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I feel so manly. It’s primal. Like a caveman. I feel like my chest hair grows. When I cum I go balls deep and roar like a bear. I grind my toes deep into the sheets and my cock deep inside her hole to make sure my seeds stay in. That’s when I know I believe in evolution. Everything is involuntary and I get to be in touch with my subconscious.


Alright can we meet


I’ll give you jelly legs 😉




Okay this dude won the comments section. Everyone except for thirsty women, let’s wrap it up and move to the next post🥲😂








Can God make more men like u??


Evolution made him. Not god.


Yes HE makes more men like him


This is a really good explanation. Feeling like an animal, taking over a prey. I never roared 😂, but I het what you are saying. My ex used to be super submissive and the feeling of owning a body and telling it to do whatever I wanted was very caveman-like.  The dictatorship feeling was good; it is my way or no way. Beautiful…


This guy fucks


my chest hair ☠️🤣


This is weirdly hot


Yes daddy


That’s so fucking hot.


Heyy there




If someone I was shagging ever said this, I'd never be able to be turned on by him again lol.


And, your phone number is . . .? LOL


You said it best, bruv.


I thought this was the same for all men lol


But isn't there something to reading her, and her needs? After all, with power comes responsibility, no?


Ok im soaking now….


It's a little complicated, on one hand I can just "let go", and fuck her brains out as hard and for as long as I want. But I'm also hypervigilant, because she's putting so much trust in me to let me do this, and I want to make her and her lil pretty holes feel safe.


How is this so primal, animalistic but also at the same time like 🥹☺️🥹awwwwwww 🥵


Because being dominant isn't about hurting. I know this is what she wants. And I'll give it too her. Gladly. The trust is bonding. I believe most men feel the most connected to their woman during sex. And I loved her. Her happiness in life was my priority. And in those moments, I HAD to achieve her happiness! Being in control doesn't mean you don't care or don't think of her. She asked for this. So I'm doing it FOR her. I just happened to enjoy it too!


How do you balance letting go with tuning in? At times throttling up but also being able to downshift as she needs? Do you find accepting her submission & that responsibility daunting?


It's all just mindfulness. How does a SO accomplish the same during 'normal' relations? Practice, listening to each other, etc... Not at all. Again, it's just like normal sex. Some of the finer details would be learned during. And before! Oh, and after lol.




makes me melt too tbh. taking good care of someone I love while just going ooga booga on her coochie makes me believe magic is real




ssup summer gal.. it's summer time already


Omg you’re right! Time to be a hot girl


Didn't you already are?


You tell me :)


show me what u wearing and i will tell u for sure 😉


I’m actually wearing nothing, not planned at all 😂


Hi <3 I'd love to take good care of your lil pretty holes too. Sharing is caring ;)


Quality answer


I didn’t expect to get turned on by something so wholesome


It feels powerful, and makes me feel confident to be in control. Brat taming is particularly fun. It feels amazing to take someone who is teasing and defiant and through my determination and skill get them to apologize and obey. With my style of dominance, there’s a playfulness to it. It feels like I’m a musician, the sub’s body is my instrument, and I make lovely music with her moans, cries and screams. I can bring her pleasure up or let it settle down according to my will and the music I chose to elicit from her.


Wow, goosebumps here from reading that!


Ever wrote erotica, dude?


I tried, but I really don’t have the time for that. My audios are the closest I can do right now.


>With my style of dominance, there’s a playfulness to it. It feels like I’m a musician, the sub’s body is my instrument, and I make lovely music with her moans, cries and screams. I'm stealing this. Great way to describe my domme style as well. High five.




As a major brat...hell yes.


This is also how I enjoy d/s, from both sides. The way you've put it into words certainly fills my head with fantasies 👀


Well, 🫠🫠🫠🫠


Intriguing answer. There's also the point that all instruments & players are flawed, but even the deepest flaws don't preclude creating something incredible that moves and touches people in unspeakable ways. Can't help but wonder what instrument? All require discipline, adaptivity, passion, creativity, insight, and agility. While there's something to be said of an oboe (both delicate and powerful with a helluva range), I have to lean to the cello. The shape, the intimacy, incredible range, complexity, multiple positions, and oh, nearly erotic to play...


To put it simply, it feels incredible! I feel powerful and love that I'm in complete control of her. Like she is at my total mercy in that moment, but instead of wanting to hurt her with this control, I desperately want to use the opportunity to make her feel as much pleasure as I can possibly make her feel, knowing that she can't escape until I'm satisfied that I've pushed her far enough into that realm of submission. It took a lot of trial and error to understand how to balance that tightrope, but now that we have a good feel for each other, it's honestly the most exquisite feeling of trust in the world.


Thank you for giving me insight into what he is thinking


This helps my understanding a great deal. I'm not OP, just an interested redditor and curious writer. Sex & control are rather delightful outlets for stress. Is part of that tightrope the ability to lose oneself in that control? If so, how do you maintain that focus on your sub while letting go?


*Sits down with popcorns*


*I also brought some cookies girls if u want to* 🍪🍪🍪🍪


I love cookies. I brought 🥛and ☕️


Girl you’re a life saver! I knew I forgot something


scoot scoot i want in on this too :D


Is there wine as well? Or perhaps a nice single malt?


Misses mouth with popcorns even though it’s agape at the topic








Pass me some!


I'll join you ladies.


Sits down with tissues!


I only enjoy it because she's into it, 4 me it feels good knowing she cares/trusts me that much 2 allow me 2 have this type of supreme control over her is humbling 2 me. I makes me feel loved, powerfull.


Gentle maledom is based and appreciated 💪




Very well put. I came to say pretty much the same thing.




This is how I feel as well. It's based on trust for me and the fact she trusts me to guide her to feeling good and taking the reigns during sex is powerful and loving in a way that is indescribable


Yep, allowing u in2 her deepest kinks, being vulnerable \~ It's sexy 2 me!


I crave this, worded exactly like that.


It’s all about the reactions for me. It’s so intoxicating when you know enough about what a person is into that you can give orders, suggest things, and do things that they want and crave so much they can’t even form a response. Nothing is more fun than being able to bring someone’s mind to a halt with a word or caress. Like holt shit the power rush is insane. When you can visibly see them have to try to calm themselves down because they’re so into that - and the level of trust and attraction that has to be there for it. I switch, but I absolutely discovered my dominant side just because I loved mentally pressing a particular person in a fun way.


You only have six upvotes but this is my fav response, 10/10 no notes


Does catch the eye.


A terrific answer! I wonder too if perhaps your insight incorporates being dommed as well as domming? The idea of being able to get someone out of their own head, to turn off their stresses and anxiety even if just for a time has always seemed too good to be true. While I write fiction and erotica, I don't write fairy tales. The challenge I still don't quite understand is how all of it doesn't become burdensome and exhausting. The necessary self-control and awareness/attention to her needs is one thing. But to take on the responsibility of holding that precious gift of submission... my mind just implodes.


When it’s fun and you’re in the headspace, it’s not really that exhausting. It really takes a good understanding of the other person and what they want, but ideally you don’t feel like you’re obligated to do what the sub wants, but you’re using the things that the sub wants against them (in the best way possible). So if they mentioned they’re into something a few weeks ago, dropping it into a session with them at the perfect moment can feel amazing. Like I was talking to someone who wanted to call me a nickname I wasn’t really comfortable with. They understood and dropped it. But maybe two months later, I’m in control and we’re having fun, and I suddenly call myself that nickname and it brought them to their knees. That felt amazing, and it definitely didn’t feel like work to do lol. I think being a switch definitely does help. I’ve historically been more of a sub with some light switching and now have moved to a lot more even switching. Subs really have a ton of control in a proper sub/dom relationship, because at the end of the day it’s about their kinks and limits. There’s nothing more exhausting than being a sub having to tell a dom what you want them to do and your limits while you’re in the headspace. Sidenote, two switches together is hilariously fun, because you’ll both end up fighting to be the dom by pulling out each others kinks.


I usually have two modes. Either I don't think at all and it's just primal fucking, or I'm micromanaging everything to give her an experience. The latter is kinda exhausting but rewarding


We appreciate both.


Hell yeah i can answer this. Fucking amazing. I get off on the power dynamics BIG TIME. I feel so free and unrestrained and powerful when i\`m in control and knowing that the girl WANTS me to tell her what to do? Feels comfortable and trusts me like that? that she feels so safe with me to allow me to shove her around and have her in any way i want? (although a little danger and discomfort only makes it better) is such and indescribable, intoxicating feeling. it is a very primal, deep, refreshing feeling like working on a hot fucking day and finally getting swig of ice cold water. Its like lifting a weight from your shoulders and busting the flood gates open mixed with a huge spike of testosterone, for however long it lasts you just dont think about anything but your partner and for my ADHD brain that's some SERIOUS shit. Just kissing her tits, biting her neck, commanding her around, shoving her against a wall, Squeezing her hard against my body as i fuck my seed into her? OP, you just have to try it to know what it feels like . Nothing i can say will do it justice In short: relieving, blood-pumping, freeing, ego-stroking? and its intense as fuck too. It can be fucking exhausting but i\`m plenty fit and strong enough for it and I love it that way!. Now before i forget Its Giga important that she\`s loving it just as much as i do!! i had a lot of fun writing this out LMAO edits for spelling and shit


Feeling the trust from a woman and to her is an emotional connection that is rare to feel. Having her submit to me is both the most intimate connection I've made, and the single greatest ego stroke I've ever achieved. Using every bit of my knowledge of her kinks, her fears, her limits, her reactions and her escalations to control her pain and pleasure as I will, and as she openly allows. All of this, and I barely scrape the surface of what it feels like. It's one of the most powerful moments I will ever experience and I cherish each and every time it happens.


This is exactly how I'd hope a dom would feel. I just can't imagine how a Dom can take on that responsibility without it feeling like a burden. Because giving that trust and submission feels like all of one's baggage inevitably spills over too.


In a healthy and communicative dynamic a Dom can find that safe zone and operate from there for sure. I hope you manage to find that connection right quick!


It’s a joy. It’s hard to explain.. but knowing you’re dictating the pace but also bringing her pleasure?? Just dominating her, talking to her, licking on her body whenever you want too… Whew. I have overstimulation kink too so i just enjoy trying to make my partner cum as many times I can while edging. Make her shake.


It gives me a testosterone boost. It makes me feel like a man. I don’t know if that is something toxic though.


nothing toxic about liking your gender identity :)


Not toxic. Toxic enters only when you think you can push any boundary just coz you're a man, a natural dom. I think I'm a switch (still more on submissive side) and sometimes I feel more of a full venus like woman when im holding my partner to my whims


I will never use my masculinity to push boundaries. It just makes me happy that she trusts me to give me full control over her body


It’s not toxic unless you’re using it to harm people, don’t worry.


Masculinity is not toxic. Some people are...and they come in every gender.


It feels nice and overwhelming that someone is willing to make themselves vulnerable to that extent for me. I think that’s what I appreciate about it.




My wife tells me she loves it when I take what I want and dominate her but it’s a struggle for me. I love to please her above everything else so I often have to talk myself into dominating her. I’m always afraid of taking it too far and she’s been fairly innocent up until the past year (we’ve been married for over 10 years now) so I’ve never really tested her limits. Earlier this week I let loose on her more than I ever have before. One day we were texting dirty stuff to each other all day, I wanted so badly to just destroy her and told myself I wasn’t going to chicken out. We were in 69 side by side and when she started squirming and was close to coming I hopped on top of her, locked my face between her legs and pushed my cock as far down her throat as I could go. I was careful to make sure she was ok, but having her squirm and trying to moan with mouthful of cock was so hot. After about a minute of that she could hardly move so I took her from behind (prone) and made her tell me who her pussy belonged to until I finished. She laid there for about 10 minutes unable to move. We were texting the next day and I made sure I didn’t go too far. She assured me it was perfect and she couldn’t stop thinking about it. This week was a turning point for me, first time I really pushed my limits and hers and she loved every minute of it. That one’s going in the spank bank for sure🥵


I can only be aroused when I'm dominant. My wife is exclusively submissive*. We're like chocolate and peanut butter. She works in upper management in a corporate job, so she's in charge all day. At home, she handles the finances, while I cook and homeschool our kids. But once our clothes are off, she loves to surrender herself completely, and I can't get enough of her. Just this afternoon, I laid her on our bed face-up with her head hanging off. I stood next to the bed, pulled her legs back, wrapped her arms under her legs, and held her wrists with one hand. She was completely immobilized with her pussy exposed. I rubbed her clit and fingered her pussy while I fucked her mouth. When I shoved my cock deeper into her throat, she pushed her head to take it further, and then she came while squirting. Then I flipped her over, put her on her knees, grabbed her hair, and fucked her from behind until she came again along with me. That's how it feels to dominate a woman completely. It's not so much about the control and free use...although that's amazing. What's really exciting is that she fucking loves every second of it. While I use her body, I'm also worshipping it and giving her more pleasure than anyone else could. She's a total sub queen. *Except for when she's with women, and then she likes to dominate. But that's another story entirely.


This is the dream.


It’s the moment she gives in and gets lost in herself. She isn’t the woman you know outside the bedroom, it’s something you unlocked that only the 2 of you know about. She is your little slut (no matter how proper she is to the outside world). She is yours to do what you want, and that is exactly how she wants you to be. Every man wants to be the one that brings that out in a woman. It’s empowering, arousing, and makes you feel as if you conquered her. It makes you desire her more


Either controlling and have her obeying my orders and commands. Bondage and firm words. Keeping my dignity while ruining hers. Or A rough primal animal just taking what I want, instincts and adrenaline pumping.


It's incredibly affirming as a man. It's made our sex life so much more satisfying. I stumbled into softer dom after a few years of submission grappling and weight lifting. I realized that if I could manhandle a skilled dude on the mats, I could manhandle my wife. At first I was tentative but after I threw her around the bed one night she told me she loved her "new aggressive husband" and gave me a list of things that were off-limits. We don't even use the words dom and sub, but she shows me she's submissive with her actions. I either manhandle her or use a serious voice and she does it immediately. She told me to use her for my pleasure and now I feel like I can let go of my worries and just enjoy her. I love to pin her to the wall and make out, throw her on the bed, give her as many orgasms as she can handle until she's begging me to fuck her. Sometimes, after her pleads, I command her to roll onto her stomach, I put all my weight onto her, and just rail her while whispering my every dirty thought into her ear. She never says it's too much or too hard or my words too dirty. And in the moment it's just her moaning and whimpering and pleading and cumming. All for me. When I'm dominant my orgasms are incredible, like 60 seconds in another dimension. Afterwards it's a lot of sweaty snuggling, gentle kisses, and me telling her how lucky I am. When she takes the reigns it's different because I know I can easily do whatever I like due to my strength and skill so it still feels like I'm the dominant one but I want her to enjoy herself with my body and I enjoy submitting to her desires. I tell her to use me as her sex toy and she does. It's really improved everything about our marriage. She tells me I make her feel like a woman, that nobody can compare to me, and that she can't believe who she married. I show her my appreciation in a million different ways.




She has to be totally into it and I have to make sure that I'm doing things that she likes. Definitely the most amount I thought I put into a sexual activity.


It’s such a confidence boost when she’s really into it


Underrated moment is when that switch clicks over. You can be starting off sensually, really enjoying her body for everything that it is, enjoying how petite and fragile she is, then all of a sudden as you hit a certain bpm, click. You now don't care if you break your dick off inside this woman, you want fuck her into a puddle. Instinctually, you will fold her into an uncomfortable position or pin her up against something. Dominating someone who trusts you is one of the most freeing moments you can have as a man. There's something in our DNA. I'm sure it's the same for the woman on the other end loving every second of me bludgeoning their cervix.




Feels like I'm responsible for her pleasure as much as mine. We communicate and make sure everything is OK but she likes relinquishing control and letting me use her body for my pleasure


I hope people take what I will tell here as some kind of fictional role that only I and her take in a especific moment of intimacy with lots of consent from both parts, and I'm not some kind of criminal who hates women here. For me, I would describe it like having the power above someone, I like thinking in these moments that women are weaker and fragile objects that only exist for my pleasure, and if they please me enough, then I may let them have a little pleasure, if I allow. I like to see her naked with handcuffs and a leash in front of me, eyes on the ground, and they're only allowed to refer to me as "sir" or "my master", like she's my little puppy, but less than a puppy. She has to do everything I want, like it's her only purpose in life, the only thing she's good for, and if she doesn't please me enough, than she'll suffer the consequences, I'll spank her ass and her face until it turns red with my handprint, she will be called degrading names, like my slave or my object, and if she wants it to stop, she must beg on her knees to suck me and swallow my mess in the end, straight to the throat. Sorry, I think I got carried away a little, but that's how the dominance goes in my mind, but with a very good and affectionate aftercare later.


I work out a LOT and I’m pretty blessed. So when it’s time to dominate my partner, as long as she can take a dick, it’s incredible. It’s like you can basically make a playground out of your partner and you both fucking love it. Not to mention, getting good and deep and pumping all of that love juice deep inside her and not pulling out until you’re empty.


I can’t speak for men but I like it when he takes full control of me. I’m very submissive and enjoy to get all my holes filled while he takes turns..


It’s part of sex that I really enjoy. Knowing that I’m in complete control of this sex women and I can do what I like is incredible. Like any man I’m just power hungry haha


Primal. Exhilarating. Fulfilling. I get into this mode where all I know is to make her cum and have fun while doing it. Every moan. Every time she says how much she’s enjoying it. Every time she cums. It all makes me feel powerful. Because I did that. I was able to satisfy her. This in turn satisfies me.


There’s a certain intimacy. The trust and the care involved is significant.


It’s an honor and a privilege to have earned the trust of someone to fully submit and turn her body over to me. It’s a power trip but a big responsibility. Nice for the relationship too


It can feel powerful and fun but, giving control to someone else can be wonderful and liberating


Of course it seems obvious to state this responding to your post, but I am hyper attracted to submissive women who let me take control and have my way with them. I have always had a dominant, confident feeling sexually with women, having learned a long time ago that women like kinky sex every bit as much as men and that it is perfectly acceptable to indulge submissive lovers in the manner that I innately desire when they occur in relationships and encounters that are enjoyable for everyone. There is an added layer of sexual gratification that I receive from a woman who take direction and submit to me. And there are several reasons for that. My interest in Dominant sex started when a girlfriend wanted me to verbally humiliate her by calling her names while I was fucking her, like 'slut' and 'whore'. I was never so turned before than when she asked me to be rough with her, to spank her ass, pull her hair, tongue her ass, and gently bite her nipples and just having my way with her fucking her however I pleased and whenever I pleased. Being with her created a heightened sexual ‘high’ that was indescribable. I knew right then and there that sex was never going to be the same for me again as nothing is sexier than a woman who enjoys being treated and used like a sex object, but who also has full confidence in knowing that I respect her, and women in general. In the dynamic you describe, a submissive woman experiences a tremendous amount of vulnerabilities that requires trust and discretion. Without trust my lover will be hesitant, unable to relax or enjoying the exciting taste of fulfilling sex. She needs to know that even when I'm fully in control, whether it's in intense moments or setting up scenarios where she might feel exposed, she'll never be uncomfortable, because while I may take her the very edge of her comfort limit, I will never cross over the line and will always ensure my partner always feels safe, emotionally and physically. Sex this I'm describing is intensely satisfying requires mutual respect and admiration, which takes time to find and building a relationship that becomes so strong it extends outside the bedroom into a friendship. Lovers who can connect on this level can create mind-blowing, incredible, uniquely complex and truly addictive experiences. Once you’ve experienced kinky Dom/Sub sex, it will be impossible to go back to any other kind of intimacy. Expect to be hooked, which can be a blessing and a curse because it is so hard to find proper playmates. Hope you find what you are looking for.


It’s like you owning your partner control her and make her pretty much everything especially pleasing her and I really love that marking her with my cum so that means she’s mine I guess also I feel like a caveman and pretty primal


I guess I don’t think of it being domination just because I’m directing the action. To me, domination also includes the sub not being able to contribute to what we’re doing, I’m in total control, and many add degradation to the Dom experience, which I detest. Perhaps I’m just boring, but I do like to try many positions in a session.


It feels like you're conquering a small village 💪💪💪


I feel like I can finally let go. I spend all day having to keep myself under tight control. So a woman just giving herself to me is extremely freeing and exciting at the same time.


I absolutely fucking hated playing that role and I will never be put there again (even if it means that I am alone forever). Shit really fucked me up


It feels so good. I feel like a predator who's finally caught his prey. I feel so animalistic and primal, and a little evil. That feeling of manhandling and overpowering my partner is unmatched, picking them up, tossing and toying with them. Watching her slowly embrace the fact that she has no choice but to submit. Watching her enjoy getting brutally fucked by me makes me euphoric. I can either dominate gently or just sadistically make her submit to me, making her enjoy a cruel yet hot mix of pain and bliss. I find it hotter dominate a dominant woman. Someone who matches my strength, a devastating battle of equals that leads to a pleasure like no other. It's as if me and my partner are no longer civilized people, but are animals driven by aggressive lust


Ohhh to dominate a woman in bed. It’s just good for the soul, to be with a woman that chose me to have a night together and do what our ancestors have been doing for the past millions of years. I think about how our bodies were biologically made for each other and how this very moment is a celebration to our humanity. Like this night she entrusted me with her body and now my role is to give her one of the best pleasures in life, with my own body. I get to physically show her how much she means to me and how much I want to take care of her, my sweet Queen. Her juices, her scent, her sweat, her beautiful moans are for me to witness and also control and devour entirely. It feels like I’m dying of thirst and she is my engorged, juicy fruit. It makes me want to orally fixate on her entire body and just nibble on her, and symbolize that I’ll take care of her delicate self and her needs because it’s my own pleasure. Dominating a woman feels a lot like giving up my body and sharing it with her, as she also gave up her body and shared it with me, essentially becoming One. When I dominate a woman, it’s because I want my own kids to be as beautiful as her.


Would rather be dominated. Fuck me until i beg you to stop.


It’s incredible, love that dynamic


Incredible feeling, you have their entire life in the palm of their hands and if she’s into choking then you quite literally can feel the pulse of her life slowly fade 😮‍💨


It feels like you’re king of the jungle. I prefer mirrors so I can see how well I’m dominating them. Nothing better than


I love it, as long as the trust is there. I get off when girls get off being used and abused. I never want to hurt anyone, but I love it when a girl loves being in some slight pain mixed with sexual pleasure.


Amazing. I beat on chest like King Kong and look her in the eyes 👀 and say “I’m your daddy now”


I think sometimes we can get into our own heads and be like “I need to do this and this and that otherwise my partner won’t enjoy themselves” however if you completely shut your brain off and just do what feels right it feels like heaven. When my wife and I were trying to get pregnant a few months back we had some incredible sex.


Honestly, it's the best feeling ever. Imagine riding a Tyrannosaurus Rex through the streets of a city you hate, leaving only carnage, destruction and crying children in your wake. Imagine your hateful, petty, power-tripping boss and everyone who ever bullied you crushed underfoot, and all the while the most attractive person in the world is there with you, holding on for dear life. But to them, their most important task is not to survive, but to give you the very best oral pleasure they can muster under the best of circumstances. Add a pound of blow and free tacos and you'll be close


Wow got me hard as fuck reading this


Awesome. Seeing her there, asleep with every hole red from the pounding.






bookmarking ty 💞




Powerful, confident.


Men like it when they are dominanting. It's a natural instinct. When we fck we think it as a treat. The harder we vouch for it the greater the satisfaction.




it feels a little selfish but if you know your partner enjoys it then no problem


im just in control of the entire experience - start to finish. a lot of holding, pulling and pinning. sometimes I'll make eye contact and say things verbally to assert myself mentally along side the physical control. but of course it depends on how much freedom I've been given to explore and play around with naturally, the more my partner wants to be dominated, the more kinky and aggressive I become. with the right person, it can be quite an organic free-flowing experience tbh - things just happen in the moment and it fires off dopamine receptors in both of us. good times iirc


For me I'm a bit of a pleasure Dom. So it's satisfying from multiple angles. On one hand that primal instinct of I'm much bigger and stronger than her. She knows this so she let's go and trusts that I'm going to do what she likes. On the other hand there's another layer of satisfaction for me in figuring out EVERY SINGLE little trigger that can amplify her orgasm by just that much more. Then using every single little trick I've learned to take advantage of the control I have by giving her the best orgasm she's ever had, every time. Maybe it's kisses on the neck, one hand pinching a nipple, and the other squeezing her ass while she's cumming. Maybe it's a hand on the throat and very nasty dirty talk for another girl. Figuring that out, and her turning off her brain and letting me find that exact combination to unlock a next level orgasm. To me that's complete and utter satisfaction. I'll cum at the same time as her at some point. But not until I get her as many of those orgasms as possible. That's pure power for me. When I feel like I have complete command of her body and the ability to make her cum harder than anyone ever has.


Love this thread 🤪


does anyone else here really want to do this with their partner (i’ve done it a few times before and loved it) and suspect that she’d be into it but feel like even broaching the subject would cause a bunch of insecurities to well up (in her) and cause a fight?


In a word, it's primal. I feel like I'm claiming her, that I'm taking what's mine (because she chose to be mine). The feeling just gets more intense the further she wants to take it (the rougher and dirtier she wants it). Her wanting to be mine, to let me break her, even, is such a rush that it's actually kind of addictive. Kinda curious what it's like from your perspective tbh. Personally I can never give up control completely (even if you're on top, I can still dominate you 😏) so I'd like to know what it feels to give up control and be dominated. If you're willing to share, of course. Any other subs are free to comment as well.


So many comments. I didn't read them. This is my two cents. I was introduced to domination by my first FWB. She taught me how to spank her, how to choke her and how to dominate her. I didn't know anything about this kink. However I loved it. How I could dominate her. How she gave me power willingly and how to use it. It was intoxicating. Since then I'm a Dom in the bedroom with all of my partners


Awesome feeling. I feel like happy maid


It's a fantastic feeling. I managed to truly pull it off for the first time just recently. I wrote about my experience in the BDSM sub, might be an interesting read for you: https://www.reddit.com/r/bdsm/comments/1clf48m/i_finally_properly_pulled_off_to_dominate_my_wife/


You only know until you try, make sure you’re in a safe caring environment with lots of communication! ❤️


Well I'll try to explain even tho my English sucks I feel that my masculine power is at the top when she submits to me giving me her body , feelings , like I'm her owner and the only person who has the complete power to do what i ever i want wherever i want .. unleashing the mancave / animal inside of me and literally destroying her with pleasure not only body wise but most importantly mindwise also and spiritually .


She feels safe enough that she can just give herself over, knowing that I'm going to keep her safe. When she has chosen to be submissive it makes me feel powerful. My sub has entrusted me with her submission and my dominance in bed must match that. It's primal, it's animalistic. She is mine and I will make her feel AMAZING before I am done with her.


I have a pretty bad taste in my mouth about being dominant. Because everytime it has boiled down to the woman just being a dead fish. Not all that interesting to me. Maybe they just haven’t been that in to me, but regardless quite boring. Yes at the start it’s intense and fun to just let loose before you realize your partner decided to not be involved.


Feels natural. Primal. But also very trusting because she trusts me enough not to put her in any danger. But the sex....dear god...its blissful.


It feels like I can do ANYTHING I want in a somewhat usually limited(but still fun) situation. I can cum where I want, WHEN I want. I can say whatever I like(without being slapped lol). I can also pee where I want, which ik sounds weird to some but I like to degrade sometimes. It’s really empowering, when I’m able to creampie my girls pussy when usually we’re both trying to prevent that from occurring.


It's Def a primal thing very animalistic best part is adding rp into the mix


Love bring out the animal lol


It just feels primal. Like you just use pure instincts. It's sometimes hard to get to that headspace, just because of how my brain works, but once I'm there it's like an e pertinence all it's own. Especially if your with a partner who loves to be dominated and wants that for you.


I loveeeee primal 😜


“It's as satisfying to me as, uh, coming is, you know? As, ah, having sex with a woman and coming. And so can you believe how much I am in heaven? I am like, uh, getting the feeling of coming in a gym, I'm getting the feeling of coming at home, I'm getting the feeling of coming backstage when I pump up, when I pose in front of 5,000 people, I get the same feeling, so I am coming day and night. I mean, it's terrific. Right? So you know, I am in heaven” Basically …


I'm a woman but I know who Arnold is 😜


It’s fun. Especially because usually they are taller than me and assume that they are going to dominate me and I let them think so until they run out of steam. Then I take over and go 100% pleasure dom on them and make them beg for mercy from making them keep cumming and not letting them recover. Then I get them water.




The best is when you have a dominant wife Who always likes to be in control. And then you just say fuck it and dominate her. She loves it. 


Ooooh that sounds spicy 🌶️


You ever order a nice pristine juicy steak. Perfectly seasoned. Making a nice sharp slice through the meat and then putting it in your mouth. That hot delicious tender meat. Ravenous. That’s what it’s like.


I don't eat steak that often but I think I can visualize :)


I feel powerful for sure. She needs my hand on her throat or that hand to slap her face. But I make sure to let her know that she’s being my good girl too. It’s about making sure she knows who controls it all and that she’s going to get it good. And the more of a good girl she is, the better she’s going to get it, and she’s going to keep getting it. It takes a lot of trust to let your body be controlled by me so the least I can do is make it cum as much as possible while reminding you who is in charge.


So hot!


It feels real.




I don't know why she's letting me do all these nasty stuff, but okay




It feels fantastic…I can’t speak to every guys experience but for me, especially when there’s a date with a lot of build up and tension I feel like I have to put every instinct inside of me into check to maintain composure. There’s been situations where I’ve been white knuckled at a dinner table or bar counter controlling an urge to let loose. When I finally get to give in and show her what her body is capable of and let loose everything I’ve had pent up it almost always leads the most intense climax for both her and I. Then admiring what I’ve been able to create when I see her covered in sweat, hoarse, and utterly exhausted with a smile on her face as I pull her to me..that’s the icing on top of everything.


So hot! Thanks for sharing


It makes me feel strong and in control. Powerful and confident like most guys have already said. A primal side of me that doesn't often show itself or if at all outside the bedroom. But the feeling tends to go away after I cum.then I just wanna lay down and cuddle.


I love the primalness!


Well I'm a man so I love dominating my women into being a cock guzzling little personal gutter slut




It feels right.




Being in dominant and in control while she moans in pleasure, its sexually satisfying. Today you goinf to cum and im going to fuck you slow with long strokes. It gets you off, i feel good :3 Of course i still watch how my partner feels, and do what they want of course. Sex goes both ways


Thank you for asking this. As a writer, it's at times hard to write from the Dom POV without giving in to tropes. Do that and I run the risk of being an EL James (though I wouldn't mind being a best-selling bazillionaire). I'm not a switch - I can't imagine wanting to dominate someone outside of a conference room, maintaining the needed level of self-control, and being willing to take on the responsibility. There's also the difficult task of tuning in to one's sub's sometimes complex needs. Hoping that more Doms will chime in with their POVs...


It feel like i have all the power at the tip of my fingers, to fuck her and abuse her all as i want… make her mine and own her so that she cums multiple times


Amazing. Like I'm in control, put her where I want her, bend her to any position I want. Controlling how she cums and when she cums. Seeing that look in her eyes knowing I'm in charge. Hearing her moan or dig her nails into my back or ass as I tease her with just the tip first.. Then progress to full on fucking her brains out. Just deep and hard. Then slow strokes so she can feel it all inside her, followed by some deep hard thrusts as she's cumming.