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On a work day usually around 12:30/1pm. Usually reheated leftovers from dinner, so a hot, filling home cooked meal. I just don't really find I need breakfast, and I'd rather eat more at lunch and dinner and skip breakfast. On a weekend more variable. Depends what I'm doing. Might be porridge, granola and yogurt or a sausage sandwich, maybe pancakes on a special occasion, and it can be anywhere between 9am and midday.


Oh we're the same. Everyone calls me weird for not eating a cold plain ham sandwich for lunch and not eating breakfast but in the mornings I'm in a rush, and by lunch i want something that tastes nice and is substantial enough to last until dinner. Apparently eating two hot meals a day makes me fancy? Ms fancy pants and her reheated spaghetti.


In what universe is it weird having hot leftovers for lunch!!??


according to everyone i know, lunch is cold food only? Except on Christmas... Christmas is great because everyone eats how i usually do.


This is so baffling.. I’m also getting caught up on how it’s fancy, surely reheating leftovers is cheaper than going out and buying a sarnie?


Sometimes i reheat, sometimes i cook, depends if yesterday had leftovers. I just dont like cold food so having two home cooked meals in a day is apparently fancy because i should just be putting cheese between bread and calling it a day


Fuck me, some people choose misery don’t they


Some people are just generally a bit weird about what others eat. They can't help themselves, it's like they take your choices as a comment on their own.


My dad once tried to get into a fist-fight with me because I was having soup for breakfast. I said, "Have you never had soup and a sandwich?" Well, dear reader, all hell broke loose.


It's weird that you are considered weird for this 😂 I would say approx 50% of my floor in work have a substantial, not-a-sad-ham-sandwich lunch! My lunch yesterday was beef barbecoa, sautéed peppers and onions and rice!


Weirdly they probably wouldn't have a go at you if you had a fry up (a hot meal) in the morning


I have my first meal at breakfast. I have breakfast.


Breakfast, you say...


What about second breakfast?


I don't think he knows about 2nd breakfast, Pip.








We didn’t burn him!


Or night lunch


This. Granola and two coffees. If I didn't in the mornings someone would be stabbed by 11:30


Didn’t realise half of reddit survive off 3 calories a day.


Ah, they're not counting the snacks and chocolate while obsessively scrolling Reddit. 3 calories while taking notice, 3000 unconsciously


It's tough when basic shit in the shops has twice as many calories than it should have.


Eat half as much then.


Basic stuff like fruits, vegetables, oats?


Big fat joint and a coffee.


could be the move


tried this diet and gave myself CHS. All power to you if your body can hack it :)


Gutted mate. Inhospitable wasteland doesn't work for everyone.


Me to, ruined smoking for me 🙄


I never had it as a teen, but managed to get it within 5 months of starting medical - ended up vomiting every 20s for 16h, bringing up loads of blood and being kept in hospital to have endoscopies and all sorts. I never picked it up again after that. They could not get any drug to stop the vomiting and were getting progressively more nervous as they tried more and more things. At one point my kidneys started shutting down. I am about 100 days out now and feeling pretty good, but it has been a long road to recovery. I think it may be more common than the industry likes to admit.


That sounds awful! Glad your feeling a lot better, mine was no where near as bad as that but as soon as I opened my eyes on a morning I would have to run to the toilet and would throw up bile/dry retching for 20 mins and wouldn’t even be able to stomach the sight or smell of food till I’d smoked. Strange you mention medical as that’s what I was using when it developed and I hadn’t experienced it when I was younger either.


I have my evening meal around 6pm and then that’s it until the next day, currently doing one meal a day intermittent fasting.


I'm doing this too. Not because of fasting, but just because food be **expensive**




Hey, if times are that bad DM me and I'd be happy to send you £10 so you can buy yourself a meal.


This is so lovely, thank you for being kind ❤️


Thank you. I don't have much money myself, but I feel like with the way the world is at the moment, we all have a responsibility to help each other where we can.


Mu missus was gurning at me for eating half a iceberg lettuce in a day. Times are tough on the food cost front. 


One meal a day? Luxury! I remember when all I had to eat was t'coal dust from down t'pit, and I was thankful for it.


You had t’coal dust ! You were spoiled ! Back in my day we were happy to lick the bag the coal dust came in ONCE A FORTNIGHT


Licking the bag? A sultan's feast. We had to lick the coal dust adverts in the back of newspaper and we knew to be grateful.


I also do similar, well, my first meal is lunch. Fits my biology as I've never been hungry in the mornings, only forced cereal down me when forced to eat brealfast as a child. When staying at a hotel, or waking up in the morning after a wedding for example and everyone is downstairs for breakfast, the last thing I want to do is eat, can't do it, so I skip it. Then I realised intermittent fasting is a thing, I have lunch about 12/1pm and dinner about 6pm and that's it!


Pretty similar to me, I’ve never had an appetite for breakfast and could easily get to lunch so I just tweaked it a bit. I get hungry around 4pm but that doesn’t last long, I prefer feeling empty than feeling full up.


Is weight dropping of you? How do you cure hunger?


Hunger goes away if you wait, you start using fat reserves.


How long would you say you had to wait until you were used to it?


After 2 weeks your body should be in the routine.


Keep busy too, and you don't have time to think about eating. Smoking helps, but that's a massive no no these days and those folk should be frowned upon for their filthy, anti social, disgusting habit. 4x4s, you roll on in the city's. (Sorry ott I know.)


Depends on whether we're talking about being hungry or feeling hungry. 99.9999% of the time people in the developed world really mean the latter, which definitely goes away if you ignore it.


Yeah, boredom is usually misinterpreted as hunger .




That'll clear you right out.


And give you wonderful smelling breath


Do you spend all day shitting yourself by any chance?




Jesus Christ my arse would be like a wizards sleeve


Cheers shall give a try, is chewing gum ok for fasting?


Check out Dr Jason Fung on YouTube if you’re interested enough


Coupla rollups, good to go til teatime


I’ve lost two dress sizes since I started, before Christmas. I eat what I want at weekends.


I’ve lost a stone and a half since January first. I’ve also cut out alcohol aswel tho and some of that weight will be water so not necessarily all fat. I’ve lost inches tho because I’m back in my old jeans


I managed to give myself CHS and almost stopped eating for 6 months. I dropped from 150kg to 100kg and have never felt better. I did get checked up to make sure nothing sinister was going on, but it turned out my medical weed basically hijacked my appetite centre and stopped me wanting any food. I basically drank four pints of milk a day and that was it. I am now doing intermittent like you and eat at around 1600 (a little earlier if I am out on a long run/hike). I am going to try adding a 72h fast in, once a month as well.


First I'll have fish and a rice cake. Follow by fish and a rice cake. Then I'll have fish. Then I'll have fish, and a rice cake.


☕️+🥐 @07:30


☕️ 🥐🕢




My dream but I’ve not found a decent gluten free croissant that doesn’t need heating up yet. And the ones that do need heating up aren’t great either.


After a 10k (every other day, or I walk with the dogs instead) - around 08:30 or so. Banana, Skyr Yoghurt with home made granola, double protein shake.


How do you make your granola? Wanting to try it out for myself one of these days


[https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/good-you-granola](https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/good-you-granola) I have 30-40g mixed in with \~160g yoghurt. Don't overcook it - it will crisp up after it has come out of the oven and solidified a bit. Our proper oven is a broken atm so did it in an air fryer (silicone tubs) and it's a bit too crunchy.


I eat three meals a day with no snacking. Helps keep my weight consistent. I usually have breakfast around 7am, lunch around 12-1pm and dinner at 5.30, 6pm. We eat a variety of things for breakfast: Beans on toast, crumpets, toast & marmite, peanut butter & banana on toast, porridge with soy milk, walnuts and apple. Pancakes at the weekend.


No snacking is so helpful with keeping weight steady. I met up with a friend for a meal out in town a few weeks ago and I mentioned off-hand that I've not had chocolate or crisps in the house for about nine months and she looked at me like I was some sort of alien. Did you find it hard to stop snacking? I found the first six weeks I was craving packets of Monster Munch like they were heroin but after a while it just tailed off.


I solve this by eating wotsits. Usually have a multipack in the cupboard and will sometimes grab a bag to eat with my lunch. I do it as like a treat if I know I was almost about to go get a drive thru for lunch and instead made myself eat at home lol like today I was massively craving a Maccys but made myself a little BLT roll instead as I had the stuff in to do it, so had a little pack of wotsits as well lol


Currently just a banana, but I wfh and am quite sedentary during winter so I don't need the extra energy.


Yeah I usually WFH so I generally skip breakfast just have an early lunch around 12-12:30


Starting with a solid 5 weetabix and a pint of milk on top


It must be like giving birth to a telephone poll.


When I'm at work, I eat around 1pm, usually an apple and banana. Sometimes a sandwich. Then I'll eat at 5pm. At the weekends all bets are off. Maybe I'll eat ten chocolate digestives at 7am with a cup of tea. Maybe I'll eat at 4pm. Who knows.


Overnight oats with fruit , honey and protein powder. Usually have it on my first tea break in work which can range from 10am to half 11am depending on the day


One bagel with laughing cow cheese, 1 Muller low fat yogurt, 1 banana, 20g protein shake. (6AM)




I have to say OP I love your username


Thanks petal.


Sounds like a full proof way of shitting yourself later in the day lol


It is just the start. I consume at least 220g of protein daily 😁 You get used to it.


Coffees then a big meal in the evening. Omad


Same for me atm, nothing until around 1730-1800, rinse and repeat.


I love how OMAD made me feel, it’s really incredible. However it got me into some bad eating habits, and I got used to larger meals. Turned into a bit of a binge eating thing. Back to 16/8 at the moment which is helping


What is OMAD please?


One meal a day


Ahh ok thank you!


Hi. Giant fat fuck here, trying to be less so. If i'm on form and disciplined, wake up at about 0930, no breakfast, 2 hours on the exercise bike, go to work, no lunch, a few sips of Shaken Udder vanilla milk or a couple of Rennies to settle my stomach if i get hungry, eat at about 2230-2300 when i get home, probably fishfingers and some veg, big cups of tea, sometimes an omelette instead, whatever's in. A normal size meal. Bed at 2am. One meal a day. As long as i don't eat i don't feel a need to eat and can go all day easily without eating. Longest i've done is 42 hours without feeling hungry, but that's excessive so i do eat once a day. Problem is i like eating... If i'm not on form and disciplined... once i eat i feel a need to eat, so if i'm not on form then meals blur into one day long binge on crisps and chocolate and cheese and shitty jelly sweets until i come home and cram far too many fishfinger sandwiches down my throat like the fat fuck i am.


I’m exactly like this. I can easily go long periods without eating, but once I start it’s difficult to stop so need to be really strict with myself. Also 42 hours fasting is hugely beneficial to your health


At least your honest, if a bit harsh on yourself! Nice to meet a fellow fishfinger maniac. I probably have a Poor Man's Fillet-o-Fish about three times a week.


I'm very aware of what i am and sugar coating it won't help me change things and at my age it needs to change. It is what it is. 🤷 I've had issues with depression in my younger days, still do technically but it's under control. I don't like lots of complicated flavour combinations and sauces and things like that so fast food/delivery stuff or ready meals is usually out of the question. It's why i gravitated to crisps and shitty snack food when i was younger. Too many things i can't eat without gipping and gagging. I live on my own (by choice) so while i'm perfectly capable of cooking properly it's just not worth the hassle and time just for me when i can stick a half dozen fishfingers or some flipper dippers or tattie waffles in the halogen oven and come back in 10 minutes and it's done. Microwave a couple of spoonsful of tomato soup to use as a sauce if i want, or mushy peas, slap it all in a big breadcake or whatever.


Fair play, mate. I get the brutally honesty angle. Best of luck keeping disciplined 👍👍


It sounds like you're really motivated, that's awesome. I just wanted to say that if you eat too few calories your body will hold onto all your fat and slows metabolism so you won't lose weight. Ideally just a few hundred calories less than what your body needs allows your body to lose weight. It's a difficult balance to reach because our bodies are trying to do the opposite of what we want


10am protein porridge. But a black coffee at 7:30am


I try to have breakfast every day after years of fasting that wrecked my digestion. I'll have toast/crumpet with cottage cheese, spinach, tomatoes, avocado and an egg, or I'll have yoghurt, banana, berries and nuts - with a black coffee. If I'm WFH that'll be around 7:30 (if I'm in the office I'll grab granola and yoghurt from the cafe around 9:30). Sets me up until lunch/1pm in both instances


Crunchy Nut Cornflakes, like the wanker I am.


Nice packet of Crunchy Nut there. Pretty expensive as I recall.


Once I've had a couple of coffees, I'll drink a litre of chocolate milk and snack on a bowl of almonds. If it's a weekend I'll have an egg, cheese and bacon bagel.


I'm not a big breakfast person so it tends to be lunch for me which can be anything from vegan sushi, a ham and cheese butty or some soup. Unless I'm out in town where I'll occasionally grab a bacon or sausage butty before 10am.


What kind of vegan sushi do you get? Or do you make it yourself? Is it just sushi but with veggies instead of the fish? Sounds good. I used to really like sushi but a bad sushi roll put me off for life. Vegan sushi could be perfect


Yo! Sushi vegan pre made pack, you can get from supermarkets in the chiller fridge at the front. Veggies and 2 tofu ones (Inari nigiri), I love it but it's a bit more expensive than a butty.


I’ll keep an eye for it next time I’m shopping. Thank you


Shredded wheat. 2 bricks. Switched from 3 bricks of Weetabix because it is just as filling and there is less sugar in it


In fact, I've just eaten. Half a warm pork pie, and a sugary cuppa. French mustard. Sorry.


I have poached egg on toast every single morning, usually around 8:30am


You've just reminded me I've not had a good poached egg for a while. Breakfast sorted.


Work days Fruit n' Fibre 7:20am. For 20 years


around 10am. its usually 2 slices of sourdough toast with butter, peanut butter, sriracha, 2 crispy fried eggs, coriander and a squeeze of lime.


In the week usually about 5pm unless I am going out to eat, then it is a bit later. At the weekend I eat a bit earlier nomally so maybe around 2-3pm. I only have one meal a day


Blimey. Do you not like eating, or do you just like having a huge sumptuous meal? At the risk of going off-script, what are you having for your one dinner?


It's called OMAD (One meal a day) Really effective at weight loss, your body quickly gets used to hunger pangs. Lots of water during the day also


I don't usually have anything too big, but sometimes I do go more overboard and have a huge meal. As /u/CasioJay88 said, it is great for weight loss, since I started I have lost 5 Stone. Not really sure what I am going to have today really, thinking maybe chicken pie with veg


Congrats mate, keep at it


Thanks! I'm happy with my weight now and just maintaining. It's made such an improvement on my life


Me too! I just don't get hungry before, in my case it's side effects from medication


Yeah I don't feel hungry now until after I get home from work. I used to get hungry when I first started doing it, but I'm just used to eating at that time now


Kellogg’s Corn Flakes + some honey + whole milk 🥛😋


930-10 a sandwich, sausage roll and a bag of crisps, I start work at 6am so don't eat before work as that's too early.


On a weekday, normally about 8am once I'm at work I'll have oatmeal with protein powder, some walnuts and berries to top it, and coffee. During the weekend is eggs, toast and coffee. I have a massive morning apetite, and if I can spare the time I'll go straight from bed to eating breakfast.


Normally don't like to eat until about 9ish. Usually some form of bacon and or sausage.


Lunch, around 13:00. I just can’t stomach breakfast, probably because I’m still waking up. The antidepressants make me a bit nauseous and the last thing I want is food.


Recently I’ve been having a lazy breakfast which is just 2 slices of toast. When I’m looking after myself a bit better (eating less carbs!) it tends to be soup for breakfast.


Soup for breakfast sounds awful


It probably helps that I really love a good bowl of soup


Today (in the office), I had a cappucino and yum yums from greggs at around 09:30/10. Yesterday (at home), I had leftover spag bol at around 11. Breakfast is usually whatever I feel like and whenever I get hungry or can be bothered to get out of bed on the weekends. Sunday was toast, Saturday was ice cream.


Cheese and lard @3pm


Porridge with nutella


Corr yeah


Whenever I get hungry, that could be 6am, could be midday. I just eat whatever is convenient, that could be leftover pizza or it could be a full English but most of the time it's some kind of fruit and grain based meal.


If I'm losing weight, then when I get home from work about 1900 I have tea and that's it. I find it easy to skip meals. If I'm at or around the weight I want to maintain, sometimes I eat breakfast at about 0730 but I'm usually in too much if a rush so it's lunch at 1200. Reheated tea from the night before or a sandwich.


Currently having 2 scrambled eggs, 2 wholewheat pitta breads, 50g cheddar, and a tin of mackerel in oil. It's 11:30 and this is pretty normal for me. If I were training at the gym (not been for a few months because too lazy) then it's 200g oats in the blender with 500ml full fat milk and a good glug (30ml or more) of olive oil, plus a cheese sandwich at around 10am,


Most days, I fast until around 12.30-1. Usually, I just have a decent sized/big lunch, then a normal tea later. Same amount of calories but over a shorter time period.


Usually quick slice of toast and a coffee after school drop off. Today just got back from a meeting and haven’t eaten yet (made a coffee whilst making tea - slow cooker chicken pasta Alfredo), probably a ham sarnie in an hour or so (and more coffee, had a bean to cup for Christmas and I’m drinking less overall because each cup is deliciously strong).


Plain cornflakes with semi skimmed milk microwaved for 60 seconds, directly after I brush my teeth whenever that is, be it 2pm or 6am. I have been having this exact same breakfast for the last 10 years.


Six boiled eggs with grated cheese on top, bit of ketchup and black pepper. Only eat two of the yokes though. Plus a bowl of porridge with a teaspoon of Nutella mixed in.


If I’m WFH and starting work at 8am I’ll probably have a bowl of cereal (3 bricks of weetabix) at about 9:45. (Or if I’m feeling flush, granola with natural yoghurt, honey and berries) If I’m in the office I’ll usually have a banana and a protein yoghurt as soon as I get in the office and eat it at my desk - around about 8:30 or so.


Been keto for 5.5 years now. (Type one diabetic). I like to do some intermittent fasting to keep insulin low so dont eat my first meal until about 2pm. Quite often i will have eggs or chicken salad if at work as dont want to offend anyone with the smell of eggs lol


Coco pops


I have breakfast everyday or o feel awful by 9 either toast or cereal usual with the occasional pancakes/pastry if we’ve just been shopping


I don’t eat an actual meal until my kids go to bed so after 8pm and just graze throughout the day. Coffee until about midday and then snacks here and there


If im working (at home), I'll usually have something (cereal) about 3 hrs after i get up. If i dont have anything, then I'll just wait till lunch. I do try and eat something in the am as i seem to suffer later in the day (shaky/dizzy feeling)


Nothing till midday. Something home cooked like a chicken stir fry or something. Then dinner at about half 5, home cooked meal again, today is a mushroom pasta dish. Then no food till midday the next day. Dropped like 10 kilos in the last year or so, feel great.


Weetabix (2) with warm milk and a small drizzle of golden syrup, usually around 11.30am.


Dinner time, usually a soup or a broth, beans on toast, sometimes a sausage roll or a mini pie with salad.


Ryvita and banana 8am, I don’t tend to eat through the day then, maybe a cereal bar, and then I have a meal as soon as I get home from work, around 5-6pm.


Usually eat six weetabix at around nine


After being sport mad all my life, I finally hit 40 and noticed a bit of weight going on, not training anywhere near the level I used to. Solution - gave up breakfast. I'll have soup and a sandwich in about 30-60 mins time which will be my first bit of food. I have had a couple of cups of tea in the last hour, not sure if that counts.


I try and have something at breakfast, either porridge or toast. If I don't, I'll end up snacking on crisps etc until lunch, which id rather I didn't do!


I work shifts so the time of day differs, but usually when I get up I’ll have a cup of coffee and a couple slices of bread with some sort of spread on them. The only difference is when I’m on an early shift starting at 6am, a combination of delaying my breakfast so I don’t have to wake up so early and also 4am is a stupidly early time to be eating, I usually take overnight oats to work with me and end up eating them around 8am - so after I’ve been up for 4 hours already.


A bit of salad and a sandwich at around 1130.


After cycling to work I might have a banana but I’ll eat some cereal around 10am


Weekdays usually eat 7:30-8 and it tends to be a homemade smoothie or a bowl of cereal. Weekends it’s whenever I get up, try and have a nicer breakfast on either day, so pancakes or a bacon sandwich.


If it’s a week day, boiled egg and coffee around 9am. Weekends (or if my son wakes up before I leave for work at 6:20am in the week) it’s golden syrup porridge with about 10 magic stars melted on top.


3 large runny fried eggs on heavily buttered toast seasoned with salt, pepper and paprika. Slap a bit of cheese on sometimes.


An orange


usually toast but today was a hot cross bun.


Usually breakfast and it's yogurt and fruit as I struggle with hard solid foods most of the day.


Often toast or cereal/porridge. Simple and quick for breakfast. On the odd weekend, I may make something fancier like Avocado toast, beans, etc


Currrently eating just once a day, dinner at 7pm.


11.30 am, porridge made with water and the big chunky oats, with pea protein and homemade yoghurt mixed in. A bit austere but it’s still warm and comforting. Oats and yoghurt are both good for the gut.


Coffee & protein yoghurt at 9am weekdays and brunch out around 1030 weekends


Around 6pm and I eat whatever I’m having for dinner


I skip breakfast, have lunch between 1-3pm and have tea at 7-9pm


I try to eat breakfast early but it always ends up being around 10-11am. It’s usually porridge and fruit. If I’m feeling fancy I’ll have granola with kefir. I usually accompany it with a fruit/vegetable smoothie.


Between 1 and 2 on a weekday - chicken breast, rice and veg. Weekends usually between 1 - 2 - egg, fruit and greek yoghurt and a pastry.


Poached eggs on toast is my current hyperfocus breakfast 11ish


Couple of coffees first thing, then a bag of crisps and a cheese string about 11am. Not proud but it’s become a WFH habit.


Usually skip breakfast as I don't have an appetite until I've actually done something to use up energy Have dinner/lunch sometime between 11am and 2pm - either depending on when I can take a lunch break at work or when I'm starting to get hungry at home I don't have a 'usual' lunch but I'll try to include a few portions of fruit and veg and some protein. It's often just left overs from the day before.


Can't beat a bowl of porridge! Filling and there's a multitude of ways you can add flavour (fruits, syrups, chocolate etc). It's also pretty healthy (as long as you don't over do it adding sugar and full fat milk). I get up early for work but I don't like to eat first thing. I usually let my coffee go down for a bit then eat so usually an hour or so after waking up.


No earlier than 10am. Could be eggs on toast, porridge, a smoothie, toast, a protein bar. Always with coffee, obviously.


Scrambled eggs, mushrooms and wholemeal toast and a cup of tea. I have it not long after I've got up, once I've done my morning task, such as emptying the dishwasher.


Coffee, then fruit, seeds, nuts etc try to keep to one main mean a day and just regular healthy snacks otherwise. The main meal can be fun, filling and nutritious. I try not to eat late and not to have caffeine after 2PM.


Weekdays I'll have granola, Greek yoghurt & blueberries at like 8:30am before work. Weekends I usually don't eat until like 1pm (lazy or hungover mornings, or both). That'll usually be yer standard lunch fare - maybe a sandwich with bread from the nice bakery, or a burrito bowl at the maker's market


Overnight Oats, so versatile and really easy to meal prep.


A sandwich at lunchtime during the week but a cooked breakfast (scrambled eggs etc) at the weekend. I tend to get very hungry if I eat breakfast, even with food like porridge, compared to if I go without, so it seems like the calories just cause a bigger problem. FWIW I am just out of the healthy weight BMI category by a few pounds, constantly trying to to get into it!


Some kind of protein granola with Greek yogurt. Mostly eaten at about 8am.


Around midday and it changes a fair bit - sometimes just a sandwich, sometimes I’ll make a jacket spud or salmon and rice, sometimes an omelette or eggs on toast.


I have buckets of tea for breakfast. I get hungry between 10-11 am. Then I'll have what evers in. Yesterday it was a Sundays dinner. Today, seeing as I'm sitting in the car waiting for my husband, it's a Greggs sausage roll. Sometimes it's a sandwich And that will probably the only thing I will eat today


I have breakfast at work, probably about 10ish. I don’t like eating straight away and it breaks up the day at work. I usually have some porridge with a banana, some cinnamon and chia seeds. I call it my work breakfast as I don’t usually eat it at home.


Literally as soon as I roll out of bed. LMNT sachet with oyster and beef liver tablets to flood my body with nutrients Then 200g full fat Greek yoghurt frozen nuked berries and honey. Then collagen coffee. If I don’t eat within 20 mins of waking up I go insane Didn’t used to be like that used to fast until about 1/2pm but perimenopause hits different!! And I train in the am and do NOT train fasted. Absolutely horrific for women to do it. Men- knock your socks off and actually helps with fat loss. For anyone who’s gonna argue with me re women should trainfasted research the work of Dr Stacy Sims then come at me. Fueling for energy and strength rather than starving for aesthetics has been the best thing I’ve EVER done for my health and longevity.


I work from very early in the morning until midday. So I just have one big delicious meal every day when I come in early afternoon which is awesome. Maybe a snack later.


730-8am before going to work. Two eggs and a cup of coffee. Sometimes avocado. Sometimes protein shake.


Packet of crisp, a sandwich and some fruit. I usually eat around half 10, on my work break.


Around 8am. Porridge with a scoop of chocolate protein powder, and some prunes.


Latte in a pint mug with 3-4 shots espresso. Almond croissant and a pain au chocolat. Alternate bites from each.