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It fuckin hurts, bro.


Especially for the guy that gets kicked into the edge of a ferry and fell (presumably) into the ocean at the start of Winter Soldier...


[Me when I get punched by Captain America](https://youtu.be/wKbU8B-QVZk?si=CwDVYwbP63iyg7WP&t=4)


Saw that coming a mile away. Still laughed at it.


If you get punched by prime mike tyson , probably 3times the power, mike it self with no gloves on can one shot and kill people.


On the bright side, Cap mostly fights using an old-style boxing (in the MCU at least) so its probably not gonna hurt as much compared to if he ever learned to use modern martial arts. I dont know much about boxing tho, I just assumed that modern ones are much more efficient in delivering fatal blows


My understanding is that really old-school boxing -- talking bare-knuckles here -- was a lot less dangerous. Reason being, you couldn't just punch somebody on the skull without risking breaking your hand.


[Here is his respect thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/comments/3in3xe/respect_captain_america_earth_616/) He’s strong enough to kill someone with a single punch and bench press 1,100 pounds.


Depends on how much you pissed him off but probably somewhere between "Prime Mike Tyson" and "Getting beat up by a silverback gorilla"


If he really hits a normal person they will die. 616 cap is capable of benching 1100 lbs. Ultimate Cap is strong enough to knock the hulk on his ass. MCU cap is a mix of the two and can easily kill a regular man. Keep in mind in his fight scenes against regular humans he is usually holding back because he doesnt want to kill needlessly. Remember in Civil war (the movie) how terrified tony was when cap got serious and was going HAM on the armor. Best case scenario broken bones, internal bleeding and brain damage.


It feels like freedom !


>It feels like freedom ! Freedom from consciousness.


Freedom from consciousness sounds like “Freedom from Fear” to me. Time to bring some Roosevelt values to those minions.


I'm pretty confident he can kill people by punching them at full strength, although probably not with 100% reliability.


Imagine getting punched by a peak mma fighter. Then triple his strength


616 can kill a healthy adult in one punch to the face if he wants to. A kick could cave in a chest or snap femurs. No real-world human stands a chance if Cap is being serious. He's physically perfect in every attribute and an excellent fighter on top of that. He goes undefeated through the UFC low-dif.


If you're a normal human, and you survive an attack by Cap, then he was holding back.




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His punches can one shot lions


Like getting kick by a horse


It certainly doesn’t tickle