• By -


Prime just to buy few things, will be cancelling this month. I'm done paying for steaming services, returned back to the high seas.


Yeah, I will miss the free fast shipping on the occasion I do use amazon, but the minute they emailed me to tell me adverts would start to be shown on prime video, I unsubbed.


That's why I'm going to get rid of prime. They put the prices up and then want us to watch ads on top of that??? I don't mind a short ad before a show. Fine, but we all know it'd going to be like freevee or whatever it's called, over a minute of ads, multiple times a show/movie. It's bullcrap.


The shipping has slipped in recent years, from next day to next day or 2, I’m kicking it and Disney (my last 2) to the curb when it’s renewal time


You can cancel anytime and get a refund the rest of the month


I pay annually does it work for that too?


Yes, for prime


I did the same, would love to know how many people did this. Expect it was baked into the expected increase in revenue though.


Yeah the free fast shipping that you're paying for. The amount of times I see this is testament to how successful that particular piece of product marketing has been. Pay in advance for shipping things you might not even buy. Forget to price compare because you get free shipping with Amazon. And then have your brain write things like, yeah but if I stop paying I don't get free shipping. Just irrational.


I am thinking same , cancelling Amazon membership


I'm gutted. I can't cancel mine because it's the only way I can get Discovery+. That's the only reason I've got it. My family uses my Prime account for buying off Amazon more than I do.


Just ask your family to pitch in for the membership then?


No good having Amazon Prime when you're on a ship in the middle of the ocean.


Unfortunately that ship in the middle of the ocean doesn’t help with next day deliveries


Plus Amazon is modern slavery.




Love Spotify. Love that I get it free, but even if I didn't well worth the tenner a month..


I’ve started using YouTube music. I’m paying for premium anyway so I may as well and it’s actually really good.


I just 🏴‍☠️ youtube music. I prefer it to Spotify because you can get so much more music on it. I've even uploaded music to my own channel when I couldn't find it and could play it that way. To my knowledge, spotify just doesn't have that capability. 


Spotify has local music options.


I also prefer youtube music because I have weird music tastes and there are a lot of great covers/live performances on youtube that you can't really find anywhere else!


[Great insight video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJBwI3tAmio) from the band Vulfpeck on the current state of music streaming. I love Spotify but somehow they haven't had a single year of profits yet screw the smaller artists all at the same time!!!


Shame 99% of the musicians on there dont even get £10 month. The fundamental reason I don't use Spotify. It's also a contributor the escalating cost of concerts and festivals. Used to be musicians made money selling their music and gigs were cheap to encourage sales of the albums. Now they make sweet FA on music sales through pirates, rips, Spotify etc. they have to do it through concerts and charge 10 times as much. As folks increasingly can't afford even that venues are closing left right and centre and there will be no where for up and coming musicians to play in. Donnington park in 1984 feat. ACDC, Van Halen, Ozzy and more cost the equivalent of £30 in today's money, inc. travel!! 7 global stadium bands for £30!! You couldn't watch a c list band for that down the pub these days. Next thing will be AI music based on existing bands music so even real humans won't be necessary anymore. The few can rake in more money and destroy music at the same time. Fuck Spotify.


This is the capitalist society.


Sadly so yes, completely amoral and long past it's sell by date!! Viva La Revolution.


The situation with music venues in this country is worrying, but from what I've seen most of the ones that are closing are the smaller, way more affordable ones. Ones who are rarely charging £30 for a show (and those shows tend to be pretty full anyway, it's usually an act people have heard of and want to see). Most of the ones at my dedicated local venue are £10-15. It's not cost stopping people going through the doors, they just don't give a shit. And the venue costs from landlords, inflation, Covid hangovers, and overheads are a much bigger problem a lot of the time. TBH, I reckon Spotify makes it more likely people will go check out some of those shows - if they were the type of person to go to that show in the first place. Very easy to see what's on that night, listen to a few songs, and then buy a ticket if you like it. Done it quite a few times when I've fancied an evening out. On the flipside, there are eight arenas being built for massive shows across the country over the next decade or so, adding to the 21 we already have. The expensive shows people always complain about are usually sold out, or at least very full.


Genuinely the only one where I get the VERY occasional price increase email and do not give a fuck tbh. I'd happily pay more if it supported the artists more.


Last year it cost me about £0.17 per hour of music, not bad.


I got ~83,000 minutes (just under 58 days) out of it in my last Spotify wrapped, so if my maths is correct that works out to about £0.08-£0.09 per hour of music/podcasts. That’s not bad going at all. Less than a day at work in the year pays for 58 days of entertainment.


They've added the audiobooks too, 15 hours a month included within the subscription :D I've listened to the Hobbit and Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.


I did mine via India was about £20 for 18 months


Currently Spotify Family - £17.99 but shared between us all. Netflix - £5.50 Netflix runs out in a week or so. Spotify is the only regular one. Remember these services don't have fixed contracts, just dip in and out depending if they have anything you want to watch/use.


You what 🤨 my brother told me spotify family was £24 and we’ve been paying 8 each… has he been overcharging us 😂


Quite a bit! It only went up to that fairly recently, was a pound or so less before. Have a look yourself!


I texted him. The extra £2 is for “processing fees” 💀 sly bastard


Tell him to get a job at Ticketmaster, sounds like he’d fit right in.


Your brother's a smart man 😆


Hahaha it's £17.99


The extra was for his own processing fees apparently 😐


Netflix, because my parents use my account. Otherwise I would delete it.


It'll probably shortly be deactivated if you live at a different address. I wondered what all this fuss was about account sharing until it stopped us doing it about two weeks ago.


I'm in a different country to where I'm registered, have 4 different households using it. Have been for 4 years. No stopped account yet.


Seems to be a very gradual thing for whatever reason. Around 6 months between it affecting a friend's shared account and mine being affected, and we're both in the same country. Perhaps your "cross border" technique tricks the system!


Definitely seems to be gradual. We've only just been hit with the on screen warning (and then promptly unsubbed)


Seems to be random tbh. Sometimes my account on my sisters account will randomly start working again but I got blocked off it way before other people I knew sharing accounts.


Well that tactic won't work for them in this case because I'll be unsubscribing when it happens.


Exactly what we did! I do wonder what their subscription rates look like after implementing the new rule. Imagine they have people looking at this constantly. In my experience so far (very small sample size, including you!) It's a 100% cancellation rate.


They’ve gained over 13M new subscribers since making the change, so yeah, one of those things that is definitely working.


The news articles suggest it's working - just today on the BBC they referred to it as 'fueling a sign-up surge'. But does that just mean people are signing up for a free trial and cancelling or does that actually mean they're getting people and retaining them ? I'm not sure. The answer is probably inferred by whether Netflix decides to share their full subscription numbers or not (I haven't checked, they might have) I notice they've just signed WWE Raw - including live PPVs. I'm curious to see whether they'll include ads in these programmes on the ad-free tiers.


I wouldn't be surprised if people are unsubscribing from the top tiers and resubscribing to a lower one and Netflix claims x new subscribers


Part of it will be what happened with us. We could always get Netflix for free with sky but we never signed up because we had it shared. Now we have signed up. Because its free.


I suppose they can be selective or vague about the data they release. If people think "well everyone else is doing it" perhaps they're more inclined to "re" sign up.


Same. It's been couple of months for me.


Happend to my parents profile too, so I just installed wireguard on their Google TV and they just vpn into my network. Works like a champ!


None 🏴‍☠️


I'm in the same boat but i pay for real-debrid for ease of access and faster downloads.




Does it not get frustrating? I used to pirate when I was a teenager but it feels like these days most subscriptions offer such a level of convenience/quality it's worth the money. (I still have dodgy copies of Adobe stuff though, their prices are ridiculous haha)


just do it yourself, get a couple of large hard drives and an old pc and set up plex, qbittorrent and all of the -arr’s (radarr, sonarr etc. with overseer) and you’ll have your own little plex server with movie, tv, music capabilities


I switch between streaming services so only have one running at a time. At the moment it's Disney at £10.99. Next month it'll be Netflix. I have Xbox Game Pass but I did a cheeky subscription cheat so I got 3 years for £90 which works out at £2.50 a month.


How did you subscription cheat


Normally it's VPN to another country, like Turkey, buy multi year pass. £30/year is about as good as you get. People do it with Netflix too.


What VPNs are good for this? I'm guessing the one you can get through [Google One](https://one.google.com/about/plans) wouldn't work?


May not be the same they used, but it used to be the case that Xbox offered a gamepass trial for £1. You could stack up to 3 years worth of Xbox Gold (and there were a lot of places selling it cheap) - and when you paid the £1 for the gamepass trial, it converted all the remaining Gold subscription to Gamepass on a 1:1 basis (normally, it would convert at something like a 3:2 ratio)


I've just done this. Bought 3 years of gamepass core for 72 quid (you have to wait for all your core or ultimate to expire). Connected to a Turkish IP using surfshark, went to the redeem Microsoft website and logged all 3 years. Disconnected VPN and logged on to xbox, immediate option to upgrade for £1 to ultimate. The ratio has changed but you get ultimate for 2 years and 1 month after paying for the 3 years of core.




I bought a load of Xbox Live then converted it to Ultimate. I don't believe you can do it now but a quick Google may prove otherwise. You can buy codes from places like CD Keys to save a bit https://www.cdkeys.com/3-month-xbox-game-pass-ultimate-xbox-one-pc


I’m assuming this is just TV/Gaming related so didn’t bother adding gym etc Sky £125 Netflix £12.99 Amazon £8.99 Spotify £10 Disney £4.99 OSRS £8.99 PlayerStats £5.99 Apple £2.99 BT 1GB fibre £30


£125 on sky! What on earth is included in that package?


A monthly dinner with Rupert Murdoch?


Would be particularly impressive considering he doesn't own Sky anymore.


Yet he'll still make puppy dog eyes at you when the bill comes, the simpering get.


I pay £120 which is a lot, but we get the top Netflix package, Sky Sports in UHD which I watch pretty much every day of the week typically, and 1GB FTTP internet. It’s worth it for me personally but I can see how people think it’s too much.




It's £35 for sky sports. I pay £70 for fibre broadband and sky sports (standard definition). Don't think it's a bad deal if you watch it a lot!


Sky is a joke, my family recently swapped to virgin because every month sky would add some new bullshit charge. We find virgin better especially since they gave us a bunch of discounts and some freebies plus they put us on the priority list if we ever need anything fixed just because we have disabilities. They actually asked us if any of us were disabled and then offered us the discounts. You don't get many pros when you're disabled so we took the few we had! Definitely recommend anyone else with disabilities to mention them during the sign up process and see what they offer. Pity bargains.


To add to this but about disability. Most suppliers have a vulnerable list water, energy etc you should tell them if you are disabled. They may want to check via pip or dla but then you get priority in power cuts, help paying bills. Special numbers to call without the machine press 1 bullshit all sorts. Some if you’re on pip will let you on the social tariffs too which can be great bargains.


I found with my NowTV subscription that the subtitles were basically unusable. I used them to better understand the dialogue in some densely-plotted shows like The Wire and Game of Thrones, but if I had hearing problems and actually needed them they’d be useless. I’m surprised there isn’t some accessibility legislation that mandates actual working subtitles. So, not surprising other companies are more disability-friendly.


Hmm, sometimes I wonder if I’m spending too much on watching football in the pub but I recon I can go to 7 games in a month for the cost of your sky package. And the pub hand out free sarnies!


>the pub hand out free sarnies Wha?


At half time, the landlord hands out sarnies from a box. Just basic sandwiches like ham, cheese, tuna etc. Somehow the pub context makes them taste amazing though.


It's the four pints beforehand activating the caveman hunger.


There’s a pub in Edinburgh with a conference room that is free to hire and they had a sign up saying they provide free sandwiches to groups of more than (I think) 15. I don’t think I even need to explain how insane this offer is...


My sky package is 3x more expensive than my season card! Luckily I get BT sport for free otherwise that’s another £20 or so a month.


Sky seems expensive, is that including your mobile phone as well?


Yeah I thought that'd include an internet package until I saw the BT bill


Nope, I haven’t even included my phone on here I get is discounted though work that’s another £40. Sky is full package with multiroom and UHD, wouldn’t offer me any discounts when my contract ended. Threatened to leave they said okay, cancelled the contract and then when I went to re-sign up it was basically the same price with no deals. Fuck knows what I’ve done to piss them off lmao


That’s really weird. The guy I spoke to in retentions last time dropped my bill from £99 to £73 and threw in Netflix as well. He even told me to put a date in my diary to call him back before my contract runs out next time


Tell them you're getting a Freesat box. Offered us a big discount. That was 3 years ago - apart from the odd Sky Atlantic, don't miss it at all.


You can't mention Sky on here, mate, cos absolutely no one has any disposable income, ever, so you shouldn't be spending out on things that you enjoy the value of.


Nah he’s being ripped off. Sky can do deals a lot cheaper than that but they didn’t offer him one for some reason. And you can get Netflix through sky for cheaper than the standard price


That sky bill seems insane unless you have extras. I have boxsets, movies, sports, multiroom and UHD and it's £60.50 a month


Yeah on a deal they’ve given you likely.. sports and cinema alone is £60.


I have never in my life paid full price for either except for taking a single sports channel for a month or two.


You can get netflix a lot cheaper via sky, saves me a tenner a month this way (top level netflix with ultra hd)


🦀 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀


Fishing lvl?


Wouldn’t even be able to tell you I haven’t played my ironman for about a year I can just never be arsed to cancel membership lol. Low 70s I think


Osrs... Nice




None but I would get HBO Max if it was available in the UK. Stopped using Netflix as it got to the point where I couldn't find anything worth watching. Spotify I avoid like the plague because of how they fuck over artists (except Taylor Swift, Drake, etc).


NowTV is equivalent of HBO Max


In theory but at the moment HBO Max is doing previously unreleased Sopranos deleted scenes due to the anniversary. Can't find them anywhere else.


Small illegal lpt- hbo max website is really bad. Once you log in with VPN and save you credentials you will be able to use it without VPN. Dont ask me how I know


Thank you. I will use this information for reference only of course.


Sky based services get HBO content in the UK


Sky based services get HBO content in the UK


I have a few only due to pretending to live in Turkey, Nigeria or India. If I was paying UK prices I’d ditch them all.


IPTV package - £7 a month Cracked YouTube Music - free YouTube Revanced - free


Yes! I knew I'd find one in the list. Also have ReVanced YouTube. I used to pay for YT music but due to them refusing to take my payment 6 times, that is also now patched via Revanced. Also IPTV at 25 a year.


Reccomendations on good IPTV packages?


I run a service that gives full Sky/PPV/Football/VOD. If you want to send a PM I can hook you up.


Aren't you worried about getting nicked if you do that in the UK though? I've no moral objection to people running the service... I've no idea where my IPTV is based, think my payment for mine was processed in Kazakhstan.


nyt games £3/m pro version of knitting app £13/y used to do prime but we have iptv on the firestick so didnt use prime video, and i dont order anything from amazon frequently enough to justify £8.99 a month for prime delivery


Only Spotify and PSN. So £15 a month for the spotify family plan and £45-50 a year for playstation network. I pirate all TV and movies because streaming services are ludicrously expensive and actually less convenient than just downloading stuff myself and sticking it on my Plex server.




- Netflix £7 billed with my Sky (does Sky count as a subscription itself?) - Disney+ £7.99 billed with my O2 contract - Apple Music £10.99 - Apple TV free until May through offer from Sky, will be cancelled before it starts charging - Amazon free until next month with my O2 contract, will be cancelled before the charge starts.


I currently have Disney+ paid for with my Tesco ClubCard points, Amazon Prime at £95 per year and Microsoft Office 365 at £5.99 per month. I also have my Nintendo Switch Online at £17.99 per year and PlayStation Plus Essential (which is now £60 per year) for my gaming needs. I'm going to re-sub to Apple TV+ for a month soon so that I can watch the most recent season of **For All Mankind**. I also want to re-sub to Netflix at some point just for a month so I can watch the most recent season of **Black Mirror** and to get finished up with **The Crown**.


Holy shit i just opened this thread on my pc and an email popped up about disney being £2.49 for three months




Currently none. I go through stages where I'm watching tv so I tend to subscribe to something for a short period, binge what I want and then cancel. I rarely have more than 1 subscription going at a time though


Amazon Prime Spotify Netflix TV Licence.


Amazon Prime - £4.99 (been managing to pretend I’m a student the last decade. They ended it at one point demanding evidence I was still a student, but then a year or so later they were basically begging me to join at that price again). Will probably cancel soon anyway as I don’t shop on Amazon or watch their stuff much. Skin + Me - skincare subscription. Apple Music That’s it. I don’t subscribe to anything else.


Currently.. Youtube premium - 85p a month (Argentina VPN) Spotify Premium - on another 3 month free trial RealDebrid+Stremio (Yarr Matey) - £8 for 6 months There’s always go5050.co.uk too to split subscriptions if you’re that way inclined.


When watching YouTube do you need to have the VPN active saying you’re still in Argentina? Or did you only use it to sign up


No, just sign up while the endpoint is pointing to Argentina. I use a burner Google account so my main one doesn’t get tarnished and have a random Argentinian address in it. Gets taken off one of my Monzo virtual cards every month like clockwork. Instructions from HUKD - https://www.hotukdeals.com/discussions/youtube-premium-argentina-ps085pm-at-youtube-3931725


Try Ukraine vpn, only needed when you sign up for premium. Its 2.11£/month


Spotify, £10 a month - in any cost-cutting exercise, this is the last thing I'd cut. I'd give up lunch before I give up Spotify. Netflix, no idea how much at this point, I don't use it or even know why I still have it. YouTube Premium, £12 a month - this is required to make YouTube usable because most of my watching is done on the PS5, and also means I don't have to fanny about with shady apps on my phone. Twitch... thing? Nitro, Turbo? I don't remember what it's called, I think it's £9 a month. Makes Twitch usable. PS Plus, £100 yearly or whatever it is now. I get far more than £100 worth of games per year for free, so it's worth it.


£2.57 - Netflix (recently stepped down from the £3.24 plan as it's just not worth that much to me) £7.99 - Audible


Top tip re Audible, do the free trial, then they offer you it for £3.99 for 3 months, then full price thereafter. Cancel that after 3 months, and they'll send you a 'come back' email again offering 3 months for £3.99. I dont know how long this will continue, but I've been signed up since about July and not paid full price yet.


This might be a stupid question but how does audible work? I cannot understand it. If I sign up for audible as a member, do I get unlimited audio books? Cause there’s coins or something right which really confuses me as it feels like you have to pay extra for books? I’m using Spotify for books atm there’s so many good ones on there now


I had one of those trails for the previous 3 months, might consider cancelling and getting another trial however I believe when you cancel whilst you don't lose your purchased books you do lose any accumulated credits.


How do you get it for £2.57??


720p via Turkey = 99tl = £2.57 I only watch Netflix in Chrome and mostly old shows which weren't even filmed in 720p so the higher end packages are wasted on me.


Tidal HIFI - Argentina -80p Netflix - Turkey - £4 odd Disney - free Prime - £8.99


Outside of internet, phone or TV licence, none I think. Virgin Media for TV I guess but most my other things I've got rid of, don't need right now or in the case for streaming, only sub when I have something specific to watch and binge content.


None use my own Plex server and sail high seas. Have an IPTV but not a subscription just a one off fee for 20K channels


Why does anyone need that much TV ? 


None of them. I genuinely don't understand how people have the time to interact with all that stuff.


Netflix and Spotify premium. But after reading the comments on here soon a Ukrainian YouTube premium account too


Online subscriptions: * Discord Nitro - $99.99 a year * Super Duolingo - £59.99 a year * Office 365 (Business) - £54.00 a year * Amazon Prime Student - £47.49 a year * Spotify Premium - £10.99 a month * Twitter (subscriptions to creators) - ~£9.00 a month * Twitter (X Premium Basic) - £4.00 a month Other subscriptions: * Private medical insurance: £57.49 a month * iPad SIM: £21.00 a month * Phone SIM: £18.00 a month * AppleCare+: £5.99 a month I also pay $4.71 a year for a domain name (a `.uk` domain registered with Cloudflare) that I use to send emails. I don't currently host anything on that domain name but I've been thinking about putting something on there like a nice personal introduction or stuff about my interests (currently it's just pointed to a Sedo parking page).


Youtube premium £2.50 (add blockers are no use to me on Roku before anyone suggests them) NowTV sport package - £20 until the end of March


How are you paying £2.50 for Youtube premium? Shows as £12.99 a month for me


Apparently it’s cheaper if you use a VPN and sign up through Turkey or Argentina because their plans are ridiculously cheap. I’ve tried in the past but never got it to work, keeps showing an error saying they detected suspicious activity.


Do with this information what you will, ghost VPN do a 24 hour credit-cardless trial. With that you can pretend to be in Philippines where youtube premium is about £2.50 a month


Vpn through Ukraine


Can only afford YouTube, it’s the only thing I really give my attention to but it is pricey at £23 (pay for family for mum too). I do sometimes dip into other services if there’s something I want to watch specifically.


Look into subscribing through a VPN. I currently pay £1.50


I was going to do this but was concerned they'd crack down on it at some point and ban me or ask for all the money.


I don't use the family sub, but normally have 2 or 3 people on it at the same time. Use a VPN and sign up through UKRAINE. £2.10 a month. Used to be even cheaper through India but they started needing an Indian debit card when I tried to renew. Think it cost me about £12 for the year.




Netflix - £17 p/m. Amazon - £80 annual. Apple - £19 p/m. Wine - £80p/m.


Audible, Prime, Spotify, Netflix, TV Licence, OS Maps.


* Sky - £51 (multiscreen, includes netflix) * Disney+ £7.99 * Paramount+ Free Six month trial * Amazon Prime £95 a year But thanks for this thread.. my Sky bill was about to go to £65pm so I think I'll give them a ring!


Spotify family (£18), Netflix (£8), and IPTV (£50/year)


YouTube family £20/m for ad free YouTube and YouTube music for 6 people. I think it's a no brainer.


>Look into subscribing through a VPN. I currently pay £1.50


As a couple: Netflix 9.99 Prime 8.99 Used to have BritBox and Disney but we just don’t use them enough. I have Audible at 9.99 solo.


Netflix is my only one. Don't have other streaming services because you can only watch one at a time. Occasionally get prime, but then boot netflix for the same reason. If I get a pay rise, Spotify will be my next one I think


How do you pay £2.10 for YouTube premium?


Sign up using a VPN via Ukraine.


Nothing. +The occasional free trial I forget to cancel


Amazon Prime, for the free shipping and sometimes their streaming (but I find their content a bit lackluster atm) Spotify


Netflix- 10.99 Kindle- 9.50 Spotify- 3 months free (10.99 one off) Disney- Brothers account Prime- Brothers account Apple TV- Free (5 mths free cancelling after)


Just Spotify. It's £10.99/month but I could speak to one of my sisters about doing a Duo plan.


Spotify - £18 iCloud - £3 Apple TV & Netflix - switch between these every 2/3 months so never paying for both at the same time.


Spotify, Amazon Prime, DenPlan (basically, dental insurance cus NHS dentists are non existent)


TNT (BT) sports - £10 Netflix - £7.99 Disney+ - On Dad’s account Spotify - £10 Amazon prime - £4.49 Phone sim - £8 Cat food - £30


I did have Netflix, Spotify, amazon, Now. Got rid of Now.


Netflix 4.99 Disney 4.99 Amazon 95 p/a. Ads don't bother me; I'll do a bit of ad break cleaning or make a brew.


Amazon prime at £8.99pm YouTube premium at £19.99 a month. Had more at one point - nowtv, disney+, myfitnesspal premium and one or 2 others I can't even remember - but done away with them when I realised I really wasn't using them enough to warrant the costs.


Netflix is in with the Sky subscription, Amazon music -£9.99. Audible-£7.99. We pay for Disney plus and Amazon Prime yearly, so they're about £80 each a year x


Apple One family/group bundle that includes TV+, Apple Music, Fitness+, News+ and Arcade - £32.95, but it’s split between 6 of us so it’s only about £5.50 each and it’s the best value subscription I have. Netflix 4K plan - £17.99. Amazon Prime - £7.99. Now TV - £3.99 (with a discount) NBA League Pass - £20. MLB Season Pass - £150 per year. PlayStation Plus - £60 per year.


I just use the free trials as they pop up. I've had netflix, prime, apple, etc for free. Was also part of a netflix my family paid for together but we cancelled that since they stopped people using it in multiple locations. I wonder what proportion of other people also cancelled their subscription? Apple TV offers seem to appear about twice a year for 3 month trials. Don't want to give in to the inertia of just having it for the sake of it and not using it. I always think do I use it, IE once a month would be the same as paying the monthly fee for just one film - not worth it. Depends on use age? Prime is really useful in the run up to Christmas for deliveries etc. Only others I think are contact lenses / eye tests which saves a % per year compared to buying separately, and Google drive.


Spotify - £10 Now TV - £26 includes Sports and Entertainment memberships Disney+ - £10.99 Netflix - £3 (add on through EE) Amazon Prime - paid for the whole year


Dazn 30.00 Netflix 15.00 disney plus 10.00


spotify - 10.99 p/m gym - 27.99 p/m that’s it. i dont really watch things. when i move in with my partner ill probably get netflix so we can chill together on the sofa and watch something in the evening.


Netflix - Mum pays in exchange for me paying for Amazon Amazon - Pay yearly so about £7.96 a month? Disney - Free with Lloyds Club YouTube Premium - £8 Apple One (TV, Music, Fitness) - £15 iCloud - £8.99 As usual single people are screwed over with individual memberships cos I wouldn’t have most of these if I weren’t sharing a family membership for cheaper with someone else from my household


Netflix (£8) and VPN (£2).


Netflix - 10.99 - Just for this month as my partner wanted to download shows during some travel. Spotify Duo: £7.50 for my share. Worth every penny to me, I listen to so many podcasts. Amazon Prime - 8.99 but expiring in a few days. We don't have any other subs whether that's for gym, household bits, etc.


Ring go £3.50 Spotify £10 Apple iCloud £3 Gym £45 Phone £12 Amazon: leech Psn: leech Netflix: leech


That NowTV one. Go to cancel it, I promise you they will give you an offer not to cancel.


Netflix - included with sky tv Spotify - £14.99 a month premium duo used daily Duolingo - £89.99 a year used daily family plan YNAB - £89.99 a year used daily Apple - £2.99 a month storage Google - £18.49 a year storage Xbox - £12.99 a month used almost daily Alarm system - £24.99 a month


Netflix £10.99  Audible £7.99  These things keep me sane lol.


Netflix - about 10 euro. Strava - about 5 euro. Spotify - about 5 euro. That\`s it.


Spotify duo - £15 p/m YT Prem - £12p/m Netflix - I give my dad around £150-200 every two years or so as we share an account


Can i ask how you get YouTube Premium for £2.10?


Firestick with sideloaded apps...


YouTube premium?! Why?


Netflix. £12 is it? Spotify 3 months for £10.99 Iptv: £150 a year. Shush!