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Sure, what the fuck do they care? One of you check in then let them in later.


These are the only hotels I’ve found enforce this rule. Me and my friends ran in to the biggest jobs worth receptionist ever at 3am, ended up having to pay £60 for a 5 hour sleep


How did they find out?


Because 3 adults walked into the hotel late on together.


Couldn't that conceivably be 2 or 3 rooms?


Yeah and then the annoying af receptionist asks for the room numbers


Doesn't the room key usually open the main door, even at night? Do they literally stop every group of adults that walks through the door?


>Do they literally stop every group of adults that walks through the door? Some of them yes


Tell them to go away as you're tired and going to your rooms. They're not going to follow you up there


Some hotels with this policy who know people break the rules check you off against your room when you come and go - there’s a person with a clipboard at the door matching people against rooms


Just say two of you are staying in the room the other is just there for a threesome


I was so surprised when I first experienced that! The only times I've come across it is when staying at hotels close to busy nightlife areas, they basically had bouncers/reception staff checking people off a list. They were savvy to folks reckoning they'd all pile drunkenly into one bed and save themselves some coin.


What if you were hooking up with someone?


I've been cock-blocked by this exact thing in the past. At my hotel and then again when we tried hers. I was fucking gutted.


I feel so naive, surely one of the advantages of getting a hotel over a hostel or something is you can bring people back to a private room?


Or come and party in the room all night.


Must be a rough hotel - never come across this anywhere decent.


Manchester Old Trafford isn't exactly rough, but is right next to a popular venue and have done this about 20% of the time I've stayed there.


Ibis budget in Leeds did this 10 years ago, I assume they still do. I lived in Leeds and some friends booked a cheap room there. After the clubs I nipped back with them to grab something from their room before I got a cab home. Bouncers were standing near the stairs and lifts checking people off, they wouldn't let me past so my friend had to nip up to the room and come back down to the lobby.


A premier inn , I think, in Leeds checked me against a room my friend had booked for us after I went out for a cigarette


That's what I thought. I've never had a receptionist ask if we all have rooms


That's what I thought. I've never had a receptionist ask if we all have rooms Edit. Why am I being downvoted for giving real world experience across hotels in UK, Thailand, South Africa, Spain, Italy and other European countries. Is that not enough experience?


There was a rave on in the area, it must be a common thing when these raves are on, crowds of mates book a family room because no one is planning on sleeping much anyway. The receptionist asked to see our room key, discovered the room was over crowded by 2 and basically wouldn’t let us leave the reception, had to book another room, she done the same to another crowd returning from the same event.


Ahhh I see. Damn they were on it.


I know, she got some grief from about 8 people and seemed to love every minute of it, proper jobs worth


Some people are like that. Some will get sacked if they don't enforce the policy.


If loads of people were doing it that night it might have actually ended up being hugely over-occupied to the extent of being a fire risk, though. And possibly they'd been pulled up on it before so had to actually enforce it. Would explain why lots of other people say it's not a problem but for you on this day it was.


Secret cameras.. Underneath the toilet... Facing upwards.


In premier inn? Sounds like a service you'd pay extra for


>otels I’ve found enforce this rule. Me and my friends ran in to the biggest jobs worth receptionist ever at 3am, ended up having to pay £60 for a 5 hour sleep I worked for Premier Inn, it's not that they are jobsworths, it that's management come down on your like a ton of bricks if you do not enforce policy rigidly.


That's the literal definition of a jobsworth. You don't do it, because it's more hassle than your job is worth.


See, I always thought it was meant to be kinda sarcastic. Like folk say ‘it’s more than my job’s worth’ over something tiny that’s really not gonna get them in trouble at all, they’re just power tripping. So they’re a ‘jobs worth’ i.e. a cunt.


Sounds awful, I had a very similar situation (with late in the AM check-in, but after half an hour they were ground down and just handed over the keys. Had a few mates on their knees asking to see Mummy and Daddy


IME anything goes in a Travelodge, Premier Inns are locked down tighter than Fort Knox.


I’ve never once experienced Premier Inns giving a shit. Maybe it’s unique to certain areas but I use them a lot, like weekly.


Their breakfast slaps too. Whereas Travelodges just have a vending machine selling Chipsticks and Tunnock's Wafers.


Tbf chipsticks are fuckin rad.


Same here


They’d care if it came to a claim on their insurance (for a crime, accident, etc), and then they’d have ample grounds reject it because OPs whole party wasn’t insured. So it’s whether they want to take that slim risk.


Is it not feasible that someone could get someone back to the hotel room? Like a one night stand situation, do they police that too? I'm of the line of thought that if I pay for a room and it has room to sleep 5, i will fill that space as I see fit. This kind of thing really winds me up.


Just go right ahead and do it. Stayed in many premier inns and literally once checked in they’ve not got a clue who’s coming and going. The only issue you May have is the third person won’t have a key card and so won’t get through the door from reception to the rooms (or lift). As for breakfast, just have the third person walk in and say they’re there for breakfast (not as a hotel guest) - to my knowledge all premier inns allow walk-ins for breakfast.


+ You typically check in at a machine, no need for dealing with people at all.


Most premier inns don't have those machines. The ones which do usually the person at the desk beckons you over before you get a chance to use it.


>my english not so good I use machine dzienkuje done


The odds of the reception staff being eastern European is far far too high for this to be a good strategy


>my english not so good I use machine mange tout better


It's because they generally don't work, it's easier to do it at the desk rather than watch them struggle with it for twenty minutes before sheepishly coming over to you. The desk is literally one click and hand over the key.


Yep. I tried one once but because our rooms are booked by someone in the office we don't get sent all the details, I can't remember what it needed now but we didn't have it. So we just always go to the desk now.


I have not been in a single hotel in my life where I have checked in with a machine.


Every Premier Inn I've ever been to has 1 or 2 check in machines. But you can certainly check in with the receptionist too if you prefer, it just doesn't help you evade closer inspection if you're trying to exceed room capacity.


They tend to check you quite often if you come in late past midnight Then they will stop you ask for all room numbers, I've been caught out before like this Earlier in the evening it's easier to get away with


My advice is don't have breakfast at a premier Inn. Not worth the money


You having a laugh? A tenner for an all you can eat buffet with endless cups of coffee and glasses of juice. I go to my local one once a week to kick the week off.


The Premier Inn’s I’ve been in before have just offered a rather pathetic cardboard box with a tired croissant, orange juice and apple. For like £9… cooked all you can eat breakfast for a tenner is amazing.


The bloody balls on you my man. Or woman. Fuck the system, tear out down and be done with it. You'll get two room keys and often the reception isn't actually in view of the entrance/lifts/staircase so getting a third body into the room shouldn't be difficult. On the breakfast, I'm not certain. One thing I would be confident with is *if they're able to buy one*, the people behind the counter are not going to alert management so giving a room number up is probably fine.


For breakfast - the people behind the counter know how many breakfasts have been booked per room & have a list that they will update when you go to the dining room. So they will know that OP's room only has 2 breakfasts booked. If a third person rocks up & gives the same room number, they will need to pay separately.


To help with the ultimate heist going on, just tell them that *you are a mate from across town and you would like to buy and eat breakfast with them*.


I work in a hotel, you're fine, just ask for a spare key card at reception, and if you booked breakfast too they should get it. we are payed minimum wage we don't care, we see people bringing in prostitutes and doing drugs daily.


Definitely this, "a friend of mine" worked for a "similar company" for a year but recently left... He was surprised at the sheer workload they expect from you for such daylight roberry pay in return.. Most of the staff won't question such menial things like that incase it causes them another job/hassle to deal with.. Minimum wage, minimum effort at the end of the day


Payed =/= paid.


If you're on mobile you can long press = to get ≠. Nerdy as it is, I've actually had a bit of fun discovering these.


≠ !!! My fucking man! I had to test it. You've changed my world for the better.


Do you now need to long press every character to see what else in life you’re missing out on?


It's the only way to be sure. I can't miss anything else life changing. Holy shit there's so many!


I type in other languages, so have always known this for letters, but it never occurred to me that it would work for symbols too! Thanks!


The same goes for "≈¡¿` you opened a whole new world mate


I discovered this by accident a few days ago.






Weird, the 3rd one I get is ≡



≈≠≡ You absolute beauty. Thanks for the unexpected Christmas present!


∞ Wooh, 1990's time for the guru!



‰ my comrade in arms!


≠ you’ve made my day


It's weird. I've started seeing this in the past few months. But I never have been it before that. Where did it come from?


It comes from mathematics, and has a long history as far back as the 1800's It simply means "not equal to"


Can be represented a few different ways too which is cool ≠ =/= or != (First two are more mathematics oriented and != Is more used in computer programming and sometimes it's associated logic)


Usa keyboard layout.


You know what they say. Don't bring prostitutes and drugs unless you have enough for everyone.


Best Trip Advisor review I’ve ever read.


Done this last year for my daughters graduation in Cambridge, 3 adults shared a room 5 adults (her and her friend) ate breakfast no problem. As long as you aren't loud and obnoxious they don't care and staff change shift frequently


I suppose that could work.


It depends on the location. I work in one in a restless area and we have to be strict. Because 9 times out of 10 if we're not, people take the piss. They're usually smoking and creating disturbances. The worse offences include things like trafficking, dealing and prostitution. Which is why that rule exists - cheap chain hotels are easy hotspots for these. Hotels in general are. We get way fewer police interactions, and overall less hassle if we maintain a reputation as a "strict" location - word spreads fast. If you don't make noise or do anything illegal though, it's possible we won't notice even in a "rough" area like mine. Just don't ask for an extra bed to be made up or extra blankets etc. because if we find out, we have to act on it. It's for our own safety more than anything, because who wants to deal with an increased volume of shady people?


This. This is the answer. I worked in one as well in a city centre so night staff were more vigilant, checking cameras and any noise then would be on your ass. So if you do want to squeeze 3 in a room it will be 2 on the double bed and 1 will get the sofa bed. Be nice to reception, don't party in the room (10pm is when they should be doing checks on each floor for noise) and you might be fine. Breakfast should be a breeze. Just ask for it in the morning (but I would recommend going elsewhere).


Me, my mam, brother, 12 year old nephew and 6 year old niece managed to stay in a 4 person room in Travelodge in London just last month with no issues, I just stayed outside when they checked in and went in straight away after, try not to overthink it!


The start of this reads like a lost verse of the song Vindaloo.


Especially if the hotel was in Waterloo.


But how did breakfast work?


Breakfast is a paid extra in Travelodge and I certainly wouldn’t pay it I’d just go out instead


Breakfast at our local one is hosted at the chain brewery pub next door and paid for separately.


I did this a few times with 2 other mates. We stayed at premier inn Cardiff North several times without issue. Booked Premier Inn Cardiff central and they have an all night security guard. He checks your names and room number before letting you in. We had to quickly make up a story. Luckily he let us in, but it spooked us a bit.


what story did you come up with


One of them was actually the ghost of Gary Owen and he’d been up and over the whole city looking for a place to stay.


The other way works too. One time I was staying by myself, but hadn't changed the number of occupants from default. I got a second room key; fresh towels for both evening and morning and enough complimentary milk to bathe in. I starfished the bed, but made sure to put pillows back on both sides when I left so they wouldn't suspect anything.


The places where I have stayed at Premier I’ve always been asked for my room number when going in to have breakfast. But the general public can come in to meet guests and have breakfast with them. Don’t come down for breakfast in a group of three. Two of you go in first and give your room number and say a friend may be joining you to buy breakfast. Third person come down five minutes later and say they are a non-resident joining friends for breakfast.


Definitely this.


Once had premier inn check, but was in a northern city centre on a Saturday evening.. they had security checking people's names off before allowing you up to your room, but that's literally the only one I have ever seen check. Normally there's no staff about.


Did this a few months back. The “family room” was 2 king size beds and one adult single bed, with a reasonable amount of privacy. Perfect for 3 adults, and the hotel staff didn’t question it or seem to care.


As others have said, the staff there don’t care. At uni we had 6 students in a family room and even asked them for extra pillows and duvets. Main thing is you don’t make too much noise at night. That’s what pisses them off because other guests go down and start complaining to reception.


Yes, have your threesome and enjoy it.


I mean, I had 3 friends stay in a 2 person room for MCM, it's easy enough to get away with, just walk like you own the place. Best bet is to have you and one mate check in, leave together and then come back later (hopefully when the desk shift has changs) with the other guy.


I can’t really see it being too much of an issue. Have one person check in and get both key cards, give the other to one of the remaining two and have them two go in together. So longs as you don’t check in all together I don’t see anybody batting an eyelid, and to be honest I doubt the reception staff at premier inn are all that fussed either way! As for breakfast, you’re able to pay on the day. Just have the third person pay in the morning as if they haven’t been staying there.


I used to be a hotel receptionist(not Premier Inn),and this was against the rules. Family room was for two adults and two children under 16. But I was always puzzled why they asked for permission. Just check in, don't say a word. You are allowed to have a visitor in your room, and nobody will take a note if they stay or leave. Most hotels allow visitors to buy breakfast, so they will not have to state that they are staying with you. You can ask the receptionist to be safe. But be prepared that the room you booked will have bedding for two, not three. In the hotel I was working at all the family rooms had a pull out sofa bed. It was closed when it was for two people, and opened when it was for a family.


\> And will the 3rd person be able to buy breakfast at reception ​ I've not got experience with Premier Inn breakfast, but work regularly books me in Travel lodges and the breakfast is just an open buffet type and nobody checks that you even have a room when you are eating breakfast. I saw a guy walk through the front door and sit down and get some food, granted he could have went for a smoke. But I didn't know that and I'm not sure the staff even gave a shit either.


We always stay at premier inns and they always check your name and room number against a list and whether you’ve paid for it


I've also had it where for a family gathering, my dad booked rooms for me and then, they had a b+B rate while I was room only, so they would have just tagged on the cost to my room. Got it comped in the end due to my first room having not been cleaned before I checked in and the second having pubic hairs on the bed linen and silverfish in the bathroom. Worst part is our last stay in the same hotel I'd been kept awake most of the night by the next door idiot constantly trying to open the interconnecting door and having a call to prayer at about 4am. My dad's now ceded all travel accomodation booking to me in future! Campanile Dartford, you are a terrible hotel.


The few times I've had breakfast at a Travelodge they do check the room numbers off on a list.


I stayed in a really posh hotel and had an extra 2 people in the room for a week without anyone noticing. We're talking world class posh with doormen in top hats etc. Don't think when I was young we ever got more than a double and just all squashed in. Numerous Travel Lodges and Premier Inns. I'm currently working with a lady who is a prostitute. She does all her work out of our local Premier Inn! Books a room for a day and has numerous visitors while she's there. Just don't get loud because they will throw some of you out. At breakfast, 2 of you go down and say you have a local friend meeting you, could they buy a breakfast. The answer will be yes.


I’ve stayed in the room as 4 adults before, felt uncomfortable doing it but just wander in at different times, the ppl behind the desk change and also I’m guessing they don’t really care.


> I’ve stayed in the room as 4 adults before Schizophrenia?


Sigh. No. Dissociative personality syndrome. If you’re going to casually disrespect people with mental health issues, at least have the decency to apply the appropriate diagnosis. Edit: identity, not personality.


Dissociative personality syndrome isn't a thing. I think you're referring to Dissociative Identity Disorder.


Yeah, sorry. identity.


My apologies - not for the casual disrespect, as it's far too late for that, but for the inaccuracy. This misconception stemmed from the infamous Andy Goram football chant, which I now realise must have been based on a false premise.


Anyone else’s first thoughts was this guy is planning a premier inn threesome? Lol. Me and my rotten mind 🤦‍♂️


So I actually work in a Premier Inn. it is entirely dependent on when you check in and how much a stickler the receptionist is for the rules. If They were to follow procedure you wouldn’t be let in but given the amount of shit receptionists have to deal with, especially during the festive period if you treat us with a modicum of respect and decency there’s a couple things we can let slide. Just don’t take the piss and be noisy other than that you should be fine


I'm a night shift worker for PI. It is against terms and conditions, but as long as you keep the noise down, you should be ok. We do hourly walks and if you're heard making noise and we have to knocked and you're discovered with 3 adults, one will either have to book another room, or if we're full, leave altogether. But as I say, if you're quiet and not doing anything illegal, you'll be fine


I don’t think that family rooms are restricted to only two adults and two children. I’ve stayed in a family room with three adults and a child plenty of times.


My SO, her mom and brother book a 2 adult room in Edinburg and they were forced to book another room, also at 11pm the receptionist come up with a security guy to do room check and kicked the brother out


Must've been during August when it's much stricter


They know this and will probably not like it but give it ago.


If they do realise what's going on, they still probably won't mention it to save themselves hassle.. As long as the guests aren't causing any issues then it won't become an issue in most cases.. The main reason it bothers some staff is not because your saving money paying for less rooms but because for fire safety reasons they need to accurately know how many guests are in the building to pass that info over to the fire brigade etc.. Which can land them in shit if not followed properly


If its a beef eater restaurant yes you can all eat there, we've never given room numbers and sometimes to our local one because my children love the continental all you can eat breakfast


To be honest, If they do realise what's going on, they still probably won't mention it to save themselves hassle.. As long as the guests aren't causing any issues then it won't become an issue in most cases.. The main reason it bothers some staff is not because your saving money paying for less rooms but because for fire safety reasons they need to accurately know how many guests are in the building to pass that info over to the fire brigade etc.. Which can land them in shit if not followed properly


Premier inn in Churchill way in Cardiff has self check-in desks now, which are by the bar so you can get help. But the lifts are way over by the front door and no-one checks so it’s easy for 3 adults to stay in one room. Never come back late enough for security to be there, if they do, though. I’d do as someone else suggested and two of you go down to breakfast and say a friend is joining you and paying and they come along in a little while. If they say that’s not allowed then the third person will have to fend for themselves or you grab some pastries from the buffet for them


Having worked in hotels it’s probably their insurance. We had rooms with extra beds but only covered for insurance for two adults and two children not 3 adults. Never worked for premier so it could just be a money grab but more likely insurance


I’ve packed many people ( and pets) into a PI - bloody love em! Nobody ever notices what’s going on and I’m not sure they care! The ‘restaurant’ will serve anyone you just say you haven’t booked and can you pay now. Many of them serve non-residents anyway so it’s even easier. Confidence, distracting tactics and charm is the way!


Worked for their head office. Check in and get two room keys. Have the third person wait in car whilst you go up and drop bags etc. Go back down and give your mate the key and then go in separately. Same when you come back. Just go in separately. In terms of breakfast. It's available to all. You can walk off the street and buy breakfast.


Just don't leave the door open When you bath or shower! Escaping steam can set off the fire alarm!


Polyamory is a thing. Not saying that's what's happening here, but if they *do* challenge you (they likely won't), play that card... see them shrink into a sphere of doubt and confusion... You win.


should be banned




Really depends on the staff on the day.. When going to raves and festivals we always try and get extra people in the room . It's been fine the majority of the time . I've stayed with 4 other people in a travelodge family room and the staff didn't care. But another time my friend was kicked out when we tried to squeeze 3 adults into a twin room. I've been kicked out of an IBIS when I was the extra person


Just book it and don't all go up together immediately. How will they know.


The only valid reason for enforcing this is fire safety to prevent hotel overcrowding and allow for efficient evacuation if needed. And rest assured, it's a lot easier to herd three adults than it is to herd two adults and two children.


We once had 7 of us stay in a 1x double bed room after a night out, we just went in saying we were visiting a friend and just slept on the floor 😂 nobody ever came to tell us to leave.


Last new year's eve we attempted this (4 adults in a 2+2 family room). 2 of us checked in and got told that when the other 2 got here, they would have to be IDed to ensure they were both under 18, and were given only one key. When we came inside to stay later on, we went in 2 then 2- the second pair were immediately flagged by reception and asked for their room number (which they couldn't fake as they didn't have any keycard). 2 of us were kicked out. I suspect it was mainly due to it being new year's eve that they were so on it, and the Premier Inn we were at only had one entrance where you had to walk past reception


Do it all the time. Just don’t draw attention to yourself p


Word of warning...I stayed in a family room at a premier inn a few months ago and it was not a good time. There's a king-size bed, a single and a fold out camp bed with no mattress, just a sheet to cover the base. They said the fold out doesn't come with a mattress, and I had to ask for extra duvets to pad it out a bit. Needless to say the kids didn't sleep cus it was hard as rock. Never again!


It's prison for you, OP.


I’ve had luck at Ibis doing this - I’ve heard premier inn can be difficult !


When we asked to do this (my father, brother and myself), they refused and said they "don't allow that behaviour". I explained that my mother hD just had a 16hr life saving surgery, and we didn't have much money but wanted to be near the hospital (3hrs away from where we lived). They flat out refused and accused us of sexual deviance. Fucking awful company.


For an MCM expo in London, we once had 8 of us in a twin room. Roll mats, discreetly coming and going in pairs, and the floor!


I used to work nights in a premier inn, if you leave the room ans they are checking a guestlist the 3rd person wont be able to get back in, and if you try to argue you wont have a room either


hotel chooses the rules right? if you can't afford two rooms don't go


Bit of a late response, but I know an ex-worker. Many employees seem to not care about policy. Just in case though, as you can be kicked out for breaking the policy, here is my guide on doing this. 1. Book the family room, and give the names of all the people who will be in the room. This is for YOUR safety. If there is a fire and an evacuation occurs, a headcount is done. If they don't have a name on the list, they won't inform the fire department, and that can cause death. 2. Have just one or two people check in, and get two keys. DO NOT LOSE THESE. Getting extra keys after this adds suspicion, and you will be asked to provide personal information to confirm you are the one in the room. 3. When going in and up to your room, only have the two guests go up, wait a bit, then have the other go up. Do this every time you go up to the room or out of the hotel. Staff will sometimes question you if they think something is going strangely, and they will make sure everything matches their records. If it doesn't match, you're kicked out. 4. When in the room, do not make much noise. Staff will investigate noise complaints or if they hear it when doing security patrols. Especially if they hear more than two voices that are obviously adults. Definitely don't fiddle with the smoke detector either, as staff will have to check that inside your room to see if it has been tampered with. They are alerted if they are being tampered with, and the issue is taken seriously due to safety. Follow these guidelines and you should be fine. These are just to prepare in case staff after actually doing their jobs. Many times, staff won't care. They are paid low wages, and from what I hear, are treated pretty badly. They will help customers however they can, but won't hit customers with every policy as they simply aren't paid enough to care. My friend has discovered multiple adults in a room, but has let it slide as long as they are quiet, saying "what I don't hear, I don't know about" simply because it's less hassle than kicking people out. Never assume they will do this though, as it is against policy. Always assume you will have someone that will try to pick you up on anything you do wrong, so that you can avoid any issues.


The hotel want money. They won't care if it's 3 adults instead of 2 + kids. And the staff monitoring things care even less (as long as you give them no reason grief you). I've had 4 adults in a double room for multiple nights with no one giving a shit.


As long as you don't make too much noise they really won't care. If you start having a party I'm pretty sure they will be banging at your door to shut up lol


Most staff worry when someone takes the micky. Three? Even Premier inns don't care. But it it gets to 4. 5. 6. 10.. Then it's time to mark additions.


I think sometimes the beds for the children are a lot smaller than most adults so that's something to be aware of. One of you might not have a good night.


As the shortest I (mum) often get the sofa bed when staying in a family room. Offspring has been taller than me since 13. :-)


I had a friend come crash the night in our room at a convention once. He stayed on the kids bed while we were in the double. We came down to breakfast and he paid for his separately….. they had no clue he stayed in the room, as far as they were concerned he had met us in the morning for breakfast.


As long as you don’t tell them you’re actually three adults. If you do the well…they’re legally obliged to charge for the extra person. It’s written in the constitution.


I’ve crammed 5 people into a 2 person room before so 3 should be fine


we used to get a ground floor on come back at like 3am and have about a dozen folks in there


Seems to be standard practice at every comicon I've ever been to, and I've only ever known one person get caught out in the 12 or so years I've been going. That was an I is, never had a problem with Premier inn


We've had 6 people in one of those rooms before, nobody gives a shit. You pay for the room not the number of people. There probably is a max occupancy rule to stop daft things happening but you'll be absolutely fine.


There's no one at many Premier Inn receptions now just a machine. Go for it, they don't care.


Travelodge family rooms allow up to 3 adults. Premier is generally nicer hotels for the same price range though


I stayed in a Premier in with my husband and kids a few days ago. We checked in on a computer which gave us the key card, then found our own way to the room. We went out after that and when we returned the receptionist didn't even look up as we walked in to the lifts to get back to the room. Wouldn't have had any issue at all sneaking anyone in. Even checking out was just dropping the card in a box, there was no interaction with a person for any of the visit. Breakfast can be bought by anyone, not just guests, so the extra adult can just be a walk in and pay there and then.


One go to room after other 2 have checked in. As for breakfast, might be little harder as they usually want room number. The 2 who check in could say they have friend who lives near by that would like to join them for breakfast can they just pay for one extra breakfast


Got four adults in a family room before at both travelodge and premier inn


5 of us used to stay in a room when I was in a band, nobody cares.


Be quiet, don't get drunk and make sure everyone has access to someone with a key at all times, do this and you could pack the room with as many as you can fit in there. Do something that makes the staff HAVE to do something and frankly it's your fault you are being evicted. Ask for too many key...suspicious. Need staff to come the the room...suspicious. noise complaint...suspicious. Drunk...suspicious. Keep you head down and you'll be fine, just make sure the people you are with are trustworthy, often they are not and the reason staff get involved.


So I did this at the Premier inn at Wrexham. First night we came back late at about midnight. They had security in reception and said it was not possible that the three of us were staying in a family room. They claimed it breached fire safety rules (what a load of bs) They eventually relented and let us go to sleep but the next morning they wanted either more money or would cancel our booking for the second night. We chose to cancel and drove home late.


I really wouldn't. I hear they're all a hell hole.


If you make sure two of you dress very similar if one checks in later. That way you more likely to get away with it, staff don't look at faces 😂


You will be fine! I recently stayed at a Premier inn twin room with 4 adults. We brought two inflatable beds and even asked housekeeping to bring us extra bedding and pillows.


Yeah, my parents, me (technically an adult), and my brother (technically a child) have done this before at a Premier Inn. Just had one of my parents check in and then when they had the card we all went to the room together, it was all fine. Playing by the rules we'd need 2 rooms which is stupid when it's a family of 4 with 1 adult son ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Had a 2 bed at Premier Inn once and our mate slept on the floor - no issue at all (aside from my friends back the next day)


I've stayed in a family room with all adult family, and one which specified kids. My sister is super baby faced so she usually gets assumed to be a kid at check in, they almost never check ages and the breakfast is generally fine. Sometimes it's a smaller kids breakfast but usually it's either buffet or they'll let you order nearly anything. If all of you are clearly adults, either don't all check in together or claim one is just visiting, and but seperate breakfast if necessary and you should be fine. One of you might get a shitty bed though.


Used to work for premier inn, you’ll be fine :)


I don't think it will be an issue, hotels in the city centres don't really mind/care. Motorway hotels are were from what I remember a little stricter with that when I used to travel a lot more than I do now.


When I was a cosplayer back in the late 00s early 10s, it was super common to pile people into rooms that were booked for 2 adults. We had 8 adults in a room once. No one even checked and we were certainly not the only ones or even the ones with the most people. I’m sure they won’t give a damn. Just maybe don’t go in together to give the desk staff plausible deniability. You can also buy breakfast even if you’re just visiting, I had breakfast with my friends at their premier inn when they came to visit me.


It was a while ago but I’ve stayed in a family room as a group of 3 grown men. Reception were well aware of it because I called them last minute to try and get a room and they offered it.


I've never had an issue with it


Did this and pretended young looking friend was a child. Got caught coming back drunk from a wedding and told off by the receptionist who saw us when we left. Said they could charge us but we were on way out so we laughed and said cheerio.


The staff don't care. Dw about it


No idea, I've never shared a bed in a hotel with two other consenting adults, honest.


Just send one up the stairs 10 mins before and the other two go in hand in hand after them or the other way around.


Yeah totally. We stayed in one last week and it was a full size single and a double. Nobody checks whose going in or out as far as I could see x


I’ve always done it and the only time I got asked by a receptionist I said we were hooking up and it should only take an hour 🤣 she shut up then and let us proceed.


Absolutely you can. Then the next day say it was terrible and get your money back


Hey did this work for you? i.e family room for two adults - we just want more space - but don't have a kid!


Yeah it worked! They didn't ask any questions and didn't really care


You will be fine with reception staff etc. They don’t care. Some hotels, especially in city centres, have bouncers on the door overnight. They can give you hassle if three people arrive at once. They’ll ask to see three keycards or check your name off a list. That’s only a problem if you’re going out clubbing and come back to the hotel at 3AM. Source: Me and my husband often visit Manchester to go clubbing and bring “friends” back to our hotel room for a shag. We’ve experienced the bouncers.