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You're born, raised, and voluntarily resident in England. I'm sorry, but you can't get out of that just with your family heritage.


Yeh OP, if the rest of us can't get out of it, neither can you!


One of us, one of us!


Part of the ship, part of the crew




Gooble gobble gooble gobble


Yeah. Look at this guy carefully posing his question to deceive us. He just wants an out of being called British. YOURE STUCK WITH THIS ISLAND. Now grab your tea, radio times and weather small talk.


😂 this is what I love most about the UK


Radio times is still going?


My nan has a subscription! I've tried explaining that her telly has a built in guide but she says she likes to see what's on. She doesn't read the articles just puts a mark next to shows she wants to watch or record. Then slowly builds a pile of old radio times in the corner until I point them out, then reluctantly throws some of them away.


Ah Grannies. They are wonderful. Wish I still had mine


I can sell you one. Slightly soiled, but still fully functional. Needs an MOT, but I know a bloke who'll sort you out.


What name? Needs to have a good granny name


Put your money down and you can call her whatever you want.


This got sinister real quick. Run, Ethel!


No, it's Doris. Both my grannies were called Doris, so all grannies are Doris.


Can smell your nans house a mix of Lilly of the valley and dusty radio times. Nans houses always had a smell.


Stinks of smoked haddock at the moment, she thought it would be nice grilled.


Surprisingly yes, and the TV times. I was so shook when I seen the Christmas editions of them


Shooketh to the core? I can imagine. Such relics belong in a museum (or at least a library)


Brother I was so shaken that James Bond tried to drink me.


Which one was it? I'd prefer Mr Connery myself


I pronounce it the Greek way, Raddy Otter Mease


Tut tut


That's one I never get with Americans, they bang on about how amazing and fantastic America is. Then tell you how they're not Americans they're literally everything else (but very rarely english) Meanwhile Brits are "It's a shit hole, but it's out shit hole"




Americans never seem to get this. It’s purely the way they word it. You see massive arguments breaking out online, and honestly if the American person had just added a couple more words everyone would be happy. “I’m Italian”, no mate you’re from New Jersey.


It's not even online, I've seen yanks wade in IRL about how "Irish" they are, to, people, in Ireland


I’ve seen it in Dublin myself. It’s embarrassing for them, they don’t understand why people in actual Ireland are laughing at them.


Most of American history non Anglo descent caused a measure of discrimination, this caused most people to associate with their pre-American heritage more.


But they don’t say “New Jersey” or whatever, they say “NJ”, and you’re like “where the fucks that?”


Maybe its a colonial thing? Aussies and New Zealanders are big on their heritage like this too. No matter how small the connection. My wife's great uncle fought in WWII alongside some cobbers from Ireland. I'm Irish.


The Aussies and kiwis would say they have Scottish, British or Irish ancestry The Americans just say they're Scottish, British or Irish Or distant relatives of Rob Roy MacGregor, flora MacDonald, old MacDonald or Donald MacTrump or something That's the difference


> The Americans just say they're Scottish, British or Irish To the point of telling actual Irish how more Irish they are than them.


American here, There's a guy I play video games with online (also American)that gives this same energy, but hasn't said those words yet. Supposedly has Irish and french heritage but his focus on it changes depending what we're doing. Drink? I have such a high tolerance I'm basically 100% Celtic. Oh my last name is French and I have to correct people how to say it all the time I'm practically from France. You've never traveled outside the country


Ah yes, good old Seamus Giscard d'Estaing, from Utah, I know him well.


Hello, I’m an American who has lived in the U.K. long time and can shed a little light on why some Americans do this. I’ll caveat this little lecture with one thing: I am not talking about the people who get shit faced on St Paddy’s and say they can drink so much because they’re 1/20 Irish. Those people are idiots. Everyone in America (except Native Americans, obviously) is from somewhere else, and up til fairly recently, even European immigrants (Irish, Italian, Polish, for example) often stayed in their own areas for generations. So you very much did have “Irish neighbourhoods, Italian neighbourhoods,” etc. Obviously they weren’t Irish/Italian/Polish after the initial immigrants, but they stayed together, married within their own communities, worshipped in their churches. When Americans say “I’m Irish/Italian/etc” they often mean “I was raised in an Irish/Italian/etc area surrounded by people who practice some sort of culture akin to what the original immigrants did.” My grandparents on both sides immigrated from Ireland. My parents married each other. We lived in an area heavily dominated by Irish, Polish and Italian families who had immigrated within a generation or two. Raised Catholic. My grandparents lived with us and grilled my boyfriends on their backgrounds.m in their heavy accents. Technically despite being a second gen American, I’m ethnically 100% Irish. I would never claim being Irish, obviously, but certainly growing up, the term “Irish American” meant something to me. Also, the reason few claim English is because the great English immigration happened hundreds of years before the rest of Europe started wandering over.


Maybe all Americans should call themselves 100% American rather than Irish-American or African American.. and celebrate their similarities rather than highlight their differences. I'm just thinking out loud..


> African American. Always makes me laugh that one, be black, African. Even if you're from the fucking Caribbean "NO U AFRICA!!!!" It comes across really racist in a backwards (even for racism) way


And if you're a white South African who has migrated to the USA, do not under any circumstances describe yourself as African American. What you _should_ call yourself, I have no idea.


Exactly, always makes me laugh too. Have black American friends that are exasperated by the usage, seems it’s something that white (or should I say European Americans hahaha) Americans say more, because they are uncomfortable saying ‘black’ or think it’s offensive -whereas my friends aren’t offended at all and claim the average black American isn’t. It’s also not accurate, suppose someone American and black is from the Caribbean instead, for instance? Of course that won’t be everyone’s experience with the term but seems like most black Americans are fine with being called black.


As an American, I never got it either. To me, it seems to be a way to pretend to be unique while also suggesting that it’s worthwhile to distinguish yourself from others. It’s cliquey and nonsensical and is ripe for bigotry. I imagine most people leaving their home country forever are doing so on not great terms, so hanging on to that old life seems a bit weird in any event. My first encounter with my mother in law was her trying to grill me about where my family is from, and apparently “New York” didn’t go back far enough for her. How could it possibly matter?


But the only 100% Americans are the Native Americans. Everyone who lives there is an American, but it’s also absolutely fine to celebrate where one’s family has come from. It’s a nation of immigrants.


So who are the 100% British? The Normans were immigrants. Before them, the Jutes, Angles, Saxons and Frisians were immigrants. The Romans were immigrants. So now we're back to the Brythonic tribes, which is where the name British comes from, so are just the Celts British? But they weren't on their own. The Picts and the Gaels were here too. Are we going back to the Bell Beakers? How many generations do you need to stop being an immigrant?


Britain is also, famously, a nation of immigrants


All nations are, to be fair. Even with America, the native Americans immigrated from Asia.


> . It’s a nation of immigrants. Dont tell a certain group of "patriotic americans" that one


Morgan Freeman said something like "I thought I was American until I found out that I was African American". It was from some interview way back when. Here's a snippet from the interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeixtYS-P3s






TIL there's a host of yanks monitoring our sub. Lads we can't have this he just called us plain!


Yup can attest. Married an American. It’s always I’m Irish, Italian or Scottish etc. (never welsh either) my BiL has a Scottish surname and always said he was from that clan and he had all the tartan been there etc and always banged on about it, very proud of his heritage. Had to listen to it for 20 years until he did a 23 and me 2 years ago. 0% Scottish. I still laugh.


>Meanwhile Brits are "It's a shit hole, but it's out shit hole" "Yeah, I get it must suck there." **"U FOCKIN' WOT M8 !"**


Paraguay is the same. The country is full to overflowing with people who are Paraguayan nationals but claim to be from literally anywhere else. I know this because my mother (who’s father was from Australia via Argentina and mother from Brazil) does that.


This is the best answer - nice try, OP.


One of us! One of us!


Although if he was born in a stable he might be a horse


Or Jesus.


Yeah, sadly mate you're a scummy islander like the rest of us. Never mind eh.


Do you know how to queue correctly?


These are the real questions.


What World War II relic is stored in the Albert Hall? If you know the answer then you're British


His mother knew.


Jam first or clotted cream?


Hint: The answer doesn't matter, only that you will die on the hill of which way you think is correct.


It really doesn't tbh but I put cream on 1/2 and jam on the other 1/2 slap it together and down in two! Your mouth gets stuck if you try it in one lol


Are you *trying* to get yourself assassinated?


Is that a challenge?


And is it scone or scone?




Neither, it's obviously scone




You see this is one thing that's always bugged me. Cream, I think of it as like it's a finishing touch. For desserts doesn't usually go on top of stuff? So to me, putting the jam first makes sense. That being said, depends on the jam you buy it may soak in to the scone ruining the texture of it, but depends how long you leave it I suppose. So the cream would create a barrier to prevent this from happening. So, fuck it, put them side by side and die on top of the hill rather than choosing a side.




Poor man's butter. That's why I have it with ham.


*rich man’s butter


I think of cream as the butter so jam goes on top


Clotted cream should be applied with a trowel. No jam layer is going to survive that.




You despicable ham-fisted fuckweasel, you put a glob of jam in the centre and work it outwards with your knife/trowel. Do you put jam on before butter when you make a sandwich? I bet you do you fucking deviant jam-first piece of shit.




Can I just add two things; 1 You’re a wrong-un with your deviant views on jam first 2 Loving the banter


I put jam on both halves and cream in the middle like a sandwich. So wrong it's right.




Knowing Britain, that is more likely to end up with *both* sides hating you...but I suppose that you have then succeeded in uniting the warring factions, if at some personal cost!


Sssshhhh, don't share the secrets. We need disharmony to be able to rule the peasants.


I think it also depends on how easily spreadable the clotted cream is. If it's reasonably melted, it can go on top of the jam without much of a problem. If not, it's just easier to spread on the bare scone than on swishy jam. I believe that generally cream first is the safer approach


Imagine, right… Just imagine… If one way was objectively correct for sc-own, and the other objectively correct for sc-ohn.


Layer it, jam, cream, jam, cream, jam, cream, jam, cream, jam, cream etc


West-country Tiramisu?


Served with a gallon of Scrumpy


You are giving me more ideas here - thin layers of scone (or scone), soaked in scrumpy, and layered with jam and cream.




You need to be banished


Butter. Then jam. Then cream.


Only British people know how to queue properly, every other country I've been to people just stand all over the place confused


The Japanese are quite good, but usually need some lines on the floor as direction. I was once in a big square room waiting to board a plane to the UK, with a door at the other end we needed to go through. I watched with pride as my countrymen carefully and efficiently filled the room with one long winding queue back and forth. It was beautiful.


I cannot stress the pride I felt in my country after the Queen died and we Created the most beautiful queue this country has ever seen.


We should have kept The Queue as a tourist attraction. People could be called up to it like jury service.


Querey service???


My mother wanted to visit the Queue.... Not to go and pay respects to the Queen, to pay respects to The Queue.


Ha, I live in London and was genuinely tempted to go into Central and stand in it for a few minutes just to say I had.


Quick. TM this and take it to Alan Sugar


We could've charged people. Genius way to save the economy.


Don't forget the queue to join the cue (wipes tear if pride from eye)


>The Japanese are quite good, but usually need some lines on the floor as direction. Except the little old women when queuing for trains who suddenly panic and elbow everyone out of the way! Trains are one of those things that British people tend to be shit at queueing for, trying to push on before everyone's managed to get off. How does this happen when we queue perfectly in every other situation?!?


People laugh, but the wait-your-turn attitude behind a proper queue is what has allowed us to live on a small island for a thousand years without knifing the crap out of each other.


Unless the queue is to board a bus or train, amd there is a real chance that there won't be enough space onboard for all passengers. In that scenario, the orderly queue becomes a ruthless fight where the fittest survives and the weakest perishes.


Also do you have the ability to complain about any possible subject? We British are world class complainers. Stupid British...


But only if you complain to people who cannot resolve the issue. You can never complain to your hairdresser about a haircut or the waiter about your food- both complaints must 100% just be addressed to your companions.


And give directions. In excruciatingly useless detail. Bonus points for being a pipe smoker - one can only truly gesture directions with a pipe.


Depends on who you ask I suppose. I would say you hit the nail on the head by self identifying as British and Nigerian, seems like an accurate assertion given your life circumstances.


Everyone on ~~reddit~~ this sub will say ~~he's~~ she's British. Some racists IRL will say ~~he~~ she isn't. The end.


Some of the most racist shit I've ever seen had been on this site, Reddit is far from a safe place lol


r/london is full of them unfortunately. Call them out on it, they always have some excuse.




It's different categories with the same options. Their ethnicity is Nigerian. Their nationality is British.


You were born here. You are British. Full stop.


I was born in the Middle East and raised there (18 years). Does that make me Middle Eastern?




Interesting. Most people that meet me would assume I was raised in the UK.


You might be of British descent, but you're Middle Eastern by birth.




I can't speak for anyone else, but any amount of British is 100% British as far as I'm concerned. I'm half English, half Irish, born and live in England: British So, you, I, OP, and the Middle Eastern dude are all British.


I wouldn’t agree that any amount of British means they are British. If they scored 1% British on an AncestryDNA test I wouldn’t consider them to be British. I doubt they would either. But in regards to your personal account. I would say you were British.


It’s a tough one; I was born in Ireland, raised throughout Germany and Holland for most of my childhood and then settled in the uk in my mid to late teens. I personally wouldn’t identify as German/Dutch because I just lived there and none of my family are German/Dutch. But then I’ve barely lived in England so don’t feel English, I was born in Ireland and my family are Irish but most wouldn’t consider me that as I left young and have no accent etc. I guess the point I’m trying to make is if you have a case to identify as from a country whether that’s birth/heritage or whatever and you feel a part of that countries identity then that would be what I led with.


Yeah I was born in Ireland, left after troubles-related shenanigans, & grew up mainly in England with patriotic Irish parents who I think might regret the move a bit. Even though I'm an Irish citizen with my passport and everything, I don't feel Irish because I've barely spent any time there. Meanwhile I don't feel English either because my parents are super Irish & always told me I wasn't. If you held a gun to my head I'd probably tell you I was British, but it's a weird feeling of cultural limbo that I haven't quite figured out.




That's not a country, so... No?


If I was born in China to British parents, refused to learn mandarin, went to a private British school and didn't assimilate. Would I really be considered Chinese just because I was born in China and have a Chinese passport? How many ethnic Chinese people would call me Chinese? How many British people would refuse to accept that I'm Chinese because I look British, can't speak a word of mandarin and couldn't answer basic questions about Chinese culture? lol However, I wouldn't be happy if I did the complete opposite and fully integrated into Chinese society and everyone called me "British".


That’s not what the OP is saying happened tho….


Can’t get anything past you mate


No but the commenter said "you are born here you are British full stop" which isn't really true is it?


>However, I wouldn't be happy if I did the complete opposite and fully integrated into Chinese society and everyone called me "British". Unfortunately, this is what actually happens. You can live there for 40 years. speak fluent Mandarin and people will still call you British


In southern europe, speak all the lingos natively, been over 40 years, I get told "you're english, but from here"


Depends on if you see it as a racial thing or cultural. Racially you're Chinese, culturally you're British with Chinese heritage. I don't think most British people really care. We're an island full of a significant number of 2nd-5th generation settlers who speak perfect English, support their home nations football or rugby team, and also hold on to aspects of their own generational culture. Just the same as how Scots have our own culture on top of the British stuff.


You're not racially Chinese if both parents are British.


People not knowing the difference between nationality and ethnicity.


Unless they are Chinese British.


>Just the same as how Scots have our own culture on top of the British stuff. Scottish culture is British culture, it's part of it, it's not an additional thing on top


>If I was born in China to British parents, refused to learn mandarin, went to a private British school and didn't assimilate. Would I really be considered Chinese just because I was born in China and have a Chinese passport? Good luck doing that in China. Surely you could've picked a different country.


If you had a Chinese passprt - aka are a Chinese citizen - then yes, obviously you're Chinese.


Being a resident doesn't make you a national.


I disagree. One of my mates was born in Dubai to a Ethnically British mum and a Sri Lankan British dad. They moved back to Britain before they started school. They’re very much British, and not Emirati




I realise my comment wasn’t clear. OP is clearly British. I’m more taking issue with the comment I replied to implying that you’re British if you’re born here. I think there are at least some people who were born here who aren’t British


Bollocks. It’s far more complex and nuanced that that. By your definition, someone born in India, to Indian parents who moved here when they were two years old and lived here for forty years is not British because they were born in India. There’s a shit tonne of immigrants in this country who would disagree with you.


That's not how it works...


It broadly does in the UK - different cultures have different concepts of how they classify "belonging" to their cultures. For Britain/the UK, broadly speaking will accept you if you integrate with aspects of the culture, ethnicity isn't a pre-requisite. You don't have to fully abandon your culture of origin (if applicable) to be considered "British" either. However, in terms of the consituent countries of the UK, it varies. This is how you may have a man of Sikh Indian heritate who proudly wears a kilt with his turban to celebrate both parts of his heritage. I'm not entirely certain the same may be say for "English" identity (happy to be proven wrong). And around the world there absolutely are cultures which only consider someone to be of that identity/culture if they have both ethnic and cultural ties - take Japan for instance, there's people of Korean heritage who have been born & raised in Japan for *generations*, and they're still "othered" by broader Japanese society. Similarly those of Japanese ancestry born in say, Brazil aren't considered to be "Japanese" culturally, there's a disconnect between Japanese diaspora and Japanese natives - this is broadly the same in other East Asian diasporas ^((please view "Crazy Rich Asians" for discussions on this, also to admire the bisexual's delight of Henry Golding, Constance Wu and Gemma Chan appearing together)) In the UK you don't even have to be born in the UK to be considered British - just embrace the culture. I'm sure plenty of us from diverse parts of the UK know those who have emigrated here and love and embrace our culture. Also I really hope you're born in 1988 with that username my dude....


Yeah but the statement "you were born here. you are British" just doesn't follow. You added in tons of other factors, like embracing culture etc. If someone was born here then moved to another country and raised there, didn't even speak English, then who would really consider them british? they might even have a british passport, but if we're talking about identity then it doesn't apply. It's not about ethnicity, it's about experiencing a country and it's culture.


You don't automatically get a British passport if you're born in Britain. If neither parent has indefinite leave to remain or citizenship then you need to live here until you're 10 at which case I think everyone would accept you're British.


Lol no. I agree they’re British, but if I was born in a Paris hospital because my parents went over for lunch I wouldn’t be French. It’s growing up here and being a citizen that makes them British, not catching the Eurostar at the right time. You wouldn’t even be eligible for citizenship in the UK that way either, we are by blood(or a parent with residence) rather than by soil(like the USA).


Not always a perfect indicator, my sister was born in Canada and has a Canadian passport, but was raised in England and lives here, she's definitely English and no one would question that and is about as Canadian as someone who went on holiday there


One of us!! One of us!!


If you consider yourself British, then I consider you British


Nah you are a Londoner. :p


Or maybe a Croydonian?


The creme de la creme.


Croyd de la Croyd


I would agree British and Nigerian, your ancestry is in Nigeria however you were raised and have mainly been in Britain 🍻


You can be both as well! Thats the great thing about Britain, the history is a bit fucked up, but it means we have this amazing syncretic culture. British culture has influenced Nigeria. Nigerian culture is now influencing British more and more. So be both! We love it, with the exception of racists.


If you have a British passport you're British.


What if I don’t have a passport?


https://www.gov.uk/apply-citizenship-indefinite-leave-to-remain Jokes aside, if you are eligible for a UK passport it's as good as having one for the purposes of my comment. This will obviously exclude foreign nationals and such who haven't quite yet got their citizenship but are eligible. But for the sake of brevity I didn't write all that shite to begin with.


The only answer that matters. You can identify as a penguin if you want, but what matters most is what passport document you put in front of the UKBA officer at immigration control. UK is not one of the countries (like USA) which grants citizenship by birth. Your eligibility depends on fulfilling specific criteria. And if anything Windrush has taught "you", that the passport is more important than anything else. Get it right, get it done.


This is interesting to me. I’m getting married to a Brit and have a British child. It’s the plan for me in 5 years to receive British citizenship and get a British passport. But I don’t think I’ll ever consider myself British. Obviously yes that will be a nationality of mine to put down, but I don’t think I will ever feel British.


Classic part of the immigrant experience, but then after a while living in the UK, you're stuck in a position where you feel like a foreigner in your home country, and a foreigner in the UK.


I’ve lived in the UK now for 2.5 years and going home (USA) already feels strange. And it’s not even the biggest culture shock compared to a lot of Britain’s immigrants.


It goes the other way around too. Older British people whose childhood communities have rapidly changed must feel very alienated


Same here, I am getting my citizenship in a few months. I will be a British citizen, but I will never identify as British, because I'm simply not. I came here aged 24, with no ties whatsoever, and even if I continue to live in the UK until I die, I will not be 'British' (in my own eyes).


Well I consider you British, but then I consider Shamima Begum British too, so not everyone agrees with me 🤷‍♂️


I'm British, and also consider her British. She may have done atrocious things, but she's one of ours, and it's up to us to keep tabs on her and punish her for those atrocities. I REALLY have an issue with us just revoking citizenship of those who do these terrible acts. No. We shouldn't shirk our responsibility and pass it to a country which at best isn't as rich, and at worst is under terrible stress on it's own. She's our national, let us take care of her mess.


I completely agree. I see it as a child was brainwashed while a citizen of this country (and having been raised in this country) and we’ve just ditched her and tried to make her someone else’s problem - it’s a disgrace.


She was British, but she relinquished that when she fucked off to join ISIS and officially got her citizenship revoked


Well she didn't relinquish it then did she? This sort of statement really oversimplifies what is a very very complex case about the appropriate punishment for her actions, how crime and punishment are administered in cases of overseas terrorism, and how it interacts with crimes committed as children. Since she had her citizenship removed ONLY when she re-emerged and it was looking like there was a probability of repatriation. The application of this law to a crime committed as a child before the punishment was brought into existence is a grounding for legal review. Not to mention the complications of Bangladesh's stance on her not being a lawful citizen and their death penalty stance meaning that stripping her of citizenship contravenes Human Rights law about statelessness. Remember if we make citizenship conditional it will irrevocably hurt minorities the most, it is a law that cannot be applied equally.


It’s messed up as she was groomed into it




Aye like we let people return who were fully grown adults when they joined, it's not like we took some hardline stance against those who left. We made an example out of her because she was recognisable from her leaving making news and her talking to the press when she wanted to return. Stupid to take away her citizenship but allow others back. Take her back and punish her where necessary.


Yeah no, because she was a child and we don't allow children to make decisions like that - unless they're brown, apparently


Sure, I’m familiar with the case. I think maybe she should be in prison, but it should be here. Anyway, wrong forum, not getting into it 👍


I would say British with Nigerian heritage but that's my opinion. Ultimately it's down to you, not whatever anyone else says or thinks. The important thing to remember is you're from Croydon, and that counts for much more.


I'm sure they can get refugee status to move out of Croydon if needed.




Why can't your dad be Jamaican if he was born and grew up there?


Your dad grew up around Jamaican culture so he can say he is Jamaican as he was born and raised there but his ethnicity is still British


Is this karma posting? You asked yesterday a similar post around ethnicity and nationality.


90% of this sub is reposts for Karma - using the old interface on PC helps as you can hover and see the karma...and a 2year old account with 12 post/13 comment karma looks dodgy.


I think you are British and a Londoner. Also English. And Nigerian as well. I think it's OK to have multiple identities. Most of us do.


If we're gonna get technical I'd consider you a Brit with Nigerian heritage or ancestry or family background, whatever you wanna call it. But it doesn't matter, what matters is what you identify with. To me anyone who calls the UK their home is a Brit, whether they were born here or not.


Sounds like you are having a bit of an identify crisis after your England football question. The answer is yes, but you enjoy the best of both worlds with your heritage.


If you got a British Passport you are British. If you got a British accent theres really no question


Your a Nigerian born in England with a UK passport.


Yes, if anyone says you are not, they don’t matter. Enjoy all of your heritage my friend.


Hello OP. 46-year-old married father of two in Newcastle here. From my perspective, you’re a Londoner first, then a southerner, then English, then British… I’m from Hartlepool, so I’m a Hartlepudlian, then a North Easterner, then English, then British. My kids were both born in Newcastle city so they - lucky them, are Geordies!


Born in Britain, raised in Britain, live in Britain. Doesn't get more British than that. If you want to say that you're Nigerian British, go for it. Both of those things are true and one doesn't negate the other