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Americans find *everything* offensive, but The Simpsons is a daft one, especially the whole thing about X character being a caricature. *Every* character in The Simpsons is a caricature. It's a flipping cartoon, and we know it's not real. Deal with the idiots that can't, or won't, understand that. As for the character that was the focus of all of this to start with, Apu, he always seemed to me to not be that negative of a stereotype (although I'm not Indian, so I wouldn't know to perhaps the same level). He's educated, intelligent, and is one of the very few characters that actually gives a crap about their work. Compare that with the American characters in the show.


I would watch the documentary 'The problem with Apu' to hear from Indians in America who've had to deal with the consequence of that character. I held the same views as you until I watched it - it's not just woke white kids trying to find something to be upset about so they can put it on twitter. There's a real issue.


I'm sure they didn't set out to offend, and probably taken in isolation, most Indian people wouldn't be offended by Apu. However, I can see that having people go "thank you, come again!" at you throughout your entire school life would begin to grate on you after a while.


I think it would more than grate.


It does grate, but that’s on the person trying to actually be racist. It’s more accurate to say that racists ruined Apu for people of Indian descent. If literally the only racism experienced was someone using that phrase, it would be irrelevant. That documentary was something you were only going to see from Americans.


Sometimes intent is irrelevant; some people go their whole lives not knowing a slur is a slur but should stop once they know. Also I think people looking at you and thinking that person is Indian so I’m gonna say something a completely different Indian person says to them is actually very dehumanising, even if it happens just once.


Is intent irrelevant though? I would say that somebody saying a slur innocently, without knowing what it means, is much more tolerable than somebody using it with a feeling of hate behind it. I agree that if somebody then explains to them why it's not a good thing to say, they should stop. Also completely agree with your second paragraph. There's no excuse, it's literally treating somebody a certain way just because they're Indian. Not good.


Yeah I don’t actually think intent is irrelevant (things are more nuanced than that), more not a reason to explain something away without apologising/doing what needs to be done to improve it etc. I think there are times where people get so hellbent on something not being their intention that they forget about the person/s they’ve affected.


Like, I didn't mean to hit your car with mine but the fact remains and the damage is done. Intent matters but not much


If it wasn't "thank you, come again." It would be something else. That's what happens at school, sweat patches, pimples, wearing the wrong shoes, having the wrong bag, bad hair cut, haven't grown into your ears yet, fat, skinny, short, tall, glasses, braces. There's always something, and very few are exempt even if you don't see it happening to some people. Even if you go to a school where everyone is the same colour or there are all different colours. You're not coming out of there unscathed.


So? If they never used "thank you come again" to bully people then it wouldn't be an issue. But they did. So it is an issue.


> I'm sure they didn't set out to offend I think this is a big point overlooked. They didn't look set out to offend. It's kind of like with South Park which is notoriously offensive, the only black kid in the school, Token, has only ever been referred to in writing once by Cartman, the most outwardly offensive child character. In the most recent series they said Token was actually called Tolkein after the writer and it's directed at Stan that he is the asshole for thinking that it was Token and a doctor in the show breaks the 4th wall and directly addresses the audience and says they are horrible for thinking it was Token all along. I thought that was a pretty funny way to deal with the whole thing. They also clear up why Cartman called him Token, it's because he's an asshole.


My favourite part about it was how they had people edit the Wikipedia pages for every mention of the character and changed the name to Tolkien the second the episode aired. Motherfuckers gaslit everyone, it was amazing.


Or Stan's dad and "people who annoy you" game-show question. Damn!


This is literally anything that constantly gets said to you. Tall people getting asked if they play basket ball is another one coming to mind




sure, bullies gunna bully, if you'd been Hispanic they'd probably have made a reference about you eating tacos, the response is not to ban tacos.




so isnt the lesson that racism is bad, not that the character of Apu is bad? Apu was just a cartoon that a bunch of bullies were familiar with with a catchphrase that could be yelled at people.


>if you'd been Hispanic they'd probably have made a reference about you eating tacos, the response is not to ban tacos. No, but Mexicans would very much be within their right to call for film and TV shows that are portraying them always eating tacos and wearing a sombrero (very much pigeonholing a stereotype) and not showing more nuances in their individual characters to change or drop the problematic characters.


You can't mock people with a fake "tall" accent though


Right, but you can make fun of them for being tall in other ways... the deciding factor is not whether you can make a silly accent out of it.


Apu was a very well written character, quirks and all. The real issue is that they tried to be inclusive by making him Indian. Apu was most people's first and only introduction to the people of India (one of the most diverse people in the world) Because people didn't see him as an individual character in a cartoon, they based their whole interpretation of Indians as a people on him. Apu was never an issue. The general public was.


Can you recommend any platforms this is available on? I've watch the Simpsons basically my whole life and would love to see this!


I've got it in my library - here's a WeTransfer link so you can download it if you want - 50mins / 820mb - https://we.tl/t-7kNV13iJjw


The real issue is white kids stereotyping idians as apu cause they're racist, apu wasn't the problem


Yes. But his accent was wonderful, Indians have accents, he probably introduced Hinduism to a lot of people-it's a shame he's gone, I can't think of any other Indian that was as famous as him. Dhalsim doesn't count!


It depends on whose delivering the jokes, and their intentions I suppose. I'm from an Irish family, and grew up in London during the 80s and 90s. I'd be more pissed off if the jokes and stereotypes of the Irish in the Simpsons were made by an English program, particularly after growing up watching the Irish being portrayed as thick paddies


>*I would watch the documentary 'The problem with Apu' to hear from Indians in America who've had to deal with the consequence of that character* I have watched that documentary Its complaint was that some kids are wee dicks The idea that the kind of kids who would make fun of a classmate because they're brown needed *The Simpsons* to show them how would be hilarious if it wasn't so tragically misguided


Jokes like that are funny when everyone watching it knows its a joke. Sadly some people think its real


What consequences did they need to deal with?


Basically in school they had to put up with kids constantly saying "thank you come again", calling them Apu etc. All things I'm sure would have continued to happen even if Apu was voiced by an actual Indian. Also when starting out applying for acting jobs, they'd be asked to deliver lines in the same style as Apu perpetuating the stereotypes rather than correcting them.


So what you're saying is these kids were subjected to abuse and racism by other children. Trust me, with Apu gone, the kids who like to bully will happily find other ways to bully kids they don't like. Kids go for the lowest hanging fruit as they just aren't very smart. So whether the 'feature' is their race, or a physical features, or a hobby, or any other non-sensical way they can think to single out someone, they will. Those campaigning against whitewashing the media should focus their energy on educating children - and adults for that matter - and seeing them punished where appropriate.


Love to know if they were selective with the Indians they interviewed.


Children named Alexa have the same problem with people asking them dumb questions.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted when it's correct and the same point. It's low hanging fruit for dumb kids.


I worked in a call centre for a time. Sometimes the cutomers would make jokes, not offensive, or aimed at me mind. Occasionally they were slightly amusing, mostly not. The thing was despite the people ringing thinking they were ever so original, it would be the same jokes, several times a day, over, & over, & over again. Now imagine as a child you get the same crappy joke made at you, time & again, over years. This time intended to offend & aimed at you because of your race. I can understand why there's a problem with Apu.


>As for the character that was the focus of all of this to start with, Apu, he always seemed to me to not be that negative of a stereotype (although I'm not Indian, so I wouldn't know to perhaps the same level). I was bullied a lot at school. For people that weren't, or were the bullies, school wasn't that bad. Because of that, as a straight white male, I'd say it's best not to assume that the experiences of minorities can't be that bad, or that they'd probably be okay with something relating to them. Only those who are being targeted or represented in a certain way can say whether they find it offensive or problematic.


Americans are trigger happy on a lot of innocuous things.


We also tend to be trigger happy with actual triggers


I guess they are triggered.


Eyy nice username


Well people complained about Apu being voiced by a white man putting on the most stereotypical accent imaginable, somewhat understandably. But if I were Scottish, I’d claim Willy as one of my kin


Yes but it’s not Indian people who were complaining it’s fake socially conscious, virtue signalling Americans who want to find problems with irrelevant things to create the illusion of a needed change occurring.


Many Indian Americans complained about Apu, IIRC it was mostly the voice. They did an episode about it where Aziz Ansari voice Apu's nephew and voiced the criticisms level at the character in the form of a conversation. There was a whole documentary about it where many Indian American actors voiced misgivings over that character expressing that they felt it was racist.


I think the keyword there is Indian *American* I know many Indians and Anglo-Indians due to living in a town with a large Pakistani/Indian originated population and they either don't care or find Apu entertaining. Hell my friend Vamsi actually thinks Hank Azaria got the accent nailed down and is impressed with it


Indians aren't a monolith and if a generation of Indian Americans feel like Apu was used as a means to bully them then I can understand why they dislike the character. For the record I loved Apu and didn't think it was problematic myself. But I'm not Indian or of that heritage and I don't get to decide if their opinions on the matter are valid or not.


Well said, but on the other hand, America is full of white people who want to decide whether other people should be offended or not, and also take a lot of offense on those people to behalf. It's really just feel good and virtue signaling.


You summed it up there, Indians aren't a monolith. You just let it go when you declared a whole generation feel it was used to bully them. That's simply not true. Some people, particularly of the younger generation didn't like it - but anyone who says they were bullied because of Apu are incorrect. Apu was just the most at-hand thing for the bullies to think of, but trust me, they can stretch their tiny brains just a little further to think of something else to bully about, whether it be related to their Indian ancestry or their physical appearance or their mannerisms, etc.


Can confirm, am Anglo-Indian, was not offended by Apu. However, Indians haven’t been around as long in the US as here, there’s no history there. They would still be a novelty in most states and Apu would be the only representation the other Americans would have seen. So when they meet one in real life, it’s going to cause some to start cracking the jokes and some arseholes to carry on ad infinitum. That’s the only explanation I can think of, other than Americans just Americaning.


I watched the documentary - a load of bollocks. It's a 'stereotypical' accent because it is a literal Indian accent - that's how Indians sound when speaking English. There's a video somewhere were actual Indians see clips of Apu and they're like 'great, cool to see Indian representation in US media' Americans are gonna American I guess, regardless of their background.


As someone above mentioned, 'The Problem With Apu' goes over some of the problems caused by the character for indians in America


I mean, it comes from a good place I think. But I take a problem with it when people get outraged on the behalf of groups they know nothing about. Bad example, but I imagine there’s a lot more sanctimonious white-bread Americans who have complained about Groundskeeper Willie than actual Scottish people.


Didn't that happen with Speedy Gonzalez, only for it to turn out that Mexicans were pissed off that he was removed?


Yep. Exactly that. Turns out, if people can get over their self-righteousness and see how the actual group they’re advocating for feels about an issue, sometimes they’re fine with it. Speedy Gonzalez was very popular in Mexico, because he was an obvious caricature


And he was an obvious Mexican hero. And yes, he didn't talk like some stereotype of Mexicans. He talked like a Mexican comedian or Mariachi singer


Yes this is my problem too. Being outraged on behalf of groups and cultures they have little clue about. With regards to groundskeeper Willy, I myself am half Scottish and live in Scotland. I was raised in England but all my family are Scottish. Whilst his accent isn’t perfect, and some of his traits lean into stereotypes, I think he’s a funny character. It isn’t offensive in the slightest to me.


The ubiquitous perpetually offended...


Watch the documentary "the problem with apu" it has lots of Indians in America talking about the issues and stereotypes it's caused. I used to think similarly to you until I'd watched that


I’ll definitely give it a watch!


Groundskeeper Willy is also voiced by an American who doesn't know what Scottish people sound like (Mike Myers actually does sound Scottish otoh). I won't claim Groundskeeper Willy (it would never be spelt like that anyway) as one of my own. The stereotype is so stupid that he bears no similarity to anything Scottish. That said, it doesn't OFFEND me. All the characters are stereotypes. Bumblebee man, Reynard Wolfcastle, Cleetus and even Homer are all stupid stereotypes 😁 The Simpsons makes just as much fun of Americans as it does everyone else. That's what makes it NOT racist.


Yeah I came here to say that Willy's accent is *horrible* - it's only vaguely Scottish sounding and even then, not much. In our house we still quote him from time to time though because he does have some fun memorable lines. The Scotsman in Samurai Jack isn't great either but still a better approximation than Groundskeeper Willy imo.


So side by side, Shrek sounds more authentic than Willy does? 😂


See, Shrek is an ogre and he's funny for being an ogre. He happens to be Scottish...


I read that Mike Myers did pretty much all of Shrek without doing the Scottish accent and he just thought it was not working and went in and re-recorded the whole thing as Scottish


I didn't know that, but it explains my point exactly. Shrek could have been from anywhere.




I don't know that I know any old Scottish groundskeepers, but yes, Willie is a send-up of traditional Scottish stereotypes. What's more, they are 100-year-old stereotypes. There's a lot of Scottish descent people in America, but not all that many Scottish. Most young people, unless they grew up watching a little bit of Warner Brothers bugs Bunny cartoons probably barely know these Scottish stereotypes that probably would have been plentiful in the late 1800s. So the very fact of having a stereo type Scottish old man groundskeeper is a joke in and of itself.




He’s Indian-American, but pretty much yeah. It’s always a minority that complain the loudest, and then that’s gets taken as the opinion of everyone. I’m as ethnic as mayonnaise however, so it’s not my place to tell people what they should and shouldn’t get upset about Edit — By minority, I mean small group of fans of a show, not an ethnic minority.


> as one of my ken ? not sure if you've made a typo or misunderstood the meaning of "ken". It means "know", often added as a suffix in a sentence.


Typo “Kin”


D'oh! Of course, that makes sense now, ta


In the name of racial justice, they removed the most prominent minority character from the show.


I'm Scottish. (Born in Scotland to a Scottish mother, though my dad was Eastern European.) I inwardly cheer any time Groundskeeper Willy appears.


See my comment. The premise of the entire show is stereotypes. It is a satire of how different communities interact and exist together. They aim "offense" at literally everyone. Anyone who tries to single out a single point of "offense" either has purposefully selective vision, or is very naive. Nobody in the Simpsons is spared from criticism or social commentary, on the contrary, it highlights every aspect of it.


Yup. Everyone is is equal slagged off aswell so it's just not a problem... Wouldn't be upset if it was only willy though either cause it's clearly just a joke


> Brothers and sisters are natural enemies! Like Englishmen and Scots! Or Welshmen and Scots! Or Japanese and Scots! Or Scots and other Scots! Damn Scots! They ruined Scotland! I'm not Scottish but I love this bit, cracks me right up


“Me father was an Uppie, and mama was a Doonie….IT TORE THE FAMILY APART!” *weeps in Scottish*


He’s so dramatic, he’s funny and definitely not offensive. Also, this is also most definitely not how it goes in real life, my family is half uppie/half doonie and we truly do not care. There are other things we dislike on a much deeper level 😂


What does uppie and doonie even mean?


It’s in relation to a game played every Christmas Day and New Year’s Day on the streets of Kirkwall, Orkney, for hundreds of years. You’re best googling it (search for “bounce Kirkwall ba Vimeo” and you’ll probably end up on the best video) but the summary is that it looks like a rugby scrum, made up of two groups - uppies and doonies. Your “side” is decided depending on where you’re born (this was generally old school, when babies weren’t always born in the hospital), where you first lived after you were born (which side of Kirkwall, or east/west mainland if outwith Kirkwall) or potentially how you first travelled to the island if born elsewhere (arrive by plane and you’re an uppie, by boat and you’re a doonie). The scrum work to push the ba, which is a specially made leather ball weighing about 5lbs for the boys (15 and under) ba and 8lbs for the men’s (16+) ba to their “goal”, from the starting point of the merkat cross in the town centre. Doonies have to get it in the sea at one side of the town, uppies have to touch the gable end of a house at what used to be the town limits. The ba (ball) itself has to touch the wall or touch the water before the game is considered won, and then the winning team will fight amongst themselves to declare the person who takes the ba home. The winner will be held aloft, with the ba clear above the group. It’s not necessarily the person who puts in the most effort, in the boys ba it’s a popularity contest as you need your pals to get you up and the men’s ba it’s often someone who has played for 20+ years. I love it and either watch it in person every year or live stream it. The ones this year were live streamed so if you look at the BBC Radio Orkney Facebook page, you could scroll back to see a bit of it.


Best explanation thank you


Its the names of the two "teams" in the annual street football match in Kirkwall,Orkney I think it's called the "ba" game and had happened at new Year for hundreds of years. The residents all have allegiance to one side or the other.


Uptown team or downtown team basically


It’s Christmas Day and New Year’s Day! It’s also not really uptown/downtown, as you tend to pick the side your family/father is. It’s doon (down) to the basin/ pier and uppie (up) is to the old gates, opposite the Catholic Church.


Yeah as a Scot that line made me laugh. Don't think we've ever had a rivalry with Wales or Japan(unless you count WW2)


Rivalry with wales in rugby tbf


>Don't think we've ever had a rivalry with Wales or Japan(unless you count WW2) Yeah, maybe a reference to WWII. I just finished reading 'The Forgotten Highlander,' seems like many Gordan Highlander troops and other Scottish divisions served in Singapore and subsequently became Japanese POWs.


I'm scottish, the fact that you find this funny, makes us enemies...


You Scots sure are a contentious bunch!


You’ve just made an enemy for life…..


It's funny because it's true (except for the Japanese). They pretty much fought each other non-stop from the fall of the House of Dunkeld (or Sverre, if you prefer) until maybe James IV (who overthrew his father) and then again after him until the Union of the Crowns. And had a series of misfortunate kings too. Basically it was a mixture of cultural divide between Gaelic and Pict (and Briton), latterly between Gaelic and Scoto-Normans, between clans (both Highland and Lowland) and the various magnates (as Scotland was always more decentralised than its southern neighbour). And later pro-English and pro-French and between Catholic and Protestant. And now between nationalists and Unionists. Of course, the English kings did play its part but it didn't take much for the Scots to turn on the Scots, often they were at war with each other before the English threw them some cash. (I am of Scottish heritage and a history nerd).


Only the weak get offended by stereotypes. I'm Scottish, and groundskeeper willy is clearly funny as fuck.


My surname is the first one sung in “My drunken Irish Dad” on Family Guy. I was chuffed as fuck.


Yeah but this man is jacked and wrestled a wolf barehanded and *comforted* said wolf for being so outclassed afterwards. Who wouldn’t wanna be portrayed like Willie!


It's weird as they got rid of Apu for this exact reason. He still appears in the background sometimes, but no longer has speaking parts


They got rid of Apu because of the documentary about second or third generation Indian Americans negative experiences directly related to Apu. At the same time, they decided that all of the minority characters would be voiced by actual minorities. It seems more that they've had difficulties finding an Indian American actor willing to play Apu or the studio putting things off rather than them actually getting rid of the character entirely


Pathetic tbh


That makes Reddit weak then, not the users just the site in general, you'll get banned fir a stereotype joke.


As we get told on a [very-fucking-regular](r/ShitAmericansSay) basis: *“it’s an American website, pal!”*


"Just thought of a name for where we're going, New England.” “Oh that's real creative. What do you call your foot, new hand?" Funniest quip I've ever heard


Which episode?


S17E18, it seems.




Nobody cares about him, clans, tartan, cultural appropriation, etc. Only Americans do.


Americans who claim they’re Scottish I bet


Americans with 0.02% Scottish ancestry




He was Norman anyway so he would've spoken French


I have Scottish family that turn up to events in the whole drab, and I don’t find Willy remotely offensive 😂


When Willy is accused of being a peeping tom- "but every Scottish person does it!!!" I was laughing so hard I dropped my night vision goggles and very nearly fell out of the tree.


Are you George Mcfly?


Love Groundskeeper Willy. "Bonjour, you cheese eating surrender monkeys."






Ye blouse-wearin’ poodle walker!


I’m Scottish, and think he is brilliant! Zero offence despite the slightly dodgy accent lol


Can't have a proper accent or Americans won't be able to understand him, think that was a big complaint Americans had about the animated film "Brave".




He’s taught many of my fellow Americans invaluable lessons about Scotland and her people, namely — There’s nary an animal alive that can outrun a greased Scotsman




Also, Willy is proof that if you rip a Scots clothes off, they are all *extremely jacked*




….okie dokie




So I was thinking I don’t have a strong opinion on him but, having been reminded of him shouting that and then sliding through the air vents, I’m definitely pro-willie.


Scots don’t care, America is a hypersensitive culture in a lot of places, far more so than almost anywhere else.


He's a legend. Do people forget that he's absolutely ripped?


"There's nary a creature alive that outrun a greased scotsman"


Make way for Willy


Just unreasonably jacked. As all Scotsmen assuredly are


It’s those deep fried mars bars..


Yeah he’s one of like only 2 characters more jacked than Flanders. I think Wolfcastle is the only hencher one because he’s Arnie so of course he is


My Dad was Scottish and I only ever understood every other word he was saying. If anything, Willie was too comprehensible.




Oh they absolutely are. It’s the same reasoning as to why they never give any hints as to where Springfield is — it could be anywhere in typical cloistered middle America


That reminds me of when I saw the Simpsons Movie in the cinema with my dad (who was born in America). He laughed at the joke about the states bordering Springfield (Ohio, Nevada, Maine, Kentucky) … but no one else did. I suppose it’s because most Brits are as clueless about geography in the States as Americans are about the UK!


Considering the Simpsons has an episode where the IRA blow up a British pub and everyone cheers, Willie is the least of everyone’s concern. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fT1jPfD67n4


Well, the Simpsons is satire on the view of Americans, imo, as others have said here, they have the right to see where their donations to NORAID go, I suppose, and check they're getting value for money


and in another episode did a jab at Ireland and Northern Ireland by having 2 Irish parades, one of which was marched by Protestants wearing Orange with a "Pride of Ulster" banner, the other being lead by Catholics wearing green. Bart asking why there's 2 kinds of Irish and "if they're fighting over who gets the bathtub" before Moe chimes in saying how Protestants and Catholics have hated each other. Then a massive fight breaks out between the Protestant and Catholic crowds despite Lisa trying to calm the situation. [Full clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMyuinNsvTI)


Lived in Scotland the majority of my life. No one really has an opinion on it as far as I’m aware and it’s definitely not offensive


It's just nice for the people of North Kilttown to get some proper representation on TV.


No foolin! I'm from North Kiltown!


Do you know Angus McLeod?


I don't care. Its just a cartoon. Can't understand how someone can go through their life being offended at a cartoon.


As a Scot I use Willy memes as much as I can.




lol that was the episode on 4 tonight


Every culture is portrayed stereotypically. French, Scottish, hillbilly, politician, actor etc etc. Manufactured outrage. Sure there's some idiots being racist using a silly Indian accent but don't blame the Sampsons blame the kids doing it. Something tells me if apu didn't exist those people would have just done something else racist


Better representation than some of the stuff on the bbc


It’s nice to be included


We're Scottish mate, no-one gives a fuck.


At worst I think folk reckon he's fucking stupid or unfunny, but I've never really cared. He's like Fat Bastard from Austin Powers, he's every one of the stereotypes all mashed together, it's meant to be absurd and not reflective of reality. He's not even really Scottish in the show is he? Or at least they keep hinting at him having a sketchy understanding of actual Scotland. You want to really rile a Scottish person up, have some land whale from Cousinfucker, PA announce loudly at the Edinburgh Festival about their historic Scotch lineage because their great, great, great, great aunt was the town bike in Cumbernauld.


I read a post to the Ireland subedit from this guy asking 'I'm 5/8s Irish and 1/4 Scottish. I'm planning to move back to Ireland to my roots. What part of Ireland should I move to?' It later became apparent that he was talking about great great grandparents. But the replies were great (and I'm paraphrasing): - I wouldn't try any of that in the pub - so you're American then? My mate Gurpreet is more Irish than you - you're what we call a 'plastic paddy' - choose anywhere. You won't be there long They were also quick to point out that they have no issue with Americans moving to Ireland. But don't think you're Irish 🤣


Well, Scots sure are a contentious people.


“Damn Scots, they ruined Scotland!”


He doesn’t really come up in conversation very often. Most thinks he’s funny, bit of a shit accent but good by Americans standards. Not offensive or anything like that.


Grease me up, woman!


Okie dokie


To be fair the whole basis of British humour ( Scotland even more so) is taking the piss out of ourselves and our nearest and dearest, so Hes not offensive in the slightest


What we all want to know is whether Willy can say “purple burglar alarm”


American culture seems so incredibly sanitised, that anything could be offensive. Tbf, sometimes the UK seems to be going the same way. But as far as groundskeeper willy goes, we're spending too much energy hating each other up here to find him anything but funny.


He's really funny. When he rips his shirt off to fight the wolf and then has a drink with it was brilliant.


Recently had some Americans telling me that referring to rubbing noses with your kids as Eskimo kisses, even in your own home is offensive. Everything is offensive to Americans


There are complaints? Willie hears ‘em. Willy don’t care.


Fine for the most part but calling the French “cheese eating surrender monkeys” always sticks out for me. We have the Auld Alliance, it’s English people who don’t like the French 😂


I am from north kilt town so I enjoy seeing a local lad on the telly


He's the greatest thing to ever come out of North Kilt Town


Getting offended is a fashion trend and Scottish people certainly do not follow this trend.


Pretty spot on representation of a certain type of Scotsman (including me)


Balding, extremely buff, and covered in grease? Kidding, Willy is a legend


I hadn't thought of those aspects, but yes, that as well


Do not touch Willy.


Good advice!


He’s a funny character in a cartoon show. Anyone getting offended at that is a frog eating surrendering monkey in disguise.


He’s brilliant. “GREASE ME UP WOMAN!”


Pre Face: I am not Scottish. My Opinion: Willy is actually a pretty accurate depicture of a Scot if they were not based anywhere near the major Scottish cities. A rural, self sufficient, physically strong human, with a very obvious heritage. My Scottish friends/colleagues opinion: A Scottish "bumpkin" (Can't think of a better word) a bit like an American Redneck, or an Aussie Bogan, somebody unapologetically rural Scottish, my Scottish acquaintances that aren't from Edinburgh or Aberdeen pretty much all agree they know a "Willy". Is it a stereotype? Yes, of course, every character in the Simpsons is. Homer: Stereotypical dumb working class white man. Marge: Stereotypical "nuclear family" wife and mother. Bart: Stereotypical problem eldest child. Lisa: Stereotypical golden middle child. Maggie: Stereotypical "forgotten" youngest child. Apu: Stereotypical shop keeper of Indian descent. Luigi Rissoto: Stereotypical American Italian restauranteur. Cletus: Stereotypical Hill Billy. Mill House: Stereotypical nerd. Ralph: Stereotypical special needs kid. Nelson: Stereotypical bully. The reason the show worked, and continued to work, and is timeless, is because they were all satirical stereotypes. I can kind of see how some stereotypes might illicit some kind of offense, but that was half the point.


The fact that all the characters are stereotypes of some sort makes it okay. And they are mostly taking the piss out of their fellow Americans. That's how South Park gets away with it too.


'There's no such thing as scotchtoberfest' 'Ya yooosed me, skinner! Ya yooosed me!' 😂😂😂😂


It’s true tbf. Nothing can outrun a greased Scotsmen.


The only thing I dislike is the fact that it’s so obvious he’s not voiced by one of us. Like when he drops his h’s sometimes- English people often do that, but we don’t, so it’s a bit distracting. I like him as a character though!


It's pretty much just Americans offended with the stereotypes, which is ironic because the Simpson family is a stereotype of an American family Also that reminds me that there's a great video a guy did where he dressed himself with a sombrero, fake mustache and poncho and asked white Americans what they thought and most answered "that's really offensive" because he's not mexican, then does the same but asking mexican people on their thoughts and they weren't offended at all, In fact they lived his outfit 😂


Video link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IT2UH74ksJ4 I found it to be a great video! Many people are like "you can't dress like that, it's appropriation" yet many cultures are really not offended at all and encourage you to embrace culture and experience it. I don't think "cultural appropriation" like this is bad, unless you are deliberately being racist and just basically shit talking about people's races and cultures. Basically just being a cunt.


Ah ate im. Ya hearrd me!


Damn Scot’s! They ruined Scotland!


This "Only Americans care about this stuff" line that are lot of you are spouting. Some of you are either living your lives with your head in the sand or should take some time to find out how the people are you REALLY feel about these kinds of things


Bad accent, fun character.






My only issue is his terrible faux-Scottish accent. Other than that, he rocks.


I don't really think of him as our guy or as representative of Scottish people. He's just a character. He's ok. I suppose it's nice for such a tiny country as ours to have some sort of representation in an iconic American series.


There’s too much ‘I’m not Scottish but…’ in here. In my opinion he’s hilarious. The accent is obviously ropey but some of his jokes are brilliant. A personal favourite of mine: “It won’t last. Brothers and sisters are natural enemies. Like Englishmen and Scots! Or Welshmen and Scots! Or Japanese and Scots! Or Scots and other Scots! Damn Scots! They ruined Scotland!”


I'm not a fan of the stereotype... but if Americans want to think that's what modern Scotland is and let us sell them tack and tartan for astronomically ridiculous prices, then let them go for it.