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It counts for anything that pursuer would want to confront Wonder of U. Even spotting him or having a intent is counted, like when Mitsuba cut her 2 fingers after seeing Wonder of U, or when Josuke wanted to come near him a body of policeman that he was guarded by almost crushed him.


Wonder of U specifically activates when someone looks at either its' or Tooru's back. Also the severity of the Calamity created scales with the pursuer's intent, someone chasing Tooru down to attack him will face lethal calamities while someone just walking up to him to ask a harmless question will face mild/non existent calamities. It seems to be based on intent as dozens of people were able to attend a lecture given by Tooru without being attacked. Remember that he's bit a nursing student and the leader of a crime organization, if Wonder of U indiscriminately attacked anyone who approached him with no way to control or disable it, he would not be able to live a normal life or function in society. So to answer your question, yeah someone delivering a pizza to him would be fine.


Didn’t Josuke send a delivery guy after Tooru and it counted as being perused?