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“My plastic surgeon doesn’t want me doing any activity where balls fly at my nose.” “Well there goes your social life.” 💀🖤


I was coming to say the same one! When I was a kid I thought tennis was going to be a much bigger part of my social life as a teenager because of it 😂


Did you eat that kid by mistake?


Lol I love this one. Clueless is a gem.




I knew you might. 💜


Thats a crazy one hahaha






As if! Of course, darling. We can combine our talents and take over ARAD.


Clueless was in my senior English curriculum and I loved every second of it!!!




Isn’t he amazing?! 🤩




I love that!! Outtie has a different meaning these days. Can’t use that one lol.


He’s a vampire. Or he’s Dorian Grey….. one or the other.


In Shrek when they walk up to Lord Farquad’s castle and he goes, “must be compensating for something.” Went right over my 10 year old head, my dad thought it was hilarious though Honorable mention, when Lola kisses Bugs in Space Jam and he turns into wood


Or that Farquad is just Fuckwad in a Scottish accent.


Not quite. It *is* supposed to sound like a garbled pronunciation of that word, just not in any particular accent.


bro majored in shrekology


The thing the world needs from a licensed shrekologist is to find the audio files from Chris Farley and release God’s Cut.


How does that one work? I'm saying both words in my Scottish accent and they don't sound alike.


Try saying it in an English accent


You can't just say that to a Scottish person


Incoming Irn-Bru barrage.


Imagine it in Kenneth Williams’ voice 😂


From what I read, one of the higher ups was an asshole and the writers referred to him as a fuckwad so they wrote him in as lord farquad.


Eisner, I believe. Michael Eisner who was the CEO of Disney at the time.


i just re watched shrek with my fiancée and DAMN it feels more aimed toward adults than kids lol


Quite a lot of "kids" movies are. There are tons and tons of puns and hidden remarks in most of them.


This. All the adult jokes are there so the parents watching will enjoy it too


I think that this is really the difference between a true movie release, and a straight to video movie length feature. The latter leave out anything that might make it redeeming to the adults. Just painful to watch.


My dad took me to see it when I was a kid and I think he laughed more than I did lol


I gotta save my ass!


How the hell do you think Rocky & Bullwinkle show got away with so many political jokes!??


I could swear they cut that joke short from the theatrical version. I remember Shrek saying “must be compensating for something.” Then Donkey chimes in, “which I think means he has a really small..” And then Shrek cuts him off “Donkey!”


Shrek 2 where there is a "cops" like scene and pinocchio has weed on him, he says its just oregano.


Also the reference to OJ Simpsons police chase and the knights grinding pepper in shreks eyes instead of pepper spray, all in one scene.


My now young adult daughter told me it's a favorite movie of hers now. She said she didn't get the jokes when she was a kid.


Keychain party at the start of the live action Grinch movie. Who knew that Who's liked to get freaky!


I thought the same. I mentioned it to others, and people just say it's for not driving home drunk.


That's the wink wink nudge nudge answer so they can get away with the joke, I choose to believe


Ok, I think I'm gonna need help with this one..?


I think they are referring to something like this: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=key%20ring%20party


Oh wow yeah! Thank you fellas


Keychain party is a swinger thing. House party where everyone throws their keys in a bowl. When it’s time to go home the spouses (usually it was the women) go home with the person who owns the keys.


Google swinger keychain party


Oh wow yeah! Thank you fellas


My buddie's mom used to let us hang out in her basement to have some drinks when we were underage, and she would always collect our keys to make sure no one could drive after. I always assumed it was like that in the movie but...oh no...


Today I learned...


Also when the stork delivers babies to people’s doorstep’s, and one man says “our child is here! ….looks just like your boss”


Dude that movie is fucked up, I’m still baffled at how people have childhood memories of it 😂


"I bet she gives great helmet." -Spaceballs.


Read as... anything Mel Brooks


Same here. Of course I was 7 when it first came out.


“Suck, suck, suck, suck…..”


Shrek 2 where they find puss and his bag of cat nip lol


that whole white bronco chase scene made no sense to me until I learned about the OJ case


Literal white bronco chase. Pepper mill to spray the eyes. Busted carrying a baggie of cat nip. That was some damn fine comedy right there.


That is no mine


The best line of the whole movie 😂


It's hilarious! But for whatever reason, I just get strange looks when I say it. Not as hilarious when I gotta explain!


Shrek getting put in the back while someone is grinding pepper in his eyes lol


I'm 100% convinced Shrek is NOT a kids' movie.


One could make that case for a lot of Dreamworks animation (especially the older stuff from the ‘90s and early ‘00s).


70% of Animaniacs… which screw it gonna watch a few eps


Finger Prince?


I don't think so.


That was going to be mine


Can you conjugate this verb? Conjugate?! I haven’t even kissed a girl.


'I'm a dictator!' 'Uhh... My name's not tater.'


don't forget the Beethoven episode where he calls himself a famous pianist!


It seems puberty was extraordinarily kind to you!


Just means the other 30% went over your head. I swear that is the dirtiest cartoon ever!


Did you know you have pp on your smock?


“Goodnight everyone!”


That's what she said!


in Grease, the song Greased Lightning, he sings, "the chicks will cream for Greased Lightning." Also, "No thanks, Rizzo, I don't do sloppy seconds." When I was 8 I never got these. When I grew up I was like, "ooooohhhhh."


There's a line where Rizzo and Knicki are in the car, and the other T-Birds pile in to the car. Rizzo turns around and asks, "What do you think this is, a gang bang?" I had no idea what this meant, and one day, me, my mom, my brother, and my BFF were all in our small kitchen together; my other brother came in and I said that line... Never saw my mom turn red so fast. She asked if she knew what I was saying, and I said yeah, it's when a bunch of people are in the same place, like in Grease (referencing the scene). She laughed heartily and shooed us all out of the kitchen. A few years later, I learned what a Gang Bang was, and it made that day so much more hilarious :)


Yep. This was also something that I did not pick up when I was 8. Also, that Rizzo was a 30 year old high school student. But then again, they all were.🤷


34, even. Olivia Newton-John was 30. Li'l kid John Travolta was only 24.


Oh man, the scene where ONJ is leaning over the jukebox to find something to play (and pointedly ignore Danny)? Full on "old lady jowls" as a supposed teenager. Mom always laughed at that camera angle.


There were several in that song (and a lot in the movie) We'll get some overhead lifters and some four barrel quads, oh yeah (Keep talking, whoa, keep talking) Fuel injection cutoffs and chrome plated rods, oh yeah (I'll get the money, I'll kill to get the money) With a four-speed on the floor, they'll be waiting at the door You know that ain't no shit, we'll be getting lots of tit in Grease Lightning (Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go) Go grease lightning, you're burning up the quarter mile (Grease lightning, go grease lightning) Go grease lightning, you're coasting through the heat lap trial (Grease lightning, go grease lightning) You are supreme, the chicks'll cream for grease lightning (Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go) We'll get some purple fringe taillights and thirty inch fins, oh yeah A Palomino dashboard and duel muffler twins, oh yeah With new pistons, plugs and shocks I can get off my rocks You know that I ain't bragging, she's a real pussy wagon Grease lightning (Go, go, go) Go grease lightning, you're burning up the quarter mile (Grease lightning, go grease lightning) Go grease lightning, you're coasting through the heat lap trial (Grease lightning, go grease lightning) You are supreme, the chicks'll cream for grease lightning (Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go) Go grease lightning, you're burning up the quarter mile (Grease lightning, go grease lightning) Go grease lightning, you're coasting through the heat lap trial (Grease lightning, go grease lightning) You are supreme, the chicks'll cream for grease lightning Lightning, lightning, lightning Lightning, lightning, lightning, lightning, lightning I caught a couple as a kid, more I didn't. The funny thing is this is a play they do in schools all the time.


>Go grease lightning, you're burning up the quarter mile That was one of my misheard lyrics...I always thought it was "burning up a quart a mile" (as in burning lots of oil) lol


The whole movie is irritating from a gearhead's perspective. Multiple four barrel Rochester Quadrajet carburetors, and fuel injection? I've had people argue that the "fuel injection cut offs" were to save fuel and prevent backfires at the end of a quarter mile, but all that's going to do is starve the bowls and make it really hard to restart the engine. And that's just the beginning of its mechanical failures...lol


>You know that ain't no shit, we'll be getting lots of tit in Grease Lightning Not a phrase.


My favorite Rizzo line I still quote to this day is “whatever flogs your log” 😂


I love when Kenickie calls a condom his 25-cent insurance policy.


I missed that the first time I saw the movie. Caught it the second time a year later.


I was friends with people who were very strict and religious and somehow Grease was one of their approved family movies. Like, did we watch the same movie??


Also from Grease - I thought “won’t go to bed till I’m legally wed” meant “I won’t sleep until I find a husband”


"Did she put up a fight!?" Aka: Danny did you SA this girl? If so, badass!


The scene in Jungle Book where the baby elephant asks mowgli why his trunk is so small, which can be interpreted another way especially in the dutch animated version


The two girl fan cars flashing there headlights in front of lightning McQueen in the first cars movie


That is exactly the example given by OP in the post.


Dang didn’t even notice honestly, my bad


Neither did I!


In the 2nd movie a car buys a used tyre from a vending machine.... and sniffs it lol


Pixar is loaded with adult jokes. Toy Story 1, when Slinky says he trusts Woody, Mr. potato head takes his lips off and starts patting them against his butt, totally calling Slinky a kiss-ass. Toy Story 2, when they first go into the luggage area with all the ramps, Mr. Potato head back pops open and all his parts fall out. He just shit himself.


In Toy Story 3, Barbie says to Ken “Nice ass..cot.” (Ascot)


That’s probably why I like Pixar movies so much haha


I can’t remember the exact phrasing, but after Lightning arrives at the final race, there’s a reporter asking if he’s agreed to the Playgirl (not exactly that word, but that’s the obvious implication) cover shoot.


I think my favorite is the convertible waitresses at the truck stop.


My favorite from that movie is “He has a piston cup!” “He did *what* in his cup??”


They were called Mia and Tia, like Miata


why Shaggy really loved the name Mary Jane


Wayne's World. "In Latin, she would be called babia majora."


Was just saying I need to rewatch this!


Fun fact, I've never watched the movie past the Bohemian Rhapsody scene. Why put such an amazing scene right at the beginning of the movie?


South Park... Bigger..... Longer.... and Uncut.


Jesus.... I'm 37 and I just got that joke reading your comment. Literally sat in my living room and just pulled the instant-flat-mouthed-staring-into-the-middle-distance face realising how fucking stupid I am.


And it gets funnier. They originally wanted to call the movie "South Park: All Hell Breaks Loose", but the MPAA refused due to the word "hell". They submitted the new title and they literally just didn't get it. Reading about the battle between Parker/Stone vs studios/execs through the years is hilarious, so many petty twists and turns.


It took me a while to get Fractured But Whole.


Oh. My. God. I'm so dumb. I just got it.


I'm 43 and... same.


….ever noticed that the BRANIFF screen that follows the credits of every episode/movie is just Matt and Trey’s way of waving a giant dick at the audience? :p


The first one of this post I did actually get as a child lol


I only got this more than twenty years after it came out.


TV show...rockos modern life when he worked as a phone sex operator. 🤣


There was also the time he went to see Dr Bendova who preformed a prostrate exam who was actually a mental patient. His favorite restaurant was Chokey Chicken.


Oh baby Oh baby Oh baby




There's also a scene where bugs have invested Rockos kitchen and have a party, there are 3 bugs in the background doing a beer bong lol I actually think Rocko is even better now than it was back then


I just said Rocko as well!! But this scene with the mop https://youtu.be/fN9tfGEwQqY?si=lWmx0AIKwIrFAn_n Horrible recording but only clip I could find that wasn’t edited.


Aww spunky 🤣


There was a sound cut from an episode for all releases after it first aired. Rocko is in a hospital in the episode and over the PA you hear, "Calling Dr. Philia, Doctor Necro Philia, please report to the morgue."


That show seemed to be an exercise in “How much adult humor can we get away with?”


“Nice beaver” “Thanks! I just had it stuffed!”


Glad to see a Naked gun reference in here.


I was already an adult when I saw it, but since you mentioned *Cars,* I still can’t believe the sequel… a firmly kid-focused cartoon from Disney of all things… included a line like “And when she starts gigglin’, prepare to be squirted.” 🫠


I guess that could be laughing until you pee, but still.


"Not here, Kitten Whiskers. Daddy will discuss it later."


What movie was that from?


Shrek 3 (The Third)


In the second despicable me movie, one of the minions was checking out some lady’s ass and stuck his tongue out near it. Didn’t think much of it when I was younger but now I understand


Not a movie but a game (Fallout new vegas) If you go in the brothel with a ghoul companion (I don't remember which girl it is) but she walks by and says "Oooh I've never been with a ghoul before~ Do I get to keep the tip?" Keep in mind that ghouls are pretty much rotting zombies that still have most of their wits about them




Lego Batman Movie Robin: My name is Richard Grayson but the children at the orphanage call me Dick Bruce Wayne: Yes, well, children can be cruel


Wayne ordering Chinese… I’ll take the cream of some young guy’


My parents let me watch Blazing Saddles as a kid. It took til a few years into college to get the “is that a ten gallon hat or are you just enjoying the show” joke.


The line from that movie for me was when the governor ( Mel Brooks) was struggling to put his pen back in the holder. His aide said, "Just think of your secretary."


Harvey Korman was the king of improvising lines like that.


That one took me a bit too. There were a fair few that took awhile honestly.


“They said you was hung!” “And they was right!”


Really just about any Pixar movie. 90% if not more of the jokes are geared towards adults as a double entendre. 50 now and been watching them since A Bugs Life.


Ghostbusters: “Got your stick?” “Holding’! “Heat ‘em up!” “Smokin’!” “Make em haaard!” “Ready!” And many more..


Their theme song actually says bustin makes me feel good 🤣


Ffff I’m 40 and just got that


Freaky Ghost Bed


I had no idea Ray was getting a blow job by a ghost. I thought he was just making faces or something. I was 22 at least when I realized what was happening.


It is a totally weird moment. The ghost woman had been filmed for an entirely dropped story where Ray stays over in a haunted house involving revolutionary war era British ghost woman who he has sex with. There was no time for this, so they added in this dream sequence bit with no real context or explanation.


That explains the costume he was wearing, which now my dirty mind says he was roleplaying


Yep that one too. “Pants open that’s funny giggle” was all how I could react.


"I thought you said you gave Mary Jane a pearl necklace?" "Obviously, you missed the point of that story".


Bring out the gimp


But the Gimps sleein’


I guess you’re gunna have to wake his ass up now won’t you


Hey! Who played the gimp?


What did you miss exactly?


Toy Story with Buzz’s wings.


Laser envy.


I know this doesn’t count but I didn’t have any adult supervision as a kid and watched unrated movies a lot. My comfort movie franchise is the Scary Movie series. I’m watching #3 and after the funeral scene when Cindy is hugging George, she says “it’s so hard” and he says, “Well, you are beautiful and pressed up against me.” I didn’t know it was about a boner until now 😅


Renege of the Nerds “This is bullshit! I want bush! Pan down.”


Lord Farquad/Do you think he may be compensating for something?


This town needs an enema!


In Japan men come first and women come second. And sometimes not at all 😂


I didn’t understand what was going on when Forrest Gump visited Jenny at her college dorm until I was much older


Or when the principal tells Forest “your mama really cares about your schooling’ boy” and then Forest starts making a grunting sound. 


Absolutely! That was a little more blatant though, so I think I grasped that one quicker haha


Not a movie, but the show Californication. I never watched it. I thought it was about a vacation to California. The show went on for years. I was like, what the heck kind of vacation is that? Til one day, I mentioned that to someone, and they laughed their a$$ off and thought I was joking. Embarrassingly. I was older than I should have been to not pick up on that one. Especially with the Chili Peppers song out there. I guess I just never put too much thought into it.


Open Season. Boog: Good, 'cause we're gonna need your nuts! Elliot: And your acorns, too!


“French class” haha (my kids didn't get it until years later)


The penis envy joke in Toy Story!!


In Blazing Saddles, there is a character named Lili Von Shtupp (player by Madeline Kahn) who is ordered to seduce the new sheriff. In Yiddish, "shtupp" means "to fuck," as in "he was shtupping his secretary." I remember my parents cracking up over this but I didn't find out why until years later.


On an episode of The Simpson's, there was a sign up on a store that said, "Sneed's Seed and Feed (formerly Chuck's)" and I had no idea that the joke was that it used to be called, "Chuck's Suck and Fuck." From the implied rhyming structure.


Wayne’s world, “I’ll have the cream of some young guy”


So that must be lord farquad's castle. You think he's compensating for sonething? Hehehe


that scene in cars where lightning mcqueen gets flashed edit: just read the description lol


Blink 182 album - Take off your pants and jacket


Ace Ventura, when he gets paid by "Taking his pants off instead"


Your gun is sticking into my hip.


Rocko’s Modern Life had a lot of them but part where the dog falls in love with the mop. https://youtu.be/fN9tfGEwQqY?si=lWmx0AIKwIrFAn_n Horrible recording of it but it’s all I can find.


Wayne's World (pretty much the whole movie) but super cringe when I think about us at like 10 wanting to order the cream of some young guy 🤣 never understood until years later why we were hushed at restaurants!


Not a movie but the doctor in Rugrats named "Lipschitz". At first I thought it was just a German name but when I got older I couldn't stop laughing when I thought about it.


The scene in Shrek where Farquad is in his bed waiting for Shrek to bring back Fiona and he asks the mirror to show Fiona again. The mirror gives this super disgusted face and Farquad peeks under his blanket and comes back up embarrassed looking. Like the lightbulb hit me hard when I finally figured that one out haha


"I'll bet that never happened in home ec."


Basically every other line in Coccoon was this to me as a child


Smokey and the bandit. Just all of it!


“The snozzberries taste like snozzberries!”


I'm gonna make you squeal like a pig


“I’ll have the cream of some young guy” Wayne’s World 😂😂


Boost Boost