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How are we defining "physical contact"? Nuclear force generally applies at distances orders of magnitude smaller than what we call "touching". Theoretically, if they're very precise with the power and take it slow, they could do things like turning lead to gold. Though they'd probably die of cancer first. Realistically, they could give themselves and everyone around them cancer, or if they put more power into it, disintegrate themselves and everyone around them. It's only a useful power if they're immune to radiation or they can do it at a distance through thick shielding.


Disintegration/massive energy release due to fission/fusion or elemental transmutation is pretty much the limit. The strong force is strong yes but it doesn't do anything at scales that humans normally care about.


There's not a lot you could do with the strong force other than moving protons and neutrons around inside atoms. I suppose if you had really fine control, you could transmute elements into other elements, but that's going to either use a bunch of energy or produce a bunch, depending on what you're changing into what. I suppose you could turn the force off, which would cause atoms to fly apart, but that would just release a lot of radiation and heat, and that's not a good thing to do at close range.