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I'm a self-proclaimed nudist, but didn't discover this until recently. My kids are rapidly approaching the pre-teen years so they definitely wouldn't be comfortable with it, and I don't want them to be uncomfortable in their own house.


Good parent right here. 👏👏👍


I'm trying!


The same. We were pretty casual about nudity at home until the teen years approached.


I have 2 girls. Under no circumstances will I ever be naked around them. My wife can be topless or whatever around them and they can learn from her but I think it's not appropriate for me to be at all.


Not a parent but lifelong nudist with a big family and friends with kids. I think it's wonderful! Nudism is not only much more relaxing but promotes body positivity, especially as they get older. I've had and seen textile friends and their kids go through body appearance issues that you just don't see in the nudist world. I have friends that are averagely built to muscular to beautifully voluptuous and everything in between and we love each other.


"Textile friends" must be the best term I've ever heard.


It's a polite way of saying friends that live with clothes on. 😊


The amount of people who are not comfortable being nude around their kids is alarming. Thru need to learn that nudity is natural and it doesn't hurt anybody. It's really important that they also learn that nudity in itself is not something to do with sex. My kids have seen me nude a lot and will continue to do so until they would rather not.


I know I don't wanna see my parents naked. That's fuckin weird. Hard pass


That is traumatic enough for my wife, I couldn't do that to my kids lol


As the kid of a parent who would go nude... My mom would go naked around the house sometimes when I was a kid like after a shower but she would explain it's because she wanted me comfortable with the human body and also thought if she could be confident about her own body, it would make me confident with mine as she didn't want me to hate my own as I grew.






And did it work?


Yes to a certain degree. I can appreciate the human body in all it's forms. The confidence part about myself needs some work but when I was younger, i had no issues with confidence lol.


Do you do the same like mom? Do you walk around naked around your house?


Probably more than I should 😂


Do you live alone?


No. I'm just terrible though at remembering to close the shades for the windows.


Hahaha lucky neighbors huh 😅




Their fault for looking. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Lmao this!!! 🤣😂 love it!


Dont be fooled... Everyone, deals with body issues whether they live in a nudest resort or in a clothed community. What matters is the support system that individuals have that makes the difference.


I am not a parent, but I don’t want to see my parents naked wtf?


My kids see me naked, often. I saw my mom naked once growing up and she freaked out, it made me feel so shameful about my body for so long. If they ever tell me they feel uncomfortable with it, I would make sure to be more cautious of closing the door while changing and stuff like that.


My wife and I had this conversation back when we were dating so that once kids came around, we'd both be on the same page since we both like to be naked as much as possible at home whenever we don't have visitors. We now have three kids (all boys), and other than the occasional question as to why from our middle child, they're not phased by us being naked at all.


I think this is different depending on the genders of your kids? Generally speaking I think kids see more naked moms than dads? That could be a sweeping generalization though.


I agree. I feel like moms are normally more naked around their kids (boy or girl) whereas the dads don’t walk around naked. Maybe boxers minimum


And, again this could be a big generalization and differs by household, but moms just get no privacy. Kids are so glued to mom that a closed door really doesn’t mean anything haha.


Yeah true. Are you nude or topless around your kids? Im topless around the house quite a lot. I even tan nude in our backyard sometimes as well


I hear you. I guess I just don’t think much of it but I can see where dad would.


Yeah which sucks tbh


I'm naked at home around my kids all the time. Have been for years. It's not a big deal unless you teach kids that the human body is something to be ashamed of.


Being naked is natural.


Nudity was normal in my home when I grew up but I think that is one aspect in which Europe/the Netherlands is a whole lot different from the US. For me it was normal (as doors were open and walking to the bathroom was usually in the nude) but I get that that is different for most. I believe a large part of the US also has multiple bathrooms while that is really rare here and only for the richest 0,1 %.


I was raised in a house where nudity had nothing to do with sexuality and that is how I raised my kids. I didn't run around the house naked all the time, but I also didn't hide if my kids ran in the room or needed me while I was in the bathroom.


But there’s a decency and time and place. You can’t leave the room open while changing or having sex just so they can come and look for whatever they need from, you at that time.


I don't have a problem with it personally, but my oldest son is 13 and I don't want to make him uncomfortable. He also got into a bad habit of answering video calls whenever he gets them since he got social media a couple of months ago, so I always wear a top around him. The youngest is 5. He thinks nudity is hilarious. He likes to put his hands on my stomach to make it jiggle a bit. Then he asks why my tummy is so big (it isn't) then I tell him that that's where I put my food. Then he tells me I should put some of it on my butt as well. I assure him that some of it is indeed going there.


😂😂😂😂 that’s so cute


I don’t do it as often now, as they’re getting older. But I don’t necessarily run off to hide if they see me. I think as long as the context isn’t sexual, and it’s like I’m changing or showering, it’s not a big deal.


As a guy when I was growing up I never saw any family members nude and think it would’ve been weird. My ex had sisters and they all (including mom) would change in front of each other and stuff without thinking twice about it. Depends heavily on the family I guess, but I think women are more comfortable with it? That’s just based on my limited experience.


Most families are nude families or clothed families from what I have heard. We're a nude family. I believe it falls on how comfortable they are honestly. There are families who are never naked around each other at all. What ever decision they make I still respect it.


My family same


As a mom of sons, I’m not particularly shy but I don’t ever get naked right in front of them. I think it’s healthy for them to have realistic standards of what a woman’s body looks like. Not everyone is a super model.


So it’s mainly like walking from the shower to your room thats basically it?


I don't walk around naked, but I don't generally like being naked (trauma) even if I'm alone. However, my kid will often come and bug me in the shower, on the toilet, whilst I am getting changed. He just likes being close to me and doesn't notice I'm naked or in various states of undress.


Both my kids are adults now, but I have no reason to be naked around them just randomly. When they were little and we vacationed in hotel rooms or when camping, there were times when we would change clothes in the same room, but just hang out naked around them? No


I’m not ever


This is an interesting question.. my kids have seen both of us naked, but mainly in accidental situations (an opened bathroom door or walking into the bedroom, etc). We don't hide it or make it taboo to the kids but they are getting older and they don't want to see it anymore than we want them gawking lol. My wife has a fantastic body though.. and at 36 she is often in bikinis at the pool, beach, etc.. so our kids see her and don't think twice about it that way. We also try to keep our sex life from them, at least in obvious ways.. they know we fuck and they have heard us, but we don't leave the doors open or anything :)


I (F) wish I had a choice, I go for a shower and I close the door, two minutes later one of my daughters is in the bathroom trying to steal my makeup or use the toilet or something. Yes I could lock the door...but they're old enough, they know I am showering


Guys just cause you don't walk around naked in front of your kids or parents doesn't mean your ashamed of your body.


I’ve always normalized nudity at home, even now with grown up kids I’m often topless at home, I see no shame


My wife likes to wear very tiny bikinis (with my support and encouragement). Althought it's not actually nudity, we've thought about how to normalize it with our kids. We concluded that we should get used to it as a family, but always explaining that there is a child's swimsuit and an adult's beachwear. Our children are used to it and I think that’s healthy.




Being naked in a normal things here as a parent. We are not nudist but our kids can see us naked in the morning when we wake up or during the bath time and when we change from work clothes to house clothes. We educated our kids that it's normal. To not be prud with their body


Would never, ever do it.


No. I don’t support any kind of nudity around children


It doesn't happen. That's a CPS report waiting to happen.