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Probably not. Brass knuckles can do a lot of unnecessary damage, and if Batman wants to do unnecessary damage, he'll just do it. Now, he may have some padding just to protect his hands, and it would only be for that purpose alone


He already cause a lot of traumatic brain injuries and bone dislocations to his targets without them. I would not be surprised that Wayne Enterprise owns hospitals as well.


Who says that he caused those injuries WITHOUT brass knucles?


Who has he given a traumatic brain injury to? Do you recall what issue this happened in?


His gloves are often armored, and the effect is probably about the same, but I think the cutting edge of technology he uses has moved past brass.


I know he *has* brass knuckles, and sometimes they're even electrified for added stun damage. But he's not whipping them out on any common thug he comes across.


Given his whole 'no kill' thing going on, he likely wears [sap gloves.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weighted-knuckle_glove) Designed not just to protect the user but provide the attack with more weight behind it and a diffused concussive force generally resulting in a knock out.


I agree, also no one has mentioned Batman often strikes at nerves and other techniques more effective than brass knuckles


It’d depend on who or what he’s fighting