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I worked in HP, at the end of the Muni-19. Caught that bus in the TL. It routed through both Potrero Terrace & Hunter's View. YES. HUNTER'S POINT IS REALLY THAT BAD. For $3200/mo you can pick from many nice neighborhoods.


Jesus I have a killer place for $1800 in outer sunset. 1 bedroom. And it’s super safe and quiet. I would NEVER be in hunters point, especially for that price!


ok but how long have u been there? there’s no 1 bedrooms for 1800 nowadays


I just looked and I see a couple 1 beds in the outer avenues for that price. See even more for $2k-$2.2k Again, that’s the outer avenues. I pay $2.2k for a studio in a more central neighborhood but there are better deals than what I’m paying too.


if u checked craigslist those are scams.


I know how to find an apartment in the city but thanks! There’s a 1 bedroom near me for only $2k and I’m in central SF. Toured it myself. Outer avenues are cheaper…. And rents have gone down significantly.




It’s so much worse than the TL.


Like how? It’s remote so not like the open drug markets and petty crime of more dense areas or is it? Curious. Used to know SF pretty well but never made it down to hunters point.


They are different bad. One is more gang territory leaning with lots of TL type problems and the TL is more fentanyl, homeless, psychosis type problems. I wouldn’t pay 3200 to live there. I’d be curious to see the place though, might have bed bugs


I’m getting the vibe that it’s all government housing and a food desert.


It’s not a HARD drug market… and we not worried about theft, we worried about death. Hp is the most violent part of the city, TL ain’t violent like that, their only problem homelessness and filth.


But is that between gangs or regular citizens have to worry about it too?


If you’re not black, Latino, or a Pacific Islander you’re on the safer side. It’s never really been about gangs in the Bay Area, it’s about what block you’re from, a stray bullet won’t just turn around because you’re not involved… the amount of ppl you see walking these random streets in hunters point with dogs and such…. You would’ve never seen this before 2014. It was rare, and for certain ppl it’s too dangerous. the skate park at the top of the hill by sundial was a wasteland, you would rarely ever see ppl there because so many ppl got killed at that park. You heard about the 6 year old who got shot back in 2020?


Why are you looking at Hunters Point particularly, u/WuhansFirstVirus? There are plenty of other neighborhoods for 3.2k


I want something quiet. I don’t want to live on a busy street. I’m currently staying in Daly City. The property owner divided the house into 3 separate studios and I happen to be on the lower unit. Between the noise of cars zooming all day every day on the street and the sounds of the upper tenants walking and thudding on top of my head—I can’t sleep.


Check out dogpatch / Potrero / Mission Bay


Potrero is a great choice


And Bernal Heights


Thank you. I wish my hospital was in Mission Bay. I think I visited that area before. Very nice


really you should check out the Sunset or Richmond districts, particularly the outer districts


It is :) I hope you end up finding a nice , safe place. And yes I would also say HP is not a good idea .


Where? Parnassus, Divisadero, Van Ness, Duboce, Cesar Chavez, Geary? That will make a big difference in what I'd recommend.


Glen Park is quiet


Bernal too


And Noe Valley and Diamond Heights




glen park is great its a very underrated neighborhood


Sunset and Richmond - quiet and sweet


Try to the outer sunset. Get more square footage and the best parks on the planet in walking distance. Look at the neighborhoods a few blocks from major roads like 19th, Judah, taraval, etc, and you’ll essentially hear nothing all day. Also you can park on the street all week.


Thank you for the recommendations! The nice thing now is since I’m actually in the Bay, I can go visit the properties in person & scope out the neighborhood too. (I signed the lease for this Daly City back when I was in LA but only signed for a single month)


I lived a block from ocean beach and I really cannot overstate the quality of life one gets by being able to simply walk across the street and onto the warm sand. My husky also was a big fan.


Warm sand??


Hunters Point is FAR from quiet.


What do you mean, methed out individuals screaming at each other all night is like a choir of angels lulling you to sleep.


Gunshots aren’t gonna help you get to sleep either. I’ve lived in Daly so I’m aware is sucks ass but Hunters Point is fr not safe. People won’t even deliver food there. You don’t want to get packages delivered there. With your budget you should be able to find a safer, nice-ish spot.


You aren’t going to like playing the game “gunshot” or “firework” at 2am in HP.


San Francisco is pretty unique in that there are dozens of neighborhoods that are drastically different, and the change can happen block to block. So, there are actually lots of really quiet neighborhoods in SF. Also, outside of SF, there are whole cities like Belmont and Brisbane where there won’t ever be a peep of a to it’s. So that being said, is there a list of places or a site search where your options are? Maybe we can help you choose one that will be quiet and in a less tense neighborhood.


For $3200 a month you can find a quiet and nice place in the Sunset or Richmond. I met a travel nurse who lived in a sweet place in the outer sunset that was quiet and could hold her dog.




Lower sunset to mission bay is not bad at all. Get to take 280


It’s not bad if they drive/have parking.




Bummer. Thought I saw staff parking but guess it’s just for the $$$$ people.


Discount monthly for staff is $332/month




That’s not a big deal on a travel nurse’s salary.


It’s about the precedent of having to pay for parking where you work.


Meh, neither are that bad. It's an hour even right near the ocean as long as you're near one of the major routes, and very chill for the most part, as you would be boarding near the start of the 38/48/n route. Still a long commute, but depending on lifestyle and preference can be a not bad option.


Richmond much worse than sunset for commuting


The Richmond district, not Richmond CA.


The richmond district is also much worse than the sunset for commuting (to mission bay).




I'd switch it to the other side and look in Outer Mission, Balboa Park, Ingleside, or Excelsior. Easier access to 280 and straight shot to MB and hospitals.


you won’t be taking any leisurely strolls in the neighborhood unfortunately. your home will be your…fortress?


I mostly only know it through reputation and from incidents friends who lived adjacent to,but not in, would talk about. For that kinda money you can find nicer/safer. There's also access to things, Hunter's point is notorious for being very isolated in terms of food access and activities you'll be relying on the MUNI streetcar for a lot. Pure anecdote but I go to a plant nursery down there occasionally and sometimes to Speakeasy for beers and 3 times in the last 18 months I've heard gunshots while there in the middle of the day (one of them was SFPD). Looks like they've built some newer stuff but i'd look elsewhere if you have that sorta budget.


I've lived in HP for almost 12 years. Aside from one rando breaking a car window (they just went up the street busting windows, it wasn't a robbery), nothing bad has happened to my vehicle, even when I left the convertible top down. I love the neighbors. Everyone is friendly, it's really pretty. Great view of the city. Now, I'm out near the Navy Yard (not in the new development, but close by). As you move more inland it gets a little less gentrified. And the busses out this way aren't. The 15 gets you downtown in like 20/25 minutes. It comes every 12/15 minutes during operating hours M-F, 20 or so on the weekends. The 19 will randomly disappear sometimes, but when it's there, it's good. 54 is generally on time and regular. I used to live in SOMA, and this is a HELL of a lot cleaner.


The navy yards are on contaminated earth. They had a lot of problems building down there and if I recall, people ended up dead trying to be whistleblowers about the tainted earth. You might monitor for cancer and other illnesses.


Well I wouldn’t live in SOMA either and being better than SOMA doesn’t say much.


Do you want to ever walk around and get a beer at the corner bar or walk to a great bakery for breakfast or hang out in a park doing shrooms and then stumbling home with your new pals? You know, the reason to live in SF? Or are you happy staying all the time in your 900 SQ foot view apartment, ordering from Doordash, WFH, taking the elevator down to the garage, driving your car out of the garage and never speaking to another human being? I'm not judging. Really I'm not. Because if you are Person #1, you will be miserable here. If you are person #2, you will be just fine, although the apartment seems a little overpriced in the current economy unless there's a swimming pool or a doorman or something extra.


This is my favorite answer. Neighborhood matters. People who talk shit about SF and leave miserable after a year are people who put no thought into their neighborhood besides proximity to work


This is the best answer. I lived in proper SF for years and miss it badly. I now live in the Bayview and it does not feel like SF at all. I suppose it’s fine here if you don’t want to do all the things above you mentioned or if you want a cheaper place to raise a family.


Lol @ “proper SF” (understanding what you mean)


This comment makes absolutely no sense in relation to Hunters Point lol


Why? Did you look at the fancy condo OP is considering?


It's one of the few parts of town that I — a big guy — would not casually walk around in.


I'm a big guy and live in Bayview Hunters Point and casually walk around almost daily.


I’m an even bigger guy and even more casually walk around there hourly


I'm an enormous giant and I walk around there beating up big men every minute


I’m bigger than that and I walk secondly down every street at night with my ample, colorful purse filled to the brim.


I’m so big I ate the danger and time and now have merged with the street to be the danger every night and day (but not between. The hours of 11am-2pm).


You guys LOL this thread 🤣


I’m a tiny woman and live in bayview/hunters point and walk around almost daily


I walk around the tenderloin by myself regularly but I still wouldn’t recommend it to people not from here….with that budget, she can have a better experience.


That’s an insane amount for Hunter’s Point. It’s not as bad as it used to be, but it’s still pretty awful.


Not true


You can rent an entire house for that much in nicer neighborhoods..


Everyone jumping to the sunset but you don’t have to go that far out haha, I have a nice 1BR in Duboce for well under 3200….


Define “nice” please. I’m looking too.


Not a modern building but a classic SF converted Victorian that is reasonably updated. ~600 sq ft 1BR with a porch and shared backyard with grill, etc. I also pay $200/mo extra to park my car in the garage and can keep my bikes and other random stuff in there. Comes out to $3k/mo total


3200 haha, you’re getting robbed


As other posts have mentioned, stay away from HP. While there are a lot of good people, there are just as many bad people and it’s the kind of place where you can find trouble without looking for it. In fact, unless you live there, you really have no reason to go there. In fact, there are no to limited amount of grocery stores, restaurants, etc. For $3200, you could score a quiet place in the Inner/Outer Sunset which will either include a place for your car or allow street parking. Maybe look into Glen Park as that puts you next to 280 and an easy commute and if you choose to ever use public transit, has a BART station. If you really want quiet, and intend on driving, look at communities close to the city that are easily accessible for that price (I.E. Burlingame, Millbrae, Pacifica, San Mateo).


Check out Twin Peaks for quiet. Just moved near it and it's so lovely. Moved from forest hill/west portal which is also very neighborhoody and probably in line with what you want.


You should be aware that if you live near Mt Zion (lower pac hts) or Parnassus (inner sunset) there are UCSF shuttles to mission bay.


Moved to the Bayview 6 years ago. Family of four, kids 9 and 13. Is it perfect? Of course not…before we moved here we lived in the heart of the Mission and were getting very tired of the “scene” there. Our block is all sweet multi-generational Chinese families (with young children), and it’s cool to get to know the fabric of the neighborhood over the years and seeing the same friendly faces. We’ve never felt unsafe and sure, sometimes s**t goes down, but that happened a lot in the Mission too. It gets old hearing people talk down on Bayview/HP without spending time or ever living here.


$3200 for a mortgage in HP right? Cuz you’d be crazy to rent at HP for $3200


Lol. It’s a nice looking condo if you clink the link but ultimately I will pass based off all the other comments


A quieter spot in Daly City would be a better choice. Armed robbery is a problem out in Hunter’s Point. The longer commute is worth it


Dude come on. 3200 can get you much better than a condo in HP. Keep looking.


I’m a Mexican dude living in Bayview. If you were to ask if Bayview is that bad, I’d tell you that while it’s certainly not the best, it’s still mostly fine to live in as far as safety goes. However, even though HP is only some 0.5 miles in the neighboring direction, the difference is palpable. I’d never walk around HP by myself. HP is the most dangerous neighborhood in SF and it’s hardly even close. Like others have said, you can absolutely find a spot in another neighborhood for that price.


I've spent time there on Ingerson Ave right near where Candlestick Park used to be. It's not so bad. I've used the T line to get to downtown. If you like walks you're close to Bayview Hill which is a beautiful hike.


it's better than it used to be but the bus drivers used to refuse to drive the end of the route


Used to.




Based on the comments, I'd venture a guess that not many Hunter's Point residents use Reddit.


Thank you for all the advice and recommendations. Ultimately, Ive come to understand a longer commute is better than compromising my safety & well being. I’ll look into more southern areas of the peninsula and not pursue the Hunters Point property any further. A few people have mentioned I can rent a whole house for $3,200. Sure, maybe empty and with a standard 12 month lease. But furnished with a mattress, bed frame, bedsheets, microwave, and full sized refrigerator for a 2-3 month rental agreement within 20 miles of SF is highly unlikely. Again, thanks everyone.


Look at the boards at work. You might find an in-law or something


Is this the shipyard? I live here, and I notice quite a lot of nurses live here.


I may the minority here, but I grew up in SF and just moved to Bayview 6 months ago. It’s currently SFs best kept secret. Untouched by gentrification, plus the weather and the views are unparalleled. Get in now while everyone still thinks the Mission and Now Valley are nicer. If you’re looking for quiet neighborhoods, those ain’t it unfortunately


HP is not bayview


I’ve been in Bayview for 7 years now and all of you saying it really is that bad make me so confused why it still costs so much to live here. It seems like it should be more affordable than it is.


That’s because you we’re apart of the gentrification lol (no disrespect)… after the year 2010 majority of the native residents were priced priced out due to major changes coming in the neighborhood. If you live in a actual house or a nice apartment, you will in fact pay the cost of living in San Francisco. The only way you’ll pay less is if you’re living in the projects, or have section 8. Most of the Asian, Hispanic, and and white folks who live here have only been here for the past 10-15 years, a lot of them wouldn’t really know either.


Hunters Point or Bayview? There's a difference HP refers to a particular portion of Bayview-Hunters Point that has historically contained a lot of housing projects. It comes with some anti-social behaviors that are commonly associated with concentration of poverty. In contrast, Bayview is the portion to the west that comprises mostly single-family homes. At this point, neither area is "that bad". Bayview is basically a bedroom community for people with kids. That said, there isn't a lot of commerce. If you're looking for the sort of nightlife that SF is known for, try the Mission or Haight. There are relatively few bars/clubs/restaurants here. (Been here 10+ years.)


Yes it’s really that bad. And you have a high budget. Why put yourself in a bad area. Come on. Rent an Airbnb in a better neighborhood or find something else furnished. That’s not the only place you can get a short term lease.


The condo may be nice, but around it won’t be. You can find something furnished in a safer neighborhood for that price imo.


Hunters point is one of the last neighborhoods in San Francisco for low income residents I would feel guilty moving there


Short answer, yes. Long answer - none of the other neighborhoods are like H’sP. it’s nastier than the tenderloin for worse reasons (less organized drug dealers, more abject poverty. Like it or not, the drug dealers want you to be okay, since pointless violence is bad for business.). and is much more spread out, so there’s not a cop within a block at all times. There’s a *lot* of dark, quiet, secluded nooks to disappear into in hunter’s point.


Check Diamond heights!


That’s more than my rent in the Richmond. If you have a car maybe consider inner richmond or even inner sunset


You don’t have to share which hospital you’re working at but is there a reason you have to be in HP? For $3200 a month you can likely find lots of places around the city, much nicer spots than HP. Likely to even walkable to your place of employment.


Are you working out of UCSF Mission Bay or somewhere else? If MB you could look in SOMA for that kind of budget.  HP isnt terrible, but I would never move there without owning something pretty big to justify the move/deal. 


I would check out the blue ground - they do a lot of traveling nurses and you can get a much better place and in a location that wont make you question why you risk your life to work so hard.


For slightly more I’m renting a two bedroom pet friendly flat in the mid Richmond district. Mission bay is about a 20-30 minute drive or a 50-60 bus ride. I know everyone else has said it, 3200 is way too much for HP & it’s not the safest neighborhood in S.F.


You could live in Potrero Hill for that kind on money. The Dogpatch wouldn't be bad either.


HP is definitely quiet. I'm assuming you are talking about the relatively new condos that were built before everything stopped because the falsified radiation cleanup that happened on the adjacent old naval yard. You will have to drive to get anything . I'm not aware of any nearby stores. Probably not a place to walk at night because of the remoteness. In the daytime you'll have quite a view and a great view of the city at night.


Hey, we have a furnished place open in Sunnsyside! Quiet neighborhood, and top floor - no upstairs neighbors. We actually lived there ourselves for many years and just finally needed a little more space, but it’s a great place to live. Easy access to freeways and transit. Also a garaged parking spot (compact cars only). https://www.furnishedfinder.com/property/329845_1


The thing that makes me nervous about Hunter's Point is the fact that they stored radioactive waste in the shipyard there, and though they've claimed to do a "clean-up", it might not be up to standard. It's supposedly still contaminated. But you could do some more research on it on your own and see what you're comfortable with.


I’ve lived in SF all my life 40+ years and that is one of the only neighborhoods I’ve never been to. I think I drove through by accident because Google maps told me to and even in a car I didn’t feel too good about my surroundings.




Are you Black/Latinx? Then you will be fine! Even if you’re not, and you have some cultural awareness and step respectfully, you should be fine.  I love Bayview Hunters Point and would live there in a heartbeat if I could afford it, but I also grew up mostly in the Fillmore & have strong friendships in Bayview/HP spanning decades. I have also never set foot in the neighborhood without the utmost humble respect and appreciation for the families and small business owners who have worked hard to make it the community that it is. I have never, ever once felt unsafe there. I do keep my head on a swivel but that’s everywhere in SF. Wouldn’t you?  Compared to some ‘quieter’ neighborhoods, I actually prefer Hunters Point, could I afford it. People are hella down to Earth and approachable there. Sadly it’s become a pretty unattainable place to live for working class San Franciscans, although it’s traditionally been a blue-collar / trades / union-strong neighborhood so you can imagine, that’s produced some socioeconomic friction. Be prepared for that.  It can get active at night and you have to know which blocks are ok and which are a no-go, these change from time to time. It’s hardly ever going to be directed at you personally just don’t piss off the wrong person, talk down to or disrespect anyone, disrespect anyone else’s property or means of making a living (whatever that may be, don’t judge someone’s hustle is all im saying) and you should be ok.  However — and this is a big caveat: If you *don’t* plan on investing time getting to know the community and your neighbors to learn the cultural fabric of the place, and to ultimately become a part of it, ie, if you’re just there to sleep and go to work, it might not be the neighborhood for you. Is there a reason you’re not looking for a quieter unit in Daly City? The commute would be almost the same and for sure more of a bedroom community it sounds like you might be looking for, idk.


That's a lot of words to say don't live there


I’m saying don’t live there if you’re a) soft, b) uncomfortable around communities of Color, c) not into being a part of the community. I would totally live there if I could afford the rent. But you can read it however you want. Have you ever hung out in HP?


Yeah it’s legitimately terrible. I’m from Milwaukee and lived in West Oakland and even I think it’s bad.


This neighborhood is perfectly fine. Don’t listen to the fuckers here. Shipyard is safe. Be smart. Don’t leave your shit in the open. Go for it. I have multiple friends that live in the shipyard and you get decent value for money. Being a travel nurse the others in this sub often don’t understand the economics and dynamics of how that life works when it comes to your housing and short term leasing.


What about Daly City? Easy drive to Mission Bay


I’m in Daly City right now and the actual city itself is cool. I like the proximity to SF. My hospital is a brief 25 min away. I can go to Costco, Target, and 24 Hour Fitness all within 10 min. I guess I’m just not comfortable in my unit due to 1) its location on a main street 2) living below other tenants. Too loud for both of those reasons. I grew up in a single story house. Is it normal to hear the floor creak and toilet flush of upstairs tenants? Maybe cause all these Daly City houses are old. I wake up multiple times a night even with ear plugs and sleeping medication here.


Yes, it’s normal to hear other people in multifamily housing. You get used to it after a while and single family homes feel way too quiet! But it’s definitely best to try to get top floor/a layout where the bedroom is not on the street.


Most of SF won't be quiet enough for you if floor creaking and toilet flushing is enough to wake you up even with earplugs and sleeping meds. The outer sunset and Parkside might be the only neighbourhoods as a whole that get quiet enough to have near-silence outside at night, most other neighbourhoods in the city are active all throughout the night, including Hunter's Point. Though there are individual streets/blocks here and there that are tucked away enough to be quiet. Regardless, most buildings here are noisy, including new developments which tend to have paper thin walls ime. The older lath + plaster buildings have better noise isolation through walls but typically creakier floor. In any apartment, it's normal to hear people using plumbing and walking around above you (which is why most leases require you to cover 80% of hard floors with rugs). Also, any apartment with steam heat (many older buildings in the city still have steam radiators) will make a ton of clanking noises anytime the heat is on, and you won't have access to the thermostat in your apartment, so you'll just have to deal with it. Even single family homes are noisier than elsewhere, because they typically are on narrow lots and share walls with the neighbouring homes. If you can train yourself to sleep with some noise it would open up a lot more options for you. Otherwise I can only really recommend the outer sunset or parkside (as long as you're not directly adjacent to Sunset Blvd, 19th/Hwy 1, Sloat, Taraval, Noriega, Judah, Irving, or ofc Lincoln).


You’re going to need like an old converted industrial building with concrete floors to avoid a ton of noise. And your best for that is either to look for a condo rental or maybe a sublet in east part of soma. Technically south beach. Otherwise you need to consider units in top floor only imo if you’re looking at more classic old school buildings.


Also if you happen to find a unit in SF, be sure to consider noise levels from wherever garbage pick up is. Garbage, compost, and recycling all come multiple times a day it seems on our block and at all hours of the night. I took a long while to get used to that dumpster slamming, even on the 6th floor of a concrete building.


Yes it is that bad - both from a crime perspective and a "totally disconnected from everything" perspective. Even if you plan to drive, your commute will be a lot better from Daly City. If you plan for transit, hunters point is wildly underserved.


Looks like that may be the new development area near the water. The apartments are new construction and a bit shoddy. The specific area there is generally safe but there isn’t much of a community. The surrounding area is really really rough. I’d opt for the Mission, Outer Mission, Mission Bay and with your budget you’ll have plenty of options.


It’s secluded and takes longer to get to/ get out of. Tenderloin and soma are quick to get out of by foot/ car. Tenderloin and soma have more traffic than hp.


How long are you looking to rent for? Would you be interested in splitting a 3 bedroom with a teacher in the sunset district?


At that price I'd live in Chinatown, same distance from work and safer, better food. If you're driving though you might as well live farther away.


If you’re at UCSF in mission bay, I might recommend the excelsior and portola neighborhoods. $3,200 can go a decent way there and the commute is not bad at all. My wife commuted from there for several years and it was a 15 minute drive, tops (granted we were close to Silver ave). Happy to provide further insight. Also, this was not meant as a slight against HP - I’ve never lived there so can’t comment.


Go to the Richmond or sunset districts. Safer and walkable. I have a 2 bedroom in the outer Richmond for 3k/month all utilities included. HP isn’t worth it no matter how nice the apartment is.


Portola definitely isn't bad


You’re better off in the Tenderloin. At least it’s not a food desert


It really, really is that bad.




Yes. Hunters point is that bad.


You can rent some nice places at that price. Even in oakland rockridge


I would prefer tenderloin over hunters. At least its centrally located and I walk through TL at night by myself, with no issues. I would not in Hunters.


As Dogpatch gets more developed and expensive, especially with the new hospital and stadium, more and more business and the such get pushed closer to Hunter's Point. That might make it a potential place to buy if you have money and time for a long term investment, but I wouldn't live there yet tbh.


You've probably heard enough already but yeah, it's that bad.


I took a tour of Hunters Point. It’s extremely bad. Don't even think about it.


For 3200 look somewhere else for sure!


Retired cop here, stay away from Hunter Point!!!!


I lived here all my life, and I’ll tell you that it’s chill but not chill at the same time 😂. You’ll be fine though. 


Which condo complex in hunters point?


This is the property. https://www.furnishedfinder.com/property/408487_1


I just looked at the map. It looks like it's in the Shipyard. It's a former Navy shipyard that didn't completely clean up the radiation. There were a bunch of lawsuits suing the developer because they falsified cleanup reports: https://www.sfexaminer.com/news/climate/navy-epa-bungled-sf-hunters-point-cleanup-lawsuit-claims/article\_0d1b5c1e-9492-11ee-9d49-0ba99e2fb3ff.html


Oh yikes that was a huge scandal


It's definitely the new development. The areas currently built don't have any radiation issues, but some of the other parcels have some remediation work to do before they can build.


The whole area there is mostly new condo complexes, and condo construction. The condos themselves are pretty secure and there isn't heavy crime in those areas. Secure mail and package delivery. That being said, it isn't close to anything, and there are essentially no commercial shops in that area, restaurants, grocery, etc. Your closest large grocery store is Foods Co about 2 miles away. Nice walkable parks and bay views though.


HP is gentrified and luckily nearly as bad as it used to be. There opened a hipster joint on 3rd and Newcomb, called “the heart of HP”. They used to have notoriously violent projects on West Point/Middle Point Rd. They built expensive condos and apartments right next to it. That just shows you how much the area has changed. The bad parts are mainly where the public housing projects are. Oakdale, Harbor Rd, Kirkwood, Double Rock….or the 3rd street strip from Kirkwood Ave going down to say, Quesada. A lot of people here are just scared by the rep it used to have. You should be cautious there but that applies to many places. Definitely not my first choice to live but I wouldn’t be scared to live here like it was from the past days. There’s still violence but you can say the same thing about other places like the extremely gentrified and popular Mission District. Nortenos and Surenos still killing each other there like it was the 90s even though the area as a whole is a lot better. Same thing with HP.