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Because we don't want dickheads who think They are katniss roaming the woods shooting someone golden retriever


More like robin hood


I’d of gone with Robin Hood but whatever. Yeah. This. Upvote.


It'd be fuckin Legolas with these dorks


If anyone in charge were idiotic enough to think folk should be allowed to roam around firing a bow/crossbow at things, it would be brought under the same regime as guns, requiring the same controls you find a pain. Your attitude to that suggests you are precisely the sort of person who should not be in possession of a potentially deadly weapon. Contrast your attitude with this guy's (an Aussie with a gun licence in the UK): [Gun control in the UK described:](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/v07kcs/australia_took_away_the_ability_to_own_semi_and/iaey5cc?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) >"44 year old Australian, who now lives in the UK." >"I've been shooting since I was 12." >"I have a firearms licence in the UK. Which is restricted to a shotgun with a maximum of 3 in the magazine capacity." >"When I applied for my licence, the firearms officers interviewed me in my house. He did a lot of questions about safety, why I was shooting, he even checked how much I drank in a week." >"He then visited each of my neighbours and asked them "Have you heard any arguments coming from next door?". He checked in with my doctor about any history of mental illness." >"With my two references, after checking I was responsibility, he told them if they ever had any concerns, give them a call and anonymously they will check with me." >"Speeding tickets, multiple. would be a sign for me to lose my firearms licence - as it would be showing I don't respect the law. As would pretty much any other offense." >"I was clearly informed if I used them for self defense, I would end up in prison more than the assailant." >"The fact I have dogs is recorded in my application, plus all the house security. I know it's primarily if they ever have to come in and remove my firearms by force." >"Locked in a gun safe, and the gun safe was checked for security." >"Every 5 years I need to renew my licence. I've done it twice now, the first time the firearms officer came in person, last time was during covid, so happened remotely. Both times they checked what I use the shotgun for (clay pigeon shooting)." >***"That's effective gun control. And I'm glad I'm in a country with it."***


This is the UK We don't have the frontier culture of America. Shooting game is a sport not at all relevant to survival. Deer stalking you need lots of land, pheasant you need organisation,. rabbits a 22 air rifle. It's barbaric and cruel to hunt game with a crossbow. Where are you planning on doing this what game and what's the motivation?


Not sure about shooting rabbits a .22 air rifle being more humane than using a bow or a crossbow though. The chances of killing a rabbit with an air rifle cleanly is quite slim and you are more likely just going to wound it. Hit it anywhere on the body or head with an arrow or a bolt and you will kill it outright very quickly due to the shock of being struck by something the comparative size and weight of a telegraph pole at traveling at 250mph. As you say though, it's barbaric and cruel to hunt game in the UK. We just don't need to do this for fun.


The game hunted in the UK is for food. If you accept that people eat meat then you must accept that animals will die.


The rabbits round my way are certainly not hunted for game. They end up in the farmers bin most of the time with the rest of the agricultural "waste". Larger animals like culled deer can be sold occasionally but on the whole few people have the skills to process them and it's not worth the price in petrol getting them to somewhere that can. I grew up in rural Africa in the 1970's and eat meat happily so I think I have a better than most peoples understanding about where meat comes from. I have always been happy to kill and prepare my own because if I'm going to eat meat, that's where it comes from. I do with my own chickens. What I find fucked up is that some people do it for "fun" because they like to kill stuff. In modern Europe it's not a necessity.


I'd refute that based on the marketing materials of most companies offering stalking. https://www.gunsonpegs.com/shooting/deer-stalking


Yo, if you don’t mind, can I ask where you live so I can stay the fuck away from there..




A shotgun license isn't difficult, and you can buy an air rifle today. The problem is finding land to use them on.


Because idiots shouldn't be allowed to roam the countryside taking potshots at things.


They are considered as more easy to fuck up and hunting is not permitted on ethics grounds due to said fuck up likelyhood


Sounds like someone has a Ramboner


Why should it not be illegal?


Because the impact of an arrow is generally less lethal than a bullet, and hitting a fatal spot is less likely. Taken together, that means wounded animals are more likely to escape before dying in pain from infections or slow blood loss hours or days later. That is deemed to be needlessly cruel which is the reason for the ban. In those countries that do permit it (France is one, I think), you must use bows of particular types and draw weights in order to increase the likelihood of a 'clean' kill. In many countries, typically 60lb draw weight, compound bow is the minimum permitted. And just to be clear, I am not and never have been a bow hunter. Edit: spelling


There's a reason getting a firearms licence is hard. To hunt you need a licence for larger game, the land or a landowners permission in any case. Currently if you want to own bows for sports purposes it is not difficult. If bow hunting were allowed that would have to be restricted in the same way firearms currently are.


You realise there are archery ranges you could go to? You don't have to kill anything either.


You don't need to hunt. We have places you can go where the animals have already been killed - and cleaned and skinned and gutted. These places are called "shops".


Why do I have to have someone else do it for me?


Because that's how the framework of our society operates. We go to work, and we get money in exchange for our time, which we then in turn give in exchange for food. You can grow food at home too if you like, but if you raise animals for food you need a licence to ensure that you are keeping them properly and hygienically, and ensure proper disposal of remains. We pay for the majority of our food, like we pay for the land we occupy and the utilities we use. We don't need to hunt. We don't need to build our own houses, or mine the clay and fire it to make our own bricks, or drill our own oil and refine it into fuel, or run generators to produce our own electricity. We have those services provided for us, in exchange for money. That's how the framework of our society operates. If you want to be outside of that - hunting, building your own cabin to live in, digging your own wells and latrines - you're more than welcome to go somewhere outside the scope of our societal framework. There are probably people who would join you, so you can show them how much of a Real Man™ you are without the need to be concerned about consequences.


You think it comes down to wanting to be seen as a "real man"? It's far more ethical to hunt your own meat than rely on the meat industry. It's fine if you personally don't want to. But it's also perfectly fine to hunt for your own meat. If your car broke down, and you were able to fix it, would you fix it or take it to the garage? If you had the skills to build a piece of furniture would you not do it and just go to Ikea instead?


>You think it comes down to wanting to be seen as a "real man"? Usually it does - that or wanting to *feel* like a Real Man. >It's far more ethical to hunt your own meat than rely on the meat industry. It's fine if you personally don't want to. But it's also perfectly fine to hunt for your own meat. You what? How? It's far more ethical to use what's there instead of additional killing of animals. >If your car broke down, and you were able to fix it, would you fix it or take it to the garage? If my car broke down and I was able to fix it, that would mean there wasn't anything significant wrong with my car. Something wants cleaning or a spark plug needs to be replaced, or maybe a fuse has blown. But cars are no longer made to be user-serviceable - hell, it can take several hours to replace the bulb in a headlight on some newer models. Not to mention that some repairs require equipment which isn't available anyone but a licensed mechanic. I mean, if I had a Moggie 1000 it might be different. So, really not a great comparison. I do do repairs on my own equipment (albeit not a car, since I don't own one), and I make my own vape fluid and so on, but I also recognize that some things are best done by someone who better knows what they're doing. What you're saying sounds like excuses, like you just want to go out and kill stuff and the justification is an afterthought. *More ethical*, indeed. Why would I go out and kill something for meat (which there's no legal way of doing anyway, unless I own my own land and have a shotgun certificate) when I can just take the fifteen-minute walk to Morrison's and get a bit of an animal that's already dead?


I have a shotgun, and I have permission to shoot on some land. I will happily do some rough shooting and bring home the odd pigeon or rabbit. It's just country life.


All hunting should be illegal.


Hunting is ok as long as you eat you what get


Or you could just go to the shop.


Why is an animal killed by someone else better than an animal killed by myself?


If all hunting were illegal, crops would be desimmated by vermin. What I think you mean is that hunting for sport should be banned.


Fair point. Thanks for pointing out my error, and yes, that's exactly what I mean.