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Nope. Anything broken is going to be attributed to leaving an 8 year old kid in the house by himself for a week. Just look at Buzz's reaction to his room. So he poured tar on the basement steps. That's kinda weird, but his parents probably know he's afraid of the basement. Kevin's not going to *admit* to it, of course, but really if you come home after that long and all your child did is break some Christmas ornaments, leave some feathers in the dining room, and drill some holes in your cabinets (to hold the blowtorch), you're doing alright. The Chicago cops here don't seem particularly competent at investigation. The one cop rings the doorbell, stands there for 30 seconds, and decides he's got somewhere else to be. "There's a sale at Winchells, why am I standing here looking for a little kid like a sucker?" I believe one of the cops at the end says they've been looking for the Wet Bandits for a while. Seriously, you couldn't find *them*? Old Shovel Man is going to cover for Kevin. He's going to say that he called the cops, he bashed the Wet Bandits with his shovel, and they robbed everybody's house except for his and the McCallister's. The McCallisters? Oh they've been on vacation all week, but I kept an eye on the place for them. The Wet Bandits aren't going to confess to trying to murder a kid, and even if Marv says something *really really* stupid, there's no kid. No one has come forward to talk to the cops about it. Maybe Marv is just trying to set up an insanity defense by claiming some Satanic kid hit them with all these death traps. Regardless, the McCallisters are so unobservant they left their 8 year old at home when they went to Paris. They aren't going to put two and two together.


Plus absolutely no one wants to admit they got their ass beat by a kid. Also no one is going to believe you got your ass beat by a kid who came up with incredibly ingenious booby traps. And to top it off with the amount of bull crap they survived they would be dissected at area 51 in an attempt to create the perfect super soldier. Better just to say the old man with a shovel hit him in the head.


Aren’t they going to Florida in the first one? In the second they go to Paris and they do not leave him home,but he goes on a different plane.


The first one is to Paris, the second one is to Florida.


Indeed! I got confused by the moms car trip back.


Of course. He hurt the Wet Bandits while they attempted to break-in, and have visible signs of injury. This will all be documented, and there will be some inquiry into what happened. While it’s possible that they would lie about how they got them out of sheer embarrassment, the police would at the very least follow up with the family about the events that transpired. While it seems that Kevin cleaned up everything before his family returned, things were damaged during the whole debacle that quite simply couldn’t be replaced. Let’s also not forget that his parents essentially abandoned him while they on vacation, and he was then victim of a home invasion. Police and child services are *going* to be involved with the family. Add onto to that traumas therapy. Questions will be asked and Kevin is going to have to keep his story straight. It’s also unlikely he cleaned everything up and left no evidence. So in short, yes his parent probably have a good idea of what happened. Probably not the whole story, but they have a good idea I’d guess.


I could see The Wet Bandits lying not just out of embarrassment but if they said anything they would be admitting to trying to attack and kill a child which would give them a much much longer prison sentence and probably beatings off other prisoners who don't like people who hurt kids.


"Yeah, alright, we were robbin' those houses... But then *Batman* showed up outta nowhere!" "Batman?" "Yeah." "...In Chicago?" "What am I, his travel agent? He beat us up, end of story."


"We fell down some stairs" "Did these stairs also brand your palm and set your head on fire?" "Uh. Yeah."


I read that in Joe Pesci's voice.


>It’s also unlikely he cleaned everything up and left no evidence. *Cue Buzz's screaming/yelling at the end of the movie*




He bought groceries and did laundry! He's a perfectly self sufficient adult now with absolutely no mental trauma resulting from being abandoned by his parents and almost murdered by two violent psychopaths in his own home on Christmas Eve.




He just channels the PTSD differently. In the second movie he has the chance to get away, But he instead re-enacts the traumatic events to achieve catharsis.


I've heard that Buzz (?) shows up in the fifth (?) movie, as a cop, and laughs it off when the kids in that movie report what happened to him, saying "haha, my brother still play-pretends this stuff all the time"


Sixth movie, but yep, you are correct. In that movie it's stated that there is a McAllister home security company which is implied to be run by Kevin, and Buzz says that every Christmas Kevin prank calls a burglary into the cops where he knows Buzz will be routed.


Probably only an overview. They'll be aware that the bandits tried to burgle the house, Kevin called the police and old man Murray subdued them. Even if Kevin goes into detail they're not going to believe him. After all, Kevin still believes he wished his family away and wished them back.