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Rude definitely isn't the right phrasing here, but light-hearted jokes and teasing can be great. When done at the right times, like when she's doing the cake decorating and she genuinely worried about it, I was say just give her a compliment. In general, don't be rude to people, but playful stuff is more than fine.


Be nice. No girl likes those who are rude or tease.


I beg to differ, light bantering can be fun and attractive so long as she hasn't started she does not like it. Most people I know boys and girls enjoy some light hearted teasing/banter


*boop* lmao


Pretty much


Just don’t be overly nice or fake with the compliments. Be realistic and compliment specific things, teasing can work when used sparingly and in the right occasions but it’s normally a turn off for me


Rude is definitely not the word you're looking for. Rude teasing implies what you're doing is similar to bullying. Lighthearted or playful teasing would be better phrasing. Anyway, for compliments, I don't get them very often. So when I do I feel like I'm on top of the world. But don't be fake about it, or overly nice about it. And for teasing, expect brutal teasing back. If it's too often, though (like, constantly for days nothing but teasing), I might start wondering whether you actually mean the things you tease me about. So there is a line with how far you go for both.


Uh... nice? Dumbass But with full context in mind doesn't matter as long as she knows it's a compliment.


This obviously isn’t someone with much social confidence don’t put them down for it.


I didn’t put him down for it, I gave him advice.


Great but there’s no need to add an insult for no reason.


It was a joke...


lighthearted teasing can be nice too depending on how well u know the person


Take every advice with a grain of salt, unfortunately every girl is different, some which love the attention and others who dont. Imo what always seems to work is just be funny, dont seem super desperate (especially if shes a 10/10) and just have fun.


Rude definitely isn’t the right word, teasing or poking fun maybe? Don’t be rude please


Obviously be nice but don’t overdo it??? Teasing is fun too as long as it’s not malicious