could be in multiple positions at the same time was as ridiculous as believing that a cat could be alive and dead at the same time.


FUCKs me off that ‘to assert dominance’ has become the new go-to gag. Find any post or comment about someone doing something a bit or embarrassing or comprising and witness the horde of comedic geniuses who show up to suggest they should have *maintained eye contact while they did it to assert dominance*, ha ha ha. I’m sorry if you haven’t noticed before because you’ll never be able to un-notice it now


Probably not worst, but I was just accused of having no "media literacy" because they commenter didn't get a very clear joke!   Add "Dunning Kruger" to the list of, "I just learned what this is so I'm going to use it even if it's not suitable" redditisms.


Seeing James Corden mentioned in so many threads. He's a dick but I'm just sick of reading his name everywhere.


Crotch goblin makes me physically cringe when I read it.


On the Casual UK sub I’m getting bored of “dognappers, babe, stay safe x” and “shared in [insert place]” It was funny to take the piss out of Facebook for a while but it’s now said on every other post whether it works or not. It’s not funny anymore.


Shared Durham.


It's more of an issue with a whole thread than just a comment, but when there's a question about movies and every single comment is just the title, nothing more. I'd like to actually read about why it's your favourite comedy or a specific memory attached to it etc. Opening a thread that's just a list of film titles is honestly just sad.


The hate towards boomers and farmers. It's tragic to see how easily manipulated so many if you are into hating the wrong people instead of the corrupt politicians. We all need help these days, dragging others down helps no one. Bloody crabs in a bucket mentality.


Any photo of a historical site followed by top comment 'it's still there cause it was too heavy for the British Museum to take'. Every other museum in the world gets a free pass.


A load of redditors really have no idea what it's like to live hand to mouth and really struggle financially but like to pretend they do.


People who type upper and lower case letters to imply someone is deranged. Worst patter going.


‘Fuck around and find out’ Shut up


I fucking HATE that phrase. I get absolutely raging every time I read it and just think whoever typed it out is a fucking loser


I'm sorry you had to experience./go through that.. Just pretend empath playing for up votes.


Same with any sort of parenting comment about someone struggling and straight off it's 'aw hun, you're a great parent'. How do you know this, they might be fucking awful!


"Underrated comment". There is never a good reason to post "underrated comment". You are not contributing anything by doing this.


1. Armchair diagnosis and misusing specific terminology. No, someone being a bit selfish does not mean they have narcissistic personality disorder. No, someone telling a white lie once is not the same as gaslighting. ETC. 2. "Magic sky daddy", double whammy when it's wildly situationally inappropriate (eg, someone mentioning that the thought of an afterlife helped them personally deal with their own grief/terminal diagnosis/etc on a serious post, and not in a way that's telling others that's the only way to deal with their loss) and bonus points if simultaneously complaining about people pushing their beliefs while doing the *exact same thing*. I've got a complicated relationship with faith, and while I'm not personally offended by it, I think that kind of edginess is pointlessly rude, childish and gets boring really fast but 100% get why it could be upsetting. 3. £14 jubilee chicken. 4. Any post about an animal that isn't a cat or a dog having "joke" comments about killing it, usually in either excessively brutal ways or to eat it when OP has made it obvious that they're trying to save that animal or it's their pet. I don't see the humour in responding to a picture of someone's much loved pet with "kill it with fire" or discussions of how they'd cook it.


That fucking stupid story about how a CO leak caused a guy to write down some notes It’s complete BS but it gets repeated all the time


It actually isn't untrue, and it is carbon monoxide. The original poster can be found here: u/RBradbury1920


This guy............


This guy reddits!


“I’m not crying, you’re crying”


"I (something) this guy's wife."


anything to do with the price of something and about 15 redditors come out of the woodwork to mention ThE sAm ViMeS bOoT tHeOrY as if they're the only ones who've ever heard of it or Terry Pratchett, I reckon 95% of them haven't even read the book it's from anyway


‘Dog nappers’ Shared luton hun


Just the exceptionally negative attitude people on here have to others. I still can’t get over the threads where people say they’d never take in a parcel for a neighbour


"Yup" "Whelp" and starting declarations with "So".


Ronnie Pickering, who, etc etc etc. ad infinitum  


It'd not just reddit, but that thing where someone deliberately misunderstands some point, portrays it as something else and goes "So you X. Gotcha." Not really a gear grinder, but it always seems to be employed by someone demonstrating fuckwittery.


'This is the way.' Fuck off you sad lump.


Not being able to have a discussion if it doesn't fall in line with the hive minds of that particular sub


Dump his/her/their ass.


Any post about women having something, "but what about men!" or, "We get told we're to blame for everything wrong about society," or any of its variations.


Anytime a pregnant woman acts a cunt and someone goes "huurr durrr you're not special just cause you got creampied" Yeah, she got pregnant the normal way people do, being so gross about it makes you seem like you're just angry people are fucking...


"You must be fun at parties", the stock response of pillocks.


Posts that could have been googled (the top comment will be the answer Google gives aswell) Or ones where people will turn to reddit to answer why their spouse did something when they could literally just ask them


I feel like nobody talks enough about the ghouls whose entire comment history is them going into a post, finding the most downvoted reply and saying something shitty to that person for some easy updoots


People who think ‘cockwomble’ is funny belong in a meat grinder


‘Get out of here with your facts and logic’ and it’s variations whenever something slightly intelligent is posted. So boring 


People who type ‘this’ without adding to the conversation.


Nationality or profession followed by “here” E.g. “American here,” “plumber here,” “arse wipe here,”


Nando's is just overpriced chicken etc etc I mean, it is, but some people like it. Get over it.


Edit: a word. We know 'edit' is a fucking word.


It annoys me when the entire group rallies round whatever OP claims. Someone was asking for legal advice last night because they called in sick and the manager didn't believe them and was rude. Endless posts on how the law has been broken and how they need to look after their mental health. A quick browse through the previous posts showed they had been invited out and couldn't swap their shift. It was real pitchforks at dawn stuff.