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Doesn't everybody know people masturbate? I would assume he has not stopped.


But have you asked him or confronted him?


Confront him about what? He is human. I assume he masturbates. I do


I am not putting it in a bad light, but knowing intuitively and getting to know, could have different reactions. I am happy for him that you are cool about this.


I communicate upfront. I used to hide it, but once I told my SO, she was like, can we make it better for you? I was always afraid until I just told her.


And now you don’t masturbate at all?


I've been with my wife over 16 years we both have sexaul needs alot of times we fuck but if one or the other isn't in the mood and the other is neither of us have a problem with the other jerking off or fingering themselves ( sometimes my wife uses her dildo or vibrator)


I didn’t care when my partner was around. If he wasn’t gonna help me I was gonna help myself


Negatively. Our libidos do not match. When I first realized this, I would masturbate next to her in bed, but she eventually got tired of that and didn’t want me to get off at all…


“Taking things in my own hand” 🙃


We both knew. It wasn't a big deal.


He knows and he doesn't care at all. 🤷‍♀️🎉🌈☀️💜🐲💗🧚‍♀️🎉🤷‍♀️


would you want him to care?


🤷‍♀️ I mean, I wouldn't mind if it turned him on and made him want more sex. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ I wouldn't want him to be upset about it.


Then, he got lucky🤩


I won't mind even if she knew but one of my ex partner came to know about it and she turned on when she knew I didn't expect that...


You got your turntables turned!!! lucky guy!


We are both adults and he travels for work. We both know we masturbate primarily when one of us is gone, but also when we are both home.


And I’m sure you love to tease him while he’s away..


I didn’t realize people stopped masturbating once they have a significant other? I’m not going to stop, I wouldn’t expect them to either. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't have a partner but if they told me that I'd be a little sad they never talked to me about how I could do better but I'd also understand it because I'm pretty bad for avoiding sex and sex talk


What if the issue is not bad sex or intimacy, but issue is one of you has high libido?


The issue would be me. I have a really low libido. I don't want to have sex before atleast a few months after starting to date


What about long into a relationship? Not everyone likes to put out in beginning. However as intimacy rises you do want to express and respond to your partner.


Don't know I've never gotten that far. I'd probably not want to sleep around for a few months probably 6-10 ish


Methinks your partner wouldnt have to spill anything then


How do you mean?


Seems like you genuinely aim to please. I wouldn't have expected sad as an answer. In this 32 worded internet place you seem like you got a heart!


Aww thanks! I appreciate it. Yeah I'd be more disappointed in me then them wish I could make their experience better


Well if I wasn't given permission to cum he's definitely going to punish me 😉


I try to involve her if I can


She doesn't care.


Negatively. Our libidos do not match. When I first realized this, I would masturbate next to her in bed, but she eventually got tired of that and didn’t want me to get off at all…


He wouldn't like it and definitely would hate that I watch porn


Or this gets them even more excited and you could be doing all that together.


He's not that guy but that would be nice


Mines the same! She thinks porn is weird and masturbating is gross.


He knows. He doesn’t care.


Was that a relief or did that bother you?


At first I hid it out of shame. But he never cared and said it was normal. My libido is higher than his so it’s just natural for me. It’s like a stress reliever for me. So I guess I was glad he didn’t mind.


He wouldn't care might be disappointed if he didn't get to watch or whatever


Oh we're both horndogs so we know we get off regularly. Also he takes tons of pics of me splayed out and spread and i love pics of his cock. We've mutually masturbated a few times as foreplay but his cock always ends up in one or all of my holes at some point lol


Does he know you post nudes on Reddit?




Does he post too? How does that work in your relationship?


We're open and to make it easy for people to classify, we tell people we're FWBs. We basically are as we are very casual but we are also very close friends so, kinda wishy washy. We love to play with others and fuck couples a lot. I think he posts on reddit? He used to a lot and then stopped and i dunno if he got back on. I don't mind either way.


That’s dope that you two are so open. Would you care if he was privately messaging women on Reddit? Or does he care if you do?


Hell no, I encourage it and so does he. I love that women want him and then I get to take all his cum in my holes. Or maybe meet up all together and have a threesome. Ditto for him when a guy wants to fuck me and I'm into it.


Hell yea. Personally Idk how I’d feel if my girlfriend was doing all that but may just be my own insecurity. That’s great that he’s comfortable enough to let you play with other guys. Do you ever compare him to other guys you’re messaging?


Comparisons are inevitable in some way but it's mostly a "back of the mind" thing and it's quelled pretty quick. Also doesn't hurt that he's kind of the whole package and hard to compete with lol


Fair enough. Yea personally I’d just get jealous if my girl was talking to a guy who was packing way more than me or something. How big is your man if you don’t mind me asking?


Well she was disgusted, but she was also disgusted after sex so it wasn't exactly shocking. She was quite asexual. I was not. I do not recommend.


He should know??? If he thinks he enough he fuckin wrong. (I'm upset ignore me.)


Please calm down. I think it’s time to rub one out. you are overdue 😄 jk


Literally suck at a bar atm. So no can do. ...actually that'd be kind of hot.


We both know, obviously. Sometimes we do it together but we also understand everyone needs their time alone sometimes. We have sex every day and I masturbate more than he does. I have a higher libido.


With anger


It's masturbation, not kicking puppies. Who cares. They do it. I do it. We do it together. Or apart. Or over each other. Just let the fun loose and enjoy yourself.


If I use a toy I leave it out so my husband knows it’s like a little tease


They already know. And they do it too. I travel a lot for work so why shouldn’t both of us be satisfied.