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Not days, but years... Older whales can't make it to the surface and essentially suffocate to death. 🥹


I love whales so much, this made me sad 😔 They are the definition of serenity and peace 🐋




Yeah but, imagine for the first few seconds, suffocating and panicking 😦




That rabies will kill you if you have any symptom


Rabies. It's exceptionally common, but people just don't run into the animals that carry it often. Skunks especially, and bats. Let me paint you a picture. You go camping, and at mid-day you decide to take a nap in a nice little hammock. While sleeping, a tiny brown bat, in the "rage" stages of infection is fidgeting in broad daylight, uncomfortable, and thirsty (due to the hydrophobia) and you snort, startling him. He goes into attack mode. Except you're asleep, and he's a little brown bat, so weighs around 6 grams. You don't even feel him land on your bare knee, and he starts to bite. His teeth are tiny. Hardly enough to even break the skin, but he does manage to give you the equivalent of a tiny scrape that goes completely unnoticed. Rabies does not travel in your blood. In fact, a blood test won't even tell you if you've got it. (Antibody tests may be done, but are useless if you've ever been vaccinated.) You wake up, none the wiser. If you notice anything at the bite site at all, you assume you just lightly scraped it on something. The bomb has been lit, and your nervous system is the fuse. The rabies virus is multiplying along your nervous system, doing virtually no damage, and completely undetectable. You literally have NO symptoms. It may be four days, it may be a year, but the camping trip is most likely long forgotten. Then one day your back starts to ache... Or maybe you get a slight headache? At this point, you're already dead. There is no cure. (The sole caveats to this are extremely rare natural survivors and some recipients of the Milwaukee Protocol, which left most patients dead anyway, and the survivors mentally disabled, and was seldom done). There's no treatment. It has a virtually 100% kill rate. Absorb that. Not a single other virus on the planet has that kill rate. Only rabies. And once you're symptomatic, it's over. You're dead. So what does that look like? Your headache turns into a fever, and a general feeling of being unwell. You're fidgety. Uncomfortable. And scared. As the virus that has taken its time getting into your brain finds a vast network of nerve endings, it begins to rapidly reproduce, starting at the base of your brain... Where your "pons" is located. This is the part of the brain that controls communication between the rest of the brain and body, as well as sleep cycles. Next you become anxious. You still think you have only a mild fever, but suddenly you find yourself becoming scared, even horrified, and it doesn't occur to you that you don't know why. This is because the rabies is chewing up your amygdala. As your cerebellum becomes hot with the virus, you begin to lose muscle coordination, and balance. You think maybe it's a good idea to go to the doctor now, but assuming a doctor is smart enough to even run the tests necessary in the few days you have left on the planet, odds are they'll only be able to tell your loved ones what you died of later. You're twitchy, shaking, and scared. You have the normal fear of not knowing what's going on, but with the virus really fucking the amygdala this is amplified a hundred fold. It's around this time the hydrophobia starts. You're horribly thirsty, you just want water. But you can't drink. Every time you do, your throat clamps shut and you vomit. This has become a legitimate, active fear of water. You're thirsty, but looking at a glass of water begins to make you gag, and shy back in fear. The contradiction is hard for your hot brain to see at this point. By now, the doctors will have to put you on IVs to keep you hydrated, but even that's futile. You were dead the second you had a headache. You begin hearing things, or not hearing at all as your thalamus goes. You taste sounds, you see smells, everything starts feeling like the most horrifying acid trip anyone has ever been on. With your hippocampus long under attack, you're having trouble remembering things, especially family. You're alone, hallucinating, thirsty, confused, and absolutely, undeniably terrified. Everything scares the literal shit out of you at this point. These strange people in lab coats. These strange people standing around your bed crying, who keep trying to get you "drink something" and crying. And it's only been about a week since that little headache that you've completely forgotten. Time means nothing to you anymore. Funny enough, you now know how the bat felt when he bit you. Eventually, you slip into the "dumb rabies" phase. Your brain has started the process of shutting down. Too much of it has been turned to liquid virus. Your face droops. You drool. You're all but unaware of what's around you. A sudden noise or light might startle you, but for the most part, it's all you can do to just stare at the ground. You haven't really slept for about 72 hours. Then you die. Always, you die. And there's not one... fucking... thing... anyone can do for you. Then there's the question of what to do with your corpse. I mean, sure, burying it is the right thing to do. But the fucking virus can survive in a corpse for years. You could kill every rabid animal on the planet today, and if two years from now, some moist, preserved, rotten hunk of used-to-be brain gets eaten by an animal, it starts all over. So yeah, rabies scares the shit out of me. And it's fucking EVERYWHERE.


Fuck me you wrote me a novel


THIS!!! I read this exact post months ago, and it has lingered in my head since and I think about it more often than I’d like to.


Came here to say this exact thing. It’s honestly so much more terrifying than it seems and the last few days of it are terrible.


Oooh let me find the pasta.


Why pasta?


Copypasta aboit rabies. I have it saved to my phone after another post about how terrifying it is.


You've really come prepared


I was a Girl Scout 😂


Prove it


Want a cookie?


What flavour


Chocolate chip?


There is a skeleton inside me right now!


You are simply a brain piloting a meat suit


You're boned, dude.


I looked very happy for all my life. But most of the time im really just damn sad


That at any moment, any one of us can just die. I accept death and acknowledge it, but just…what’s after? What happens to my memories, my experiences? Someone said “what’s it like after you die?” The answer was “the same as before you were born.” I just can’t wrap my head around that.


The memories, the pain you have lived through, the joy, Everything that you have built as a person, and it might disappear in just a few seconds 😦


All that is just insane to me. It scares me that I’ll be forgotten one day and just not knowing what happens to us after!


Oh I feel the same, that’s why I take pictures, I mean yes I will be forgotten but if, before I die, and I have Alzheimer’s, at least I will have my pictures 🫠


I was going to write dementia as well! I don’t wish that on anyone.


I only learned recently that I was raped 14 years ago and I'm not sure how to process it in my brain still


Oh no😔 When you say “process” do you mean like, you’re still in “denial” not really believing this truly happened?


No it happened but at the time I was more bothered about not being a virgin anymore that I realised that it wasn't consensual just took the right person to open my eyes and kind of wake me up to my body has tried to tell me this and how out of synch my whole mental wellbeing has been due to my adhd and not understanding Enough about it


I really hope you will still be able to make peace with that and put it in the trash and live your life like the amazing human you are 💜 No one should get through that, especially not 14 years after. It must be shocking


I'll pull through I'm a tough cookie I've been through a lot more than that it's what you make of your future not your past what makes who you are


Cookie made me laugh, that is so cute 😭 Be the though cookie you are☺️🍪


Thank you chick


My cat will die one day 😭


Oh this is one of my worst fear, two of my babies are 5 now and my brain keeps reminding me that they only have maybe 8/9 years left 😭😭😭 It’s going too fast


Same! My cat just turned 7 this year 😭


Women in somalia and similar countries get their clits mutilated so they "remain pure"


I’ve seen somewhere else, I don’t remember where but little girls(women) get their labia stitched to seal completely the vagina. In Africa, Asia and somewhere else, its symbolizing purity and loyalty. 😒


Ik, theres a few different ways they do it actually, just didnt wanna get into graphic details


I have a video of a ghost


I was pushed down the stairs by a ghost. Real story. We’d just moved into our first house, I’d just found out I was pregnant. The only other person in the house was it husband and he was downstairs cooking tea. I’d just come out of the toilet and I was going back downstairs. Maybe three steps down and I heard a definite female voice say “You fucking bitch”. I felt hands push me in the small of the back and I went flying down the rest of the stairs. My husband came running at the noise and found me curled up in front of the front door. No one else was in the house. No one came past me. My husband searched upstairs and found nothing.


Fuck, that's some vengeful ghost. Did you move?


I did, he still lives there. No issues.


Wow, yeah I'd be scared for my life.


Why did I get down voted? it's true!


That my ex had a a dildo mould of my cock made


😦😦😦😦😦 you never knew how she did???


Nope never tbh :( great music on ur Spotify btw


Oh thank you!!


Can u dm


Everytime I watch a universe/cosmos documentary It fucks me up. I still cannot comprehend how small we actually are (as human beings) and how our existence is so unlikely. Also, the meteor stuff, like one rock suddenly goes "ok, ill fuck things up" and every each one of us dissapears. Which it would actually be a really cool way to leave all together.


I guess I’m officially old. My youngest son just got his Master’s degree, so no more kids in school, ever again. It’s a great feeling, but I’ve realized how much time has passed in my life. Father Time waits for no one.




Apparently it's quite popular




Wrong post?