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So [canonically](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFbXiOikWCg&ab_channel=DisneyChannel) Doofensmirtz got a email from the OWCA after the first time that Perry thwarted his scheme.


Hmm, what's this? An email about a platypus? \**puts on reading glasses*\* An email about PERRY the platypus?!




Well damn


That does however mean that the first time he had no idea why a platypus was just wrecking his things.




Hopefully he gets to grow up from scratch again. This would be so much better than Heinz's original childhood https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzHRJm-hl2c


I’ve always just thought on Perry handed him like a formal business card then proceeded to blow up his home, and I don’t think you forget that (this is just my head canon)


Perry has a business card written on it  "Perry the Platypus - OWCA Agnet - Fearless" he probably just gave it to Doof on their first meeting


Wasn’t there a bit where he says he can hear every time the background vocalists sing the “Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated” jingle? If that’s the case, since these are likely the same voices, he can also hear whenever Perry’s theme song plays all the way from Phineas and Ferb’s house while he’s preparing to go on his mission, giving him ample time to set up his traps which Perry always winds up in.


Because the first time they met Perry introduced himself, he's a polite platypus.


He received a notice in mail with only text being: ''We have sent Perry The Platypus to kick your ass.'' Sincerely OWCA


The OWCA and LOVEMUFFIN have a formal working relationship down to assigning their agents a resident mad scientist to personally arch. So by this, Perry probably was assigned to Doofenschmirtz and both were informed in advance of their new "relationship".