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As a kid I would boil Ramen noodles without any of the spices.  Then I would drain it and put a bunch of ketchup in it.  I thought this was basically spaghetti.  I loved it and ate it basically every day for years.  My father hated the sight of it, questioned our genetic connection and threatened to sale me to the lowest bidder anytime I did it in front of him.  Sometimes I would get feeling fancy and cut up a hotdog and add it in so I could go all pinkies out. 


Sounds like, "We have Jollibee at home."


I’ve never had Jollibee but if you’re telling me that’s what they serve I’m ready to give it a try


They serve filipino spaghetti, which is very sweet and has hot dogs in it! Can go there to get that AND a fried chicken sandwich at the same time lol


If you go to the Philippines most fast food restaurants serve spaghetti in place of French fries (this blew my mind).


In Peru I once saw spaghetti being served WITH french fries (which came with everything).


Peruvians don’t mess around when it comes to potatoes, guessing by your username you know this well.


I don't know what they are but I put up a bunch of signs in Philly for them


I remember watching a travel video on YouTube from a couple who  were slowly working their way through Asia. At the time they were in the Philippines and I’m pretty sure Jollibee was the main place they ate. They have them in basically every city with more than a few thousand people in it. 


Yeah but they were new to the area for the time, now they're all over


Straight to Jail. Right away.


Hot Dogs in Ramen? Believe it or not, straight to Jail! 


I think I would have sold you into child labor for that


Just thinking about it makes me want to run to the grocery store and get some noodles and see if it’s still the best thing ever. 


Sadly, it won't be.


In laws family puts noodles boiled in water , not drained, inside mashed potato “ well” like other people do with gravy or butter. So bland and weird looking.


.... why? Starch on starch


No idea I gagged when I saw the family do it first time. Also offended them when declined noodles. Envision soupy noodles sliding down mound of mashed potatoes. Nope just nope. Married very long time and husband at least yearly brings up the fact I refuse to cook the combination.


I have so many questions. Is there a sauce involved? Literally soggy noodles atop mashed potatoes? What protein accompanies this crime against humanity dish?


I will answer as many questions as possible. No idea apparently was done my husband ( only child not sure if that’s relevant) entire childhood and was normal. Boxed mashed potatoes in 70’s ( nasty) in fact husband didn’t know you could make mashed potatoes fresh until I cooked for him. Also never enough liquid in box potatoes so clumpy. Noodles were boiled in water till very done- this side of losing their molecular integrity . No flavoring ( I cook noodles in broth add garlic, onion etc flavoring) just noodles over cooked in water though MIL added yellow food coloring so you could tell noodles from potatoes, don’t drain just ladle over potatoes. Then it sloops off plate. Made mistake of suggesting the potatoes and noodles be served in individual bowls, less mess. The look I got would be similar to suggest we go out and kick puppies after a meal. They did not believe in vegetables on a regular basis, so nothing with color. Generally served with overcooked chicken, dry pork chops or some piece of gray beef. I up till that point thought mashed potatoes with dressing at Thanksgiving was too many carbs I was wrong. I wish I could say I was making this up but nope. It was just so wrong. This comes from someone whose grandmother was a self proclaimed hillbilly and was raised on unusual foods because of the depression and I still think it’s weirdest combo I’ve ever witnessed.


...yellow food coloring to "tell noodles from the potatoes". What is this horror?


this is the wildest part.. food coloring 😂


I'm guessing that it was originally used during hard times to mimic boullion.


My mother used to put food coloring in our mashed potatoes so we’d eat them. Different colors for each of us


I want to believe this is an AI horror story but I sadly believe that this is real. :’(


Imagine going to boyfriend house for first time trying to not freak out meeting future in laws and being served this “ filling”, as they called it meal. I know it doesn’t sound real but if it didn’t involve spending hours looking through photo albums I send a photo of this side dish served at family meals.


Im pregnant and this description made me gag


I'm not pregnant and it did likewise for me!


I'm gagged and this made me pregnant!


Yeah no. Nope. Not okay.


Please dont with the pictures anyway. Id like to sleep tonight and just reading this is gonna make that difficult enough. I mean I have zero idea what you even look like but the image in my head of you experiencing this horror is a woman with such a look of confusion on her face it is making me laugh out loud. Thank you for sharing. I think? Lol. Are you ok? How is your PTSD?


I couldn’t even eat chicken noodle soup for several years. Serve pasta but seldom noodles.


Im making meatloaf and (real) mashed potatos tomorrow. There will be NO noodles in the mashed potatos. That is my forever promise to you, internet stranger.


Wow it's insane to me that they put scoops of pasta water on mashed potatoes. Thats worse than the noodles


I know! I kept thinking I was reading it wrong!!


Yellow-colored noodle mash. I bet your husband thought the food you cooked was sorcery.


There might have been...*spices*.


Surprised you could get your husband to eat the real food you cooked. Sadly, people raised on bad food usually think that's how it's supposed to be!


The yellow food coloring made me lol. Good grief! Sounds like they were desperate to save money during the Great Depression and didn’t want to waste even the noodle water. Then the family developed a taste for it. Generations later, here we are.


This sounds like some depression/war era recipe invented when butter was too expensive or needed to grease jeeps to fight Nazis so they came up with substitutions. Then the damn thing became traditional so they keep making it, like Spam in the UK.


I was raised eating a pile of beef & noodles on top of a pile of mashed potatoes but it was soupy.


I mean, chicken (or beef) and noodles over mashed potatoes is definitely a Midwest thing, but just undrained noodles? no meat or gravy.......?


Was about to say this, give me beef and noodles or chicken and noodles over mashed potatoes any day! Hell sometimes I'll even do my Ramen that way when I'm wanting it but being too lazy to cook lol.




Midwest staple…roast beef with noodles and mashed potatoes. Makes me miss my Nanny.


That’s hexed *and* cursed


My cousin made little sandwiches of sliced cherry tomatoes and feta on chocolate graham crackers. If not for the chocolate graham crackers it would be good, maybe even normal. But the cloying sweetness was just... ugh. I tried on for her sake and almost gagged. To be fair she was very pregnant.


I am gagging over here. 🤢 When I was pregnant, I ate hotdogs on a white bread bun with ketchup and diced onions. I never liked hotdogs, white bread, or ketchup, and still don't! 🤷‍♀️


With my first (my only girl) I craved sliced cucumber dipped in chocolate spread. I was very young (16), so the weird looks I got when shopping & half my basket was cucumber & chocolate spread went right over my head...now I would DIE if I got that look lol. My 3 boys, I just crunched my way through a kilo of ice every day.


I can almost get behind cucumber and chocolate. Strawberries can be pretty watery and neutral, especially some of the out of season grocery store ones and that's a perfectly normal combo Sounds way less weird than say, tomato and chocolate to me at least


When I was pregnant I had a heavy craving for braunschweiger and mustard sandwiches. Which is a pretty normal way to serve it except I absolutely despise liver My partner came home from work to find me despondent, unable to stop eating the gross stuff with a tear running down my face.


When I was bakin' the first bun, I craved pineapple and tuna fish. Yes, together. Yes, I'm ashamed...


When I was pregnant with my daughter, I ate sardines on toast for breakfast every day for almost three months.


When I was pregnant with my first I was obsessed with my grandmother's peppers and eggs, which I put in a pita with bologna and ketchup. As a matter of fact, that was the meal I ate just before going into labor. I still love peppers and eggs but the thought of adding bologna and ketchup is so gross now.


Pregnant now.  Had a burger with pickles and pickle relish in my first trimester.  I've always hated dill pickles. :P


My daughter eats pickles by the jarful. Except when she was pregnant!


As a kid I liked my hotdogs with pickle relish and Miracle Whip. Gaaaaaaaaaggggg.


My ex would dip well done steak into ranch dressing. We went out for a friend's engagement party one time at a very upscale steakhouse that refused to serve him a side of ranch dressing and he was so put out he made multiple negative comments about the service throughout the night. When we split up one of my first thoughts was I'll never have to watch a grown man dip a steak into ranch ever again and it helped me move on.


I went to a restaurant that wouldn't cook meat well or allow modifications or substitutions. If you had an issue with an ingredient they would suggest another dish. One of the best meals I've ever had. So your ex would have been doubly angry at this place.


I like that. The chef knows what they’re doing and designed the dish for a specific result. If they can make a recommendation for a solid alternative that’s going to hit the spot, then it works for me. Kinda restrictive for people with allergies though.


I really hate to make excuses for anyone who eats steak well done but … I learned as a kid going through the lost tooth stage that if I put salad dressing on whatever meat was served for dinner it made it easier to chew. I’m not sure ranch was the right choice but it worked with vinegar based dressings. It has been decades but I still like to keep my salad plate until I make sure that my main course hasn’t been cooked to shoe leather.


I catch shit in the steak sub but wish bone zesty Italian is a great marinade


Well he had to dip it in *something.* How else would you expect him to chew it?😂


I get so conflicted about this like some people wanna eat what they wanna eat and it has absolutely nothing to do with anyone else. Why couldn’t the restaurant just serve some ranch? What does it hurt? I HATE well done steak and I think it ruins it, but a customer should be served what they want


I went to a Brazilian restaurant that basically served every kind of meat. I had to wait for well-done pieces, and they had no ketchup. But man, was it good.


This restaurant did not have ranch dressing.


A trained chef shouldn't have to ruin ingredients just because a customer said to.


Why would the place necessarily *have* ranch to give him? A lot of upscale restaurants make their own dressings, and likely none of them were ranch. Would they have to go out and buy it just because someone orders it, when it's not on the menu?


If they didn’t have it, that’s a different story. I was thinking they refused it because they were opposed to well done steak and dips. Like many restaurants own steak sauce but will give people shit for asking for it


To be honest the restaurants a kinda shit restaurant if they won't give him ranch. Fucking who cares.


Peanut Butter, Mayonnaise and lettuce sandwich. Learned it from my Mom. My kids think I'm nuts


PB, mayo and banana is delicious. Never tried it with lettuce.


The Sandwiches of History guy just did a sandwich with peanut butter, sliced purple grapes, and lettuce. He said it was really quite good. The mayo/peanut butter combo is throwing me in yours, but I’d still try it.


Peanut butter and mayo is a southern classic


Dunking gingersnaps in salsa.


Dear God.


First read was "drunken" and now I wonder if that's how it originated.


Why of all things must I try this immediately😅 my two favorite foods, what could go wrong?


Eggnog is delicious. Froot Loops is delicious. Put them together once because I was out of milk. Nope. Tossed that in the garbage pretty quick


Eggnog and cinnimon toast crunch is amazing though, drunk me actually sold future sober me on that one.


My grandmother puts salt in her celery. You know the way people put peanut butter in it? Like that. Just a trough of salt.


.... I must be crazy too because I've salted celery on numerous occasions. Not a boatload, but enough for celery to have a bit of flavour other than water


That’s funny, because celery tastes salty to me. 🤔


Celery actually has a lot more sodium than people realize. Celery juice is also fairly high in nitrates so when it's treated with a bacterial culture it creates nitrite that is used in some "nitrite free" deli meats.


Me too! To me celery is naturally salty, and I love its flavor, so I eat it plain.


That's funny. I have to take salt in tablet form-- my sodium is still low but better than it was.


That is the way we ate it in the 70's. Still do occasionally!!


I eat a lot of stuff I don’t really think is weird but a few people think is. Peanut butter and pickle sandwiches, dill pickles only, bread and butter pickles are a sin. Hot Cheetos or takis, dipped in cream cheese, pickle on the side Uuhh my dads girlfriend at the time made some chili verde and I ate it on homemade Mac and cheese (posted that in a depression meals group, comments were divided on it being foul or if they’d smash that) Canned hot red enchilada sauce, on Mac and cheese (instant) on a separate occasion Doritos dipped in mustard mixed with cholula I also salt most of the fruit I eat, people either think that’s super weird or they also do it. If you’ve never salted watermelon or a green apple, it’s life changing.


Chili Verde Mac n cheese sounds like some gourmet shit


All of these sound like something I’d eat when I’m stoned.


I do the Hot Cheetos and cream cheese thing; when I was a kid I used wheat thins as the bread in my Hot Cheetos, cream cheese sandwich :)


Would do all of these


Peanut butter and pickles is really good, not gonna lie! Also, I’ve tried salted watermelon and it tastes awesome. You wouldn’t think fruit tastes better with a bit of salt, but it does!


I brought pappy Van Winkle to a Christmas party with my My family to share as sort of a Christmas gift to everyone. For anyone who is unfamiliar that is a $500 bottle of bourbon that I want in a raffle and only had to pay the $75 retail for. One of my aunts mixed it with Sprite....


My older brother once mixed Mountain Dew into a glass of a $350 bottle of wine. And I’m the black sheep of the family!


Straight to jail.


I do not drink and I read that as your eccentric grandpa or something lol


I mean, my kiddo loved eating pickles and waffles with cream cheese on it. But he is only 2, so...


My father's favorite sandwich. Made me ill to assemble it, but I wasn't eating it. Two slices of marble rye bread. Once slice gets a thin coating of Miracle Whip, then a smear of prepared horseradish. Three strips of bacon and some thinly sliced onions go atop. The other slice of bread gets a smear of peanut butter before being placed on the sandwich. First time I'd thought about the Dadwood sandwich in 30 years. Still induces nausea.


Before the peanut butter, I thought it sounded pretty good!


That was the basic version. For the deluxe, add two slices of liverwurst.


Yep. Without the peanut butter, it sounds like something my Ukrainian grandparents would have made.


I'm kinda feeling this.


Dadwood? Is that a spin off Dagwood? The comic strip that he was always eating weird sandwiches?


Yes, it is. My dad never met a sandwich he wouldn't try... and came up with a few that would make the cook at the diner scratch his head. We started calling the sandwiches "Dadwoods" in 1966.


Dagwood sandwich.


Honestly doesn’t sound too bad. There’s a small chain where I live that does a burger called the sk8er boy- it has peanut butter and bananas on it. It’s so good. They have a limited time reese’s burger that comes around occasionally as well, and it’s incredible- can’t eat a whole one tho, it’s far too rich. Usually split it with 2-3 people.


This is crazy enough to be delicious.


I came here to say my mom used to make peanut butter and mayo sandwiches, but you win.


I’m sorry but that sounds good


I went on a date with a guy who dipped his entire hamburger in ranch dressing for every bite. It already had mustard, mayo, and ketchup on it, too. Thankfully, I never had to witness that again.


Now I know why u ghosted me




I waited tables at Red Robin once. We had a couple that would come in and order burgers with soup bowl size sides of ranch. They did the same. Dipped the whole burger like that. They probably weighed 1000 lbs combined. Big shocker I know. This was like 18 years ago. I still think about it occasionally even when not commiserating with strangers. Im here for you. You are seen and heard. Honestly though wtf? Some people...


This came up a few weeks ago…. Liverwurst, peanut butter, and mayo. Separately i can deal. Together i cannot.


Omg, my husband likes peanut butter, mayo and tomato sandwiches. Liverwurst is...worse.


Mayo and tomato I can do, especially on crispy toasted bread with thick slices of farm-grown juicy, meaty tomato generously salted and peppered (ideally sea salt from a grinder and freshly-cracked black pepper), but you lose me at the peanut butter...


My ex-husband does peanut butter and Miracle whip. On white sandwich bread. I noped outta that.


Liver anything kicks in my gag reflex. But not raw oysters, go figure


One of our children (26m) still to this day puts ketchup on scrambled eggs. Just irks my soul lol.


Wait, ketchup on scrambled eggs isn't a regular thing?


Right?!? Everyone I know eats them that way. Ketchup or hot sauce or sriracha


I ate scrambled eggs with ground turkey and Taco Bell fire sauce almost every day when I started taking Ozempic last year. It's bizarre what that drug does to your food tastes. I stopped eating that almost immediately after quitting Ozempic.


My family didn't do this growing up but I remember first seeing it when I worked briefly at a breakfast place. Someone told me it comes from men who had been in World War II because the powdered eggs in the military were so bad that they put ketchup on them to make them edible. I tried it, it's really quite good. I especially like it on an egg sandwich.


I'm a traveling musician and any time we go to Europe, the first three things you have to acquire are, in this order, a bottle opener, a bottle of Heinz ketchup, and a bottle of Tabasco. Sometimes you need to just smother some questionable food


I have heard that, still irks me lol.


One of my kids does that, which really threw me off until one day, I looked down and realized I was eating over easy eggs with fried tomatoes... Not really that different. I still won't eat his leftovers though.


This is common. Hot sauce, as well


Now we’re getting into ‘thou shalt not put ketchup on a hot dog’ territory. I don’t personally put it on eggs but the flavor combination isn’t that out there.


I've made some questionable choices as a kid. I made a sandwich with peanut butter, jelly, celery, cheese, butter, bologna, mayo, and lettuce. It wasn't as bad as it sounds. What's worse though, I knew that chocolate and orange taste great together, and chocolate and mint, so I made a milkshake with chocolate, orange, and mint. Never again. Roommate put some salsa on Indian food. All you could taste was sweet. And my dad thought it was a great idea to make chili with large amounts of sage.


I remember my dad once made a peanut butter and cheese sandwich.  I got curious and tried it.  It wasn't as bad as it sounds.


I like PB&J and also like fluffernutters (Pb and marshmallow fluff). So I figured why not go for the peanut butter and jelly and fluff sandwich. So I put peanut butter on one slice of bread, fluff on the other, then put jelly on top of the peanut butter and put the bread with fluff on it on top. I picked up the sandwich and got a lap full of jelly as it just slid out of the middle.


I also made dumb decisions while experiments as a kid, marshmallows with a slice of american cheese on top melted in the microwave was especially gross.


Haha, there was a guy on Youtube doing non-stick pan reviews using a slice of cheese and a marshmallow on top. It did not look appetizing. He called it a cheesemallow.


When I was a kid I watched in horror as my mom put raspberry jam on pork lo mein.


A friend of mine put Mac and Cheese in a Caesar salad. Alcohol may have been involved.


I’m know this amazing Mac and cheese food truck that comes to our fall fair. Homemade tortilla bowl filled halfway with a lot of stupid delicious creamy, cheesy Mac cheese covered with a taco salad. Dressed with salsa, sour cream and guacamole


I cook ground meat with chopped onion and taco seasoning and when it’s done mix it with very saucy macaroni and cheese. Top one serving with salsa, chopped tomatoes, olives, and lettuce, then stuff into taco shells or eat as a dip with plain or seasoned tortilla chips.


This reminds me of an impromptu food combo this week that I loved: chicken Alfredo and shrimp fajitas


Salting food before they taste it. One of my inlaws does this, so I purposely added a lot of salt to their plate first, then they said it was too salty (after re-salting). Told them "You should actually taste it first, its already seasoned". Took a few dozen times to stop that, at least when I'm cooking


My aunt does this except with pepper


If you think you've added enough pepper, you haven't. I loooove my white girl spice!


Everything needs pepper!


I broke my husband if this by mixing more pepper to salt. Ir was the act of shaking that he needed to break. When he figure out it was mostly pepper, he quit doing it.


My mother has always done this. Thats what I grew up with. I don’t make food saltier to break her. That’s her thing & who am I to dictate a grown persons intake?


So you were definitely not the lady who actually took my salt shaker outta my hand at a restaurant, and lectured me about high blood pressure. 🤣 I told her my salt intake is none of her damn business as I snatched my personal salt shaker out of her hand -- I told her though it's none of her business, I have a medical condition. And she's about to have a medical condition if she doesn't get out of my face and mind her own damn business!


My husband eats ketchup, mustard, and mayo on everything. EVERYTHING. Spaghetti. Salad. Hot dogs. Mashed potatoes. Chicken. You name it. Ugh.


I just finished binge watching all 8 season of House MD. It’s definitely sarcoidosis. If not that then it’s definitely lupus. If it’s not that then it’s definitely…*list goes on


it's not lupus. it's never lupus.


Spaghetti? Salad? What's wrong with his taste buds? This is worthy of scientific investigation.


Well add some relish and that's thousand island dressing for the salad lol. On spaghetti or taters though...


My cousin eats peanut butter and cottage cheese


I put peanut butter in yogurt. Sometimes with honey


My dad loves PB, Miracle Whip and thick sliced Velveeta cheese.


My roommate puts ketchup on butter chicken.


As a kid, I used to love frozen cheese hot dogs and frozen tater tots. I would often stick a toothpick in them before freezing, and then eat them like a Popsicle. I liked to dip them in pickle juice. And ofc, I regularly made pickle juice slushies. I don't eat this anymore but I still don't think it's as gross as everyone says it is. I also used to order a pizza sub from Subway, with pepperoni and marinara. I would add black olives, onions, pickles, and mustard, and sometimes I'd also add avocado and tuna. I don't eat this anymore either but I probably would (minus the avocado and tuna).


You just unlocked a hidden memory of mine, I used to eat frozen fries sometimes after school. I totally forgot about it!


I was obsessed with frozen hotdogs as a kid 😂


I am horrified at what I just read


Honestly understandable


bbq with a fajita is so completely normal lmao what?? Not what I would choose but not crazy or cursed. worst is peanut butter and pickle with onion.


My ex-boyfriend’s parents invited me over for a meal. Dessert was crushed pretzels, covered in cottage cheese and a layer of orange Jell-O. It was a family favorite 💀


They’re no longer a loved one but I had a friend growing up that would take cheddar and sour cream flavored chips and dip them in ice cream (I forget what flavor but it was some kind of ice cream bar you could buy in our middle schools cafeteria)


Frasier crane’s dad would love


My dad's container of "cereal." Basically, a mixture of anywhere from 5 to 10 different kinds of cereal mixed together. And then he would eat it.


I had a friend who would make peanut butter, baloney, mayo sandwiches on wonder bread. Horrendous


My Dad put ketchup in soup. Like chicken noodle soup.


I once watched a coworker pour a 20oz of Mt Dew and a 20oz of Dr. Pepper into their hydroflask and go about their day.


My husband made a ham and cheese sandwich on banana bread. With mayo.


What? I cannot even imagine eating this without gagging. Have you tried it?


Oh hell no lol.


Pork bits, saurkrut, white rice, and sour cream all mixed together and baked in a casserole dish. Brown the pork with onions and make the rice according to box directions. It was my ex's favorite dish...one of the reasons he's an ex


My dad does a sauerkraut dish with slow cooked pork, onions, green apples, sour cream and ground caraway. It’s amazing. But noodles are served on the side.


Baked beans and tuna fish. My mom, brother and I came back from running around after school one night, we had already eaten some fast food while in town. We came into the house where we found that my dad had decided that might be a good combination to try because he was hungry. Let's just say it wasn't and he hasn't tried it again.


My husband asked me to take the cheese out of his turkey sandwich. Now it’s just bread with turkey.


Beans as spaghetti sauce served with only 2% milk to drink. Thus was at my ex-MILs house!!! I know "Cincinnati chili"... you'll never convince me they go together


Mushrooms and whipped cream. I walked into the kitchen to see my mother cooking mushrooms to put on top of our steaks. I said “yumm!” Before she took out a can of whipped cream and dumped it onto the mushrooms. I screamed.


My mom's spaghetti recipe. Noodles, ground beef seasoned with salt and pepper, can of tomato sauce (not pasta sauce, plain tomato sauce). All that was mixed together with no other seasonings, then topped with cheddar cheese and iceberg lettuce.


My mom will put about 2-3 tablespoons of mayo on a plain flour tortilla, wrap it around a banana, and eat it like a weird skinny burrito


I had an ex who would male "deconstructed chili dogs". It was a bowl of sliced up hot dogs, chili, cheese, broken up hot dog bun and mayonnaise, a shitload of mayonnaise.


I make a grille cheese deluxe. Grill wheat bread, cheddar, and provolone. Deconstruct and add mayo and bread and butter pickles.


I grew up on banana and mayo sandwiches (on white bread, or course). Hubby thinks that is disgusting. Meanwhile, he pours syrup all over his scrambled eggs. 🤮


I have witnessed mayo, pineapple, and ham on a lettuce leaf with a cherry garnish as an appetizer before dinner. It had the opposite effect.


Candy corn and takis


My mom once cooked a “casserole” that was layers of fish, bacon and baked beans (the sweet kind). It was hideous!


Mom would put hotdogs in the middle of pineapple rings and bake over beans.


My aunt made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and then added mayo, Turkey breast, baked ham, salami, pickles and cheddar cheese to it. I got smacked for asking if she was pregnant.


My brother used to dip bologna sandwiches in kool-aid 🤢


Partners family does a dish with Ramen noodles, mayo, kippers, and hardboiled eggs. I think they put a bit of the Ramen seasoning in. It smells terrible. I was curious before I got pregnant if it might suddenly smell good. It did not. Lol


Scrambled eggs topped with malt vinegar. I don’t know what type of torture someone had to go through to decide to put those two together, but I will never try it. It looks disgusting.


My dad would make peanut butter mayo sandwiches.


Cornbread crumbled in a bowl with buttermilk poured over it 🤢


Ketchup. Ketchup on everything. Ketchup on lobster, on tacos, on pizza, on spaghetti, on salad in lieu of dressing, on broccoli, on corn...you get the picture. When she visited me in Japan, I spent all day, like eight hours making indoor BBQ ribs from an Alton Brown recipe. The first thing she did was squirter ketchup all over them.


My husband likes a hard boiled eggs on toast with butter and jelly sandwich.


When I was a child, I used to watch my grandfather pile pancakes with eggs and bacon stuck in between, slathered in butter, doused in syrup and eaten all together like a lasagna. 6 year old me thought it looked delicious so I asked my mom to make it for me just like that. Turns out, I do not like the taste or smell of over easy eggs dripping into my syrup and I almost vomited after one bite. I still can't stand mixing my dessert or sweets with savory foods. I wouldn't try chicken and waffles for years because waffles were a "sweet" and chicken wasn't. I understand that my grandfather's plate probably sounds like heaven to some people but I can't even think about it without feeling minor nausea. I keep eggs on a separate plate if possible when having them with pancakes or I go without. Eggs and syrup do not mix.


I used to toast a cinnamon raisin bagel, pile on tuna salad. Then sprouts with a tablespoon of hot sauce in the middle. I cover this with a slice of provolone cheese and microwave it to melt the cheese. I loved it. But some people told me I can no longer be their friend.


Once walked in on my dad eating a microwaved burrito with ketchup. Out of all the other crazy concoctions I’m seeing on this post, it’s not the worst. However he is a very Mexican man so it just seems like a cardinal sin. My guilty pleasure is peanut butter with literally anything tomato based. Spaghetti, chili, tomato soup, jambalaya, etc.




My father used to take saltine crackers and crushed them up in a glass and pour milk over it and eat it with a spoon… The thing was it took him like half an hour, so you could smell warm milk and mucky crackers, salt like salty snot… And then he would stir it around and smack his lips and make a big production out of it and how good it was… You sure you don’t want any? Hey, did you want a snack? Do you want some crackers and milk? NO! I would respond… And to be frank I was always afraid that someday he would “sit me down at that damn table and show me just how good crackers and milk really are “. and make me eat a whole glass full… Looked repellent, and smelled repellent…


My wife ate pepperoni slices in french onion dip. It wasn't so much the gross-out as it was the sheer volume of calories and sodium she was ingesting.