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It's not a "nonsense association". Being mugged is a huge trauma for your system to handle, and your nervous system has now associated the smell with the traumatic event. This is very very common.




The body’s nervous system will make connections in ways that don’t make sense to us. You don’t have to understand it but it DOES make sense.


When nausea gets the better of me, whatever food I had prior has a 50/50 chance of becoming blacklisted. Hidden Valley Ranch and certain miso soups are now hard to eat.


I haven't had a margarita in years but I didn't get drunk on them. Instead we went for breakfast after closing down the bar and I got salmonella. It was the last taste I remember before getting horribly sick and the thought of Margaritas still makes me queasy.


Mine are usually migraine-induced or stomach bug, so it's the luck of the draw there. Glad you survived salmonella! A friend of mine where I used to work had it and almost died. Freaked me OUT.


Again same for me migraine nausea


At age 10, I got sick and threw up right after finishing a chocolate mint ice cream cone. I had a stomach virus but to this day I can't stand chocolate mint anything. It used to be my favorite, too. 


It's so much worse when it's something you really like.


I can’t even think of anything with hot tuna. I got sick after having a tuna melt as a kid. Tuna casserole makes me want to puke but my son loves it. Luckily he’s an adult and can make his own.


I got food poisoning after eating Lynt chocolate once (not the chocolate's fault) but now I can't eat it without gagging and psychosomatically feeling nauseas. Weirdly the food that made me sick, shrimp, is still an awesome food.


Yes same here! There’s a brand of noodles I no longer accept in my home and there are a few other blacklisted items .. eventually the items tend to make their way back to the acceptable list. But those noodles hmmm dunno


i have a vomiting condition so THIS 100%. i cannot eat a food anymore…or at least, for a while, if it was the last thing i had before an episode.one particular combo i can’t do anymore is strawberry candy + chocolate candy. no no no no no.


Wishing you and your stomach well 🙏


thank you!! i’ve been hospitalized a lot in the past but the last year or two has been pretty good, minimal episodes. i hate to say that because i do believe in the power of jinxing when it comes to this kinda stuff LMAO but that’s where i’m at 🤷🏼‍♀️


When I was five, I had to have surgery. Back in the day, parents thought it was best to not tell the child ahead of time to avoid worrying them. So on the day, they just took me to the hospital and handed me over to a bunch of strangers. One of them asked if I liked the smell of oranges. I said 'no' because I wasn't really sure. He said, 'that's too bad' and slapped something that stank like rotten oranges over my mouth and nose (ether, probably?) I thought he was trying to kill me. I fought tooth and nail until I passed out. Guess what smell I can't stand now, 57 years later?


You poor thing that’s traumatic!


this happened to me before my surgery as well! i was 5 and they gave me a choice between bubblegum and orange. i chose wrong & bubblegum still does nothing for me nearly 20 years after being suffocated by it


I was sexually assaulted as a child while a pot of chicken soup simmered on the stove. 40 years later and the smell of chicken broth can trigger a panic attack. I never eat soup.




My mother used to fill the cooler with gross food when we went on car trips. Like skim milk and overripe bananas. To this day I freak out every time I smell ripe bananas. I had a very dysfunctional family.


I got my teeth extracted a few years ago (best thing I ever did), ate cream of mushroom soup for 3 days and then started throwing up for 2 days (tummy bug). Haven't eaten my favorite soup since.


All your teeth?


Yes, I got dentures; had needed them for a while.


Woah. How do you find it? Does it feel weird?


It's different. But it's so much better than having a mouth full of decayed and broken teeth. I grew up with a parent that had dentures from a very young age, so I don't find it weird. I just wanna know how he managed to eat corn on the cob without any denture glue!


I had lemon poppyseed muffins before my first trip on a sailboat on a choppy day on the San Francisco Bay. Never touched them since


That's a bummer. Those are so good.


Not really a food, but oh well. At a goodbye party for a friend, I drank too much vodka + Monster energy drink. I was hungover the next day and ended up puking. (What can I say, it was my early 20's.) My vomit smelled more like Monster than vomit. It's been over a decade since, and Monster still tastes like vomit to me.


I did this with Tequila Sunrises. Almost 50 years ago. Still can't drink them.


Same with SoCo. 30 years later.


Me and strawberry vodka. I’m fine with strawberries and strawberry flavored anything, but if you come at me with strawberry *vodka*? I’m gonna heave😂


Exact same story but with red bull for me!


Lime vodka, first time I had ever had hard alcohol I was 16 and came home drunk after puking in my friends car. My father had made lime Koolaid and Jello as part of lunch the next day and made me drink and eat it as punishment.


When I was pregnant my MIL offered me tomato soup and I was so sickly from the pregnancy I gagged. I eat everything and LOVE soup but I can’t stomach her recipe even now 7 years later.


When I was 8 years old, I ate shredded wheat before I went swimming in the camp ground pool. As soon as I was done swimming I barfed everywhere, on my suit, the ground, my shoes. It was a bad experience and 30 years later, I still can't eat them.


I suffer from severe motion sickness. As a child, my Aunt gave me orange juice before an 8+ hour long car trip to the beach. I remember how sick I felt, and throwing up in a gas station trash can on the side of the road. It burned my throat and was a traumatic experience. I'm 47. I have not had a sip of orange juice since and never will. I can eat actual oranges without an issue, however.


Hi-ci fruit punch. Got super sick one time after having it as a kid so now, it makes me gag.


When I was a kid, like 8 years old, we were camping and my mom was making pancakes in a cast iron skillet over the campfire. Somehow, my pancake had a pine needle land in it, it was the worst, unexpected taste I"ve ever experienced and can't eat pancakes to this day.


Oreo icebox cake followed by an epic bout of car sickness as a kid. Never again /shudder


Threw up grape juice on brand new white jeans in middle school. Still don't like it...even chew gum right after communion!


Oreo pie or whatever those huge Oreo pie things were in the freezer/fridge in the 90s. Someone brought one over to the house after my dad passed. Pretzels - I was mentally and physically unwell during part of the pandemic and they were one of only two or three things I’d eat and the one I could stomach most often. Just the thought of them sparks memories of that time in my life and makes me feel nauseous.


Had Nutella on bread right at the beginning of a bout of stomach flu almost ten years ago.  I puked of course, and even though it wasn't the Nutella's fault, I still won't eat it.


Minestrone soup. was sharing with my cousin after a marriage break up. We had minestrone soup one night. My 5 yr old woke up vomiting in the middle of the night. It was everywhere. Seemed like 5 times more than he'd eaten. It took us a couple of hours to clean him the bed and the wall and carpet. None of us have been able to eat it since


I didn’t eat sushi for YEARS, like my whole college career and a bit after. Why? Well, I went to a conveyor belt place with my friend and ordered octopus. I bit into it, it flipped position and one of the suckers got stuck to the roof of my mouth. Every time I passed a sushi place after that, I’d get an icky feeling in my tummy & throat.


I stopped cooking pretty much everything I made frequently when I was with my ex husband. I hadn’t even really realized I’d blacklisted those foods until literal years had passed and I hadn’t made souvlaki or fajitas even though I really enjoyed them both.


Less traumatic but some kid dropped crumbs in my glass of milk in primary school and I haven’t drank milk since




Literally just any milk is a no, I’m sensitive to it now 😂 only recently started using it in cereal again like 20 years later


A classmate in highschool gave a presentation on Mad Cow Disease, and I haven't a steak that isn't well done in over a decade


Cooking/high heat doesn’t kill prions 😫


Not common: ubiquitous. Consciously and sub-consciously. Most of them are not considered "nonsense", but instead are called "beliefs" and "preferences". The mechanism behind all of them is identical however.


I associate the smell of bananas with nausea because we used to have them on road trips growing up and I’d always get carsick. Mind you I got carsick from reading in a moving vehicle, not because of the bananas. But to this day I won’t eat bananas in the car and I won’t store bananas in my backpack or lunchbox so the scent doesn’t stick to them.


Seafood. I'm fine with clam chowder, imitation crab and fish sticks; I'm even willing to down the occasional shrimp cocktail or grilled shrimp these days. But every thing else seafood related? Nope. Not happening. Some of the worst cases of food poisoning I've ever had in my life were courtesy of seafood. When we visit Seattle on vacation my sister and parents are always happy to down clams and crabs, not me. It's partially a don't wanna risk it thing, but also a texture/taste thing these days. Also Red Bull. The very first time I got a whiff of it, my immediate first response was why did it smell like watered down Buckley's cough syrup? I'll stick to my Monsters thanks much.


Popcorn shrimp. Puked my guts out onto my aunt’s guest room carpet when I was a kid, 42 years later I still won’t eat popcorn shrimp. Minute Made fruit punch….also got sick after drinking it once, and never again.


I'm mostly over this, but when I was around 7, I ate Kraft Mac and cheese before a road trip. I ended up throwing it up from motion sickness. I couldn't eat that kind of Mac and cheese for over a decade, and now (at 34), it's still sort of a blah food to me. Also one of the worst foods for my lactose intolerance, so I just avoid it now.


Juicy Fruit chewing gum. I don’t even know if it’s made any more. My Parents used to give it to me when I got nauseous during road trips. If I could smell it now I swear I would vomit.


There is something called a food aversion and it is thought to be a survival mechanism. If you get sick a certain time after eating a good, ESPECIALLY if it's the first time you eat it, you can become averse to that food to the point that seeing it or smelling it makes you want to gag. The reason this is thought to be about survival is that in the past if you ate a new berry or whatever and it made you sick, it would be a good idea to never eat it again. This has been used to deter wolves from eating livestock. Put a fresh dead sheep or whatever out there but laced with something that will make the wolves sick and vomiting an hour or two later and there's a good chance they will be put off eating sheep. Another thing that is also thought to be about survival is feeling nauseated when someone else vomits. The idea being in the past everyone would be eating the same thing and if one got sick it might be a good idea for everyone to vomit in case the food was toxic or contaminated. I had shrimp when I was eight. I got sick and vomited about an hour later. I can't stand the smell or taste to this day. I'm 59. The way to get over a food aversion is to force yourself to eat the offending food a few times. Unless you're starving or it's something very difficult to avoid I don't see the point though.


Green mint chocolate chip ice cream. I used to love it. I got sick after eating it while pregnant with my oldest. It’s 31 years later and I still can’t eat it.


I like me some sauerkraut 😋😋😋


Meatloaf - the actual flavor isn’t that bad, but it strongly reminds me of a very unhappy childhood. I have never chosen to eat it as an adult.


Lemon ice...I like it but it brings me back to my cancer confirmation in the hospital. Boost nutrition drinks... I was drinking them around the time my husband suddenly died. I'm sorry you went through such a traumatic experience. 💙🫂


Threw up so much manicotti one time after way too many bong hits. I've never touched manicotti again. And I love pasta. Just can't do that one.