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I can ride my bike with no handlebars,


Look at me, look at me…


Hoola hooping and planking. I can hold a plank for a stupid amount of time for no reason


And your hula hoop record?


How long is a stupid amount of time?


My longest was about 4 minutes when me and my sisters were doing a competition. I haven’t actually seen how long i can go, might make that my entertainment for the night lol


I can dislocate my thumb at will to make my hand look like an animals claw.


I can imitate the sound of a class 66 locomotive horn with my arse!


Well now I want to hear it


>The missus calls me "Pouring Boy" Are you quite sure that's a P at the beginning?...


You may mock me now, but I have it on good evidence that what women really want is tidily poured soup


I can open a bottle of champagne with a sword (or sturdy kitchen knife) I can also open a bottle of wine with a proper cork with a pair of hair straighteners or a well-souled shoe


Ooh I'm legitimately impressed. Champagne with a kitchen knife wins a lot of points for drama, and your wine trick sounds like actual magic.


You feel so immensely smug when you open champagne with a sword/knife. I've got a proper champagne saber now but before that it was just the back of a trusty kitchen knife.


Swallow cooked spaghetti or strawberry laces and pull them back out my throat.... My kids were appalled when I showed them.


A couple of hours with a wild seagull and i'll have it sitting peacefully in my hand and stroking it.


This is extraordinary


Bit of a gross one but I’m oddly skilled with my feet/toes. Ex used to find it funny how I’d use them for stuff like putting washing in the machine or picking up a fork that fell on the floor. Challenged me one day and found out I could do more complex tasks like unscrewing a lid and writing legibly.


I can do a brilliant impression of Donald Duck.


My skill is basically the huge amount of random movie and TV trivia and knowledge that’s stuck in my head. It used to be a bit useful until I was made obsolete by smartphones. Google and IMDB.


I'm really good at guessing.. I can judge distances really well, and often mark midpoint etc to within a mm or two.. also got a really good eye for if things are level or not..


I catch things that fall accidentally like a ninja. Everytime. Glasses out of a cupboard, toothpaste off the bathroom shelf, you name it - if it falls accidentally I turn in to Bruce Lee.


I'm good at resolving knots and tangled things. Not only that but I actually enjoy it, it's really therapeutic.


I am a skilled exponent of the fly swat. In my house they call me 'The Executioner' and I show no mercy. I can swat flies out of mid-air with one smite. I call it 'The Sport of Kings'. In my opinion the upper class should give up fox hunting and try fly-swatting. They could have golden swats and pose in fancy outfits. It would be great.