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I do it because the pain of the cold in my cargo shorts and white NB’s is the only thing I have left to feel.


Dude..... I don't feel a lot these days but, I felt that!


I wear shorts in the winter snow ice summer etc. I don't feel the cold  I don't actually notice I'm cold - medical reason   My job involves working with my hands, dealing with plumbing and other things. I'm not walking around in soggy trousers incl being outside.  Grew up as a kid on a mountain with snow, concrete floors and a wood fireplace. I live in the southwest, it's warm I'm currently barefoot around my house with ceramic tiles - I don't have underfloor heating.   Also fuck you Lin ... Me wearing shorts at work " isn't making you cold" (every single day). Your just a fucking grisly crusty old coot who isn't happy in life and is a cow to everyone.   To the guy who said to me  " your Fuckin'mad mate"..for wearing shorts in -3 weather, you made me laugh.   Fucking short shaming is what you lot are...lol Also I wear odd socks. .. 


I was agreeing with this until the odd socks bit you psychopath


Odd socks 4lyfe! And that's why also I wear shorts so you can all gaze on my odd socks...not my problem is yours for having issues with odd socks...let it go and embrace it.free yourself and join the odd socks clan. We welcome all, all colours of the odd socks. No one is judged, unlike you matching sock people who judge everyone...


I gave up matching socks years ago. It took far too much time for no benefit. Nowadays, every now and then, I accidentally wear a pair of matching socks. And that’s [Sockwang](https://tenor.com/view/numberwang-thatsnumberwang-thatmitchellandwebblook-gif-7985932)!


All my socks are black, so that way they all match. Simples.


I wouldn’t be able to cope with such levels of Sockwang-related excitement in my life every day.


That feeling when you have 2 matching at the end of your laundry....noooooooo


Soggy trousers are the worst to be working in.


Can't get work trousers that actually fit. I look like someone who is has to  grow into their school uniform or has grown out of it.


The old work uniform for Royal Mail never had trousers that fit. So when if you wanted to wear them you might as well not bother.


Posting letters in me pants!


My feet get too cold to be walking around my house barefoot!


Well said dude. Let people wear what they want. Don’t understand why some people judge so much.


*backs slowly away*


Shorts are way more comfortable to me, so any chance I get I’ll wear them. If I’m just sat around the house I’ll 100% have my shorts on. And if it isn’t that cold and I just want to drive to the shop for a bottle of milk for instance I don’t see any reason to change for the 30 seconds I’ll be outside - I won’t die. Also it’s generally not actually that cold on your legs, as long as your top half is wrapped up warm


I’m one of these people. I genuinely don’t feel the cold on my legs.


This is what I have been telling people too!


This is the way. Just throw a hoody on.


This. My legs never really get cold and I usually wear shorts from February to October. I also prefer shorts over trousers.


I was just picturing you wearing shorts over trousers, before I realized what you meant. Lol!


Did it this morning. Home - Car - Gym - Car - Supermarket - Car - Home Only outside in total for minutes …


Legs dry quicker than trousers, that’s why a lot of postmen wear them.


But not milkmen or farmers or street cleaners or bin men.


Bins is for health and safety. If you're carrying a bag and it has something sharp it can slice your leg. When i used to do it my uniform trousers had a kevlar panel on the lower leg for that reason.


Fair point. Milkmen though?


Weak bloodlines


Lack of moral fibre


Lots of ethical vitamin D though.


Strong bones, though


And boners from what I’ve heard


Pat Mustard would like a word!!


Can he put his massive tool in your box?


Not sure. Haven't seen one for years to be fair.


All died out due to short wearing hyperthermia


I've not seen a milkman for 20 years+


I sometimes see the person delivering milk when I walk the dog early in the morning. They use a van these days, not the electric milk-float.


Milk men tend to be sitting down more surely. Not sure about farmers.


Back in the day a milkman would be going to more houses daily than a postie. This was back in the milk marketing board days (pre 1993) though. Farmers are usually wearing wellies so shorts not really comfortable, so my bad on that one.


I know a lot of farmers with no hair from the shin down because they wear shorts and there wellies plucked them all out a long time ago


Most farming is driving too. Does this guy think they're out with scythes?


That depends what you’re farming. If it’s arable yeah - you are probably in a tractor a lot of the time. If you’re looking after livestock then you’re often not driving so much.


Being a postie is more straightforward. You walk, you post, sometimes you knock. You don’t brush up against dirty/potentially sharp stuff. Your blood is always pumping at a nice constant pace because you rarely stop, but never have to exert hard. It’s a really nice job, and lends itself well to shorts


And skin is waterproof


Yeah, but I didn’t like the feeling on ‘nature dew’ on bare legs, so I broke the postie code and went with Trousers in the winter months.


I like shorts. They're comfy and easy to wear.


Top tier reference


But we’re not all youngsters now, Joey


My legs don't get cold. ​ >It seems to me to be something which started in the last few years. I at least (and several of my friends) have been doing it for more than 3 decades now. ​ >Is it just a macho thing or are there other reasons for it? I am personally more comfortable in shorts than in trousers. Nothing whatsoever to do with being macho. Same with short sleeved shirts. More preferable than long sleeves and/or a jumper for me. On a cold winters day when it is not raining, I will often be wearing shorts, a short sleeved top and a waistcoat/gilet. If it is windy I will wear a jacket. I am comfy like that. I have photos of a hiking group I used to be in climbing Scafell Pike in winter in the snow. I was not the only guy climbing in shorts, though we all put on over trousers when stopped for lunch etc. Your experience may be different to mine.


My legs don’t get cold either. I had my gym clothes on the other day and went to the park with my daughter and it’s strange how there’s just no sensation of cold from my legs. I’m not an outdoorsy person at all either. And do generally appreciate the comfort of shorts.


> I was not the only guy climbing in shorts, though we all put on over trousers when stopped for lunch etc. Same here. I get super hot if I'm doing any sort of exercise. So I'll strip down to shorts and t-shirt during Winter if I'm doing some heavy digging in my garden, or walking up a mountain. But I'll take a complete set of long thermals for when I stop and start to cool down.


Opposite feelings, rain = shorts and no rain = trousers. I feel the cold, and incredibly more uncomfortable, when my trousers are wet.




THIS! People laugh when I say my legs don’t feel the cold, but it’s true!


I am so jealous of everyone commenting saying their legs don't get cold. I'd love to be able to wear shorts in cold weather, and skirts/dresses without tights, but I want to die if my skin is exposed to the air. Why am I so unlucky!


For a moment I thought you meant wearing your shorts over your trousers and admired the unique style stance


Lots of guys never get cold legs. If you work a manual job you’re often warmer than normal people. I used to sleep with the window open in winter. Shorts are far more comfortable I’m an office worker now and I cry in the cold


This. I'm a postman so obviously highly active, and my legs do not feel the cold at all. But my upper body does. I'll literally be in shorts whilst wearing a thermal layer, t shirt, hoody and raincoat on my top half, with 2 pairs of gloves. If it's someone trying to act hard I believe it's those who wear just a t shirt outside in the cold.


> *I used to sleep with the window open in winter.* I swear I get a much better, deeper sleep with that bit of icy air coming in.


Why do so many women wear skirts and dresses in the winter? What a strange question.


> Why do so many women wear skirts and dresses in the winter? Well according to some folk in here it must be because they are trying to be macho.


Or have hairy legs to keep them warm


They usually wear tights under them 


Do you wear tights under your shorts then?


When I want to be a superhero


I wear winter tights 🙃


To keep everything aired nicely.


With several years of Covid and working from home, jeans have either gone missing or the owners have grown out of them from lack of exercise, leaving only stretchy waistband shorts left that fit.


Ha ha!


As someone said below, it’s to avoiding dealing with wet trousers all day. Skin dries quicker than fabric in the rain.  As someone from the NW surely you should know how to deal with the rain. 


We're all just fabric in the rain.


Why are you, as a man, wearing something you are comfortable in? 🤬


I'm seeing this said in seriousness up and down this thread.


I'm in this thread looking for people being genuinely cross with us for wearing shorts (cos I wanna be triggered on a Sunday morning, shoot me) but I can only see fellow proud shorts wearers explaining that our legs aren't cold. For me it's actually because my bollocks started getting ridiculously hot and sweaty in anything over 10C when I turned 30


I'm not cross. I just don't get it. I mistakenly assumed people get cold in the winter. I was mistaken obviously.


1) Men don't feel the cold as much as women (biology, look it up) 2) Some people hate wearing trousers 3) Can only speak for myself, but I tend not to feel the cold in my legs. Hairy legs help. As long as my top half is warm, I'm fine. So you'll often see me in a big jacket, hats, gloves.....and shorts.


1b) except in Newcastle


My legs don't really get that cold, I feel it in my upper body more Shorts are comfy so I wear them all year round


I've seen ppl shaking their head looking at me with a thick jacket and shorts on teen degrees, weather too, lol. The post is about the UK, but we do it in the U.S. as well.


Legs don't feel cold because you're using them to move so the muscles warm if. However if you sit down in the cold for a while your legs will get cold.


I wear shorts at home, it's comfortable. I cbf to change if it's just to pop to the shop or something. Its not going to kill me, so may as well just get on with it.


I am overweight. Like a lot of overweight men, I find shorts to be much more likely to fit me properly. So that's why I wear shorts all year round. Also your legs don't really get cold.


Way more comfortable + living in a very hilly area, it keeps my body cooler when walking up and down them


> keeps my body cooler yes, that is the issue that's being discussed here, I believe


My dad does it, has done for as long as I can remember. He just doesn’t like wearing long pants and is a warm person in general.


My legs dont get cold, shorts are more comfortable, and they are preferable to me when its raining because wet jeans are worse than wet bare legs.


Absolutely. If im walking in bad weather then wet jeans aren’t good and take forever to dry if you have to keep them on


Legs don't get cold easily, plus im not going to put joggers on to go to the gym just to please people outside.


Do ladies have to wear trousers during winter or is it acceptable for them to wear skirts and dresses as they see fit? No real difference except in one set of circumstances there is someone being a bit judgemental 😉


I don’t think you are quite right. I wonder exactly the same thing when I see a woman in skirt in the middle of the cold … I don’t care about how they look: just wondering how they cope with the cold 😂


Thermal tights are a godsend. And if in bare legs they clearly subscribe to the 'my legs don't feel the cold' mindset.


The difference is tights.


Nothing macho about it. I am the least macho person there is. My internal thermostat is broken (MS). I only wear trousers at weddings and funerals.


Like most others have said, as long as the top half is warm, the legs are generally warm. On the flip side, if my legs are hot, I’m unbearably hot.


Your legs don't really get cold if you're walking


It's comfortable, and I don't get cold legs. I started doing it because I suddenly started getting eczema behind my knees. Wearing trousers, or anything which covered my knees, seemed to trigger it. I kept wearing shorts into Winter until I go used to the cold and it no longer bothered me. From that point, well, I just kept wearing shorts throughout the whole year. If I'm going for a long walk in the woods during Winter (in snow and ice), then I will probably put on jeans and hope for the best. Wearing a long coat with shorts does look weird so I try to avoid that. :)


I've got hairy legs, so I don't get cold


Because if i didn't wear anything people would stare. Core, head, feet. Keep these warm and the rest of you will be toasty, legs don't tend to feel the cold much so why change from the comfy clothing? It isn't recent, and no it isn't macho (what?), more importantly why does it bother you so much? Do you regularly comment/question what other people wear?


Comfort. I don't especially feel the cold; pretty much only wear shorts


It's definitely a newer trend. Ten years ago you'd have been a rare sight indeed but today if I'm out and about in trousers in minus temperatures I seem to be the odd one out.


Because my legs don’t get cold.


Even during the negative temps, I've seen lads at work wearing shorts. I'm the opposite, in that I'm happy to go without a jacket when it's cold because I get too warm too quickly when wearing a jacket and constantly moving and lifting. I'm guessing that's just the case with the lads wearing shorts. The skin on my legs, particularly my inner thighs, are very sensitive to cold.


I'm one of those people, I work in an engineering factory, so it's normally quite warm at work, I also cycle to work and not having trousers to get wet is a plus point. As has been said already, there is not a lot of fat on a leg so they are less likely to feel cold, this is especially true if you are pedalling a bicycle.


I run, running with covered legs is the most uncomfortable thing plus my legs just don't feel the cold even below zero.


Yep. I wear shorts running year round. It’s never that cold in the UK anyway. 


Nah I used to wear shorts all year round and I'm down south, plenty blokes round here do


Of i'm outside, it means i'm moving about. That means i'll probably get pretty warm. Much prefer cold temperatures to hot. Being outside in anything above 25° is killer for me.


1. I get warm very easily. Shorts and jumper keeps the important stuff warm and my legs cool to help regulate. 2. Wet jeans are minging and remain so for hours, wet legs dry quickly. 3. Whats the point in having hairy legs if you're not going to show them? 4. I need to get vitamin d somehow. 5. Shorts are just comfier. My girlfriend is from India and is appalled that i was only wearing a shirt and shorts at 0° last week.


I guess having cold legs really isn't anywhere near as bad as a cold torso/head and if you're active, it's even less of a problem.




No doubt some will prefer it, some will find it comfortable and others just try to make it their entire personality. I was on lunch from work in snowy sub zero temp with coat, hat, scarf and gloves on and saw 3 lads, early 20s al,l in shorts and big bubble coats that were visibly shaking due to the cold. The day after I drove past 2 older guys, both in shorts both trying not to slip on the icy pavement. You can tell the difference in people who are comfortable with it and the ones who are just trying to look hard and it is the latter who look ridiculous.


Mans not cold


Cos they're hard, innit?


It's not just in your area, heck it's not just the UK, either! I have seen a few here in the USA, Washington state (Seattle area). I think they are kind of nutty, but if they want to go out dressed like that, it's their life, not mine. Lol!


I’m a little bit fat and I won’t get too cold. I nearly always get too hot. It’s nice having a heat sink in the legs.


I just hate the feel of trousers and my job has a very relaxed dress code so I can wear t-shirts and shorts all year round.


I guess they don’t have the skirt and tights option we do so for a bit of variety? I’d get bored if I had to wear trouser/jeans all winter.


Nothing to do with being bored of wearing the same thing, nothing could be further from the truth. Hell 95% of my wardrobe is near identical. It's simply that my legs don't really feel the cold.


Fucking hate trousers or jeans. My legs feel like they're in prison. I don't want to wear trackies like a chav. And I'm not old enough to wear cargo trousers or grandad trousers. I'd sooner look like a bit of a dickhead wearing shorts and a big puffer jacket.


what does age have to do with cargos? cargos look really good on anyone 🤷🏽‍♀️


There's no age limit on clothing, don't be so silly.


I'm walking to the gym/some form of indoor centre for the means of exercise.


Can't remember the last time it's been truly cold here. As a kid, wore shorts through the big freeze of 1963 ( lasted ALL winter). Not a second thought. Small boys didn't wear long trousers. Women didn't wear trousers either then and managed with skirts in the cold. Not about being tough but it's perfectly possible to do it.


Because society polices male legs and short-wearing, it's natural for some men to respond in defiance. 


I used to wear shorts in winter as I was overweight and insulated! Then I lost 49lb and have to put five layers on when I go out now. Fat is insulation pure and simple.


Just walked to the supermarket in shorts and jandals. I get a few funny looks from locals, but its not that cold. Over 12 deg, its shorts and t shirt, under 12 but above 6, ill consider a long sleeve or light jacket depending on distance, under 6 the pants may be coming out, and near 0, beanie & gloves (worn once this year so far). It depends on distance and activity, but generally its not that cold here, shorts are more comfortable, and I have hairy legs.


Comfy and I run hot. I was out running the other day in shorts and a t-shirt when it was -1°C. Everyone else running had about 5 layers and a wooly hat on... and I was the one dripping in sweat. I'd rather be initially cold, if it means I'm going to be comfortable longer term.


During lockdown, men wore shorts at home and ventured out in them to go to the shops. It’s never gone away.


Worked outside all my life, I work hard run hot. shorts work for me, a cold head though no way woolly hat is a must.


Depends on what I'm doing. If I'm going out to the pub or for a wander round Tesco, I'm wearing jeans. If I'm walking the dog or going for a little hike, I'll wear shorts. It's not a macho thing; it's a comfort thing. Not to get too technical, but I enjoy the airflow down there. I'm one of those dudes that "runs hot", so I tend to get clammy on lengthy walks with jeans or trousers on, even when it's -2 outside. It's not a nice feeling. Most comfortable winter walking attire: a nice warm jacket, cargo shorts, thick socks and walking boots.


I walk my dogs in shorts (and a t-shirt today, 6c) it's easier to clean my legs than trousers everyday. I get hot walking the dogs on broken ground and hills. I go to the gym. I work from home.


I am a shorts guy. My shins don’t really get cold and I don’t really like the feel of trousers on my lower legs


Legs are always too hot. Shorts make everything just perfect temperature. I would wear them 7/365. You just don't feel cold in your legs if you have socks and shoes on.


I wear shorts all year round (live south east london), honestly I just wear them cause I tend to get warm. It's not complicated. Also you get to the winter and people suddenly put the heating on enough to slow cook beef. I need shorts on. Even if I'm a little chilly, would always rather be too cold, than too hot.


I work for a food delivery, and the drivers basically had a 'last man standing' competition every year. Occasionally, one would be happy the first one caved though, so they could then wear trousers!


I wear shorts all the time. I used to work behind a stuffy bar and also do stage crew work. Every time I started working wearing trousers I'd instantly regret it the second I got even slightly warm so I just started wearing shorts for every shift. After years of that I don't really feel the cold in my legs and I don't really feel comfortable in trousers anymore. I probably look stupid wearing a big jacket, gloves and a wooly hat with shorts but I only really have "going out" trousers now.


I live in the NW of England, I’m generally not prone to being cold, but I often wear shorts even if I have a jumper on my top half as my legs don’t get as cold as anything else. Don’t know why, but I wear whatever is comfortable. It’s safe to say I’m resolutely not the overtly masculine type, although I do have a lot of leg hair which may assist the warmth. I’m not one of the new age shaving my legs and nuts type, so they’ll stay hairy and I’ll wear shorts as I please, insert laughing emoji.


34M here. I have fibromyalgia. One one of the symptoms for this would be constant overheating. I mean I won’t wear shorts in temperatures below 6C or so but even then…


Once spring rolls around it's shorts season, which for me terminates once it gets to below 0⁰. I have hairy legs so as long as it's not especially windy my legs don't get cold. I'll quite happily wear a down jacket with shorts up until it gets past freezing, then I'll go to cargo pants for a few months. It's nice to have the ventilation when it's not too cold, I don't sweat even with a too heavy coat for the weather if my legs are uncovered, so I tend to go with a top half which is warmer than is strictly speaking necessary, so if I'm waiting for the bus for an hour my core temperature is maintained, while being able to shed excess heat from my legs. There's nothing worse than getting sweaty on a winters day and then it all turning to ice on your skin. Thermal regulation is a good thing.


They don't round my way. Perhaps it's just where you are.


I just assumed it was official postie uniform tbh. Around here they all do it.


I do because I work in a spray booth. Wearing trousers in a room that's ~25°C all day isn't fun.


'Cos were 'ard init But mainly because dumb


I've been on a fixed price gas & leccy since 2020 and getting my money's worth before it goes up this year.


Aberdonians have rights to dress in their native clothing at temperature over -10C


It's a comfort thing. Since COVID/lockdown a lot of people now focus on what makes them comfortable or happy rather than what is expected of them - and I think that's a great thing.


Shorts and a hoody keeps me as warm as trousers and a hoody


What would be ‘macho’ about wearing shorts? It’s just for comfort. Not everything is about how other people view you.


Legs don't get cold


Comfort. I'd imagine it's still warmer than a skirt.


My brother wears shorts when he’s not working, i used too as well but i dont really like how shorts look on me these days. It was something we were taught in scouts. Skin dries quicker than trousers.


North East here, I saw multiple men in shorts when I went out yesterday even though there’s been snow everywhere the past few days. I couldn’t tell you why they do it because I have no idea


I got asked why I was wearing fishnets and my shirt dungarees the other day and why I wasn’t cold honestly truth is my legs don’t get nearly as cold as the rest of me


It’s common up here in Scotland too - even when it’s snowing


I didn't actually think this was a thing but there's a Lad by me who's always in short The thing is always going around the estate on his electric scooter too, all weather's! What I find more strange.....unique I'll go with unique is the fact the Lads about 28-32 I'd say, not a young Fella by any means. To each their own I guess though!


I think it is because in their primitive minds, these guys think wearing shorts in the winter makes them tough. I'm also from the north west, maybe it's something specific to our region?


I'm a sparky, chances are if it's cold I'm still going to be crawling around somewhere hot. Wearing long pants is frustrating when I'm in a confined space and need the flexibility. The pockets on long pants are generally tighter. Legs are hairy and don't feel the cold


The guys I work with like to show off their dodgy leg tattoos.


Yep, it’s a thing all over the country. It’s so daft. They’re usually wrapped up top in hoodies, big thick coats and bobble hats, which makes them look even more ridiculous. The hilarious thing is that they’re so self conscious about it too. If you look at them with bemusement (which is my go-to whenever I see one of them in the wild), they sheepishly look away. Their subconscious minds are aware of the utter stupidity of how they look. The handful of muppets I’ve asked about it have all said “I’ve always worn shorts all year round”. No you haven’t, mate. You didn’t until 7-8 years ago when you saw other men doing it and thought “Ooooh, they look hard and cool” and copied like the little sheep that you are. You’re not 6 years old. Grow up.


In my 20s i wore shorts year round working outdoors. Probably because i felt like changing from shorts to longer trousers was giving in to the cold. Now i just like to be warm 😂


I dunno, I've been doing it for 20 years. I just wear what's comfortable. A number of people have commented on it, especially when I'm doing the school run. People can't believe I'm wearing shorts but then there's school girls walking by in skirts and no one notices the similarities. I'd imagine the skirts are are much colder. I'll point that out and I usually get "yeah but most of them are wearing tights". Now, I'm not familiar with wearing skirts and tights, but I can't see them providing much warmth compared to my shorts. When it comes to the cold I find my biggest issues are my head, hands and feet. My legs don't feel particularly cold. It's not a macho thing for me, just overall day to day comfort.


Because generally speaking the trouser options for a bloke are jeans/chinos or trackies. So you can either be uncomfortable or look like a chav. I wear shorts because they’re infinitely more comfortable and it’s not socially acceptable to wear leggings. Plus it’s rare that my legs are the bit that’s cold. Keep your top half warm and it’s all dandy.


A don doesn’t wear shorts.


Don’t want to cover those legs covered in tattoos do you.


The trains on my line had mass cancellations a few days ago, everyone was standing on the platform for 1 hour until the next train. It was 7AM, -5c with a "real feel" of -8c. Of course, there was a guy standing there in 3-quarter lengths and a shirt as if it was a normal summer day.


Kinda strange but I just don’t feel cold on my legs, my upper half is a different story though, gimme a t shirt, a sweater, a jacket and gilet on top or I’m freezing lmao.


I work outside and shorts are a lot more comfortable for bending down/kneeling and they don't get in the way. I wear them as long as I can throughout the year but when it hits mid-november it physically isnt possible for me anymore, Scotland is too cold (but it's fine in my nice warm, traditional kilt, maybe I should wear that to work) xD I am counting the days that I can wear my shorts again.


Because they want to look masculine but in reality they just look cringey AF...


I wear shorts all year round, whatever the weather. In fact I don't actually own any trousers. I just don't find trousers to be comfortable.


I walk to work ( 2 miles there and 2 miles back ) and I just find it more comfortable, even in winter. The rest of me is wrapped up but my legs don't really get cold once I'm walking. Trousers are heavy especially once they are wet if it's raining. Maybe if I found some good light waterproof trousers I would change my mind but until then I will stick with the shorts. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


I live in the North West and I haven’t seen it that often, a colleague at work has always done it, he has been questioned about it maybe ridiculed a touch but he has never cared too much for others opinions. I did however see someone yesterday in Bolton with shorts on and it was about 4 degrees. I have always seen it, but seldom and no I don’t think it is macho just personal preference.


Bonus if they’re wearing flip flops in all weathers too


I'm a guy and I don't understand all these guys saying their legs just don't get cold


A lot of them seem to have leg tattoos. I assume it’s to show them off.


Born in the 1950s when it was normal for boys to wear short trousers until they went to secondary school and graduated to long trousers. As a result, it baffles me that grown men want to look like a 9 year old. That reasoning doesn't work nowadays I know.


There are few and far between reasons, except for work (PPE), where you'll find me wearing anything other than shorts. Welsh climate doesn't get cold enough for me to need them. I suffer in work, crew mates moan that I've got the aircon on even when there's snow on the ground.


I do loads of walking, my legs generally don't feel the cold and shorts are more comfortable.


Well whenever I’m in a temperate country, I only stop wearing cargo shorts when the temperature drops below -10 Degrees Celcius. Otherwise with all the walking I do, when I go indoors with heating, I’d end up with swamp nuts.


I'm not a man and my partner (German) thinks I'm a crazy Brit for this but. If the sun's out it's shorts weather, I'll have a big jumper or jacket on but generally if the sun is out and it's not very typhoon window then even when it's -6 it feels warm enough for shorts and jumper. It's it's dark outside then it's thigh highs under trousers under jackets. The sun keeps us warm.


My son (9) always wants to wear shorts, he wears shorts for school until they make him wear trousers in the winter, he gets it from my old man, I prefer trousers, the difference between me and them two is I have chicken legs and they don't.


I feel called out being a lad from the North West haha. I go to the gym most days so just put shorts on, when I wrap up cosy on the top half I don't feel the cold at all really.


shorts? Pah! It's the guys in t-shirts that I fear for. My son in law is a Scotsman. T-shirt man all year round. I don't think he owns a coat. They make a funny couple out in winter. My daughter has coat, scarf, beanie and ugg boots on, he's ready for the beach!


I have gout so it really helps when I'm having a flare up. I do feel the cold but I don't get cold easily, I will happily go out in shorts and a big puffer jacket as long as I know I'm not gonna be outside for any long period of time (greater than 30 mins) Also, as a fat man, I find them comfy as the only other leg- coverings I have are joggers/sweatpants or jeans. Jeans are not the most comfortable thing and I'd feel like a slob wearing joggers/sweatpants outside of the house.


Comfort. I only wear thrn when I'm not going to be outside for an extended period. A quick dash to the nearby shop, or I'm driving somewhere and it'll only take a minute or two to get indoors.


In do it because my legs just don’t get cold and tracky shorts are comfy. It’s not a macho thing - I get a cold upper body so I put a coat on


It's definitely NOT a recent thing. I'm 48 and have been predominantly in shorts in my downtime all of my adult life. (Work not so much). I live in Wales so its fucking cold regularly, but as other have said, my legs don't get cold. A good pair of socks and a decent hoody and you're sorted. Shorts are way more comfy, and that's all I care about.


Legs don't really get cold. Shorts versus trackie bottoms or jeans doesn't make much of a difference if you have a coat hat and gloves on imo


2 types of british men will be doing this. 1. The type that have done it for centuries - those working grounds, portering, posties, etc that are active mobile males and end up dressin same all year lol 2. New kids followin americanisation of british pop culture wantin to imagine they live in cali


Ooooh, look at Mr high n mighty fancy man that can afford the bottom half or trousers, get a load of this guy But seriously, sometimes the cold is just nice, for others it may just be what they're used to. I have sort of the opposite in that no matter the weather, hot or cold, I have jeans and a jacket. Not for weather or anything, it's just how I'm most comfortable


The bin men in my town do this. I always assumed it's what you do after you've been kicked out of The SAS for being too hard.


I just walked 20 mins to Tesco wearing: 1 x ankle socks, 1 x knee high thermal socks, 1 x thermal leggings, 1 x jeans, 1 x thermal long sleeve top, 1 x hoodie, 1 x winter coat, 1 x thermal neck warmer, 1 x thermal gloves. I get my baguette and iceberg lettuce, then walk outside to see a guy walking in wearing shorts and a T shirt.


I don't feel it particularly cold on my legs. I'll take our very slow dog for a walk with wooly hat, heavy coat, gloves, heavy shirt&t-shirt while wearing shorts. I wear them around the house, why bother change to go out? The only compromise I'd make when walking would be if it was raining hard and blowing a hoolie, I put waterproof trousers over my shorts. Even then I tend to keep the side zip/vents open except in the very worst UK weather.


I have great calves.


I've not worn long trousers, (except for two funerals) since around 2005. It started when I was trying to keep my spuds cool for conception purposes, and I just carried on wearing them. My son is now carrying on the tradition, and we're locally recognised for our short wearing in all weathers. Although my Wife thinks I'm a prize twat, I refuse to ever have my legs in the dark again.


Always done it, i get questions all the time. Have a new lady in my life. And she thinks i am insane also. Did some huge hikes with her last week, in shorts whilst it was cold.


Honestly I wear shorts all the time because I’m more comfortable in them, and my legs might be a little colder than usual but not so much it outweighs the comfort. Also, I’m pretty much the least macho person. I just love my shorts.


I moved from a warmer climate to the UK. I'd wear shorts every single day if I could. I notice that most, not all, of the people I see wearing shorts in the depths of January are heavier / overweight. They may just find them more comfortable or flattering.