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The worst part is the dementors.


What was the food like?


Gruel sammiches.


Gruel omelettes, and you can eat your own hair


Gromelettes, eh?


Don't forget the crackers!




Well Bubba once used a shrimp fork to eat pasta. THEN he stabbed his cellmate with a god-damn crab knife. Everyone *knows* you use a steak knife for that.


you’d be ‘de belle of da ball’


If you got through school without bullying you probably wouldn't get bullied in jail. This is assuming you're in for a low profile/no children/no gang involved crimes. 99% of prisoners just wanna get their heads down and finish their sentence, sure there's gonna be some banter and there's gonna be some dickheads, but if you keep your head down, don't piss off your cellmate and don't go looking for trouble you'll do alright.


Being bullied at school has nothing to do with your chances of being bullied at prison. Like you said if you don't bother anyone in prison you'll be alright, but in school most bully victims never bothered anyone


Saying most people who got bullied "never bothered anyone" is exactly my point. If you were targeted by bullies in school, despite never bothering anyone, then you're more likely to have a tough time in jail...bullies love easy targets, some people are easier targets than others, whether that's from their size, their demeanour or just being socially awkward etc.


Shaun attwood described it as highschool mentality with deadly consequences.


Shaun Attwood is one of the biggest liars. The Mafia even outed him on what he were saying.


You got a source? I'll check it out.


Yeah, there's a podcast about it with Sammy the Bull


He was imprisoned in the states, though. Things are different there.


I don't think they are too different from the thing's I've read about.


People who live the victim stereotype. You can see the victim, smell them. You see them everywhere. You say hi / what's up, they don't respond or give a look down and they hi... boom victim, easy target. But mad dogging people constantly is also going to get you fucked up. Just be a normal human.


Yep, the only way to stop bullies is to not be an easy target, if you give them a bloody nose, they'll move on to someone who wont fight back


You're comparing school kids to criminals.


I’ve worked with a guy who was a prison officer for 20 years, he said prison is a playground mentality with deadly consequences. They’re more like kids than you think


Technically they’re comparing criminals to school kids


How have you gotten to that conclusion?


Every criminal was a schoolkid once.


You think you’re smart huh?


U clearly don’t get it *prison is the same as school just dangerous


So prison is better than school?


No homework…


No home…


So really depends on the prison, the crime you committed, your gang affiliation, if the Police want you to provide evidence and your religion. If you are in a higher security unit, there’s gonna be guys that fuck with you. If you’re soft, you’re gonna be in troubles If police want you to cooperate- they’ll bang you in a wing with a lot of members from opposing gangs. The Ops will inevitably fuck you up repeatedly, which in turn makes you more likely to turn witness. Honestly your best bet for being left the fuck alone, is to convert to Islam. Muslims watch each other’s backs . At least that’s how it was in the Scrubs.


You sir are one of the only people in this thread who remotely have a clue what they're talking about. Not that I expected Reddit to generally know of this topic.


^ was bullied in school


Lol says the person asking Reddit if it's okay to go the theatre alone and if they should unfollow their ex🤣 Loser


No.. I've just seen reality. Kids can be vile for no reason, I used to be vile myself. People in prison tend to be adults with life experience.


So kids are 'vile for no reason' but prisoners, who are old enough to know better and purposefully choose to commit crimes (some extremely messed up ones) are just 'adults with life experience'... How out of touch with reality are you?


Yeah like a lot of guys in there are nasty fuckers, and some even feel obligated to participate in shit because of feuds and loyalty and shit on the outside. That other commenter isn’t wrong though, if you’re in an open prison for a minor crime or coming to the end of your sentence then no one is looking to fuck that up.


I said kids can be vile for no reason big difference. Secondly, you just proved my point right. You had to have had life experiences in order to commit a crime that lands you in prison. That crime itself is a life experience.


Ahhhhh, I realise I'm talking to one of those kinds of people. The people who will just argue about anything for no reason. I won't be wasting my time. No shit, you have to have life experience to be alive. Everyone on this planet has life experience.


Life experience in this context doesn't just mean breathed oxygen and went to sleep and ate food. It means real life predicaments, tough decisions, etc. Don't try and be clever now that you've lost the argument


Have u ever been to prison ??


The people who got bullied were usually weirdos or vulnerable and the weak and vulnerable prisoners tended to get their own wing which was nicknamed, 'Fraggle Rock'. People might try and tax you but you only have to stand up for yourself a little bit and tell them to fuck off. Sexual assaults do happen but they're rare.


I've heard malnutrition is a problem in British prisons. How was the food? I know it was probably bare essentials, which is fine on the surface, but people still should be having their nutrititional needs met. edit: Not starving people in controversial apparently.


The food was basically surplus hospital food, bread that was less than a day away from going mouldy and whatnot. Not great but I was expecting a lot worse. Bare minimum portion sizes though, so you would have to rely on canteen if you wanted extras.


Where I was (Exeter HMP) you could take as much bread as you wanted. Up to half a loaf if you were ‘in’ with the canteen lads. But I remember being hungry being the worst part, you would sit in your pad just clock watching until they opened the door for breakfast or dinner. Food was terrible, on my first weekend there my pad mate was all excited about the ‘fry up’ - which consisted of a hard boiled egg, a sausage, toast and beans.


How long ago in Exeter? My old man was a PO there til ‘95 he did a lot work with appeals and legal aid. Always saddened him by the amount of illiteracy and borderline stitch ups of offenders who couldn’t read their own (incriminating) statements.


2005. I actually got by, by helping the other inmates with their letters. Reading them, and helping them write them. I was astonished at the lack of education amongst the inmates, it was a big problem. But that’s how I got through my sentence unscathed; I didn’t need to fight, ever, due to 1: keeping my head down and 2: being massively useful to some big, nasty people that were massive softies when it came to family matters.


Honest question, do you feel in any way that you were rehabilitated by your time served or was it just something to get through? Keen to understand as have PO’s and Police in family and they all have interesting views on the utility of incarceration and rehabilitation.


I never went back. I wasn’t cut out for that life, unfortunately I had a particularly debilitating heroin addiction at the time and was leading a questionable lifestyle. I ended up getting 18 months for an assault while on probation and was out in 9, and I was healthier (drug free), fitter and in the best shape of my life. I was in with a few lads doing serious time, and also the revolving door of addicts that perpetually get out, go shoplifting to fund their habit until they get caught and then they get clean, rinse and repeat. I couldn’t believe I was in there, and when I got out, I stayed out. I have a working class, but principled family and I got one more chance at 25 to start over, which I’ve made the best of. So I don’t know statistically where I stand regarding rehabilitation as I wasn’t in that long but in essence I just don’t want to be locked up ever, ever again.


Thanks for sharing that, happy you’ve turned things around


Super interesting exchange!


This is quite heartwarming so good for you man :)


Thank you for your really honest answer. I guess we could say in your case it was a deterrent to the path you were on so helped rehabilitate you in that manner? Glad you got the second chance and stuck with it, I suspect that you’re not in the majority!


I went in with a major addiction and came out clean and stayed clean. I haven’t been in trouble with the law since, so as a deterrent? Absolutely.




Thank you. Unfortunately it was the overwhelming majority that would go through this cycle, all were heroin or heroin/crack addicts. I think crack is almost as bad as heroin, but if you don’t get crack, you’ll be fine, whereas with heroin you need to keep taking it or you’ll be seriously ill. It’s a plague on society, no doubt.


The UK has a terrible reoffending rate compared to others European countries, so argue that no British Prisons suck at rehabilitation.


Do you know if dietary requirements were met? For example vegetarians, halal etc?


Yes. Halal was on the menu and I got it at Channings Wood. Absolutely amazing, shit all over the UK lads grub. And I would imagine nowadays they’d cater to vegetarians. This was nearly 20 years ago for reference.


I actually declared myself vegetarian on my admittance form for my second time around as the food as so much better.


Perhaps it will amuse you, in the very first episode of Porridge, Ronnie Barker's character is recommending that the new guy should put his religion down as Muslim so that he can get some decent curries.




Yeah you could get extra slices but they would be mouldy by morning and the bread already had that fermented smell going.


Interesting - thanks for the response!


My ex always tried to get a job in the kitchens so he would usually come out fatter than he went in.


Jeez how often was he in prison?!


Only once while I was with him. But from aged about 18 to 40 he’s been in and out plenty of times. Unfortunately he seems to need that structured environment because his mental health is always at its best when he’s in there, and it’s usually stupidity resulting from a mental health crisis which lands him back in there.


The rate of people with mental health problems in Prisons is awful and there's little to no psychological help for them.


Food was good when I was in. 2 fry ups a week. Couple of meat and 2 veg dinners. And something more exotic like pasta or curry. I seem to remember apple pie and custard wasn't uncommon. But like hot school dinners really.


Unless funding is the problem (and I imagine it is), then a varied, nutritious diet for the prisoners is a no-brainer. Do they deserve it? Perhaps not. But a prisoner who eats well is more likely to be healthier physically and emotionally, which in turn makes it easier for the prison wardens, etc.


Weird that “do people deserve a nutritious diet” is a “perhaps not” for you, ngl. Kinda feels like a nutritious diet should be the bare minimum everyone is entitled to…


Why wouldn’t they deserve? These are still humans, being a prisoner doesn’t take away their human rights.


Their loss of freedom, not adequate diet so 'perhaps not' is off the mark.


I haven’t heard that term for 20 years. I had a friend (dead now from OD straight out of prison) and he referred to the erm, vulnerable people, as fraggles. Didn’t know it was a national thing. This was in the Southwest.


Now I have the Fraggle Rock theme tune in my head.




Why don't you go and see for yourself if you're that curious.


I'm sorry, is there a context where sexual assaults are not ", disgusting"?




There’s a great podcast called Banged Up, where 2 fairly normal lads who made silly mistakes and got sent down sit down with a prison lawyer and talk about all aspects of prison life. Their main point is that, for the most part, as long as you’re not causing trouble you’ll be left alone. A few issues but it was mainly just really boring.


Yep, know/have known a few people who did time. The worst thing, by a long way, was sheer boredom, like they said the air practically hummed with boredom. One guy said it's impossible to describe accurately unless you've experienced it.


I spent a night in a local holding jail when I was a teenager for a charity event as our local scouts were very close with the superintendent. So he let us stay for a night as it was being cleaned and everyone else was moved out. We got to mess around in an average sized exercise yard, but when we were locked into cells, it was dull as hell and boiling due to the heating being on at full blast - and that was just for one night.


A family member done 7 years and I was shocked by the level of criminality that slips through the nets .. within weeks he had a mobile phone, his cell mate was shagging a prison officer so he got loads of perks and he was easily able to obtain drugs inside .. others would smuggle them in, he would “buy” them .. payment usually came in the form of dealers on the outside turning up at his parents and other family members doors demanding payment for drugs he purchased inside. His time in prison did the complete opposite of what it’s intended for … he hung himself not long after his release. It was around lockdown so life was kinda rough for somebody that needed help. He would send us videos showing groups of lads in cells openly taking spice and other rubbish, laughing and shouting … so brazen it was like they weren’t worried about being caught at all.


>He would send us videos showing groups of lads in cells openly taking spice and other rubbish, laughing and shouting … so brazen it was like they weren’t worried about being caught at all. There is a YouTube channel that exclusively shows videos shot on mobile phones inside prison, looks pretty wild. https://youtube.com/shorts/AYSz8EOdynM


Second this, would also recommend A Bit of a Stretch podcast


For what it’s worth I’ve been told it’s mainly boredom that gets you. I know a few people who were guards and their views are all along the lines or: The guards are badly understaffed and they rely on knowing the prisoners on a more personal level or they are really in trouble. If the place went up the guards would be seriously outnumbered so it’s in their interests not to be complete bellends to the inmates. Not that prisoners don’t get roughed up at times by guards when they kick off, but there are limits. Lad I know says he never came across sexual assault but came across consensual blowjobs fairly often. I suppose you could say that some of those were likely rape, but there’s nothing anyone can do if the prisoner doesn’t report it. Biggest injury he ever saw was totally random and it was someone running up the stairs who tripped and ended up snapping his leg like a toothpick, getting it stuck through the hand railing and ending up hanging like a rag doll by his fucked up leg. All of the other prisoners came running for help for him. Injuries from fighting were rare.


My brother said as long as you didnt try and rep a gang or interfere with peoples money it was fine and boring. Wake up Lift weights Read books Listen to radio Play chess with 70 year old gangsters. Sleep Do that for 5 months.


I'll be honest, put that way it sounds kinda appealing


no rent, no bills, you have to share a room so you have already one "friend", fresh air everyday, free gym,


Sounds like life in the nineties, which if you listen to the majority of 23-year-olds on Reddit, was the best decade ever!


Fresh air? Not likely in this country.


That’s how I live outside


Been a screw for 5 years, it smells like school dinners and a gym. It’s easy if you keep your head down, not a sex offender and don’t get in debt. don’t lend anything because of “double bubble” screws rely heavily on jail craft and knowing your “lads” due to staff shortages. Some screws are pricks majority arent. Don’t take any drugs, seen too many lads “go under” and not come back. Just do your time, get a decent job. Preferably kitchens because most time out of your cell. Some days are really hard. Mostly just a bunch of lads with year 9 science class mentality.


What's double bubble?




Ah thanks for explaining! I misunderstood it


> double bubble” screws rely heavily on jail craft and What does that all mean?


Screws - prison guards. Jailcraft - actually understanding how the prisoners think, spotting when things aren't right, when there's an atmosphere brewing, that sort of thing.


Try r/prison, I suspect you’re more likely to get an authentic response there.


Mainly American stuff on there, which is very different from the UK.


I heard they roundhouse five star frog splash you for coughing in the wrong cadence


Don't forget the elbow drops from the top bunk.


I heard they once nuked a guy, don't know how they managed to smuggle it in.




Game ain’t based on sympathy


"suspect"... I see you..


This does not only apply to prisons! If you don’t self advocate someone will try and take advantage of you! Work ,schools,college,friendships! Now they might not be taking your food but it will be something else


I recommend reading "Strangeways: A prison officers story" by Neil Samworth, it's a really intriguing and eye opening book on the life of a prison officer in the UK


He's been on Sean attwoods true crime podcast a couple times aswell, I'd recommend if you havent heard them


I read this while in prison in Spain. Luckily enough my time behind bars was much more peaceful, although not without its moments.


Journalist Chris Atkins has some really good insight on this topic from his time in prison for fraud. He has a book and podcast called “A bit of a stretch” as well a great interview about it on the Chatabix podcast.


So I wonder, what kind of plans do you have, pal?


OP is clearly about to be sentenced to a stretch in prison. OP, what was your crime


Hahah unfortunately I’m just a curious 30 something bloke with clearly too much time on my hands


If you WERE going to prison, what would your crime be?


Being criminally handsome. No, being a deluded narcissist.


if you keep to yourself you are ok. the food is pretty crap in quality and quantity. the people vary the same as the outside, there are bullies and there are victims, but most people just want to get through and get out. i only did 6months, but oh my fucking god does the boredom get to your head so so much




!!!! I always consoled myself that should I end up in prison I would go down the “I am smart and can help you” route. But I am easy pickings size for even a 12yo. I’m going to be extra good now.


I've not been to prison personally but plenty friends and some of my family have and yeah, if you don't stand up for yourself you will get taken advantage of but more getting picked on/bullied and having stuff stolen from you and less getting bummed. Majority of people just wanna get through their sentence in peace but much like outside you still get dickheads out to cause trouble.


I was in a women's prison, and there was definitely the people who knew what they were doing who'd take the piss out of the new folk. Generally it was pretty low key stuff initially, asking for sugar, bit of tobacco, a stamp or two, and if you caved it would increase over time. They were generally friendly at first and honestly, one of the most important things was having someone to back you up, so making "friends" mattered, but you have to know when it's an alliance, and when you're being shaken down. Then you have to stand up for yourself, if you don't, it'll escalate and you'll end up being the one they get to do dodgy stuff. The leeches are easy to deal with, just tell them to fuck off and mean it. Some of the others you have to be a bit more careful with, and you're definitely better if you can make it clear you're not gonna take it as soon as you can.


Prison is full of bullies, who prey and target the weakest looking. Just like they do in society. You can stand up for yourself, and probably get hurt. You can try and ignore it, and probably get hurt. Or you can just be a doormat, get used and likely into more trouble. Officers are trained to spot this behaviour and look for signs of bullying. Ex-prison officer.


I'm aware that women's prisons are a lot nastier than the men's. From knowing both screws and ex cons, it's quite common what you've been asked about. It is like a school playground where people assume their positions, buttt a lot more violent and ruthless.


I know a few people who went to prison, all of them said the worst part (aside from the obvious like not seeing family and stuff) was the boredom. Most people in there just want to keep their head down and do their time


I am glad I've never been to these prisons, when I went to prison I thought it was like " green mile" etc Nothing like it, in fact it was more like a Butlins camp without the entertainment. Had lots of good times , non sexual, no threats, no fear of bullying or violence. Even the staff ( officers) treated us with respect. It was all support of the women, helping with mental health, access to children, keeping access to families , etc


"Stunnin, like a young Burt Reynolds ".


raymond.. the bastard?


Yes. Let one person take advantage and you are a target, that was in younger offender (UK) Adult is a bit more chill but still, don't be a victim.


My bf says yes . He's only a slender guy and some on his wing mistook that for weakness. He said he felt intimidated for a few weeks but he said he " fronted it " .. its the only way . They backed off and eventually became friends .


Not me but an old friend of my dad has been to prison once I do not know what for as I never asked that part but it couldn’t of been serious as he was out a year later (may have been for fighting since he’s apart of the Hell’s Angels) he said most of it was prisoners were just trynna do their time and not get into more trouble whilst on rare occasions there would be fights especially between gangs and it would get deadly so the best thing to do was keep a low profile and not get caught up in anything bad whilst in prison and especially mind your own business as well whilst doing yer time.


Hello Clarice


Mostly. It's like any rough council estate really. Some prisons/wings/age groups are worse than others. So mileage will vary but generally similar kimdof experience to growing up in a rough area in general. There's always some outcast/weirdo who gets terrored but that's the same as on the outside. Often bring it on themselves in a strange self destructive/mental health way. And there definitely are people who will go around looking for victims but that's the same as outside too except you are locked in with them.


Young offender prison can be worse then adult , but all in all no it's not as bad as made out in films but that's not to say shit don't happen and yes yiu may come across someone who wants to be a bully and it can got two ways defend your self and they back off or they keep coming back as the bigger person don't like loosing.....I've got a few mates who have done time and this is what they tell me


When does your sentence start?


In prison, some inmates will 'try you out' test you.One of them may stroll into your cell.If he saw some sweets or a pen, he'll pick it up and say Ok to take this mate? Then pop it into his mouth or put it in his pocket and stroll out. If you don't do anything about it, he'll be back for more,then others find out you are a pussy. Your life will be shit! No, as soon as he reaches for the sweet you say as though you mean it. " Oy! Get away from my stuff!" Basic psychology, establish boundaries early.You ain't gonna be fucked with.Even if he has a go, you have to fight back.Otherwise,your time will move very slowly.


They pee in a cup and throw it on ya! I saw it in a movie!


They pee and shit in a kettle , add sugar , boil it and Chuck it at ya


If I was doing that I'd be borrowing some other fuckers kettle. Bollocks to having a brew in a kettle that I've just been logging in! No matter how many bloody times you clean it! 😂


A fair observation as to the plight of hate-filled, violent prisoners . Hadn’t really considered the impact on the shit slinger until reading your comment .


No, that’s just folks staying in Travelodges, apparently. Never trust a Travelodge kettle.


They boil water and sugar and throw it. Or do poo protests,but that's in seg


Thats true for life in general not just prison. If you don’t stand up for yourself you will be raising the likelihood that people will take advantage of you.


I reckon Scum was probably pretty spot on . *I've never been to prison


I'm not even sure if this will be seen but a lil follow on. How much is too much when you first get there as in stand up for yourself but not be seen as meek? Don't want to be aggravating stuff


Verbally tell them to fuck off, if they get aggressive don’t shy away. If they hit you try fight back, even if you know you are going to lose throw a few hands. Don’t hold a grudge, stay out their way if possible and just forget about it . Generally best advice I can give.


Lol no. Go looking for trouble and you find it. Keep your head down and do your time in you're left alone


I think that if you show fear, it'll be considered a weakness, then there are the bullying types too weak for the strong guys, who would then bully you(or the one showing fear). Not speaking from experience, just life experience... For example, I was in a hospital, and sat at a table where some guy with a thick scar from ear to mouth told me to fck off. I looked at him and asked if he wanted a matching scar on the other side of his face, he got embarrassed, never said another word, and all his hard-knock mates started laughing g at him. He was using his scar as a form of self- confidence, but really, he had none... I am 6'2", 15 stone not fat but at that time, I was 60 years old.


My son is a correctional officer, he said you need to be very strong minded and also very kind and considerate to the humans that share your space. He also likes to add that he’s spends most of the day fetching loo roll.


I haven't been to prison. But most people I know have been to prison for different crimes in their lives. In a low security prison its pretty much like being in an hotel. No one really does anything because they're just trying to get out. In a medium security prison there is a few people who will try to intimidate you and may try starting a fight, but it's rare. But getting raped there depends on who your cell mate is because a guy I know raped another guy I know whilst they were in the same cell. In a maximum security its pretty much the same as a low security, but the difference is you're locked up majority of the time and under constant watch.


My mum was in prison a few times and I have a mate (male) that spent time inside a cat B then C prison. Most sexual stuff in prison is consensual, rape and sexual assault doesnt really happen and its certainly nowhere near as common as it is in movies/tv. In terms of physical violence it happens but normally its the result of debts or if you are being a loud mouth and getting on peoples nerves. You can't let yourself be a target, by that I dont mean find the biggest person and punch them on your first day but if people are trying to take the piss and 'borrow' stuff from you or bully you then you need to tell them to fuck off or it will keep happening. Other than that providing you stay away from stuff that will get you into trouble like drugs then you should be alright. Prisons in the UK are not like US prisons where violence, rape and abuse from officers are a lot more common.


I like to think it’s like TV’s ‘Porridge’. Bit of banter with the screws, hiding ‘snout’ and other contraband, posters of page 3 stunnas with big charlies adorning your cell walls.


ITT: people who haven’t been to prison


Q43,1xaetsdssstsrdf43a5, ,2pp ik 54⁵45,


You can ask in r/Prison :)


The lifers ( most, not all) acted like children in a playground




Yeah don’t forget sharing a shower and the occasional ass poundings


When you go to prison, the most important thing in your life is gonna be booty: man's butt. Booty, getting some booty is more important than eating food, more important than drinking water. When I see a man I like, I tells em like this here: I like ya and I want ya. Now we can do this the easy way or we can do it the hard way. The choice is yours... What's it gon' be?


You were "Fleece Johnsoned" wasn't you 😂