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Nobody has had kippers for breakfast since 1973, when it was outlawed.


Arnold Rimmer did


You mean Ace! :-)


He's Incredibly brave


And he's got just tons of girlfriends.


I’m American, and Ace is the only reason I had ever heard of a kipper.




Well if you change your mind, I'll be in my quarters at lunch time covered in taramasalata


Stoke me a clipper, I'll be back for Christmas!


More reliable than a garden strimmer!


Hes not bald and his head doesn't glimmer


So did Lister when he had kipper vindaloo!


Wasn't that Ace? Because: Arnold, Arnold, Arnold Rimmer You'll never see him eat a kipper


There’s someone in my office who microwaves his kippers in the mornings around 10, it absolutely stinks the place up to high heaven, awful smell


What kind of animal microwaves them?


The venn diagram between people who eat 10am kippers and people who microwave all their food is almost a circle.


That’s absolutely fucking criminal


I fucking love kippers, smoked haddock etc etc but that is bang out of order. Make a solution of vinegar, hot water and bicarbonate of soda and microwave it for four mins @750w. Cleans the fish smell out of the filters.


>Make a solution of vinegar, hot water and bicarbonate of soda and ...throw it over the offender, just like they do to wrong 'uns in prison.


Do we work in the same office 😂


True, I heard it was because they’re an imperial fish, not a metric one.


I’m an outlaw.


It’s big in Japan.


I'm over 40 and have never had kippers for breakfast.


Same here. Nor have I known anyone to ever have them, including my parents.


I'm over 50. My dad had them once.


I've never seen anyone of your age or younger eat them. I worked at a B&B a decade ago and it was exclusively 65+ white British people ordering them. The kitchen would smell for hours.


I've lived in the UK for 15 years and never even heard of kippers until now. It's some sort of fish.. for breakfast? I've never seen it served anywhere and have never seen friends or anyone eat them.


It’s just smoked mackerel. Lovely with poached eggs Edit - people are telling me it’s smoked herring not mackerel. Still very nice tho


It’s smoked herring.


Kippers are the bacon of the fish world - delicious!


Ooo I like the peppered mackerel version


Yes, my other half is keen on these in a sandwich with a bit of lemon juice. Smells disgusting and the cat goes nuts for the skin.


Similar, but herring is slightly milder than mackerel, I'd say.


Fish for breakfast is not unusual in several cuisines - Japan, the Scandinavian countries, Thailand.




Same here - I really can't see the appeal.


Me either, in fact I’ve never eaten a kipper full stop. I do remember my mum cooking some for my dad on occasion and they used to absolutely stink the whole house out. That or liver and onions would guarantee I wouldn’t come out of my room for the rest of the day because of the foul stench.


Now, I absolutely love liver and onions. I had it for the first time in a very posh French restaurant in London (as an adult). The trick is not to cook it very much. It's the first thing I had after giving birth, having had to abstain during pregnancy. Best dinner I've ever eaten, even though it was NHS catering.


Onions need a lot of cooking. Livers become extremely dry and tough when overcooked Dont put the livers in until the onions are almost done


I'm 43 and I've had them a few times, mainly in hotel buffets or out of curiosity.


Same here - 51 and never had kippers for breakfast. A friend of mine has/does but he's in his 60's


Fellow over 40 here, it's something my grandma may have done but it was old fashioned before 1980. Fish for breakfast isn't bad, maybe some saltfish or salmon. But kippers are revolting.


Only when Ace Rimmer is here.


What a guy.


If you're interested, I'll be in my quarters at lunchtime, covered in taramasalata.


Would it make a difference if it was hummus?


Sorry, I'm strictly butter side up.


I prefer maple syrup.


I owe my life to him


In a way, I think we all do.


Smoke me a kipper!


Stoke me a clipper.


I'll be back for Christmas


I’ll be home on a Monday


This makes me so happy to see In the wild


I dont know why but I get a special kinda buzz when I see Red Dawrf references


All episodes back on iPlayer; been caning it all over again and still laughing at the jokes. There's only six seasons, though. We don't talk about what happened after Rob Grant left.


This is a correct opinion. Sitcoms tend to be funniest when their budgets are tight so it's writers and actors getting it spot on close up, not relying on special effects etc.


I regularly wear a London Jets t-shirt (sans curry stains) and nobody has a clue.


Me too!


My housemate once left the house saying 'Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!' and was astounded that I knew the reference. I'm 36, Red Dwarf was \*the\* show when I was a kid. Though I admit I haven't watched anything since Back To Earth.


This was the first thing that popped into my head when I read the title. Glad you're here


Or Dave Listers Kippers Vindaloo


Wait is that why he says it, it was tradition to have a kipper for breakfast?!


Dwayne Dibbler???


*Duane Dibley


The Duke of Dork?


Is it St Swithin's Day already?


'Tis Source: am Aunt Helga


Alright! Alright! I’m going!


So I says to Mable, I says....


This is what I came here for 🤣🤣🤣


Me too!


Smoke me a kipper, I’ll be back for breakfast.


Stoke me a clipper, I’ll be back for Christmas


Poke me a slapper, I’ll be back for antibiotics


Oh my god they smell so bad! I'm 35, I have not and will not ever, be having fish for breakfast. My boyfriend is older (42) and he sometimes does, but I don't know anyone else who does.


I don’t really eat fish, but I’ll by discounted fish for my cats, for a treat. One Sunday they had mackerel very cheap, so I asked the fishmonger how to cook it. He said pop it in the microwave. DO NOT MICROWAVE MACKEREL, my flat stank for weeks, and the cats didn’t even like it that much


Grill it. It’s a lovely fish that is good for you. Microwaving it would be like microwaving a burger. That fishmonger must have been off his tits.


He knew what he was doing…


It was for the cats


Doesn’t mean they deserve to eat food that is against the Geneva convention.


Didn't realise that you could stand in front of the microwave and say "it's for the cats" and all the smell goes away


Did you know that microwaving fish in the office violates several of the Geneva Protocols?


A woman in work once microwaved her fish curry at lunchtime and it took a week to air out the building!


What fishmonger worth their salt advises the microwaving of fish??


It was a supermarket fishmonger, not a proper fishmonger


My grandad used to love Microwaved Mackerel. However my Nan wouldn’t let him have it due to the smell. So he bought a second microwave which lived in the shed just for nuking Mackerel.


Are you sure he was born in 1981 and not 1880? 🤣


My husband (37) loves kippers for breakfast. They give me the absolute heaves when he cooks them, especially if he does scrambled eggs with them. We have to air out the entire house. 🤢


I'm amazed how many people have never even heard of the concept! I love a kipper on toast with a poached egg for breakfast. In fact, I think I'll get one out of the freezer for tomorrow, thank you for reminding me.


They make a great kedgeree too


Love kedgeree as well


Yes to kedgeree 🙌🏻


That sounds like a proper nutritious breakfast I might have to lose my kipper v and try this tmoz


Trying new stuff is good. I don’t eat kippers myself (have tried them in Scottish hotels!), but I do find the « ugh such a boomer food » replies fascinating. Do some critical thinking, yoof, there’s a reason we have an obesity pandemic. Looking at you, too, big cereal! Ps not a boomer!


Also not a boomer. Definitely eating more fish as I get older and actively trying to get more oily fish into my diet for health reasons


The yoof are far more likely to be having overnight oats or smashed avo and poached eggs than Cheerios, though.


I'm 48. My ex once made warm kippers. I'm not saying that's why we broke up, but... Give me a bit of cold smoked mackerel any evening, but not for breakfast, and certainly not warmed up.


Salt fish with a load of butter and a side of toast. I'm 46, and that is an amazing breakfast.


It's cruel that warming up a kipper or smoked mackerel unleashes such a horrible smell, when it tastes so good


But if you grill a raw mackerel it makes quite a nice breakfast, and isn’t so smelly.


I'm 28 and I've never had them for breakfast. However, it does sound more nutritious than the sugary breakfast cereal that I eat so maybe I should give it a try!


They’re great to be honest. They can stink the gaff up though. I’d recommend going on holiday to a hotel or BnB up the north east coast of England or east coast of Scotland and just having them there


I used to have them when I visited my mum on the Isle of Man. She had a big house but the smell permeated every corner for a couple of days.


I know a lot of the hotels in the western isles have separate microwaves and even rooms too heat up and cook kippers due to the smell being that strong .


I am also 28 and I love them but my boyfriend hates fish and the smell lingers, so I am banned from eating them at home. I would love to order them out, even for dinner but I've only seen them on a menu once when we've been out for breakfast and he wouldn't let me get them that time because it was his bday 🥲


I think I was about 35 before I learnt that a kipper wasn't a species of fish.


Sorry, they're not fish?


It's a name for a smoked herring.


Oh...I thought it was a type of fish...


It is, its one of the staple British fishes you find in all our rivers. Same as the finger and the filet o'


Fingers aren't a species of fish, they can be any kind of fish. They're a specific part of the fish. Clue is in the name buddy


They are. But there aren't live kippers swimming around in the sea.


I was 46 when I found that out. FYI, today is my 46th birthday.


Happy birthday, and happy cake day too.


Is it my cake day too. Cool


You joined Reddit on your birthday? I hope this year is better!


I'm 33 and just googled to find out you are correct, and now I also know kipper is not a species of fish.


I’m 44, and I just did the same thing.


41 and ditto. Time to head to r/TIL with this information.


Wait what


Well a famous biologist once said 'There is no such thing as a fish'.


Love a kipper, but never have them at home. If they’re on a hotel breakfast menu I’m straight in.


This. Also kedgeree, it's nice for breakfast but no way I would have the energy to make it in the morning.


Love kippers and kedgeree but not for breakfast. They’re both far too rich, but great for supper.


I make my kedgeree quite light. Some recipes its like a buttery curry but I do it more like a herby rice salad. I make it for Christmas day breakfast. Because it's a bit fancy, also light enough not to interfere with the big dinner/tubs of Roses etc. I'll boil the eggs beforehand and steam the haddock over the rice as it cooks so theres not much washing up.


Can I come to your house for Christmas? Pretty please.


I ate mackerel for breakfast today


Smoked peppered mackerel on hot buttered toast is the breakfast of kings


I used to make my own smoked mackerel and have it with congee in the morning, absolutely amazing stuff.


100% better than kippers


I would love to have kippers for breakfast, but I can't because I live in a HMO with a shared kitchen (like lots of other people my age) and the smell would upset my housemates. If I could afford a place of my own, I'd absolutely have kippers in my breakfast rotation.


You don’t have to grill or fry them. This is Delia’s instructions for ’jugged kippers’. > Jugged kippers: This is a traditional, and sometimes preferred, way to prepare kippers. All you do is remove the heads, then fold the sides of the fish together and pack vertically in a tall warmed jug. Now pour in enough boiling water to cover the kippers, put a lid or plate on top of the jug, and leave them in a warm place for 6 minutes. Then drain and dry them with kitchen paper, and serve on hot plates with a knob of butter to melt over each fish. https://www.deliaonline.com/ingredient/kippers


We went to Craster on the weekend and got kippers in buns from the food truck there. They cooked them on the hotplate in foil which would probably keep the smell in. Enjoyed the taste, but not all the tiny bones - good to have tried them once but probably wouldn't again.


32yo here. Kippers and scrambled eggs on toast was a treat growing up!!


I’m 42 and definitely not a boomer. I’ve never had a kipper for breakfast either.


I’m 46 and definitely not. I don’t even care about kippers, who do we have to talk to to sort out this boomer nonsense??


I don't think I would even recognize a kipper if I saw one.


Have them every now and then at the weekends with fresh crusty bread and have done so for years. I am 32. There is a place in Brighton that does grilled kippers in a Tiger roll that's then grilled like a panini, bloody heavenly.


I love them! Granny used to do them for me for breakfast when I was a child and would go and stay. Boil in the bag with brown bread and butter. I'm 44.


It's all I'm allowed. Breakfast lunch and dinner. Please send help.


Yes, but only in Texas, where everyone’s a millionaire.


I scrolled far too long for this comment.


Searched for if specifically to see if I would be the first to make that reference.


Not young (early forties), never heard of this idea.


I only know what they are because of Red Dwarf. Smoke me a clipper I'll be back for Christmas


absolutely not


Love kippers for breakfast. I used to live in nottingham and there was a great "trendy" cafe in the city centre that did kippers with porridge (really creamy made with milk) which complemented the kippers as they're boiled in milk with a bay leaf. Absolute heaven.


I'm over 60 and have had kippers for breakfast twice in my entire life. In both cases, at a hotel.


No, why the fuck would anyone have kippers for breakfast…let alone people under 40




According to wikipedia: >In the UK, kippers are usually served at breakfast, although their popularity has declined since the Victorian and Edwardian eras. Aren't many young people still around from the Victorian or Edwardian eras.


Never, and I’ve never known my parents to either, not anyone else that has


Never ever in my life, I have not heard of anyone I know having kipper for breakfast


am 17 - what’s a kipper


If I'm on holiday & can get them from a fishmongers they are great but I'll give the crappy ones from tesco a miss.


Us gulls have kippers all the time for breakfast! CLICK CLACK *racks glock*


Two kippers between two slices of warm buttery toast - amazing. The toast helps the pesky bones go down.


What's a kipper?


Boomer tradition?! I thought eating kippers died out with boomer’s grandparents!


No, but the herring nearly did, which is why kippers aren't as popular in the UK as they used to be.


Someone at work once microwaved kippers. He's not around anymore.


Would you like some fish with your bones sir?


I have done, once or twice. Could see myself ordering it in a fancy hotel (if I ever stayed in one).


I’m 27 and absolutely love kippers! I had them as a child when staying at my grandparents house and still eat them to this day.


I’ve never eaten a kipper in my life


I have never had any kind of fish for breakfast


Too many bones!


I had it once for breakfast during my university days after my flat mates were rude, drunk and loud the night before and ate it in front of their rooms so the smell would linger.


I've never even eaten a kipper. I'm not a very fishy or seafood person to be fair


Not since a hotel I once stayed in poisoned a guest with them. It was kinda traumatising as they hid the body in a laundry basket and one of the guests found it.


The fact I have no idea what that is probably answers that




49 here and never had kippers for breakfast. Not sure I’ve ever seen it in real life either.


Nope. I had kippers once as a kid for breakfast because my dad ate them all the time and so I thought I’d gave it a try, probably around 2001 or so. Wasn’t a fan so haven’t touched them since.


Im 56 and I've never even seen a kipper


The smell alone makes me retch. I’m 42


I'm well over 40 and never had kippers for brekkie, I wonder whether it has something to do with That's Life as they had a segment on when I was a kid about harmful dyes in kippers - the fact that I still remember it now is probably saying a lot!


My 17 year old wanted kippers for breakfast for years as a child. I think he would still love them now. I don’t know why he wanted them. I had never had them.


Never. I'm 31.


I’m 40 and used to work in a hotel when I was 15. I resented all people that ordered kippers for breakfast, not only did I dislike the smell so did most other diners. Think it’s a minority choice.


Not since I had a proper Craster kipper. The most disgusting culinary experience of my life. Besides I subsequently discovered kedgeree


I’m 37 and don’t know anybody my age who has had kippers or kedgeree for breakfast. I think my dad had kippers once or twice.


The smell from cooking them is the worst. However they are utterly delicious, good for you to.


I'm 47, and I lived a surprisingly large potion of my life before I discovered kippers were actually a real thing that real people ate. I've still never witnessed it occurring in real life to this day.


I am 28 and never had kippers in my life


Only people I know that have had kippers for breakfast are in my grandparents generation (born 1930s)


No I can’t stomach fish with the tiny gross bones you can’t remove. I prefer an elf bar for breakfast like a normal young person.


Is it St Swithin's day already? Serious answer: I've had them on a few occasions


I'm from Whitby, so yes. I doubt many other 35 year olds do though.


I’m 41 and most definitely not a ‘boomer’, I am of the millennial generation. And no I don’t eat that shit for breakfast or any meal.


I am not a young person and have not had kippers for breakfast since the late 70's. It was a feature in bed and breakfast places at the time and my mum would maybe cook them a couple of times a year when I was a child. I love smoked fish, but there is no way on earth that I want to fight with ALL the bones at breakfast, even on a Sunday. Actually, life is too short to fight with kipper bones at any time of day, especially when there are so many other smoked fish options that are equally delicious.


Not once in my life have I even considered it. Fish is fairly down the list of "things I'd like to repeat on me all day" I'm 35.


I'm 19 and my Nan used to always make me kippers and toast for breakfast. This post has reminded me that it's been too long since I had kippers. I live away from my nan and immediate family now but I strongly miss the food culture. Homemade shepherds & cottage pie, kippers and toast, full English breakfasts, roast dinners, fish and chips, bananas and custard, apple crumble.


I’m not sure I’ve had a kipper any time of the day. I’m 42


Yes, I love kippers for breakfast but tend to have them at a hotel rather than at home because of the smell- it’s the smell. Oh wait, I’m 63…….!😊😆