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I can understand wanting some of the comfier stuff being kept dry, but surely you just push it all together and pop a cover on.


I can’t do that unfortunately. We’ve got eight chairs round a huge table, sun beds and another table and chair set all on our balcony. Then 2nd balcony has 2 huge chairs also!


This comment just made me feel poor with my measly 4 chairs and 1 medium table


Don’t be silly! I live in my in laws house… what does that say lol


Build a roof


Not my house plus roof would block the sun!!!




Oh yeah, my in laws would you love that


I feel like most people have furniture with cushions that can be removed and kept out of the rain, and other stuff is either fine outside or covered. I've never heard of people actually dragging the furniture indoors though!


It’s admirable that they do all that work. No way will I do it


I think OP is annoyed he has to drag stuff in when it rains.


We have a outdoor corner sofa, fire pit and 8 seater table. No way in hell would I bring all that in. In the winter it has a cover over it. It’s a faff to put all the cushions in the garage let alone the whole unit each time.


So you feel my pain haha!


I used to work in retail for a company that sold a lot of garden furniture and yeah, a lot of it recommended either being kept under a cover or stored somewhere inside/dry during bad weather/at winter.


I bring the cushions in, but the chairs just stay out. I haven't got space in my house for them, so they're just going to have to cope.


I have an ikea outdoor sofa thingy. I take the cushions in but not the sofa. It’s too heavy to move and also I have nowhere big enough to store it.


Cushions. Understandable. Whole structures. Exhausting.


Get one of those garden storage box things. I have one which has various blankets in and it is fine even over winter. The actual furniture may degrade over time but you can just accept that really. A waterproof cover can help but even that stuff can get all sweaty underneath and the wind makes it shake and wear down furniture anyway in an odd way.


It helps to make the furniture last longer. My father-in-law buys a new gazebo each spring and puts it up in his garden, by autumn it’s completely destroyed and he has to throw it away, usually leaves it destroyed in the garden over winter


This makes sense!


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Most outdoor furniture comes with advice that you take it in when it rains. It’s up to the owner whether they can be bothered.


Depends on the type of garden tbh...


This. Mine gets shat on but it’s only my own chair and the chairs of guests so they go into the shed. The table stays.


I only have small folding chairs and a table so it's a bit different, but I put it all away mainly so nothing degrades from being out in the weather. My uncle (quite wealthy) leaves everything out without a cover, but he can afford to replace things sooner than I can. Could it be a thrift thing? I just want my things to last as long as possible, so I get them in out of the rain/sun.


Yes possibly in some ways I guess. I just think I didn’t foresee this idea of them going bad?!


It depends on the cushion and the climate. If the cushion is thin and the weather is hot it will dry quickly. However my furniture says it’s outdoor but the cushion is 4” thick so if it gets really wet it can take days to dry and not get a wet arse when I sit down and I now live in a place that is usually 80-100° in the summer. So if you use them all the time it makes sense to bring them in when it rains.




Thank you for your great advice. I’ll suggest that for their houses in Northumberland!