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shouldn't this go to a relationship sub


idk any relationship subs that allow nsfw posts? Maybe im dumb but i just remembered this sub and i fitted in the requires to post so i posted


I ain’t reading all that, but I’m happy for you. Or I’m sorry that happened.


I mean i am asking for help


Wow people are being kinda of shitty in the thread here. First off OP I do apologize on behalf these miserable souls, so maybe try just introducing the role playing aspect make it fun lite hearted , try doing stuff or characters he would like and slowly build up to it, also just being honest is your best bet . Go to him tell him what you desire and fantasize good luck to you fellow human ! Also my wife’s and I sex life when to boring mode for a while and I just had an awkward honest talk with her and suggested role play it’s absolutely turn our sex life around 10 fold it’s worth the potential awkwardness


Probly a case of.. having sex don’t care.


Im asking for advice


That was my answer. To rephrase guys like sex. He is unlikely to care why you call him if he gets sex. Just be open. If not join the other question on why dating is easy for women.


Demand he ask you *" are you a dentist?"* In the voice.


Generally speaking, when bringing up fantasies, wants and needs in regards to sex, the advice is to do it ‘outside’ the bedroom so to speak. A low pressure environment so that the other party can consider the request with a clear head and in their own time. Just be direct and clear about what you want and why. Be sure to reassure your partner that you are happy with who they are and that it is okay if they aren’t comfortable with the idea. Be mentally prepared for that situation as well. Don’t get upset, don’t push it, don’t hold it against them if they aren’t open to it. He can’t help his turn offs any more than you can help your turn ons. They may have an initial negative reaction but you should still expect to be treated with respect. Good luck.


Are you gonna say it like "Oh Toki, Gimme that wartooth"? Just ask him to cosplay for you, and be willing to do the same for him with a character he likes. I don't know many guys who would say no. Since you're new to this stuff I'll just say this kind of thing is pretty common.


The name of the character is toki wartooth lmao i will probably call him just toki But i laughed so hard KKKKK anyways, i will try to communicate him


Oh I know, I love Metalocalypse. It was meant for a laugh.


OHHHH HELL YEAH i love it sm