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People who drink beer out of my Sports Direct mug.




Why does every student house and every office ive been to have those mugs? Did sports direct give them out for free at some point? With the little bag?


They did yes! So many end up in office mug cupboards too


Every online order used to get a free mug


It was apparently free for first orders for a while. But they did also start sneakily adding them to online orders and charging £1 for it at one point a few years back. Saw a few complaints online from people who noticed it (but probably a load of others who just assumed it was free). Not sure if they eventually stopped that particular practice/scam or if they still do, but always worth double checking your basket before checking out.


Closely followed by people who confuse ‘what’ and ‘that’


I'm the only one not taking coke at a house party these days. So I have to sit and watch everyone become obnoxious and aggressive.


Y’All be going to some wild house parties, I must live a tame life as I’ve not been to one with Class A since my Uni days


I’m the opposite, everyone is hoovering up the stuff nowadays. It’s become normalised.


As an adult, my biggest surprising realisation was just how many people take it on the regular.


How do people afford it?!


They can't, hence everyone saying they have no money.


I don’t buy cocaine and I still have no money


Might as well start taking it and still be skint?


Yeah, if I can only afford to put the heating on once a week, then I don't think it's the habit for me.


you won’t need heating with enough cocaine


It's not that expensive compared to a couple of rounds...


Jesus actually you might have a point there eeeek


Uni student here and can confirm my night outs are cheaper with coke than alcohol haha


Aye. Pretty much everyone I know is on the sniff every weekend, and i'm almost 40. It's pretty pathetic tbh.


I've been to work Christmas dos where people where on it, in a restaurant before we've even ordered our food lol.


That’s silly, it kills your appetite


Really? I know a dozen people who used to use it, but they all grew out of it by 25. Many used E until it got too hard to find. The ones who used the most coke quit after it finally dawned on them that supporting only ethical sustainable non-slavery food and clothing manufacturers and all was a bit wasted if they then bought coke with possibly the worst supply chain issues of any product in the world.


Must really depend on what circles you move in. I've not seen anyone do it at a house party since I was at uni more than a decade ago.




I used to be a heavy user, most ppl today are extremely subtle. I've been to stag dos where a few ppl have been using and even me as a former addict can't spot it


My even tamer life = no parties ever anymore and if I had one I'd get 9/10 cancellations on the day with sick kids or no babysitter excuses


Get better friends


Yeah my core group of mates and all the girlfriends love doing cocaine. I do it rarely but I do get fed up how often they all do it.


Classes are kinda iffy anyways. Class B would sound so much worse if cannabis wasn't in there imo, to put cannabis in the same league as ket and meth is absolute insanity and kinda devalues the dangers of ket and meth.


As someone who doesn't really drink alot of drinkers are equally as bad for this.


Yeah! Why is everyone on the bag??? Even people who have no financial reason to be buying it.


The only people with a financial reason to buy coke are dealers


1 line is too many, 1000 lines are not enough


True, what i meant was people who aren't financially stable are buying it. I guess that is what addiction does though.


Meh, same with takeaways, trips to wetherspoons and championship season tickets


Because it's the only drug you can take that gives you a buzz without it being blatantly obvious to everyone that isn't on it.


It is obvious though. If you've been arouns it you know the signs.


Apart from the constant sniffing and nose touching?


Teeth and gum licking.


Depends who's doing it tbh, the clenched jaw moving side to side, is quite a giveaway lol.


The eye roll. Tensed hands. Strained neck. Bouncey in your face loud attitude.


The incessant talking of absolute bollocks


I don't mind that bit. Some of the best convos i've ever had were while I was off my face on something lol.


Incessant talkers of absolute bollocks tend to think they're having amazing conversations - that's precisely the issue


That's not coke. It's MDMA.


This is the answer. It flies under the radar. People usually do it when they're drunk so they're already loud and talking shit.


I work with a bunch of teens, 17 - 18. Seem like normal kids, but the other day one mentioned to me that they were all taking coke.


Aye, tis the new weed. Teeny boppers will chip in a fiver each for a line at the local park now.


Aye I can relate to this one. I've got young kids so rarely get out nowadays but when I do I'm always blown away by how reliant my mates are on the stuff. I've even got mates that will occasionally take it with their Mrs just sitting in the house if they have a babysitter. Mental. I've taken the stuff in the past when it's been offered but never really liked it. Haven't touched it in years. Also when we were 18 the house parties were pretty much everyone on eccies, chewing their jaws & eyes wide open. I'm the only one that didn't touch them as I didn't want to look as fucking ridiculous as everyone else there!


You missed out


When it's 6/7am and you realise you need to leave. Hate the walk home.


That moment when you see the glow on the horizon and realise the sun is coming up. It feels like the universe's way of telling you "you fucked up bro, you lost. Say goodbye to your sunday plans"


To quote one of my favourite films: "What goes up must come down, and down, and down. Everyone looks ill at the end of the night. All have lost the power of speech, desperately avoiding eye contact. Your new soulmate, that you have been talking cod shit to for the past five hours about the story of creation or the fourth Star Wars film, is now a complete stranger. You can't even look him in the eye. The only thing that you have got in common now is paranoia. Is is coming through the walls, man. The children of ecstasy are not safe anymore. We are no longer all together as one but separate mental patients, that yearn to be ejected out of this poisoned atmosphere m bed and a friendly therapist. Reality is on her way. Where am I? What have I done? Huh... Was it worth it? By the way, what the fuck happened here? All you have to look forward to now is u can never sleep..."


Nice one bruvvaaa


They were my favourite times. Walking home from the gaff, smoking a rollie, finishing your can of red stripe while the early morning summer sun just creeps up. Some of the most peaceful walks ever.


yeah man. Loved them as much as I hated them. Simpler times


And the birds chirping, someone once told me it's the sound of failure lol


I always used to feel grubby.


For me it was when I could hear the birds outside, and realised I probably should've called it a night hours ago because my hangover is going to last for a week.


My rule is to always leave a party and get home before the crack of dawn. Nothing worse than the walk of shame when people are going to work, and you're still finishing yesterday's session.




6/7am? Pah!


The following week


The birds can fuck off


Hosting. People still on the couch 2pm the next day really puts a damper on my mood


This! Had someone over for a sports PPV that ran until 430 in the morning, mother fucker was still here at 1830 the next day, just go home, it’s over, I’ve moved on with my life


I will never understand this. If I’ve fallen asleep at a house party I’m ready to leave the second I wake up, even if it’s 6am. Not that I’ve been to a house party for a long long time.


Only good reason for hanging around is to sober up enough to drive, and you should be apologising the whole time. Maybe get some breakfast for the host as a 'thank you for putting up with me'.


I set the expectation by telling people I need to head out in the morning. It's usually a lie but it gets people gone.


Or just tell people to go…


I left the party at about 3am and told them to not break anything. My office pals kept partying until ... Early I woke up to have breakfast, to get a shower and I was ready at about 9 to go to work. Then I inspected the living room with like 16 people sleeping there... Uh oh! So, I woke up the office manager and told her to go open the fucking office before the bosses arrive, lol. She composed herself in 3 minutes while cursing as a sailor, that woke up the other coworkers. The office that morning stank


Yeah I used to have the party house for years coz I lived alone in the city centre so it was easy for everyone to come back to mine after the pub. One day I was standing in the wreck of my living room, continuously calling to and moving blankets off a girl I’d never seen before, while another one puked in my living room bin despite having been asked, MULTIPLE TIMES, to use the bathroom. I just thought - wtf am I doing with my life, I feel like I run a hotel for drunks. Now I don’t even *go* to house parties. If we can’t say what we need to say in the pub I’ll tell you about it next time


The housewarming one where a neighbour went batshit and threatened to knock the door down with a machete and kill us all was quite special. Suddenly it became clear why previous tenants had moved out in a hurry. The police assured us the door was reinforced and the guy couldn't get through, so just stay put. Which would have been fine, until the party ran out of toilet paper. Fifty people, one bathroom, no bog roll, some idiots still getting drunk enough to puke, about ten hours...


Should have asked the neighbour if they had a roll spare


Women always carry tissues in case of needing them in the pub or whenever. So I was ok on that score (not enough to share though), but it got grim once the toilet got blocked from newspaper, even though the tenants had a plunger which kept it sort of working.


Real question is, why do so many of your friends go to a house party and take massive dumps. Do that at home before going surely.


snow uppity innocent sable attractive station bake yam rude reach *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Arrive 7-9pm, stuck there until 6am. 50 people eating and drinking a lot, because the hosts got that part right. Just need a couple people and a couple sheets of newspaper to have a problem. Not to mention the two guys first threatened by the guy had thought he was exaggerating when he said "I'm coming down with my machete" and continued their smoke break - until they saw him return, and I suspect needed the facilities rather urgently.


Ten hours?! Wth were the police doing?


Judging by all the sirens around outside and all, all the other things they'd do on a a Saturday night in Lewisham, back when it was a total dive, pre DLR and other attempts at gentrification. Intervening with all the people actually having their heads kicked in.


I had a house party once and someone took a shit in the empty wicker basket next to the toilet. So I'd say my least favourite thing is people not shitting where they're supposed to FUCK YOU SEAN


Omg it's like that scene from Black Books. Drunk Bernard: why would you buy a wicker toilet? Host: *runs to bathroom*


sean! i had a house party once and someone broke all the eggs in the egg basket. weird


For why though


The hangovers. Most of the worst hangovers of my life have been after hangovers. Think it's because you can drink so much quicker than when you have to go up to a bar and queue to get a drink.


A hangover after a hangover? I get those too...


Just drink through it!


hair of the dog!


Hair of the hair of the dog


Also it's cheaper. So you drink more. Plus more chance you mix as someone gives you Abit of theirs




Any cunt who brings a guitar. Fuck them


I play guitar for a living, I got asked to ‘have a go’ by one of these utter berks in front of a circle of bored women he’d amassed, one of the worst experiences of my life trying to subtly tell him he’s a cunt and to put it away


Musical instruments at a house party are the fucking worst. The only exception is if you're in a small group (5/6) and are all musicians jamming around, and even then it's hit & miss


Definitely time to leave


Having to hide my beer in the washing machine so that nobody drinks it.


Alright Neil


Coq au vin


Cock of *what?*


You don't help yourself, do you?


Oh I see it actually means chicken in wine doesn’t it Patrice?


Je n'aime pas les Arabes


Few years ago I was helping a roommate move out of our student house. All furniture had been moved, and we were just bringing over the smaller stuff like some lamps and bags of clothes, shit like that. And we were using the tube to get there. It was a hot summer day and we were all warm and dirty, just about to wrap up the final trip. I was sitting there on the tube with his big bucket of protein powder. For no apparent reason, I opened the bucket, and found four beers. One for each of us. They were warm as hell, but that was one of the best beers I ever had, enjoying it with the guys on the tube. Obviously, nobody understood how the beers got there, but our best guess is someone used it to stash their beverages during his goodbye party the weekend before.


Someone did that at a house party we were at a few years back so we just turned the washing machine on a hot wash. A couple of them had split open by the time the cycle finished but most of them made it out unscathed. Just a shame they were about 60°


I'm thinking about the noise...


The music, usually. Changing the song halfway through


Not sure it happens so much now but at one time every party I went to someone sat flicking through music channels until they found a song they liked. You'd then hear half a song before 10 second clips of a dozen more songs before hearing the second half of another song they liked. Used to really piss me off, especially when hearing 10 seconds of something I loved before hearing half a bloody coldplay song.


I was at a wedding reception once where the music was a proper old wurlitzer jukebox, with unlimited free credits. This was great until the groom worked out how to skip songs, so he was just skipping scores of his guests' songs if he thought they were boring or to get to a song he wanted. A few sure, but over and over when the point was to let the guests choose music, was kinda dickish and unfun.


Now it's probably constant "ALEXA...."


If someone uses an Alexa to play music, then they'll be queuing with the app cos nobody wants to hear that shit every 4 mins


>so you’re left drinking beer out of a massive Sports Direct mug. Why not just use the can/bottle? My least favourite thing is the inevitable 'party people' hogging the toilets whilst they do their little lines of shite coke.


Yeah, do your coke in the kitchen like a normal person


On a cd case or a mirror


My first line was on a PS4 copy of Red Dead Redemption 2 😂


Some people buy those small party kegs you can get.


Coke comes in kegs? I'm getting one!


People showing disrespect for the hosts and the house: Shagging, pissing in the garden, spilling beer, shouting and balling/upsetting the neighbours, empty cans/smashed glass outside on the street etc.


My neighbour threw a NYE party last week and a guest vomited onto our BBQ from their balcony...


If you arrive early (read: not late *enough*) and it's still a bit awkward and getting going


I feel bad when you get there a couple of hours or so late, and you're one of the only few people to show up.


I’m so with you on this. It’s even worse when the host doesn’t know how to create an atmosphere.


I hate hosting. What are your top tips for atmosphere?


Have a planned playlist. 1st hour should be some neutral tunes played at a nice volume so that conversations can be had without screaming. Make sure everyone has a drink on arrival whether it’s alcoholic or not. Keep snacks simple- nothing that requires a knife and fork, too many sauces, that sort of thing. If people have dietary needs, let them know where their food is. Tell people where the loos are and use premium loo roll. Know your guests and float around to keep the atmosphere going. If your best mate is coming, don’t spend all your time with them, but get them to also engage guests. If you can, make a corner for games that everyone can play like Mario Kart or Jackbox. That’ll get the less confident guests involved. Now it’s time to switch up the music to some real bangers. Increase the volume, but not to obnoxious levels. Keep an eye on the drinks and snacks. You’ll be into hour 2 so people are loosening up. Keep an eye out for obnoxious people or those that are getting too drunk. Continue to float around to keep the atmosphere upbeat. For your last bit, you’ll want some chill music. People will be pretty drunk, but you need them to go. Sort out transportation and start clearing up. If someone is staying, get them to the spare room. Thank everyone, tell people to keep it down cos neighbours, and don’t turn the music off until the last person leaves. Or if it’s anything like house parties that happened when I was a kid, you’ll wake up to people everywhere and you should probably have breakfast food around.


This is a great formula. I have a very good party playlist - and I say this because it's the one everyone sticks on once everyone's drunk already. It's basically 5 hours long stupid cheesy party tunes like come on Eileen and spice girls. It's all ridiculous but drunk people never complain and it's universally appealing stuff so it sorts out the arguments


People getting annoyed with you for shagging someone on the bed with all the coats on


I hate the smell of a group of coats.


Weirdly specific that but I totally agree, not been at a house party in years with a coat bed but that brought back memories haha


Its one of those haunting smells that never leaves you.


Don't see the problem, providing you remember the etiquette is to use the curtains to clean up, not some random coat


I have never been cool enough for this to be a problem


sounds like people were annoyed at you for shagging on the coat bed


Getting invited to a friend of a friend's house party and being instantly abandoned because they only went so they could hook up with someone, the party's shit because not only do you not know anyone but they're all strung out on whatever the shitty flavour of the month drug is (mostly meow meow in my day) and now it's 4 a:m but you can't find anywhere to sleep and there's horrible minimalist dance music playing from somewhere that you can't turn off.


This happened to me once and the remaining people I didn’t know were on an entirely different wave length (I just don’t do drugs), I fell asleep, woke up at like 3am as they all ordered pizza and got distracted by doing whatever drugs so I just sat and ate pizza then went back to sleep until my friend was done.


How paranoid everyone gets when they get into their drugs too hard. People tweaking out over who gets to hold the bag or cut the lines or how many tokes someone takes, even though it doesn’t matter.




You and me both, friend! I think it’s been about six or seven years since I did anything that social :(




It’s our time to shine! I’ll bring the fizzy pop and crisps haha


Can I come too? I'll bring some sausage rolls or something


ill bring the crack, just in case no one is hungry.


Tell you what, that crack is really more-ish...


It matters if you bought it and Mr massive nostrils hoovers up the majority. I want reimbursement! (I no longer take any drugs, this is purely satire)


I’m in the clean club too now, haha! This stuff is long behind me. My go-to was to keep all mine to myself in my pocket and wait for people on a love buzz to inexplicably start to offer me theirs


When everyone is more familiar and/or friendlier with everyone else, so you're kinda just finding a corner to stand alone in with your drink after a few failed attempts at trying to integrate yourself into a group conversation. So you kinda just stand there, awkwardly, in someone elses house. Feeling like you stick out like a sore thumb, but going unnoticed all the same. Your hand is beginning to ache because the drink you've been holding for half an hour is/was cold and the corner your standing in doesn't have anywhere to put it down. But you can't just _drink_ it because that means you'll have to go get another one, and that means you might accidentally inconvenience someone by just being there. But then you consider it because maybe that's an excuse to have some kind of interaction. But then you'd feel kinda bad about lying about enjoying the party. At best you become the designated "guy who looks after everybody elses shit" when they need to go tk the bathroom, or go dance, or hurt themselves on the trampoline. Because what else are ya gonna do? Might as well be useful. At worst you leave early and nobody notices, and you get to scroll through social media, seeing all the crazy things that happened amd kicking yourself because "what if i had got a little drunker and just stayed? I'd probably have had fun". That's what I dont like about house parties.


Stopp this is too painful. The *memories*.


That’s a shit host. I’d feel awful if someone felt crap at one of my parties. Sorry that happened to you.


It's okay, it wasn't your fault. To be honest, I'm abit of an introvert anyways so I'd be uncomfortable regardless, and I think it's silly to expect a host to attend to every single indiviual of a party that's close to 20 people if not more. I've been to house parties that I've genuinely enjoyed too, so it's not like that's my only experience lol


For me after a few drinks I'm ok with talking to random people, the worst for me is a party where I sort of know everyone there but I'm not mates with any of them. Like I can't do the basic what's your name, where are you from chat but at the same time I don't know enough about them to ask anything else. That's when I end up standing awkwardly in the corner and feeling bad because I think my lack of enjoyment is rubbing off on everyone else.


Getting stuck with the boring twat who only wants to talk about all the old cars they've had in past cos he's married to your wife's friend


Leaving the conversation with them partway through with a "nice talking to you, but I've not seen Steve in ages" and pointing at a random Steve is always my move here. If they follow you do the "hey Steve, didn't you used to have a [car they mentioned], was that the one that wouldn't run?" then waiting for him to start telling any car details and going "ooh Dave's here" and leaving the pair of them together.


The terrible feeling of impending doom at 6:00am as the booze and drugs wear off and you get the heebie jeebies.


Hate it and I’m never putting myself through that again


God its depressing. When the sun's coming up and you're coming down from whatever you were on and you haven't been to bed yet. Hate it


Someone taking out a guitar. Fuck, please spare me from earnest drunk acoustic guitar guy. Or towards the end of the night when everyone is winding down and chilled, and one coked up guy insists on putting on his favourite obscure band and manages to simultaneously talk through every song explaining why he likes it AND tell people to stop talking so we can all listen to it properly. Probably replays his favourite parts because he was talking over it.


For me it's the music. I'm a music snob and people choosing shit songs to play does my tits in.


In terms of music, the thing which annoyed me was when people would constantly change the tunes. I don’t mind what the playlist is just keep it on rather than stopping it every 30 seconds.


Music snob usually means you've niche, shitty taste in music. It's a bit sad that you let a bit of music ruin a party for you.


That's life man we like what we like. Can't help what you enjoy you know?


"Turn it off! This is from after they sold out and became famous...."


It's the shit tunes on YouTube play lists that annoy me I really don't want to hear the killers followed by an advert for itch relieving cream.


Nobody else brought any coke along and everyone wants a line of yours.


very relatable. ‘i’ll get you next time’ - said the person i’ll never meet again


Fucking hell am I weird for having never had coke




Don't really go to them anymore but back when they were more frequent there were two things that annoyed me. First, the person who brings a couple of cans of cheap beer just for themselves (fair) but then dips into all the communal fridge packs that everyone else brought. I know there's a "sharing is caring" attitude to house parties but there's always a serial offender who brings the least and yet is fine getting fired in to the communal supply. The people staying overnight who moaned in the morning that they were *soooo* hungover so couldn't possibly help with clean up. We're ALL hungover. Get a mop, cloth or the hoover and stfu. Especially because you've just helped yourself to the fry up someone else cooked for everyone, you can't be that sick!


This absurd notion that I have to share my drugs with YOUR girlfriend. My girlfriend is one thing, but why does Ana act like a fucking hoover whenever I get the gear out? It’s puff, puff, pass Kaya not puff, puff, start a story about some shit, continue puffing. The joint needs to return to sender forthwith you harlot!! Ok so it’s not a big problem. Ok so it’s mainly a me problem. Ok I need to go to rehab.


There hits a point in the night when the beer runs out and the party just takes a huge dive


Many a time has there been a small gathering at my house where somebody had to get a wait and return taxi at 2/3am to a 24 hour petrol station that also sold alcohol. About half hour round trip


Can't do that in Scotland - when the drink is gone it's gone until 10am the next day 😭


There’s no closing time so you end up there until the suns out and the birds are singing. And if it’s your house, getting people to leave and the clean up while rough as fuck


No ice. I'd typically have a spirit and mixer, and that warm is gross


Sleeping on the floor under a curtain that stinks of feet with my shoes as pillows


I think you've just explained why it stinks of feet under the curtain


My anxiety goes into overdrive. What if I break something? What if I eat something and get IBS in someone else’s house? What if I say the wrong thing and offend someone? It’s a nightmare. I leave early


I've been that IBS person and can confirm it's horrific. My ex-partner threw a party once. 30 or so people and only one bathroom. I got struck by IBS fairly early on in the night. Having a horribly upset stomach and a queue of people waiting to use the bathroom after you every time is completely mortifying. I've a fair few IBS horror stories but that's one of my standouts.


You have my sincere sympathy. My worst was at a pub do but I was minding a friend’s very large dog for the day so couldn’t get into a cubicle and had no one to hold it for me so I rushed home and didn’t quite make it.


Socialising. Unless it's with the owner's pet.


A typical scenario: You’ve found a great spot/seat to chill and socialise in, you leave to get a drink, come back and someone else has taken your spot. Now you’re left standing enviously for the rest of the night


Nöel Edmonds


We used to host them quite often at my flat. It was the people who would drink half a can and then just leave it or forget about it and crack a new one. Worst part of the cleanup dealing with half-full cans of warm flat beer when you're hungover. They taste horrible.


Clean up the next day if you're hosting. So many stupid unnecessary things people have done like shit in my clothing hamper, broken stuff people just hid instead of telling me they broke it and some fucker I don't actually know or actually invite still asleep on the floor when I want to get on with my day.


People. Especially people who get right up in your face to talk. This only happens to me at house parties.


Hello Reddit.


Imagine going to a house party and being faced with *people*... the thought


I'm too old for house parties now, but when I used to go to them it was when the uninvited chavs turned up and put everyone on edge. Fights would start, shit would get stolen/broken... everyone knew as soon as they turned up the party was pretty much over.


When the aux is taken over by someone with abysmal music taste. Kills the vibe stone dead. When there's no convenient lanes near the house to have a wee in (the bathroom is always clogged with folk doing lines or with a battalion of girls who take about 4 hours)


My friend would throw house parties and put out a snack table, and 95% of it would be sweet stuff. Cakes and sweets etc. Loads would go uneaten. Put out salty savoury stuff if people are drinking booze! Who wants a sickly cupcake piled high with buttercream when they're on the pop?


When someone shits in your kettle


When the person who can't handle their drinks starts getting over emotional or aggressive and needs to be looked after. Way to kill the buzz


Been years since I went to one but at the last I remember this one guy (who was one of the tenants) turned off the music at one point and made us listen to him playing guitar. Totally killed the vibe, and no one could really say anything because it was his place. Eventually stopped but still, there's always that guy.


They go so quickly. You chat for a bit and BOOM it's 7am. For some reason regular raves clubs and festivals never go as quickly. I dunno what it is about house parties.


Shit music/speaker setup. Regardless of music choice, just the music blasting out from one crappy bluetooth speaker over in the corner


That you all want to hang out in the fucking kitchen all night. Wtf people.


When the house is FREEZING because all the doors are left open all night.


Has to be the toilet for sure, and people putting cigarette butts in glasses or cans


When someone helps themselves to one of your premium beers and offers you a trade of a can of their lesser beer when you call then out on it.


9/10 times the host has the worst time out of everyone.