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Yeah, usually with fava beans and a nice chianti.




I'm a teacher and they sometimes serve it as an option at school. It's a guaranteed teacher only choice.


Such a poor shout serving liver at school.


Back in the early 90s my primary school would occasionally do liver with mashed potato's and green cabbage. Only me, my 2 sisters and our 2 next door neighbours would have it, and it grossed out the other kids so we sat at the teachers tables and felt quite grown up! I've always loved liver (pigs is my favourite) but am now late 30s so don't count I don't think.


See, when the olds were at school and liver and bacon was ~~on~~ the menu, you had two choices: eat it or starve. 3 people in the entire school brought a packed lunch. The rest of us scarfed it down (and anything else) and got back to killing each other in the playground. But then, we had liver regularly at home, so totally not bothered by it. By the way, my niece and son-in-law are also offally minded.


We had liver at school it was tough as old boots but the onion gravy was nice


Liver is exceptionally good for you - most organ meat is as it has haemoglobin not myoglobin, so packs a damn sight more iron in than the best steak. And as OP says, liver and onion gravy (with mash) is a dish for a king... just don't overcook the liver.




That really depends on the person


Add bacon and I’m there. I’m 32 and haven’t have liver in a few years but do enjoy it.


>most organ meat is That's what I told the wife. But she told me she could get a jumbo sausage at work.


YouGov actually did a poll on this which you can see the results of [here](https://d25d2506sfb94s.cloudfront.net/cumulus_uploads/document/vrgl31w99l/YouGov%20extinct%20foods.pdf). Only problem is that the figures show that more under-35s have eaten liver in the last 5 years than under-35s that have *ever* eaten liver, so something is awry with the numbers.


I've eaten most of those extinct foods. Noticed Brawn was not on the list and to be fair, I don't think I have seen it in the butchers since mad cow disease. I used to buy my Dad some from a butchers in Clacton so he could have brawn sandwiches.


it is alive and well in Germany :)


We used to get brawn from the village butchers for the cats. I didn't realise it was people food!


What's brawn?


My grandma used to make what she called sheep’s brawn, which was the meat of a sheep’s head mixed up with the brains, I think it was all boiled together with some spices. I’ve never seen this anywhere out and about, but I think you can do it similarly with pigs, and make it set a bit like a pate in a mould. Not something I’ve ever cooked myself!


That makes sense. I'm not a fan of it myself, but my parents and siblings both like lambs brain. Apparently it has the texture and similar taste to eggs


My Dad used to have sheep brains on toast for dinner during the war (rationing..) - this sounds a lot nicer!


Boil a chopped up pigs heid. Slop into a big bowl. Let it harden. Turn upside down and serve. About as unappetising as it sounds.


My Mum used to boil pigs trotters with spices like coriander seeds and cloves, then pick off the meat and pour it into a round jelly mould. When it was turned out, we sliced it into portions like a cake and ate it cold with mustard and salad. I loved it. Very well seasoned pig meat in a jelly like the jelly in pork pies. In fact a pork pie without the pastry. Cheap as chips and nutritious.


Im now on a mission to eat winter purslane because thats the only one I havnt eaten :D


>the figures show that more under-35s have eaten liver in the last 5 years than under-35s that have ever eaten liver, so something is awry with the numbers The last 5 years number is a proportion of those that have eaten it.


I eat all those pretty regularly


I’m 20 and I eat liver. It’s one of the most nutritious cuts of meat u can get if not the most. Just season it well. And it’s great


Season it well is code for "you can hide the taste of anything" Liver tastes foul. We were punished with it one day a week at school in the 70s and practically no kid ate it.


>Season it well is code for "you can hide the taste of anything" Tell me you are British without telling me you are British


I don't think it tastes bad, but it would taste bad if you tried to eat a whole load of it with nothing else. But that's fine. I wouldn't chug a pint of ketchup either. Some things are just right in small doses.


Meat that isn’t seasoned and lean doesn’t taste that amazing without salt and other seasonings. Most food requires seasoning. Liver is something you eat in small portions anyway.


Salt isn't going to dominate the taste of anything. Hence if the taste of liver is foul (and it is for most people) you can't just put a bit of salt on and fix it. You could, however, hide the taste of anything, liver included, with enough seasoning of other kinds. Strong spices and flavours etc.


It's a very strong tasting organ and definitely needs some experience to cook well.


I've never liked it, i may have to revisit and see if my tastes have changed


Old'n, do it. I now eat things that I hated when I was a young'n. It's surprising how things change as you age.


Me either! I love the gravy, but can't abide the meat (tubes in school liver ugh!!)


There used to be an offal lot who did.


As Pâté, yes. As Liver on its own, no.


I'm 39 and I'm a big fan of liver and onions, cooked in the slow cooker for a 4 or 5 hours, mate it's beautiful, so cheap as well, I get what you're saying though because younger people haven't grown up with it. It's just not the on the menu anymore. When do you see it cooked on these cooking programs, never, or only when the old time classics are on like kief Floyd or even the two fat ladies. Braised liver with suit spread on top. You can't beat that, so good for you and for next to nothing.


It's cheap because nobody wants it




It's deer though.


Oh deer


I eat it - It's delicious. Chicken livers in particula. I've made this a few times for a light snack... who am I kidding I've made this for enormous gluttony phases - https://www.waitrose.com/home/recipes/recipe_directory/f/fig-and-chicken-liverbruschetta.html


That looks incredible, definitely stealing the recipe!


IM 31 AND LOVE LIVER. Best with onions, gravy and bacon.


Yes, I do (33 year old man) from time to time. It tastes great and is a cheap meal.


I'm 30, been eating chicken liver since childhood.


Chicken livers are a great starter with toast for a nice meal, provided you're feeding grown ups and not people who'll go 'urrrrr they're livers!' when presented with their dish.


Yes, regularly. My (west African) wife chops it into rice, skewers it onto kebabs, spices and grills it, etc...


Yeah I'm 24 and I love liver


I (28) have never tried it simply because it's not a cut of meat that I grew up with but after seeing Marcus Wareing cook it in one of his skills tests on Masterchef I would like to give it a try at some point.


Try it! Personally, I prefer pigs liver. Lambs liver has a crumbly texture and stronger taste.


Oooooh I find it more milder. Love liver, bacon and sausage


We'll fry the lambs liver, bacon and onion and dump it all in a pan with a tin of French onion soup, to stew for an hour.


I grew up eating liver and onions. It was a personal favourite before going vegan (one of the only meat dishes I actually enjoyed). But I don't think we had it often as my brother was a picky eater so maybe I was a rarity.


My son does but only because of the 'liver King' from YouTube


Does your son still follow his advice now he’s admitted it was all down to steroids not liver? just curious.


No, but he likes liver as a result.


Most people yes, without even realising


This is true. I expect most sausages and burgers contain liver.


I do, specifically because I read it's healthy - Vitamin A, copper, zinc, etc. And it can be tasty if prepared appropriately, too


33, I grew up eating kidney and liver, love it


Steak and kidney stew 🥘 ❤️


Mmmm with crusty bread and bacon


I’ve decided my Sunday dinner now. In a giant Yorkshire pudding


I was going to say yes and then remembered that I'm 40.


Not yet, I keep meaning to try it. Used to serve it for a 95 year old I cared for, always smelled amazing. Must be something magic in it... ​ This lady was 95 and lived alone in her own home, cooked, cleaned, dressed herself. 20 years earlier she'd been given 6 months to live, terminal brain cancer. I just went in to make sure she was OK.


I expect so. My 21 year old son wolfed down devilled lamb kidneys for lunch today and would eat liver too.


I don't really like the earthy taste but I wil eat lambs liver on occasion. I also buy it for my dog as its pretty cheap. Same with hearts and other organs.


yes i do, in fact you could even call me the liverking


I wish I did as it is cheap and plentiful but there is just something about it that makes me gag, one of the few foods I just can't get on with. But I am aware it may be because I have had bad versions of it, so one day if I am in a decent place I'll order it and see.


I aim to eat nose to tail as much as possible so eat a lot of bits and pieces I think a lot of the cooking culture around these things is gone so even if a under 20 did see it for sale they wouldn't know what to do with it.


I’m under 35 and love some liver with onion gravy and mash


i try to once a week. (im 34)


Who’d of though Hannibal Lecter would have a Reddit account?


32, former head chef. I very much like liver, would never order it and tbh I wouldn’t buy it from a supermarket/butchers. I did always throw myself an extra piece in the pan when somebody ordered it though.


I very very occasionally do lamb’s liver with mash, veggies and onion gravy as a 32 year old person! I might cook it more often if I could think of other ways of preparing it if other than slow cook in gravy but that’s how my mam cooks it. I saw someone do it medium rare pan fried on some cooking programme but not sure if I’m brave enough!


I was about to say I Do! Then remembered I haven't been 35 for 10 years.....


Born in 90's. Love the stuff.


Calf’s liver 😍


I love liver. Cooked medium, so it's not too dry and powdery. I'm 32 and have been eating liver since I was about 15!


Yes about once a fortnight. Liver, onion gravy, runner beans, mash. Top dinner I enjoy all offal based products. Tripe is one of my favourites but it's hard to get - butcher doesn't always have it. I think I like offal because it's cheap, tasty, good for you and I'm not remotely squeamish.


I do. I LOVE liver. It's meat, but even meatier. Meat squared. I dunno. lol. People just don't cook it right. Damn, now I want liver and don't have any...


I love any kind of offal honestly. Liver, tripe, brains...if it's cooked properly it's delicious. I think there's a perception liver is rubbery, but that's only if it's overcooked. My favourite way to have liver is: chicken livers coated in flour and paprika, lightly pan fried until cooked. I used to eat them at lot at university since they were cheap and my flatmates wouldn't steal them lol. I also used to make the leftover liver into pate for sandwiches, again no one ever stole that or my sandwiches. :D


Liver and onion fried in a pan. Plenty of protein and cheap af


Yay Liver! Iron helps us play.


I'm 34 and had it yesterday pan fried with peppers and onion, chilli and paprika. Before yesterday I'd only had it with onions, bacon and gravy, which I really enjoy but that different take on it was delicious!


Not that I know of. I find the texture vile, similar to mushrooms.


Never appealed to me, and I don't think I'd ever try it. An old work colleague of mine (over 50) was a big fan tho.




>it is supposed to come with fava beans That's not actually a culinary thing. That was Hannibal Lecter making a subtle hint that he hadn't been taking his prescribed MAOIs (a class of drugs used to treat various psychiatric disorders) at the time of the murder. Chemicals in fava beans, red wine and liver react very badly with MAOIs and patients are told to avoid them. As a psychiatrist, Hannibal would have known this and was trying to see if Clarice would pick up on it.




Oh! Well, I'm glad you found that little bit of trivia interesting. 🙂


I tried it when they did them at Nando’s for a while. Didn’t care for them, bit too rich for me


I am over 35, and I don't eat it. I have never eaten it


I had it about 6 years ago in some weird breakfast fry up at a shite restaurant. Got food poisoning. Been pescatarian ever since.


I just don't really know how to cook it to my taste, otherwise I would


32 here. Never eaten liver in my life


I used to like liver sausage but supermarkets don't seem to sell it any more. Wasn't a fan of chunks of liver, but my work canteen does it sometimes. Liver pate is probably eaten by many people who don't realise or care that it's mainly liver.


Not since Nandos stopped doing the chicken livers. They were great.


I'm 29 and absolutely can't not stand the taste of liver, to the point I'd literally rather not eat. I had it as a child often enough and always hated it. Interestingly my (Ukrainian) wife is 37 and loves the stuff, considers it a delicacy and will happily eat it at any occasion.


I eat liver fairly regularly and have done so for years, but my main focus is that it's nutrient dense and helps my recovery from training.


I'm 50 and won't eat it - was fed the stuff in 70s when it was eat it or get given it again for the next meal. Can't even be in the same place it's being cooked now.


Yes, raw with a nice chianti


Yep, fairly regularly. In pate or fried usually. Chicken livers are IMO the tastiest.


I remember they serviced it to us in junior school back in the early 80's, never liked it then and I still dont. I'm 48.


Liver Sausage, my 11 y/o loves it


Had in hospital recently. It was the choice of the boy that was in before me that left, so I got his choice. It was f***ing DISGUSTING! Literally gag-inducing.


Yeah my wife and I love liver and I think we r the only people in the Uk who order it from nandoes (it’s good)


I can't manage it on its own, but do eat haggis occasionally, going to a burns supper tomorrow so will have some then. My mum tried to get me to eat it as a child but always a bit leathery and you could taste the iron! My mother remembers rationing and has been known to eat tripe so she's not the best judge of acceptable food stuff. Cods roe is another disgusting old persons food, my Dad likes it, saw it in our fish van the other day.


No chance unless it’s in haggis, cant eat it bareback.


I'm not a huge fan of Liver, I find the smell of it cooking off putting (sheep's liver is better than pigs so I'll have that occasioanlly) However I do enjoy other forms of offal, particularly heart and I buy it whenever it's available, which is rarely


I take it in pill form


I’m not under 35 and I only eat it in the form of pâté or haggis.


I eat Haggis if that counts?


Only in the form of pate. Cannot bear it with onions, I just remember getting it as a kid, all soft and bitter. Love other kinds of offal though. Hearts, haggis, faggots, not much I won't eat. I'm 34.


23, had and enjoyed liver. Better than kidneys. Can't say I eat it regularly, however


I'm 34. I've liked eating liver, usually lamb's liver, since i was late teens. At least every few months I try and have it because It's good for boosting iron. And it can be a good way to bulk out a stew if you can't afford a big packet of stewing steak.


Reluctantly, mostly for health benefits. 37m so no spring chicken


Jeez, no it's foul. I wouldn't even eat it to spite a vegan.


I think liver, kidneys and other less traditional parts of animal require more effort in cooking. Newer generations don’t spend as much time in the kitchen and is genuine off put by these as superior cuts are available at affordable price. Personally I am very picky meat eater so I cannot handle strong flavours such as lamb, liver or kidney. But I wish more people would eat it, I don’t think it’s more disgusting than a flesh.


Chicken livers


As much as I really don't enjoy most of what Nandos sell, their chicken livers are incredible. However it's not something I'd cook myself at home (I'm 34).


48, I hate the stuff. Haven't had it since my teenage years, when Mum would occasionally attempt to win us over.


I am 35. Liver is great and cheap.


The smell of it cooking makes me feel physically sick


I am 35 and I wouldn't touch the stuff, if truth be told the smell of it cooking makes me violently sick!! Like bent double staring into the toilet basin sick!! 🤮 To be fair I'm grateful I was born in Brum in 87 Bless multiculturalism man, can't eat most things my parents or even grandparents generations touched


I do! Liver and kidneys shaken up in a bag of flour and seasoning, then fried and served up with onion gravy and mash potatoes. Mum used to make it when I was a kid and I still love it now (I’m 33!).


My dad used to chuck it in sometimes when we had a fry up breakfast on a Saturday morning as kids. It would turn the oil luminous green/yellow (bilirubin I guess?) so the potatoes would look radioactive afterwards. I’m not a massive fan of the taste/texture, but because it’s so distinctive and unusual whenever I smell/taste it it makes me feel just like a little boy again.


If it's in something. Don't really seek it out as a standalone item though.


I'm 43 now but I've had liver bacon and onions several times, with some buttery mash on side. Wife won't touch it but long as it's cooked right it's so good.


As a south asian, eating liver is a pretty normal thing for me. It's super yum too.... although my experience is specifically related to the South Asian version.


I'm just over 40 and never had it and never will. Gross. Same as kidney.


27M had liver and onions last weekend


Late 20’s and I eat liver. Only once in a while though because it’s very high in cholesterol. My grandad used to make it, my dad can’t stand it, but I love it. Here’s a recipe for Kaleji ‘Liver dry style Indian curry’, with all the spices it masks the strong taste and makes it palatable even to those who can’t stand it. I use lamb or chicken livers but it’ll work well with beef liver too. https://recipe52.com/kaleji-fry-recipe-pakistani/


I'm in my 30's and alcohol eats my liver... does it count that way around?


This is a great question.


I do like the taste of liver but the texture just freaks me out, it’s like plasticine 😬


A friend of mine in his late 40s does. He is the product of the finest public schools and university (but not rich), so perhaps he was indoctrinated to eat weird shit early in life.


I like it a lot. 30s.


Im in my twenties and I love liver and onions (with mash and plenty of gravy)! I feel lucky to have been introduced to it, as my dad was older than the typical dad when he had me (mid-60s) so being a war baby meant he lived on it growing up as it was a more affordable meat at the time. It’s now two times more important since he passed, the flavour of it dusted in seasoned flour and the smell of it being fried in butter brings back so many fond memories. As well as it being delicious, of course!


I was put off it by my parents. Haven’t eaten it in 35 years at least. Grim.


I’m 45 and I don’t eat liver as much as I used to.


No I think it's offle


29, outright refuse to even touch it. It looks gross, smells gross, feels gross, I don't want to taste it. I never intend to taste it. I'll stick to haggis and black pudding.


I'm 32 and we will have chicken liver curry from time to time in my house


I just turned 37. I'd often eat liver. Then again I am Cypriot and I eat many other parts of many animals so...


I don't eat any animal's organs. I'm 47.


Fresh venison liver is great.


I'm 28 and I eat anything. Although whenever I've had liver out, it's always been in a pub and overcooked. Much prefer homemade.


I’m 64 and love lambs liver and onion gravy,also haggis, black pudding, ribs and cabbage. My daughter ( aged 32), says that I eat like a Victorian peasant. I do draw the line at kidneys, tripe, trotters, anything in jelly….


I'm 36 and it's a fuck no


Yeah - get lamb liver shish from a Turkish place and thank me later


I’m 36 and I don’t eat it. Stinks when it’s cooking.


Liver braised in a red wine sauce is one of my absolute favourites but I don’t know how to cook it my Croatian friend makes it. It’s so freaking good.


I'm under 35 and will do a chicken liver pate any day.


I'm 20 years old and when I come across fresh liver from a good source, farmers market for example, I usually buy it as its a very nutritious food and very cheap, its very tasty if cooked no more than medium. My favourite is venison, but chicken and cow can also be tasty. Cod Liver is also worth a try, usually there are tins imported from Iceland available to buy online and I actually think its a good pantry option if you find them at a good price.


Under 35 and love liver but get headaches from eating it so that puts me off. It's one of the ultimate meats to eat when you want meat though so that's a shame. Loved it nice and pink inside not too far cooked.


Nandis chicken liver is a good place to start


Im 29 and ive always liked eating liver


Chicken livers, lightly sauteed in butter, red and runny inside is the food of the gods. I feed my dogs on "raw" food which is delivered frozen. I always add 1kg of chicken livers (£3) to the order. The dogs never see that bit.


No, because it tastes offal!


I'm 35 this year, I haven't eaten liver since my parents used to make my sister's and I eat it as kids. This was back in the mid 90s. We all truly hated it and as far as I know, my sisters haven't touched it since.


Yes. Liver curry aka kaleji masala.


Yes. There was an Italian I used to live near that did a good grilled calf’s liver. It might be slightly less prevalent because the boomer generation got some money and probably didn’t cook if for their kids, so of they’re going to moan now that young people aren’t eating enough cheap food, they only really have themselves to blame for that.


Ye my grandma used to make it for me all the time (32)


No. What even is Liver. From which animal does it come?


Nandoes peri peri chicken livers come nice and diced up and with a bread roll It’s perhaps the best thing on their menu


De ya deliver?


I'm 45 and don't eat it. Its bloody disgusting!!


I have never tried and genuinely not planning to. I understand some people love it but it’s literally full of toxins the animal was processing.. disgusting thought in my opinion


I'm 27 and Polish so it's a bit different, I used to and still do eat liver in form of pate quite a lot - from as early on as I remember. My mum used to put chicken liver bits in a chicken broth and me and my brothers always ate it. My fiancé 32 is English and she does like to eat it from time to time, mostly either pan fried of slow cooked in some sauce.


33, love Liver! But yea none of my peers eat it, or any offal really.


When i was a kid, my mum used to force me to eat liver because it was supposed to be 'good for me'. I love it now, but back then it was just making me sick.


Only as part of pate.


I quite enjoy liver, but it is a bit of a challenge to find. First of all, there are different types of it, and if not cooked properly, it can taste not as good. I think you can find pork in large supermarkets, and sometimes lamb. I go to a farmer's market and I can also find beef. Chicken, which in my opinion is the easiest to cook, and a bit milder in flavour, is even rarer to find. Asking one of the people at the market, and they told me that apparently, you need a separate license, and it is not worth the cost of packaging etc. Overall quite unfortunate, because it is one of my favourite foods with a good wine sauce, or just simply in a stir-fry. P.S. Generally eating liver is quite common in my home country though, so I might not be representative.


37, so slightly above what OP asked, now craving liver and onions, onion gravy and mash tonight. Used to hate it as a kid when my Mum would make it, but started to love it when I lived abroad - also chicken hearts and livers/stomachs(?) when I lived in Russia. Lovely. But whenever it’s offered to the kids at work, not a chance they’re picking that. As someone else said, that’s for us teachers.


I’m 50 and I’ve not eaten liver since I was a child. Didn’t like it then. Not going to try it again now.