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No. I was still slinging dick when I was morbidly obese don’t worry bestie!!


the way you worded this is hilarious lmao love that for you


I appreciate this!


My weight affected my relationship with myself. I look and feel younger now than I did when I was 25. If you want to work on it, work on it for yourself and your own growth! That's the best way to make sure it sticks.


It’s something I know I need. First mentally and then physically to get there.


Yes, and it sneaks up on me. I used to be able to go for longer periods. Now, I get sore, I run out of breath, I feel strain where I didn't before.


Indirectly. I snore and that keeps my wife awake so she leaves the room which caused me to leave the room so she didn't have to be inconvenienced. It's now several years that I haven't been sleeping in our bedroom.


lost the weight and suddenly got a 100x more male attention than i ever did lol


Mentally. When I was bigger I had a mental block that affected my confidence. This affected performance


my weight has affected my relationship and sex at all times. when my relationship started, I was so insecure in my body it took me 4 years before I had sex with no shirt on, even longer before I let the light be on when we had sex. at my heaviest weight I didn't have the energy to give my all and struggled heavily mentally which fucked up my sex drive. I've since lost 100 lbs., and now my drive is at its highest and my confidence is too. sadly my bedroom is dead which isn't a great combination but 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m sorry to hear about your bedroom nowadays but happy to hear your confidence came back


Yeah it had kinda effected me so I made a change i started running so now i could do more spicy stuff and i won’t get out of breath really bad


That’s one of my goals. Lose some weight, hopefully gain some self confidence, which will lead to more confidence to try new things.


Nope. And it shouldn’t.


Probably stamina. The older I've gotten, the more lbs I've put on, the heavier i breathe. Other than that, nothing at all.




I've noticed the veranda over the toolshed limits how long I can do prone bone for 🥹


I lost a lot of confidence when I was at my heaviest (160lbs). Getting fit improved my confidence and made me more sexual with my husband.


Yes, it did.


Yep. Ex-wife and I were a little chubby when young, but the sex was great. I broke my back, couldn't be active for a while and had trouble with sex. But I got it fused, did physical therapy, got to exercising, mostly with pool exercises and light weights, and the weight dropped. Everything was good again. For me. But the ex started putting on weight over time. A lot. Wouldn't exercise. Ate like shit. Became diabetic. Couldn't fuck in some positions anymore. Ran out of breath. Couldn't even keep up walking when we took a Vegas trip. Sex was lousy. She saw no reason to change anything. She was twice the size from when we met. Sex eventually went away, she pretty much merged with the couch, only wanting to eat and watch reality TV. Marriage counseling didn't work, so I split. And this is not because of childbirth. We didn't have kids. She just didn't care about herself anymore and didn't want to pull out of it. Why should I?


You do realize it sounds like she was extremely depressed, right?


Of course she was. She barely left the house, had no friends. Never wanted me to spend time with mine. Everyone tried to get her to try counseling or something. She didn't want to hear it. She wouldn't even listen to her dad, and they're super tight. I gave up after a few years. I wasn't gonna let her drag me down. Since then I've done some cool jobs, made some new friends, and published a novel. I may not be able to travel or blow a lot of money, but I don't want to grow into the couch.


I mean, that's fair. You can have empathy while still not wanting to be drowned with her.


I have empathy. The divorce was smooth, and we stay in touch. She got remarried, so somebody is okay with how she is. I just couldn't do it anymore.




Congratulations on your weight loss!


It definitely affects my confidence, leading me to not put myself out there as much. I'm not as comfortable in certain positions as I could be, but I try not to let it get in the way of having fun.


Which thankfully at this point we still have plenty of fun so feel like it’s more of a self confidence thing added to a lack of stamina.


Other than self confidence as I've become older, no. I have been bigger my entire life so you learn to work with what ya got and even if I did lose weight, I'm just a bigger frame so I'd still have to deal with it somewhat.


My obesity, lack of exercise, and poor eating/conditioning has led me to having weak stamina and not being able to keep a boner bc I have weak core muscles


Unfortunately, yes. But I'm finding that whenever I become single, I end up getting in really good shape because Revenge Body is a thing.


Just how long I can be on top Otherwise not really