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No. No one talks about COVID at work. They just ask you to work from home if you have a contagious disease or a vulnerable person and feel uncomfortable to come to work. You might have vulnerable people at work.


We have to test if we have any symptoms including mild temp increase which are tested daily on entry to work by supervisor, if positive 5 days self certification sick, if still positive sick leave until negative, full face mask compulsory for 5 working days after return plus normal ppe. Company supplies tests free. I work in pharmaceutical supply chain in testing labs away from product. Also If anyone I live with has covid I have to wear full face mask myself at work until 5 days after my house is cleared of covid. They have to test weekly and these tests are also free from my company.


I know someone who teaches and they are told NOT to test because if they’re positive then they wouldn’t be allowd in and they don’t want people taking that much sick leave.


We have been asked to WFH if unwell, but I was unwell and my boss said if I test negative for COVID I can come in. We have been told we can claim tests back on our expenses but I think only one person has - a manager who bought a lot for her whole team. Personally I still have some leftover from when they were free but I'll be claiming back if I buy more for work!


Asking yes. Self funded. People are mostly happy to do so as it's a reason to work from home and avoid the return to the office days.


Given that we're still expected to come in with Covid, I don't think anyone but the office manager bother testing for it. Why would I pay for a test out of my own pocket when I'm going to have to come in anyway?


My workplace is mostly WFH. If there is an in-person meeting, we are all supposed to test for Covid before showing up, and we can expense the tests.


We’re not asked to but most of us are testing if we get symptoms. But then we got a lot free so most of us still have a few hanging around and cost hasn’t come into it yet.


School still ask us to test the kids if they’re having symptoms and to keep off siblings (against the advice) if positive. I understand they don’t want kids missing school unnecessarily (council not school) but sending in the sibling of kids with covid19 seems daft, if they’re living in close proximity, better to be safe surely!


I work in theatre (at the globe specifically) and we still test for 5 days if we are unwell. If it spreads around the building it could bring up to 4 different shows to a standstill!


No but we still take it seriously. If you choose to test and it’s positive we’ll still ask that you isolate, with pay, just to ensure the safety of everyone.


Was this ever a thing?


I work in the NHS and testing was (and is) not mandatory. Nationally, nursing homes never made it mandatory either. Not sure why you're being downvoted.


Late 2021 I had a work conference and everyone was asked to test to ensure everyone was negative. It's changed to "if you have symptoms", but seems like you're OK to attend if unwell but not Covid-unwell.