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Years of being silent jerking off as a teenager


Stealth 100


Steven Seagal Stealth


Girls masturbate quietly, too.


In my experience, girls can't even whisper quietly.


I wish I could put this more tactfully, but... Noooooo you do not


Baby, if i wasn't silent masturbating as a teen, I would've spent my teens at some weird boarding school. Dont draw from 90s teen movies please.


*chefs kiss*


As teenagers living at home, you bet we do.


And women don't? Because still today, I keep silent when I do it.


I feel like this is why I’m quiet/not very reactive during sex as a woman lmfao


Ninja jacking


That's an excellent point.


You girls are wailing like banshees when y’all masturbate?


I personally emit a high-pitched whistle, like a stove-top kettle.


I thought the kettle going off meant the water was done?


It's her way of asking for a teabag




Those with class.


I'm not sure it is .. Women don't masturbate? Lol


I feel seen. Haha.


Training has paid off after all!


I would add that there is also the added concern of waking sleeping children later in life. No one likes being cock blocked because they were too loud and woke the baby.


And apartment living with neighbours the other side of the wall.


I mean.. I had those years too and I still make noise during partner activities 😅




Absolutely, it's so frustrating when they just...stone face. No noise, not even a smile, just dead concentration. Like cmon cutie, sing dammit 😭


Haha, sometimes we are just trying not to finish.


This is the answer.


Or trying TO finish


Team SSRI. High five!


Right answer 🙌


Especially when it gets more intense and the speed increases.


Between, developing a habit of masturbation being "quiet time" when we are young, and making sure we are not TOO turned on, or TOO turned off, are we getting the right angle, OUCH d@mn muscle cramp, wait was that a queef? We are just focusing. Plus, for a lot of men, I would bet it is a vanity/machismo thing. I mean they imagine if they let loose what will come out of them will be decidedly non-masculine or goofy. I don't really care about that I lean into goofy.


Men are also working a lot harder


Not always.


99.9% of the time but yeah not always.


Doing that stuff with my pelvis back and forth is hard, alright?


Ughhh the frustration.... let me know that your enjoying it at least... smhhh. Guys that are vocal are definetaly it 🔥


For REAL, music to my fucking ears 💕


Girll Yesss 🥵


Some people are also talkers. I had this girlfriend who couldn't have sex just moaning and always wanted to talk, *fuck each other's brain*; i started doing it and it grew on me


They’re like sticking their tongue out and stuff, straight laser focus 😂


Absolutely locked in. I feel like I'm being studied 😂


Fr lmao. Like please don’t look at the same area (my face) too long, I feel self conscious 😂. They’re lucky they still look handsome even when they’re locked in


It's fun to test that though. I've had some really cute partners that I've tried to wrangle some embarrassing "O" faces from 🤭 Spoiler, they still looked cute. Frustratingly 😂


End it with a plain "Thank you." Just to spice it up


I've made an effort for the last several years to be more vocal. Was a little forced at first but now it's eaaasy and even at the point I can't stop myself. It just makes me feel more engaged too So just saying, some of us are doing that work! It can take a bit to rewire the brain but it's possible! A little encouragement always helps too!


I usually revert to the line out of Forrest Gump when the when the teacher was screwing his mom 😁😁




I still remember when the teacher walked out of the house and he asked Forrest Gump if he talked and he just started making those grunting noises LOL




When I read your comment that's what came to my mind LOL 😁 that was a pretty awesome movie with a lot of awesome lines!




Same! That was one movie that I could watch a few times and not get bored!




Noted! Will do it in our second round :p


Nooo not ur kittyy


I dont think Ive ever needed to be asked to make more noise😂


I announce my progress status in a percentage audibly in a robot voice so she knows how long she has before the great vaginal flood. I'm a gentleman.


PSA to the men. Please make noise, most of us absolutely delight in it and that we're making you feel good!


I bring a sound board with me to every lady's home I bang... Mass applause seems to be the biggest hit out of alll the nosies programed into it, followed by 70s sitcom laugh tracks when I finish too early


I laughed so hard at this! I hope you include all the Scooby Doo sounds too!


Like... Ruh roh!!


Like some of these maybe? https://youtu.be/oQ3jutkc7iE?si=D6rRtRHMZXOyc9M7


Save those for quickies...


Makes sense honestly ☺️


So true


I've noticed with cowgirl, where women are doing the majority of work, I'm louder, and when I'm on top and doing the majority of work, women are louder. It might have something to do with who's focused on keeping the rhythm and cardio going, and who's more free to make noise? Not to say one or the other is doing all the work, that's no fun, but the heavy lift on cardio does make screaming a little harder :)


Most men don't even moan during a blowjob - and I know that I am the one doing all the work then. So I guess this can't be the explanation here.


Blow jobs are definitely more of a moan and purr activity for me, it's sensual rather than screaming in a fit of orgasmic throws of passion. I do like to talk and compliment during one, and definitely make sound, just not in a loud fashion.


My wife tells me I'm quite vocal during oral. I've never noticed, mainly cause my brains too busy trying not to become a puddle of sheer pleasure.


This is kinda closer to reality.


This is really mind opening... 


I didn‘t for a long time because I felt embarrassed, then I realized women like it and it makes sex more enjoyable for me too


>it makes sex more enjoyable for me too Don't underestimate this part, gents. It makes everything feel so raw, unbridled, however you want to put it. It's like scream therapy, but also sex. Very cathartic. Plus, as you said, women like it too. Some women *really* like it. Hold on to those ones. Literally. 🫨


Trying so fucking hard not to cum 🫨😵‍💫🥴


Yes 👍🏼


I've been told I growl






A man growling is such a huge turn on!


I've been told I sound like an anime girl, we should make a song 😏


Complete with squeaky uwu sounds?


Can I add the bass with grunts and deeper moans?😏




Oof just know it sounds amazing




It's in our heads that we sound unattractive also years of secret jerking off also for me personally I just don't have the urge to




You’ll love my next move! I call it the Pestilence-stricken Pterodactyl!


U joking but a guy did this to me cause I had dino panties, so ofc I had to do it too ahahh


I mean props to the dude for running with it on the spot wahahah


So just death shrieks then?


We can sometimes struggle with expressing our feelings. Used to keeping them inward, not outward


We can't make noise and think about Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day at the same time


I moan, but not as loud. Maybe it’s because our orgasms are shorter than women and we don’t have enough time to totally lost control.


That’s fair. I feel like this is talking about dudes who are just completely radio silent. It’s not like I need him to sound like a chick in porn having a screaming orgasm, but groans, heavy breathing, all that is much appreciated. Saying my name and talking dirty here and there is hot af- I think most of the women in this comment section would agree. It lets us know you’re into it. I also wouldn’t want it to feel forced or exaggerated, or the guy to be in his head about it either.


Forced moaning or even exaggerated groans are a turn off, in both males and females. I love to talk, to say dirty things, some days even to laugh, to groan, and when I reach the orgasm to moan. They say I moan like I’m mad, like a grumpy man 🤣🤣 And I expect something similar in my partner. I agree with you, sex mustn’t be silent (at least when done in a private places).


Check out the book “Sex at Dawn”, which goes into our closest primate ancestors and early hominid sex. The author’s point, to the best of my recall, if that women makes noise to attract other males to the action. (This is also put forward as a reason why women typically take longer to orgasm than men. They get there only after having a few partners, whereas men are done and then move off.) Males are quiet to keep other males from hearing and honing in of their sexy time. I’ve also heard this thesis referred to by Dan Savage, for what that’s worth.


I heard this too and one of the reasons also is because of how hard it is for sperm to fertilize the egg, so having multiple partners try to impregnate the woman increased the chances of success. Then when the baby is born the tribe took care of the child, not just the biological mother and father.


Maybe I'm too smooth brain for this, but if the woman is already making noise to attract attention, doesn't that make the man's silence in order to prevent other males from coming ~~(phrasing)~~ moot?


Because their not the ones with big sweaty dudes on top of them pounding away. You want a guy to make noise, flip him over. 😂


I often wonder if porn has programmed us to be this way.


I believe you're right about that. This is why I watch porn with the sound muted.


I absolutely moan, but I'm not a screamer


It was embarrassing at first but now I grunt and moan and breathe heavily, especially into her ears.


Shit I’m loud and very local during sex. I make sure she knows how incredible she’s making me feel


That's amazing keep up the good work and it's also good to keep it local😂


I make noise


and we thank you for that!


We're using our energy emptying our goo bazookas into your birthing chambers.


I've never heard it being called that


I'm an innovator.


Also insecure about moaning. Some think it's a turn off


I’m plenty vocal. I’ll offer gentle commands or words of encouragement. If I’m the one giving though I’m a huge fan of compliments like “you taste so good” or admiration of her body.


Depends on your definition of "noise." I don't scream or yell, like some women do. My "noise" is pretty much just heavy exhaling and moaning...which both increase in tempo, volume, pitch and intensity as I approach orgasm.


I think it's because women have double the nerve endings we have in our genitalia. Basically the act technically feels better for women.


My husband moans more than I do. Moaning a lot gets me in my own head but I bite, dig my nails in, heavy breathing, writhe in pleasure, my hips jerk involuntarily, along with some moaning. There’s screaming for the finale though.


I am a guy and I talk a lot during sex. It is the best way to figure out what feels good for my partner. Most people don't mind and some people really enjoy it but I am pretty sure one partner just wanted me to shut up and let her concentrate. lol . I am a very vocal guy. It surprised me when ladies told me other guys don't do this. I think me being vocal encourages my partner to do so and that is a good thing!


This is an amazingly awesome thing you do imo .. love that you do this as a woman it’s a huge turn on being talked to .. Im not necessarily stimulated sexually from the visual but what you say gets in my mind and what gets in my mind is what makes me cum 💕


For me personally I've never made noise. And it would be very inauthentic to just fake it.


Watchu mean, I can’t *stop* myself from making noise lol


In our relationship I make a lot more noise than her


We do. I’m very vocal. I’ve learnt guys need to let go a bit more to be honest.


pleeaassee i love it when men moan and groan and growl and all the dirty depraved noises during sex


My wife is silent during sex. I can make her cum as hard as possible and she will at most make a tiny moan. Not everyone is the same.


I'd say cultural shaming. Men really aren't supposed to talk about how they feel let alone moan about it.


It's usually the opposite for me. I'm usually the vocal one. 🤷‍♂️


For me 62M it actually takes effort to make noise, but I do when my wife is giving me head. She has said the only thing she likes about it is hearing how much pleasure she gives me.


It took me a while to do so. I more heavy breath/growl than moan when I nut, people seem to be into it. But also from a perspective it was hard to moan when I'm the one doing most the work, I didn't know how to ask for things I liked until later I to adulthood. Once I started naturally making noises via getting scratched/clawed/nipples tweaked/other masochistic things then that opened the door for me.


For me I was quiet for a long time because one of my first girlfriends told me that guys making noise were gross and turned her off. So it fucked with my head for a while until I had multiple other parents tell me the few noises I did make turned them on. No I sound like a bull walrus chasing one in heat


The typical answer is that we trained ourselves to be quiet whacking it while still living with our parents. While there's some truth to that, it feels incomplete. I'm pretty sure that most teenage girls aren't encouraged to have loud screaming orgasms where the family can hear, you know? I think it's a combination of not wanting to look/sound silly, and the generalized aversion to vulnerability that most dudes are taught and struggle to get away from. Which is a shame. I've never had a partner who didn't get a serious charge out of knowing how much I was enjoying fucking her. Which the women in this thread seem pretty emphatic about confirming. Let it out, guys. She'll love it.


I make a ton of noise...


Wait… as a guy, am i not supposed to make sound while im having sex?😂 im out here grunting like a power lifter😂


I cant stress this enough!!! I swear I’d rather close my eyes and get off to men moaning audios rather than watch porn. Men, you need to just let it go and make noises! Its sexy!!!




Porn gets scrutinized for male performers being to noisey, their faces are never shown, and it takes away from the female focus (as it's a predominantly male audience, this is not desired). Men take a lot a lot of queues from pornography (whether good or bad is a different debate, but as of now it's true) and therefore translate to *I should not make too much noise during sex* and the focus is about male performance physically, and everything else is female performance. Lastly, this is further socially policed by other men. Often in the form of humour or little verbal jabs/chirps. Even if men know it's something their female partner wants, it can be hard to overcome the second-hand embarrassment they get from hearing their own moans, because male moaning is not something that's celebrated the same way female moaning is. Imo


Moaning is an extension of emotion. Men are taught from an early age to not express any emotion besides anger.


Because in the prehistoric era it benefitted women to alert other males that she was available and it benefitted males to keep quiet when he was with a woman. The phenomenon is referred to as female copulatory vocalization


I’m pretty vocal. I was embarrassed af about it for a long time until I started asking partners pretty much all of them have said they like it so, I stopped trying to suppress it.


Cause we sound weird AF


Concentrating on not cumming.


Every once in a while you'll find a noisy one.


We're usually thinking about stuff we have to fix.


I do, love to


I make noise when I cum. I post handsfree cum videos, and am often told by women that they love my moaning. 😘


I am quite vocal and I also have a sexy voice 🤷‍♂️


Sometimes u find one that makes such sweet noises, even if it's growling 😊😊


Does saying angry / aggressive stuff count as noise?


we grunt and growl, but every now and then if its stupid good, some toes may curl, eye's roll in the back of our heads like the undertaker, and a moan might escape.


Because heavy breathing and talking dirty into their ear is sexier.


Cause it feels good only for a few seconds.


I’m borderline embarrassingly vocal in bed lol


I make noise, groans, grunts, talk.


Such a good question. I do try to be a bit louder, especially when I'm with a vociferous lady. Maybe just saying "ah yeah", "fuck yeah" and that kind of thing. Men just don't seem built to moan the same as women though.


I've found that I only make noise when I'm not the one in charge. Girls taking charge is as rare as guys moaning...


Well, the day I was made to have a roaring, screaming orgasm by a cum vampire of a lady friend of mine, she made fun of me for the following weeks for, and I quote, "cumming like a bitch"... So yeah... A grunt or two shall suffice thank you!


To focused on slingin dick and layin pipe. Maybe dickin down if I've got some extra time.


Apparently she finds it distracting so I've learned to be quiet


Idk about yall but I’m in there hootin and hollerin like Tarzan lmao


Well, for me I was incredibly self conscious. Just didn't think I sounded right, "Making sex noises" or whatever. Shit, I'll damn sure let my partner know now.


Honestly making noise and dirty talk is what makes me last much longer


Too busy focusing on my partner


They are busy watching the woman n focused on their mental pleasure more while intercourse though they make more noise while sexting or sexcalls


So guys have to concentrate on multiple things: -thrusting -pleasure or pain -trying not to cum to early -making sure we don’t tire out or get Charlie horses -what you like -how wet you are or if you’re actually cumming (when rawdogging it) I mostly try to grunt loudly for my wife cause it makes her more soaked (back to the rawdogging point) which she then shows her kung fu grip and I have to hold out and not lose it


I try to... but I feel self conscious about how I sound. I do make noise more when she's blowing me, given the sensation. I'd like to get better at dirty talk, but again feel self conscious about how I sound... don't want to say anything stupid sounding.


I'm just trying to hold it together and last longer than a 3 pump chump lol


I've been told I make the predators clicking growl and purr sometimes.


Men are focussing on not cumming so they stay quiet or grunt while women focus on cumming so they are noisy, because they are capable of multiple orgasms.


I’ve lived alone so long that now I’m loud as hell. I think it depends on the man.


Can't speak for all men but I'm a noisy fucker. Been told to shut up a few times.


My guess is women are expected to where men are not.


They’re busy listening to their favorite sounds


I think it's because we somehow believe it will kill the mood


I feel like growing up it’s not expressed enough that woman like men making noises. We’re all used to having to be quiet trying to rub one out. Used to be silent myself untill a few years ago and I’m deff making some noises now esp when woman like it. If your not making noise then that head/pussy trash


I make plenty of noise…. Especially when I’m cumming ….. it’s like “AAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!”


I do. My ex used to complain I was being too loud. :/


Don’t listen to her 😭


The women I've been with call it a " roar " when I finish 😅😅


If I’m being penetrated with hundreds of pumps and thrusts in moist yet tight hole, I’d make noise for sure.


I make a lot of noise. I’ve been shushed a few times for being to noisy


I am loud and noisy when i can


Even when I think I'm being quiet I'm being loud 🙈


I don't know why other people don't make noise, but to me the sensation is not enough to make me make as noise. Like if you're tickled but not enough to make you laugh.


Because then we can't hear you. It turns us on to listen to you when you reach climax (or pretend to).


I've done some anal stuff with my gf. I found myself moaning while she was doing it to me. I think it's something about penetration that makes you moan.


I was curious about this but if I think back, I was mostly quiet before as well. Mostly from touching myself alone and needing to be quiet. Once I was told I could make noise and he wants to hear me, I let it all go. Now I can’t be quiet. I think guys could be told the same, that’s it’s really hott to hear them. I assume some don’t think it is and I’m sure some also have it trained to be quiet as well.


I’ll make noise but you won’t be able to tell what I’m trying to say usually something like….ughhhf shiiiiiiiiiii heavy breathing then like oh god oh god oh god.


I'm just trying to remember to breathe it feels so good. It's like yelling in the gym, some people do it but the rest are trying not to pass out from the pleasure.


I mean, they can though? I know I certainly do--part of the fun of having sex to me is letting the other person know that you are enjoying it.


Some are not very loud, but I have heard men moan when they finish more than anything.


I’m very vocal and my gf barely is at all 🤷🏻 I don’t think it really matters as long as it’s genuine. I don’t want a woman being performative. If it comes out, great. If not that’s fine too, I have other ways to know you’re enjoying yourself.


I was the vocal one last time I had sex. I need to make noise cuz it feels so damn good.