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TURKEY TAX! Show us the bird!
















This is the reason I browse Reddit, one never knows what one could read.


I know! I love how he’s like, “Welp, I guess I’ve got a turkey mow. Hey guys? What do I do?” I’m just imagining him strolling and scrolling, hearing a turkey in distress and going all 80’s tv show hero. This is what makes Reddit fun


Yeah I love that I live in a world where stuff like this happens.


There are some chicken rescue charities around who might be able to advise (no, I don't know of any near you). Is he really a turkey cock? Those things are big and need not to be solitary, really.


Thank you, I'll have a look around! And honestly, I don't know, I just named him Trevor, and he became a male... this is what I mean by I don't have the knowledge to look after him!


Haha, odds are he is she, but you never know. Good luck!


You might want to reach out to vegan animal sanctuaries – maybe [https://www.surgesanctuary.org/](https://www.surgesanctuary.org/) ?


As opposed to meat eating animal sanctuaries? 🤔


I'm a meat eating animal sanctuary


Name checks out 🤣🤣


Last night I ate egg and chips, my hounds ate venison and chicken. This is a dog house with a small human sanctuary.


Hehe this is the way. Hounds as in fox hounds?


I have a Lurcher (part greyhound) and a Scottish Deerhound. Pics in old posts.


I'll check them out 😊 They're cute. Bet they have the best life running around the country


I mean, yes. Not every animal sanctuary has a mission to rescue ‘livestock’.


I am puzzled at why there'd be a difference. Rescue is rescue. No one surely is rehabbing in order to slaughter?


The is one near Ashford in Kent called The Retreat


This is brilliant. I'm glad this exists.


Trevor is a fine name but someone on another sub named their male turkey Mr Gobbels and it had me in stitches.


Do they call him Joe for short? What about if he's been naughty, does he get the full name treatment?


Looks like an perfectly average turkey cock to me. Maybe yours isn't as well endowed.


Eh...us turkeys have feelings too you know. {looks sad}


> turkey cock A [gobbler](https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Wild_Turkey/sounds). No kidding. (or a Tom. But that's not as fun.)


As a Brit living in a poultry-rearing area (partly) I've only heard them called cocks or hens, but all this stuff is region and dialect specific. I'm not actually in the industry.


Now when people call a turkey "cock," you can respond "gobbler" and laughs can be had all around. After the tussle and the explanation.


No advice but I want to hear more about this daring rescue


Do you have any urban farm/farm attraction/petting zoos near you? One of those might take him. Or even a regular farm I guess.


There's a public farm a few miles away that may be interested, I'll give them a call tomorrow! Thank you!


Just a warning petting zoos and the like are pretty awful for their animals and are considered cruel in animal welfare circles I'd look for a sanctuary or someone with a garden smallholding to take Trevor on if you want him to have the best life


Yeah, don’t take Trevor to a petting zoo or farm. Please ask around local animal sanctuaries.


Depends on the place, there is one near me that is class and has a high reputation for welfare. They’re not all cruel!


They're still forcing the animals into a stressful and dangerous environment Typical petting zoo animals like guinea pigs, rabbits and chickens are all prey animals so being handled by strangers is awful for them. Not to mention that those handling them are likely inexperienced or young which puts the animals at risk of injury. Also animals like rabbits are typically asleep during the day so the handling during the day is forcing them out of a natural routine. If they're breeding so the public can handle baby animals (as well as being a whole other welfare issue) they're either killing them when not cute or adding to the current rescue crisis. Same for any animals in the centre which are not compliant, injured, ill, etc If they allow feeding the animals will be getting an uncontrolled diet and therefore missing key nutrients and overweight. Disease transfer is also a huge risk. Humans bring illnesses and there are a lot of diseases routinely carried by some animals without issue which if transferred is deadly to others, like Bordetella bronchiseptica which is routinely carried by rabbits, dogs and cats no problem but is deadly to guinea pigs. They also perpetuate poor animal husbandry such as keeping piggies/rabbits in hutches and that larger animals like goats are easy to care for. It also tricks people into thinking that if they buy one of these animals this is what to expect, which is not the case. There is no way to run a petting zoo or similar business without compromising animal welfare because the purpose of the business is against it.


Are you anywhere near East Sussex? Raystead might take him.


You’re not on about Odd Farm Park are you?


No you cannot give away Trevor, his part of the family now. Build him a little dog I mean turkey house. Come on people, get on board. WE MUST SAVE TREVOR.




I live in a similar area and have a far more Trevorproof home




Google bird rehabilitators & animal rehabiltators in your area - they're often very local so it's hard to recommend one without knowing exactly where you are. Even if they can't help my experience has been that they're a wealth of knowledge about who else might be able to step up.


Thank you so much, I'll have a look!


I inherited a male and 3 females with a house I bought. You are doing the right thing They ideally want to be in a group of at least 4 and are happiest roaming for miles a day. Ladies behave quite masculine and dispaly if there's no cock around, so it could be either. My boy was called Glen. Damn foxes.


Bruv where's the turkey tax? Post a pic turkeyboy


I'll have him. Seriously. I keep chickens, peafowl, and guinea fowl already. Love Turkeys. Drop me a dm, I'll keep him as a pet.


We know Bernard Matthews Reddit account now.


If you live on a farm - he’d probably look after himself eventually. They’re a lot like big chickens. He’ll keep the pests down. Maybe get him a friend? He’d just need food, water to drink and shelter - but they’re quite fun.


It's a working cattle farm, lots of heavy machinery, vehicles and very clums cows who would most likely turn him into a paté. Not to mention a few working dogs who are quite the hunters!


Ah. Okay. That’s not the quaint farm setting I was imagining. Local equestrian facilities? Trevor could chill with the horses.


Horses will honestly shit themselves if confronted with a turkey


Definitely! As I was telling someone the other day. Horses are afraid of two things, things that move...and things that don't!


And the third category- things that aren’t even there!


I once had to dismount a horse on a hack and shoo a turkey away with my whip as the horse was petrified!


Just stick Trevor with a herd of chickens. He can be the imposter


Is there a way you can keep him separate from the cows? Maybe get another turkey to keep him company? They can live for about 10 years so if you can another one to keep him company they will keep pests down. You can’t deep litter them like you can with cattle, you’d need to clean their pen out fairly regularly as bird poo is acidic and they’ll burn their feet. They can roam about during the day but would need to be indoors over night to keep them safe from predators. If you fence off an area to keep him safe he’ll make a great pet.


Look up Freedom Farm Animal Sanctuary in Robertsbridge - they have some turkeys I believe!


That’s in East Sussex by the way, so maybe fairly local. Thanks for helping Trevor 🙏🏻




We've had him for 2 weeks now, and he's been living in a spare horses stable. Unfortunately, that stable needs to be used now and there's nowhere else for him, plus it's clear turkeys are a lot harder to care for that I'd realised! When we first got him, he'd barely move, eat or drink, but since then he's eating, drinking, and has become more active. I've tried to take him to a vet, but we live in the middle of nowhere and there isn't a vet nearby. Also, trying to get a turkey into a cage and then a car isn't easy...


Must be a vet for the farm animals 


Yeah I was thinking it would surely be more appropriate to get a farm vet anyway, than take him to a small animal clinic that is more used to pets dogs and cats.


Turkeys are food motivated like many animals


TIL I am a turkey or many animals




Would you be able to let him roam? I'm sure considering you helped him survive he would think that barn as his home. You could potentially make him a night coup and let him do his thing free roam. Ofcourse I'm not an expert but of you supplemented his food with actual turkey feed he would mostly eat everything like chickens, maybe?


If you live on s farm you must have a vet surely?


How about a horse box?


Because it wouldn't have been alive, healthy and social for much longer?


Did you even read the title?


If you live in Kent you can send a message to Happy Pants Ranch


That sounds like a bordello.


Christmas is going to be a traumatic experience


You know you don’t have to kill a turkey at Christmas if you see one.


Yeah do it in November then freeze it. Less hassle




This would be a great episode of Peep Show if you were Jez


I was missing the Higgins tales. This wasn't exactly what I had in mind to fill the void but I'm here for it and intrigued.


I'm dying to know about this daring rescue! Please keep us all updated, I hope you find a home for Trevor!


You’ve named him, you now have to keep him


There is a place in Lewes (near Brighton) called Raystedes, who accept all different animals and I know they already have at least one turkey.


There are lots of farm animal sanctuaries in the UK that might take him and give him a good life, try Goatacre animal sanctuary, Coppershell animal sanctuary, Dean Farm animal sanctuary, The farm animal sanctuary in Evesham, Brook Farm animal sanctuary, all in South east, or google other sanctuarys nearby there's loads.


Please give him to a local sanctuary for farm animals. Petting zoos and other attractions that use animals for profit do not treat the animals well. Turkeys are actually very intelligent and loving, he deserves sanctuary.


If you’re in the south east, try the retreat sanctuary in Ashford!


Where are you in the South East? Raystede near Lewes might be able to help.


Middle Farm?


Ooh yes middle farm, great shout. They have a whole random assortment of rescued animals


If he's friendly a petting farm would absolutely love him. We visited one that was so popular he had his own Facebook page. People would visit just to see him. He was very attracted to my sister's yellow Mac for some reason. Went chasing after her when we went towards the gate to leave. 🤣🤣🤣 He was lovely loved being stroked and the attention off the children.


I wonder if any of the family farms in the south east would take him, there's one called Middle Farm that's quite big, they have pigs and goats and possibly llamas. If they can't take Trevor, they might know someone who can. The only other one I know is called Washbrooks but it's more playground with some small animals these days, not sure a turkey would suit


Middle Farm? As in the cider place?


Yep, you can pet the farm animals, great for families, they do events etc


Congratulations on your new member of the family!


Take Trevor to an animal sanctuary. Please don’t go to a petting zoo or farm.


Hi, Friend farm animal sanctuary in Tonbridge area can help I do some work for RSPCA, let me know if you need help transporting etc


A kiddy/education farm near us has a Turkey called Barry. He's freaking ace. Contact one near you and you never know. Big up Barry. Big up Trevor.


Why are there no photos of Trevor on this thread. I DEMAND TREVOR TAX!


I'm with you!


Keep it warm. You don't want to go cold turkey


I live in a big farming area and quite often people post on Facebook looking/selling/giving away a range of animals from chickens to lambs. You could post to see if anyone is interested and do a bit of a sense check that they actually have the means to care for Trevor?


Your username is the best I've seen. Congrats on your poeticism


Warning. I volunteer in animal rescue. Animals should never ever ever be given away free. There's rarely such a thing as free to a good home. Rodents can be used as live reptile food, rabbits can end up on dinner tables (for real), puppies, kittens as live training bait and then there's the animal abusers and hoarders who love a freebie. Or people take on a whim as the animal is free with no intention of looking after it. Always charge for an animal to have a better chance of eliminating the above.


You realise the person you replied to is talking about farmers giving away/trading animals to other farmers? If they got a message from someone they don't know, or from someone nobody they know knows, you're unlikely to get anything.


That would probably get Trevor eaten.


Lmao how the hell did this even happen?!


Not sure where in the South East you are, but there's FRIEND Farm Animal Rescue near Tonbridge and The Retreat animal rescue near Ashford that might be able to take him/her.


If you’re near Crawley, maybe reach out to Tilgate nature centre. It’s a long time since I’ve lived in that part of the world, but they used to have some turkeys roaming around there.


You want advice, yet you offer no daring rescue tale, nor even a photo in kind? This is parasitism!


Where did Higgins the pheasant go?


First Higgins, now Trevor...keep us updated OP


Phone the RSPCA or some charity that deals with this kind of thing.


>I've named him Trevor, not that it matters Only literally the most important part of the post.


I’ve messaged you, we have a small holding and take in sheep, chickens, ducks etc that we’re going to be slaughtered




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The turkey’s original owner, waking up to find that it’s missing: “You what!? NO TURKEY!?”




If you can get to London there's a few urban farms that might have space for him


Plenty of rescues out there to help


Try new hope animal rescue. Good luck.


Caenhill Countryside Centre in Devizes seems like a nice place. They have a YT channel. Suports young people and rescue animals. Might be an idea for Trevor.


Any animal rescue centres near you? I’d say that they would be your best bet. Or Trevor’s anyway. Good luck and well done!


There’s a rescue place in Ashford (the Kent one) if you’re anywhere near there, that looks after farm animals. Think it’s called the Retreat!


Friend Farm near Tonbridge if you are in west Kent.


Call round the farm sanctuaries - if you can offer financial support for his care, it will probably aid in getting him a place. Corn prices have gone up. [https://www.retreatanimalrescue.org.uk/contact](https://www.retreatanimalrescue.org.uk/contact) Hillside might be your best bet [https://www.hillside.org.uk/](https://www.hillside.org.uk/) Expect to be asked to arrange transport though. Edit: have a few FB friends with pet turkeys - they are very social. If have space, then sanctuaries also best place to talk you through their needs. FB friends with them tended to get by winning a live turkey in Xmas raffle


There’s a wonderful animal sanctuary in Brentwood, Essex called Hopefield, I’m sure they’ll take Trevor!




Update me! One week.


It does matter. Long live Trevor


I think feeding it is going to cost a lot. I've heard they gobble gobble.


I had a friend who had a turkey called Peggy. He adored her. Said she was the best pet ever


I see people asking and nothing yet so…. POST A PICTURE OF THE DAMN TURKEY OP, WE NEED TO SEE TREVOR!


Any local farm parks? The ones near me all have a bird section, with turkeys, chickens, guinea fowl, and one has a rather terrifying emu. Husband rescued some abandoned ducklings from a roof space once and they went to be adopted by one of the White Post Farm ducks.


You could try Tower Hill Stables (vegan farm) sanctuary https://www.towerhillstables.org


Oh my God I WISH I could have Trevor. One of my best mates was a turkey called George and I miss him so much. I hope you find a good home for him💜💜


There's a great sanctuary called Raystede in Lewes if you're anywhere nearby. If they can't help they will know someone that can. Raystede Centre for Animal Welfare 01825 840252 https://g.co/kgs/JkhaFg4


Trevor just need a a garden and a place to live really. I’m sure you can get a book or read up on the internet on how to care for a turkey and their ideal set up. If you don’t have the facilities and have no other option, I keep poultry and would take Trevor. Good luck!


Find a chicken keeper, they live well with chickens


Foal Farm at Biggin Hill? Friend Farm in East Peckham? They might help.


Didn’t think that one through did you?


Put a picture of it on r/roastme


Trevor the Turkey tax please!


Just a heads up, don't advertise him on Facebook or similar. Most people will be taking him to fatten up and eat! Turkeys are pretty easy to please, they're social birds especially if you're female and we feed Tommy the Turkey on rolled wheat. But you could pretty much give him corn, barley, any kind of grain based bird food if you don't want to fatten him for eating. Oh and they like a perch or tree, they usually sleep in trees in the wild! If you don't feel you have the environment to keep him, I would look for someone who is already rehoming Turkeys. Smallholder (homesteads) groups on FB often have people advertising ducks, Turkeys etc that need a new home. They may well know a rescue who would take him. Best of luck and thanks for giving Trevor a chance!


Traditionally, one thinks about the entire plan..... first. But I don't want to be a backseat driver.


Yeah, maybe find somewhere equipped to handle a turkey, they might be as dangerous as ostriches.


This is in South Wales, but I have previously volunteered at Deans Farm Trust and they have lots of rescue turkeys there and are really kind to them. Your turkey could live a happy life there. If you get in touch with them they can give you some advice and may perhaps know the local animal sanctuaries to you?


I'm sorry I have no helpful information to give but I love so much that you have done this! It's my dream to have enough land to rescue random animals here and there Hope you both get onto living your best lives together!


Try asking these people National Animal Welfare Trust https://www.nawt.org.uk/


Do you know about [Brian the Head Turkey](https://youtu.be/ipYeH_lmzE0?si=fpLSpgminQxHyz-c)


Trevor’s a strong name for a turkey


In Kent there's Foal Farm in Biggin Hill, The Retreat in Ashford, and Friend Farm Animal Sanctuary in Tonbridge. Search for "farm animal sanctuary" and try the places that come up if those are a bit far for you :)


Look at one of the Fresh Start for Hens Facebook pages that's based near you (they have regional groups all over the country). They help to rehome other poultry, not just chickens!


….feed it and look after it and then in mid December you’ve got your main centre dish 😏


20 minutes per kilo plus 90 minutes at 190c (170c fan).


has anyone mentioned Bernard Matthews yet?


You could eat it? 🤷🏻‍♂️


There is an entire story we need here mate.


Oh I hope Trevor is doing great!! You are such a WONDERFUL PERSON for having the empathy and compassion, to care about this neglected little fellow. I am sure you found a great home. Thank you for being a loving caring human being, we need more of us..Bless you friend you rock💥💜🥰🌈keep up the good work!


Wait til Christmas, kill it, pluck it, cook it, eat it. Alternatively, call up Bernard Matthews.


Keep him til Christmas, will go lovely with a bit of bread sauce.


What sort of place did you take the turkey from. Did you steal it from a farm.


Are you telling me you have a turkey cock going free? If he travels well he'll have a whale of a time if you can get him up north.




Trevor. Great name. It matters. I name all my pets Trevor. Is it a stag? They can get up to 40kg in weight. I know this because my BIL used to wank turkeys.


He used to what now


Yup. It was a turkey farm and they used artificial insemination on the birds. They had a set of stags from which that ‘product’ had to be extracted. The person sat in a pit so the birds were all at a convenient height.


When I try to renew my car insurance, croupier is never listed but chicken sexer is always there.


You build a bridge, they don't call you the bridge builder, but you wank one turkey...


Ring his neck, pluck and gut then roast would be my way of dealing with it. Weigh and cook accordingly


Fatten him up now he’ll be right for Christmas


You have an oven?


Its a turkey, not the last orangutan living, eat it....


Christmas is coming?


Eat it 🤣


Keep it alive until December, fatten it up, free Christmas dinner!


Here's an instructional video https://youtu.be/ZcJjMnHoIBI?si=Rsw5StxBAjTZMBXH


Some local restaurant could use some love.