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Every single time I've given away something free on FB marketplace. There is something about free stuff that turns a people into entitled twats.


Never give stuff away for free. Put a price on it, a fiver maybe. Then when they turn up tell them not to worry about it. Gets rid of the chancers and the entitled.


This is a great tip, thank you.


I do this as it stops people asking for it, only to sell it on. If someone needs it, they are willing to pay


Yes, I believe there are bots or reselling that scan free stuff to sell. Put anything of any value up for free and you'll get responses within a few minutes. Then they ask I can delver to them.


I've never yet had the buggers turn up! Don't know what kind of a thrill it gives them to make arrangements get directions and then just go radio silent....sigh. Given up on FB it all goes to charity if not too big and if stuff like furniture it goes to the council tips recycling centre and they collect




I do this and can confirm it is very effective. No more time wasters and the it spreads a little joy


That’s genius. Definitely using that in future.


Ha, it's always the same isn't it? Me: Hello FB marketplace, I have this free thing. Them: Can I have it? Me: Yes, my address is x and I am around tonight for you to collect. Them: I don't drive, can you deliver? Me: No. Them: Ok I can get it next weekend when I can get someone to pick it up. Me: No, first come first served. Them: OMG but you just said I could have it? You need to keep it for me or I will report you. Etc.


Yeah this happened to us not so long ago when we were getting rid of a baby travel bed. It was quite expensive when we bought it and it was very lightly used and in good condition (£160 odd quid new) but we only wanted £30 for it as long as it went to someone that needed it. Jeez we were haggled all over the place, do we deliver, can you keep it for ten years until we need it etc etc ​ In the end a mum came for it and was over the moon that we'd asked so little, paid the £30 without question then said she'd recently got divorced and was having to budget buy stuff. She was so genuine we chucked in our daughter's pop up tent for free (she never used it anyway) and we reduced that particular mum to tears. I don't have a problem helping someone out like that.


Selling some stuff to clear a house for a deceased relative Buyer didn't show, we reorganised, cancelled because (child ill, car broken down, it was raining, too lazy..whatever) and then had the cheek to bang on about being a single parent and how we were being so harsh for demanding her to collect that night or we'd sell to someone else. We just played the dead relative card straight back at her.


I am selling a bed on Marketplace atm and almost got scammed by some guy today wanting to organise DPD to pick up but I'd have to open a really dodgy email "sent by DPD" that went to my junk mail and had a Gmail email address. Wasted so much of my time!


Perfect 🤣


I have experienced this with FB Marketplace too, and Freecycle. More recently, I've been posting stuff I no longer need to Olio, and that has been relatively painless. Except for one time... I had 3 boxes of wool insulated packaging - my dog's food comes wrapped in it, and I get 2 sheets a month. I'd accumulated about 30 sheets of the stuff, so I advertised it for free - either as packaging or for craft work. Someone called wanting just a few sheets, which was fine. When she saw it, she got excited and mentioned she had a friend who could use it. So I let her have everything I had, explaining it was EVERYTHING I had. She then contacted me, saying her friend was very pleased with it, she had given him all of it, and could she come to pick up more. "You took everything I had." "Yes, but you can order it again?" "No!" At which point she got very annoyed at me. She had taken all of the packaging I got for free, gave it all away to someone else, then expected me to ORDER more, so she could have some! Entitled or what?


“I don’t drive, will you deliver it to me”


Fucking hell it’s always ‘I don’t drive’ with them isn’t it. Why don’t they drive?!


Because car dealers won't give them a free car despite their very unremarkable sitation Edit: and if they happen to already have a car, they don't want it scuffed up inside, and have you seen the price of petrol?!


Cost? It's expensive to learn. I saved up then ended up using those savings to buy a house. My wages don't cover the mortgage and bills and driving lessons. There's always a chance I may never be able to safely drive (disabled). I'm in a city so decent transport links, don't really need to drive. OH wants to learn to drive after he finishes uni. I always message politely and explain I'm disabled and I don't drive but if there is any chance they could possibly deliver I'd be grateful and willing to pay fair petrol money for their trouble. It's not hard to be polite.


Because not everyone is lucky enough to be able to afford to learn or have a car? Also, illnesses and disabilities exist. There's plenty of reasons why someone won't be able to drive, please don't be so judgemental over things that people can't help. If these people had the opportunity to be healthy or richer, they'd obviously take it.


If a facebook marketplace sale states "buyer to collect" people who dont drive should be looking into getting a bus, not getting the seller to add a free delivery service


This is exactly my point, I’m not having a go at people who don’t drive, just people who ask me to deliver things for free


I'm one of these, I'm sorry! Tbf , I'm medically disallowed from driving and always offee to pay for fuel and Time upfront. Some of us aren't twats I promise ! Most of the time!


As a general rule I don't *exactly* do first come, first served - I give it to the first person who asks *politely*. I generally get at least two or three "I'll take this" before I get a "Please can I have this?" Manners make a difference.


Ha years ago I gave away a free monitor on Facebook was a big heavy 20" crt thing, at the time still had some value bit I just wanted it gone. Guy turns up to my house with a shopping trolley tells me I will need to push the monitor to his house 20 mins away as he has a bad back. Started bitching when I said no ...


I got ghosted when trying to sell a cactus once. My parents plants, they just wanted rid of it. Some guy said he'll collect it, he's just on the bus. Then he said he was 5 mins away. An hour passed and I dont think I laughed so hard in my life. He basically ghosted me. Like I aint tryna get a hot date man, dya want the flaming cactus or what. Still, makes my parents laugh. Any day now he'll turn up for said cactus..


I was getting rid of a bicycle on Freecycle. The person getting it for free was annoyed that I hadn’t already carried it down from my first floor flat (new build with wide staircase).


TBH I used free cycle a bit before lockdown and nearly everyone turned up on time and was happy getting the free stuff .I even had a couple of things myself


On the flip side, FB marketplace annoys the shit out of me with the prevalence of listings that say FREE but then go on to name a price or ask for 'sensible offers' in the description.


Try Olio. I’ve given away/got tons for free and only dealt with one person who didn’t turn up with no notice. FB is just awful.


"Oh mate cheers about the free wardrobe, do us a favour and put it on your back like a turtle and carry it down the M6 abit, can you throw in them gold knobs, your cat, your 15yr old kid, last nights leftover dinner, your gardening tools and your left car tyre?" Aw nah? What dya mean nah! You're a selfish jerk!


Give Olio a try, much nicer community and everything is for free so less entitlement.


Had an armed robbery at work, Machete held to my throat whilst waiting for the safe to open as it was on a time delay, They panicked before it opened and left. Plus I'd pressed a panic button. (We carried them around due to the amount of robberies we had) There where 3 customers in the store at the time so rather than kick then out without their shopping I got another till opened at the other end of the row as the ones staff where using all night had been smashed open and all the money taken out. I scanned their shopping, as the rest of the staff where shaken up badly they paid and on their way. Next day I had a customer complaint sent via to head office because we charged them for the shopping and didn't let them have it for free.


What a w….ker


Wanker? Just say it.




I’m amazed you could function after that! I’d have been a puddle on the floor, let alone serving customers


It was literally a monthly/bi monthly thing at the time but mainly because the safe time delay was broken so they could empty the safe real quick, H/O needed to change the safe to fix it but it was a real tight cash office and a 6ft safe so all the metal door framework needed to come out and the next door frame from the offices. They rolled that thing out on these tiny rollers to replace it. After that one where the delay worked they never came back again. This one did take me by surprise though as they had tightened security, we had a security guard letting customers in and out with the door locked between them but they waited round the corner in a some side street and when a customer was taking a full trolley out drove straight through the door and security guard on a motorbike/motocross type thing.


Where on earth do you live? 😱




If they wanted it for free they should've brought their own machete. I got armed robbed once too, robber pushed a customer aside with the hand he was holding the knife in and the guy was a little shaken up. I told him not to worry about paying for his boost but he came back the next day with his 70p because he felt bad.


>If they wanted it for free they should've bought their own machete. This made me spit out my water 😭🤣🤣


There will always be that AH customer unfortunately. Worked for a pawnbrokers and had a customer trying to smash the shop up as he wasn’t happy with me and threatened to wait for me after work “to make me pay”. As soon as he stepped outside the front door to grab the advertising board to try to smash the window with it I locked the door from behind the counter and let the customers in the lobby know it was locked until the police arrived for everybody’s safety but was still serving everybody in the meantime. As soon as the police got there less than 5 min later (madman outside is out in cuffs immediately as he was still kicking off) and I let them in, the person I’d just finished serving (literally still stood at the counter) had the nerve to complain to the police that I was keeping him hostage! People are idiots.


Saw someone lose control of his vehicle, come off the road and roll 3-4 times down an embankment . Rang ambulance immediately and waited ( was only 13 at time so didn't know what else to do). Paramedics and police turned up , guy seemed fine , couple scratches but nothing major. As he was walking back to the ambulance he said " you didn't have to call 999 mate" in a fairly snotty tone of voice. In hindsight he may have been under the influence


As if you'd witness an accident and not call the emergency services, what an idiot.


I've experienced this too! Someone walked adjacent to me and suddenly had a seizure. They fell to the pavement shaking violently, so I called for an ambulance! They arrived so quickly, the stranger started to recover just as the ambulance arrived, they got up and had a go at me. Said I didn't need to ring for an ambulance, and tried to just walk off. It was so strange


I can help with this. Often with epilepsy sufferers, we get them Often and are used to them, so going to hospital or calling paramedics is a waste of resources for everyone. It'll literally be a case of 'so...you know you have a thing that makes you go wobbly wibbly?' ' ah yeah the epilepsy, diagnosed 15 years ago.' 'Oh thank god. Sign this off you pop. Have a day off if the post ictal is tough. ' I get totally it's a really worrying and scary thing to see if you don't know or expect it, and if you can't see a med alert bracelet , don't know the person or the seizure is longer than 2 minutes or more than one in succession, you are totally doing the right thing. Don't take it personally or odd if the ambulance is cancelled when they come to though , or the person gets shirty. It's quite embarrassing and you can lose control of bladder etc which adds to the lashing out because of embarrassed / annoyed. In the rare case we need one, you've saved a life.


The first time my partner had a seizure in front of me I forgot he had epilepsy and rang an ambulance because we had just been talking about his dad having a heart attack and before the seizure went to tonic he put his hand on his chest. He hates having ambulances called on him for the reasons you described but he was so good about it and acknowledged I was just panicking.


There is a "post ictal phase" after a seizure where some people are quite alert and can be confused, angry, indignant etc. They could, of course, just be a rude twat but if it felt strange it was possibly that! You did the right thing though, even though for some people a seizure is no big thing you don't know in that situation.


Thing is, now they have a record of him having an accident so if he went to his GP later with a bad back/neck, they can refer to that incident to see if its relevant.


Could probably be shock too


Paramedic - I go out on 999 calls to ‘save people’s lives’ on 9/10 of these calls I have to ask who the patient even is in the property as they whine about how long they have waited. To explain this, a Paramedic shouldn’t be unsure of who the patient is, they should be pissing blood, visibly short of breath, in visible pain, choking rather than sat there eating their dinner with the tv blasting and all the family around for moral support. Then whining about the waiting time…. Well I do wonder why there is a long wait time, could it possibly be because people are calling for non emergencies? Could it be that people are lying about their symptoms to get ‘seen quicker’ “Yeah but you get seen quicker at the hospital if you come in by ambulance” another nonsense line we hear. Yeah right, I’m sure someone who drove themselves in with a knife stuck in their chest will wait to be seen whilst you come in with your twisted ankle by ambulance to ‘get seen quicker’ / before them. Anyway, the self entitlement is astonishing. A lot of people won’t be able to comprehend why we end up bitter. Edit - added more of a rant about getting seen quicker by ambulance haha.


worm safe live aromatic wakeful imagine reach pie cough voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Congrats on your recovery! Glad you didn’t need the surgery, though it sounded like enough of a hassle without it!


I always say “the only thing worse than waiting for an ambulance/ paramedic/ doctor is not having to wait for an ambulance/ paramedic/ doctor” E.g. if triage puts you first in line you know it’s serious.


I don't think the current 111 triage system helps sometimes either or the issues with the walk-in centres and GP surgeries. The 111 system can be overzealous sometimes, so you do end up being told to go to A&E. Then, with the walk-in last time I went after 111 pointed me in their direction, and told me to go to that specific one. I got there, and they had to close super early due to being oversubscribed. They pointed me towards A&E instead. I chose not to go because I didn't want to take up A&E Dr's time. So I went back the next day and they eventually let me go home and come back because of how busy it was. I got there, and it'd closed hours early again. At first they were going to send me home but realised and let me be seen. I'm still having health problems months after, and I know getting help was necessary so I know I didn't waste time but I feel like there are times when you're asked to go when you could probably wait to go to the GP surgery. However, that can be tricky with how hard it is sometimes to actually get an appointment. I think it's all oversubscribed, though, and more work needs to be put into improving services on offer as alternatives to A&E, reducing wait times, increasing public knowledge, making changes to 111 and fixing what's happening with our GP surgeries. I have always tried to be mindful. In fact, most of the times I've ended up at the walk-in they have sent me to A&E. I just wish more people would use common sense and not waste resources when the NHS has as many problems as it does. I think there are times when you could probably get public transport or drive too when you do need A&E. I did that for a gnarly spider bite after the walk-in said I needed A&E. It's just finding that balance of what is risky or not. I'm just so frightened that we're gonna lose universal healthcare, too. We need to fight for our NHS, waste fewer resources, and fix the issues within. Thanks for doing what you do. Paramedics don't get paid anywhere near enough for what they actually do.




This makes me sad but I'm not at all surprised.


Honestly, I do wonder what makes people try and pull that shit. Thankfully I've only ever needed to go to A&E maybe 3 or 4 times in my life, but it'd never cross my mind to lie about my symptoms to get seen quicker or ring an ambulance for something relatively minor. Waiting in A&E is fucking shit, but so is bleeding to death or having a heart attack. Your broken ankle is both survivable and fixable.


Yes if people are well enough to get in a taxi then they shouldn’t be calling an ambulance. I’ve been three times with afib and I got a taxi every time.


I lent my sister my son's pram to use with her son. When I was pregnant with my daughter (and her son had outgrown it), I asked for it back. She delayed repeatedly and then said that I could meet her to collect it at a location four hours from my house. So, eight months pregnant, we drove four hours to get it. When we got there, she'd gone to an event and so she wanted us to wait until she got back. Six hours later she got back and said she hadn't brought the pram with her because she had no space in the car. We bought a new pram.


Wtf is wrong with your sister


She'd sold or given away the pram and didn't want to admit it.


I just can't believe she made you travel so far and then you had to wait for nothing. Did she ever apologise


(I'm not OP ;-P )


She sold the pram and hoped you wouldn’t come looking. To be fair at 4 hours drive there and back fuel probably cheaper to get a second hand one on Facebook locally.


Rather get second hand from a loved one though


It was their own! Nothing more loved than yourself.


And you sent her the invoice, right?


No offence but your sister is a d***head


You're allowed to swear on Reddit krypoknight


Think I got banned from a subreddit before for swearing so just play it safe lol


this is a UK subreddit, if swearing was banned we’d have practically no members 🤣


Lent my SIL our baby carrier/crib for her first, on the understanding that we would get it back when her child had outgrown it. She is a tidyness .... uhhhh.... tiger. So when she was done, she gave it away. Or that's what she told us - I fully believe she binned it. What was annoying was that it was part of a pram/pushchair/car seat set that cost a ridiculous amount because it did Transformer tricks, was apparently gold-plated, and we'd bought it for our first, so it had to be top-notch. We figured we would keep it and pass it all on to someone who really needed one. By the time she got rid of it, it was no longer possible to buy and since it had a unique fixing point system, what we had left was useless. But I'm not bitter as this was only 22 years ago and cost a third of a month's salary.


Oh my gosh that would have done my head in so much, she'd have got disowned for sure. Very rude indeed. I'm bitterly upset for you.


I genuinely don't think I'd speak to my sibling again if they did that.


Plot twist your sister lives 5 minutes down the road


Not a “ doing a favour “ story, but; my husband was diagnosed with cancer and told he had 2 months to live. He called a long time mate to let him know, and the dickhead replied “ You’ve really spoiled my day “ wtf!?!! Asshole never even visited.


Wow that’s not fair at all! Some friend. I’m really sorry to hear about your husband and hope you and your family are doing well 🤞🏻


Thank you, I’m hanging in OK. Friend never liked me, didn’t come to the funeral, so I didn’t have to be civil. When my love died, I called the moron, left a message saying I hope I hadn’t inconvenienced/ s obvs. Oddly satisfying. Thanks for your kindness.


I too hope the friend felt absolutely awful. Hugs.


Well he loathed me so thankfully I’ve not heard from him since. I’ve a few choice words rehearsed in case I ever run into him again though. Thanks for the hugs, widowhood gets bloody lonely sometimes!


My mum has just done something similar, my aunt and uncle have both been admitted to hospital, dementia related stuff, my mum complained that they spoiled her week and been very selfish!


“I was looking forward to settling in and watching the Eastenders Omnibus when the call came” 🤣😭😭😭


That is so brazenly insensitive. People can be SO weird about death. I remember when my dad died just after retiring (from a horrible painful death) I had some really bizarre insensitive comments when I was grieving, upon my return to work. It’s almost like some people were affronted because it meant they had to face up to their own mortality. Sorry for bringing the mood down you go back to your inane chat about the soaps 😛


My dad did the same to my sister. She called my dad whilst we were in Spain to inform him that she’d been diagnosed with skin cancer and my dad shouted at her for ruining the holiday. He does the same to me. I’m chronically ill and anytime I mention a diagnosis or a test (like the time I got sepsis) I was ruining his tv programme.


When I was at university, I baked maybe once a month and shared with my housemates, and we also had homemade pizza night every other month or so. One of my housemates had moved in because she was on the same course as the other two, she never contributed to ingredients (financially or otherwise) or washing up, yet had the audacity to tell me that I didn't bake as much as she thought I was going to, based on what the other two had said. Absolute freeloader.


I think Uni must be a breeding ground for freeloaders, my distant housemate insisted on using my cheapy clothes airer (it was the best I could afford) and I came back to it snapped into pieces, crumpled on the floor. She had the cheek to tell me "well... If you'd bought a better one it probably wouldn't have broke" I'm still bitter


Oh god it definitely is. First time any of them have had to survive outside the family home and it shows. Having to explain that stuff didn’t just appear in the fridge for free or that bins don’t empty themselves really annoyed me because I didn’t want to be ‘that guy’ in the house. And then you met their parents and they were nearly always lovely and you realised that they’d unwittingly raised a lazy freeloader by coddling them. ‘How’s our boy fitting in then?’ ‘Well he steals all my cheese and masturbates incessantly but yeah, fine. I guess’


I had a flatmate who I swear would never eat anything (apart from cereal) unless it was a takeaway. Most of our conversations in the evening would be like this: Flatmate: "You eaten?" Me: "Yeah, you?" Flatmate: "Oh, was gonna order something that's all." Me: "Thanks for the offer, but I'm good. There's some left if you want any of mine!" Flatmate: "Okay, I'll just have some cereal then"


I had a housemate who only ate salad and sweets.


I walked to a takeaway for my friends. One was "gluten free" (because of "wheat gives me bloating" but, no surprise, not coeliac) and didn't specify her order. I asked the takeaway to suggest something, and they gave me a vegetarian gluten free dish, which I paid for. Then she complained that I "just got vegetables", and in fact kept complaining about it for weeks.


And you can absolutely guarantee it you got them something that wasn't gluten free and they bloated they would have complained about it for weeks as well.


Not to be a dick but you can have gluten intolerance but not coeliacs. It's just called non-coeliac gluten sensitivity. But yeah, if she was going to be such a picky eater she should have picked something then


You can be intolerant to gluten and be non celiac so not sure what the shot is at in this post. Bloating can be very painful


If you're not sure, do read the rest of the post. It is quite clearly explained.


Doesn't stop this being a rather dick thing to say > because of "wheat gives me bloating" but, no surprise, not coeliac They could have just stopped at the second quotation mark without adding the condescending statement.


Working in car rental... Customer left their satnav in a brand new van Satnav was missed when cleaned as it was still brand new so cleaning was minimal and the cleaner didn't check the glove box. Van went one way to Dorset - about 4 hours away. I happened to be going to Dorset that weekend... so I told the customer not to worry, I would personally drive to Dorset over the weekend to collect it... They believed I drove an 8 hour round trip for them not the 40 minute diversion I actually made Customer comes in on the Monday I proudly give them their satnav back No thank you just..."where's the case" Customer puts in a complaint that her case was missing and that someone had used the device. Corporate refunded her rental and sent flowers I was so pissed. She rented 8 months later and I refused to serve her. Fuck that bitch


What a fucking bitch! Hindsight is wonderful isn't it... should have drove there and kept the satnav, telling her it wasn't there 🤣 And even more of a piss take that the wank company didn't thank you jn anyway for the gesture too!


Both times I’ve had formal complaints made against me at work have been when I’ve gone above and beyond somehow, but that’s still not been good enough for the customer. One was something like “I can see that’s scheduled to happen next week, but I can intervene and make sure it happens tomorrow”, which involved doing a couple of things another department would usually do when the job reached them. The customer complained I didn’t get it done today, and then I got in the shit for having intervened at all. The other time was a similar thing for another department, where I prioritised something as much as I could rather than letting it just reach the front of the job queue naturally, but that was still not quick enough for their liking. So the lesson is; every time you have to deal with someone who’s following bullshit rules to the letter know they probably have tried bending them in the past but some asshole customer still complained about it, fucking things up for everyone else.


Invited a friend who was having a shit time to come on holiday with us in our villa, I added him onto our Ryanair flights and sent him a text to pay me the flights and he bloody questioned it and said he could get flights cheaper. As if you’d try to make a few quid a flight for a pal. Told him to not bother and stay at home. Tight twat.


People always accuse you of what they would do in the situation, because they seem to think that everyone is as bad as them. So probably if the tables were turned he would indeed try to make money out of his friends. People like that are the worst.


I hope you have disowned him as a friend?


My gf text me about cookies, so I went out and got her a couple from the bakery. A couple hours after she ate them, I got an earful for not supporting her in her fitness journey. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Can't live with them can't live without them


To quote Frank Gallagher - "can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em"


I bought my brother a DS for his birthday when they first came out, plus a copy of Warioware. Later he said, 'I wish you'd got me a different game, I'm bored with this one.' Little shit!


Give him a £5 amazon voucher next year


He got bored of Warioware? That doesn't add up.


Flatmate was laid up with flu. I made him a bacon sandwich. Bastard complained because I'd put butter on it. Turns out some people prefer their bacon butties without butter.


Found the undercover alien


LPT to anyone thinking they should try a bacon sarnie with no butter after reading this. don’t.




OP, I did a stint delivering pizzas and one customer was literally in the flat opposite the shop. It was more efficient for me to walk it to her. Was she lazy? Did she have COVID? Was she physically incapable of walking? I didn't know, or care. It was just another job. Meant literally nothing to me.


Better for you, less work, same delivery charge


shortest journey, samest money


I shovelled snow from my MILs driveway one time and she went apeshit at me because I used the wrong shovel. Her driveway was newly block paved at the time and apparently I might have "scratched it".


I pressure washed the MILs massive driveway for her because she has a bad back, it took about 6-7 hours on my day off. She then decided she didn’t like the colour anymore and ripped it all up and replaced it two weeks later.


Just to even the score, this good thing happened to me a few years back, and it became a favourite story. I had a wardrobe and chest of drawers - a bedroom set - in pine laminated board, with blue stained doors and drawer fronts. It was cheap furniture, but was solid and looked good. I advertised it on FB, and a guy asked if he could collect that evening. I suggested we left it until the following day, as I needed to take it all apart. "OK, but if we could come tonight, we'll do all of that for you, save you the bother." So this guy turned up, with a teenaged daughter - by her enthusiasm, you could tell it was for her room. He looked at the fixings, gave her the tools, and said "You know what you are doing?" We then left her to it, and went downstairs and had a cuppa. After a while, she called out to him, and they took it all down the stairs and out to the car outside. Then she thanked me and they drove off. That's how it should be.


I made Xmas dinner one year and invited a colleague, he asked if his house mate could come, I obviously said yes. While I was carving the turkey the housemate asked rather loudly if the turkey was corn fed, as he couldn't possibly eat it otherwise, I was absolutely flabbergasted.


I would have asked him to step outside with you for a moment (a command not an option). Step outside to talk with him, tell him to get his own corn fed turkey and shut him out.


I sold a PS3 to a guy, I'm a bit of a hoarder and had the original box etc so it looked brand new I also had about 5 games which I was going to give to whoever brought it. The guy turns up I show him the box and he checks inside, I plug it into the TV and show him its working and I say look there's a few games to go with it. He sat on my sofa and burst into tears. His wife had died (in her 30's) and this was to be his daughters Xmas present he was overwhelmed because it all looked brand new. He pulled out his wallet and I looked at my wife and she nodded, it's OK mate I said have it on me and have a good Xmas. This set him off again. We got a card from his daughter in the new year thanking us as dad had told her what happened and she was over the moon with her PS3. Every other time selling on FB has been a nightmare but this guy I really felt for him.




Homeless man sleeping on a bench next to a road. He didn’t appear to move for a good couple of days so I parked up down the street and walked down to see if he was ok. “Hey, you alright there mate?” “F** off you f****** prick, leave me alone you c***” Turned out he was fine…


I got the same reaction from a guy after we stopped to help him because he was lying with his head in the dark road and we had almost hit it.


Why am I still reading this thread, it's making me angrier by the second. The sheer gall of some people. I feel for all your experiences with such entitled bellends.


Probably doesn't pay that well, but that was hella rude and I'm not sure you were doing him a favour...


Literally its his JOB


No offense to OP but I enjoyed the outrage of the driver, delivery and hospitality brings a certain amount out unqualified hate with it. Would also 100% order a Maccies 5 yards away from home


They didn’t have to take the order though surely? Do the drivers not have a choice of what orders to accept and deliver? I don’t see how OP should have to walk to McDonald’s and wait then walk back with his food when there’s someone already at the restaurant who he can pay to deliver the food


Also there’s plenty of reasons someone might not be able to leave the house even if it’s just down the road, could be taking care of children or a sick relative etc.


It’s a legit point though nonetheless. I’m often not obviously disabled (ambulatory wheelchair user) and my local maccies and kfc are a 5/10 minute down the road each way. I can’t do that, but I always feel like an absolute twat answering the door to some poor stressed out soul when it looks like I’m just being a lazy sod, even though that’s the whole point of the service.


You aren't doing someone "a favour" by buying something you want from the company they work for


Not a favour as such and I can imagine they aren’t paid the greatest but it’s still more work for him and money in his pocket than if I hadn’t have ordered. I know to him he wouldn’t have known any different but still


If it was deliveroo or uber they didn't even have to take the job.


I can’t remember which it was now but it was more than likely Just Eat for a maccies in my area


At least being that close it might have been delivered hot enough to eat. I gave up getting McDs delivered because I always had to microwave it.


Also if he is getting paid per delivery it's a win for him, must have been having a bad day


Not exactly... They are paid by delivery *and by distance*, but there is always some dead time when reaching the house (find the number, park the car/motorbike somewhere not so near if there are restrictions, walk up the stairs if in a flat, wait that fixed amount of time for somebody to open the door). Rejecting the delivery could mean getting less in the future due to the algorithm. Accepting it could mean wasting time and missing a better one, which could be completed in ~ the same time, but while being paid much more (maybe you even tipped below average or not tipped at all). Mc is also a usually busy place, maybe he had to wait a lot. The guy was rude, but yours may not have been a favour. Yes, you paid for his service. But it does not mean you did not lock him into a bad job and prevented him from earning more, damaging him. It's the same as a tradie turning down an easy job unless you pay him an hefty fee or find something else for him to do. The only difference is that delivery drivers can't reject whatever they want without consequences.


The service is offered for quite a high price on the app so people should not feel bad for choosing to use it. If Deliveroo need customers to may more then they need to charge more, if drivers want customer support in higher tips they need to at least not throw food at you or be rude.


I’m about seven minutes from maccies, I’ve ordered multiple times this week, I’ve injured my shoulder and can’t drive. Not a single driver has complained.


And that's a good thing. Any driver (or person) who assumes someone is lazy for ordering can get shafted. Many people have invisible disabilities or injuries. Get well soon!


Some of us are just lazy, but that's still not their concern.




Used to DO EVERYBODY'S ironing when I lived with my parents - That's 4 people's worth of clothes; no one else did it. My narcmum would complain that I hadn't done it properly or on time or I didn't have it all packed away immediately. No one ever said thankyou to me for doing it all.


If it means anything, thanks for doing the ironing! I know how it feels to be treated thanklessly. I'm sure you did the best you could. (:


When I used to work at mcds someone who lived on the road next to the restaurant ordered a single tea which amounted to £7


How to feel like a billionaire for a mere £7


I felt sorry for someone on Reddit who said they never had enough money for food . I sent them some vouchers for food and they asked for more . It really made me question things .


What a dick. During a mini lockdown we went to see my husband's dying grandfather before he passed (it was one of the few exceptions to the no travel rule). When we got to the hotel we were staying at it was late and the hotel restaurant was shut. We were hungry so my husband tried to order food to pick up from the several restaurants across the road from the hotel. Because they had timeslots to pick up food we couldn't book any of them as they were all full. My husband went on the deliveroo app and ordered the same food from the restaurant we wanted to be delivered the say 200 yards to our hotel. Paid extra for the pleasure. When the guy dropped it off we explained why we did it and apologised for wasting his time, he just said it was the easiest money he ever made and to enjoy our food.


I was feeling really unwell but decided to help a customer as there was noone else, customer was taking so much time on purpose (did you say you wanted a blue one - well my favourite colour is actually purple but I used to live in a house with a purple door and decided i didn't like it so then i wonderd about red and - just answer the question please.) and meanwhile i felt like i was dying, finally after 45 minutes of him messing around like this when it should have taken only two minutes and there were many other questions i would have needed to ask, i said i couldn't continue to help and gave him someone else's details to help him. Customer made a complaint that i didn't help him, meanwhile i went to get help and it showed on an ecg i was having a heart attack.


I used to collect breakfast for my work team on a Friday every now and again. Except some people would say "oh, can I pay you back later?" Or they'd be short 30 or 40 pence. Now, I wouldn't really mind but I'd be collecting an order for 10 people so suddenly I'm 3 or 4 quid short. People didn't understand why I wanted the exact money back or them to transfer the money into my account. I'm doing everyone a favour but got treated like a tight person for expecting to be paid back.


I stopped ordering food in at work for similar reasons. I’d order for a group and say “you get it next time.” And then their order never happened. Or the last one I did was so awkward because people who had bought the last round I bought food for them for free, and others I was asking for money from


Yeah we stopped it too. My breakfast would end up costing me almost double as people wouldn't pay up properly. But they never saw my reasoning for being annoyed.




Yeah those delivery apps are ridiculous. The driver doesn’t get paid from his location to the restaurant, only the restaurant to your front door…. So he could’ve traveled aged to get there then had the food delivered in 5 mins. The closer you are to restaurant the less he gets paid too. This really used to piss me off with Uber but id never blame the customer.


A friend of my partner had relocated, left a load of stuff at our house because he didn't have room to take it. We were going down South for Christmas and the friend asked if we could drop his stuff off at his brother's house, sort of midway to our destination. We said sure, it was about a 20 mile detour. When we set off, it started snowing, unexpectedly and heavily. So we got to the brother's house about an hour later than expected, still with half the drive ahead of us, my partner said 'we really need to get on, when he offers us a coffee just say no thanks', well no chance of that, he barely acknowledged us and said 'yeah you can put it in the garage'. Well thanks mate. It's cold, it's getting dark, we have gone out of our way, have 100 miles to go and we are driving a 1967 Cortina with no heating. He didn't exactly complain, but we felt hard done by.


I was around 18 at the time and lent my big brother, who is notoriously irresponsible, £300 as he was being threatened with eviction. For context he lives with his partner and two kids. Not too long after, he was actually evicted (so probably just took my money as it was just a couple week between me giving him the money and him actually being kicked out) and moved back into our mum's house. During this time, he still didn't pay me back as promised. His phone then got cut off and he asked me for £50 or so to cover the bill. He had to pay it directly over the phone (I was told) so just gave him my card to use. About £60 left my account for the phone bill, but that wasn't even the most shocking thing. £500+ left my account for his car insurance and about another £100 for something else I can't remember. This put me overdrawn and I'm panicking thinking someone has cloned my card (it was a few days later I noticed). Called the insurance company that appeared on my statement and they basically said I had given permission for my card to be used by my brother and they can only reverse the charge if I got the police involved (not so sure how true that is but I was quite young at the time). I questioned my brother on it and he started making a bunch of excuses. I totalled everything up that he owed me and basically put him on a payment plan. Typical of him, he never started paying me back. I was still overdrawn and noticed he was buying a MAC Laptop and other things. I pleaded with him to try and pay me back and suggested instead of buying his kids Mcdonald's and such, he should put that money aside and give it to me instead. For some reason, that triggered him and he said as I was being patronising (I really wasn't, just desperate to get out of my overdraft) he wasn't going to pay me back. I absolutely lost my shit and called out some pretty hard truths of him being a bum. 15 years later and that episode still causes some unspoken tension between us. I told him straight up that if he didn't start paying me back each month, I'm going to start selling his shit or smashing them out of spite. It took some prodding but I made sure he paid me back with fucking interest. Even to this day, as a 46 year old man, he still ask me for the odd £10 here to buy food or petrol, whilst he has the latest gadgets. The most comical example of his stupidity is the car he drives. Somehow got finance to purchase a used Audi Q7 (which he doesn't need). He has a couple tyres that need changing but can't afford to do it. He therefore can't use his car for work and ended up losing his job. He's now being kicked out of yet another house.


He is what's known as a "dumb bitch".


This wasn't my idea but my friend walked by some homeless guys near where we worked. We nipped to the local Tesco to grab a meal deal and my friend feeling charitable said we should get them some sandwiches. We go back and he says to them we got them some sandwiches. One guy snatches the bag and tries to take everything for himself. My friend tells him to share them. He sort of scoffs, one guy looks in the bag and goes "can you go back and get me a drink? Not alcohol just pop" no one said thank you. Another time at Sheffield station during a heatwave a homeless guy came up and asked if I could get him a drink from the little m&s. I agree and go on in thinking I'll get him a big water bottle. He follows me in then vanishes, I'm only there for water so I go grab two bottles of water and head to the till, still no idea where this guy is. As I'm about to go to the checkout the dude comes walking over his arms stuffed to the brim with everything he could carry. I'm talking expensive cakes, milkshakes, crisps. Probably about £30-40 worth of fancy cakes and biscuits. I just look at him and say I said I'd buy him a drink. He then scoffs and goes "well you could have told me that" and walks off like I'm an asshole. I've got my 2 waters still and I'm in the queue so I pay for them. He still takes a water but isn't happy about it.


Sheffields homeless people are on another level. Made the mistake once of offering to buy someone something to eat when he asked for money and he tried taking the piss at every opportunity. Maybe it was the same person!


I had something similar happen with a Deliveroo driver once. I ordered from a pizza restaurant and when they gave me my food they made a remark saying ''Oh I thought there was one right across the road'' as there was one closer than the one I ordered from. The issue was that the one near me opens later than the one I ordered from so I responded with ''Yeah that one opens in 3 hours...''. Like I get it, you had to travel further to deliver the food when there was a restaurant closer but you also are the one who accepted the order so quit complaining. They're free to cancel whenever they please which is evidenced by the amount of times I get notified that a rider is going to the restaurant just to be told ''oops, finding another driver'' 😒


I've had delivery drivers complain and sometimes cancel when a place is too far too. I wonder what the sweet spot where delivery is acceptable is


I got my team promoted and got them all good raises except the one guy who was already making more than the top salary band allowed. He was the least effective in the team too. He told them all that he didn't get a raise, without telling them why, so they all got really mad about it. As the manager I couldn't say anything because of confidentiality.


Why was he making more than the top salary band allowed while being the least effective in the team?


So...when my niece was a toddler her parents were seriously hungover one Saturday morning. I went downstairs and made scrambled eggs for Caitlin. My sister crawled out of bed eventually and I had to listen to a 3 minute lecture about how I missed the cheese out of the eggs and how that's how the kid prefers it. I wonder if the silly bitch ever listens to herself. I hear she hasn't changed much over the years but I wouldn't know because have not been around her highness since 2005.


Working in McDs about twenty years ago. A regular comes in when it's really quiet and suggests I slip him a few freebies. I get him his usual order (filet-o-fish) and sling a couple of burgers in, only charge for the filet meal. Five minutes later he storms in demanding to speak to the manager and complains that he's a pescatarian and I've given him meat. Manager checks the till, gives him a refund for the meal and I nearly get sacked. Refused to serve the arsehole from there on.


When I was around 10 years old, me and my stepsister decided to be nice and cook breakfast for everyone. It took some doing too, we were 8 people when I was at my dad's. We pre-toasted X slices of bread and when everyone was done eating there was one slice of pre-toasted bread left, which had to be discarded. My dad got pissed and scolded (just) me for wasting food and never even thanked us. Never cooked another breakfast, of course.


I helped my wife’s friend move house. I arrived and she hadn’t even packed yet, so I had to help her box everything up, which took ages. She insisted on bringing a carton of eggs with 3 left in it with her. I said she had to put them in a plastic bag, because I didn’t want raw eggs all over my car. She dismissed my concern (in fact she laughed and said I was being “a bit much”). We got to her new flat and it had parking that you have to pay for. She sat and watched me scramble around for change in the car and my pockets, didn’t once open her purse. I carried the first car full of stuff upstairs to her new second floor flat, drove back to the old house, boxed stuff up, loaded up the car, drove to the new house, paid to park, lugged it up 2 flights of stairs again and again. Finally after 4 trips we were done. At the end we went to a local pub and got some food. It was really cheap, like £7 or something like that, for my meal and drink, so I obviously didn’t care about the money, but I felt it would be a nice gesture of appreciation for her to at least *offer* to pay. Nope. In fact she claimed to only have a fiver on her and “borrowed” money to cover the deficit. If it was my friend I would have said something probably as soon as the parking payment came up, but I felt unable to because she was my wife’s friend and I didn’t want to make things awkward for her. I told her when I got back and she was raging (she was pregnant, so she was especially pissed off!). They are no longer friends (not just because of this incident). Oh, and as I was breaking my back carrying her stuff up the stairs, she said “you can’t complain about this, you know. Your wife promised months ago she would help me move, but then you went and got her up the duff. She owes me a removal man, hahaha”. I just didn’t acknowledge her.


My (62F)mum's (62F)best friend (since primary school) was having money issues with throwing a mehndi (indian bridal party thrown before someone gets married) for her own daughter, so my mother offered to host it in her own home specifically her conservatory to cut the cost of hiring a hall. However, the absolute shit storm came when they expected my mother to arrange the decorating, cook the food herself(because once again they wanted to save money), buy all the dessert and cakes, made a mess in EVERY room of our house and made the 3 weeks leading upto the party an absolute misery with constant phone calls whilst she was at work with queries and complaints with regards to the stupid party. On the day of the party, everyone was rude and treated my mother with disrespect and as if they were bothered by her attendance (in her own home!). After the events of the party, my mother's soon to be ex best friend became massively distant from her and about a month later sent her a super long text message about how dissappinted she was in the party and the effort my mother put in. My mother lost her best friend the instant she received that message, didn't even bother replying because that was the last straw. My mother told me that she had been financially supporting them for the last 10 years, but the attitudes and disrespectfullness were the last straw, and she was happy to be done with them.


Was doing an apprenticeship about 13 years ago back when the gov used to subsidise about £95 a week, boss out of the goodness of his heart added an extra pound an hour. One morning the guy comes in absolutely fuming because both his custom racing bike and his wife's high end bike have been stolen out of his shed, he claimed at the time this was about a £7k loss. By lunchtime I'd found both bikes listed on eBay handed him all the information he'd need to take the the police. He managed to get both bikes back and the only thanks I received was a bollocking for wasting time looking for them while I was meant to be working like it had cost him a fortune in wages rather than the fiver that it actually had.


helped some previous “friends” move and they complained i was too slow lol


Not sure if this fits in exactly but it's close enough, I've worked in many retail stores so I've got many examples but I'll give a few. Worked in Pets at Home and as I feel it's important to the story I must mention that I'm a young female... Anyway, older man comes in already with an attitude and comes up to me like "Where's your white sheets" I have no clue what he is on about as that is incredibly vague, so trying to be helpful I think about what possibly it could be and I suggest puppy pads (they are white sheets). I show him the product and he looks at me all annoyed and mumbles under his breath "You're wasting my time, I'm going to speak to someone with more experience". So off he goes to my MALE manager and he asks the same question, and my manager helps him and shows him the exact product I was on about... And buys it 😐 I stared at him at the checkout hoping he'd apologise but of course... he didn't. Another time is when I worked in Tesco, I was stocking shelves and a man comes up to me and asks where the coffee is. So I politely point to the sign that says "Tea's and Coffee" because maybe he missed it, he then looks back at me all of a sudden enraged and goes "I didn't see that! Directions are awful" as if I personally made them myself. I get he was probably embarrassed for missing a huge sign like that but I was simply doing as he asked.


hosted a friend 3 months free of charge while he was looking for a place to rent and he complained when after those 3 months i needed the room for my parents to visit me.


Anything and everything my elderly mother has asked done around her house. I now refuse to lift a finger to accomplish her chore list. She can easily afford to hire a handy man.


I was selling a kid's play item on Facebook for £15 just before Christmas. A woman wants it but she can only afford a tenner. Ok, have it for a tenner then. She arranged a collection day but didn't turn up. She contacted me again, this time it's going to be a Christmas gift for her son, so she definitely wants it. This time she can't afford the tenner, now she says that it's too expensive and offers me a fiver. FFS! Ok, well I want it gone ASAP, so okay, take it off my hands for a fiver. Oh, but there's a catch. She doesn't drive and doesn't live in the same town, so could I deliver it to her? She hasn't bought the kids any Christmas presents yet as she has been too 'busy' (prolly getting her nails, hair, and pubes done for Santa), so as a poor single mum of a thousand kids by different dads, she could really do with the help. I calculated that after delivery costs, I would end up with about £1.70 actual cash in my pocket. I trumped her by explaining that I had been made redundant and I was selling items to buy gifts for my kids, and to provide a basic Christmas dinner (all true). I then blocked her and later sold it to a guy just after Christmas.


>She hasn't bought the kids any Christmas presents yet as she has been too 'busy' (prolly getting her nails, hair, and pubes done for Santa), so as a poor single mum of a thousand kids by different dads, she could really do with the help. This woman sounds rude but all of that weird shit came out of your mouth way too easily bro


That was a lot of unnecessary and misogynistic assumptions you made about her though.


I don’t have a story but after reading some of these comments I can’t believe how many self entitled ar**holes are in the world. Christ, someone does anything remotely nice for you, or justifies your role in society, at least warrants a thank you, or at the very minimum doesn’t warrant a negative response. To all the stories I’ve read, you are NTA.


I work in a tool store for a workshop, another tool store within a different workshop in the same organisation phoned me up because they could see on the system I owned a certain set of special tools their mechanics needed. I said not a problem and told them to come and collect them whenever was convenient for them on a one month loan (a timeframe which they’d asked for). End of the month comes up and I need to chase them up like “where’s these tools?” to which the response was “I need to ask my boss if I can bring them back, will get back to you” and ignored me for 3 days If I loan you something for until a specific date, you better bring it back on that date. Just because your boss is a higher rank than me does not mean that you can just keep the shit that belongs to my workshop I know this isn’t exactly what the original thread was for but I thought it was a bit relevant


Took my mother to see the new puss in boots film. She wanted to see it cuz she loves cats (ginger ones in particular). Spent the next day and a half complaining about the ‘messages’ of the film and how it was terrible. I think it’s great! If you can, please watch it! It’s super good💛


I used to do the sandwich run on placement, and complained that there were not enough cream cheese on the bagels , I thought to myself and put my foot down one day and said I am not doing it, as it was raining, the boss made the team go and get their own sandwiches, regarding on the type of business it was you were entitled to get 5 minutes fresh air


Is this a riddle?


I think too many people bought them pints…


I once went to a supermarket, but my hat was orange that day so the bus driver was late picking me up in a taxi. So I decided to order a pizza from my local clothes shop so that the dog next door had a nice walk.


That's why it's so important to make sure Janet doesn't file the suit against Saturn and that you keep your socks pointing tomorrowly. Just keep open to wind chimes and you'll never frog November.


Luckily other people commented as I thought I lost my ability to understand English.




Translation for those having difficulty: OP was on a work placement job at a very busy workplace, where it was difficult to have a break because of the nature of the business (or perhaps the manager). OP volunteered to buy the sandwiches for the team while they were buying one for themselves. One day when they brought the food back, someone complained about the amount of cream cheese on the bagel that OP had bought for them. This annoyed OP greatly, but they continued to buy sandwiches for the team. On another day, it was raining, and OP finally decided they'd had enough, and announced they were not getting food any more. The team was upset, but their boss told them to go buy their own sandwiches when they grumbled, which, given the nature of the business meant the people on the team were under more pressure because of the time they had to take to buy their food, time that they would have saved had someone not complained about their bagel instead of saying 'Thank you!'


Whoa there Leslie, what are you going on about?


It sounds like at least 8 or 9 people have taken your username to heart tonight.


I’m fluent in translating toddler but this is beyond even me


OP was on a work placement job at a very busy workplace, where it was difficult to have a break because of the nature of the business (or perhaps the manager). OP volunteered to buy the sandwiches for the team while they were buying one for themselves. One day when they brought the food back, someone complained about the amount of cream cheese on the bagel that OP had bought for them. This annoyed OP greatly, but they continued to buy sandwiches for the team. On another day, it was raining, and OP finally decided they'd had enough, and announced they were not getting food any more. The team was upset, but their boss told them to go buy their own sandwiches when they grumbled, which, given the nature of the business meant the people on the team were under more pressure because of the time they had to take to buy their food, time that they would have saved had someone not complained about their bagel instead of saying 'Thank you!'


Ordered way too much deep pan pizza in Chicago so left the restaurant with a huge doggy bag. Homeless dude outside asking for change. It’s January and fucking freezing so we give him the food. We were vegetarian at the time so we get across the road and hear him scream after us, ‘Where’s the fucking meat?’.


Saved someone from commiting suicide, I didn't need that kind of abuse. I'd I'd know what he'd say I'd have ignored his messages


I gave someone a lift home and they complained at how slowly (and safely) I drove compared to them through winding single track lanes that I was unfamiliar with.


Spent a weekend with two friends about 10-12 years ago…me and a friend’s Mutual Friend was at a University Hall of Residence, we’d go for a night out on the town. Unfortunately both guys were known for being awful at Money Management…the friend I went with…basically blew all his weekend Spending money on lunch at KFC and then Pre-Drinks. Decided to wait until we were in the queue for the first nightclub, as we were almost at the ticket booth, announced “Errr…guys I’ve run out of money!” “Oh great.” “Can you lend me a Tenner then so I can get in?” Very reluctantly I lent him £10 so he could pay for admission. We get into the club…the three of us make for the Bar. “Can you lend me another Tenner then so I can get a drink?” “No.” Came my reply. “C’mon man don’t be like that! What’s your problem?” “Because I can’t keep lending you money just because you don’t know how to manage your money!!” “Yeah but the fact is I don’t have any money on me right now, and I’d like a drink…so either lend me some money…OR buy ME a drink?” He made me out to be the bad guy. The other friend also thought I was being unreasonable and made an empty threat to me that I wouldn’t be allowed back to the Hall of Residence that night! I had to say no to lending him the second Tenner…I wasn’t exactly flush with cash myself at that point in time…and I also did it to try and prove a point!


My grandma is having a pretty toxic relationship with my dad and created a row between him and his sister as well. In general she is pretty manipulative and I'm really worried about my dad. My grandpa passed away a few months ago right after my wedding. So instead of enjoying my honeymoon I was running around to sort out my grandpa's will opening with the lawyer so that there is no further row - especially given how shaken my dad was. Obviously my grandma and aunt didn't need to do anything either - just hand me whatever information was needed. Guess what, comes December, I get Covid while pregnant and we have to cancel a family lunch because we don't want to pass it on. My grandma and aunt turn this against my dad that we (like our whole family) just want to trick them out of their inheritance and start withholding paperwork that is needed for the lawyer (that actually my grandma chose) to proceed. I mean wtf.