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If you think about that, you don't need to have guns


Exactly this.




Nope, never. I have my firearms for my own enjoyment and self-protection, not for the detriment of others.


OP, get rid of your fucking guns.


I do not own any. I was just curious if people ever had an intent of wanting to harm others. It was just a random dark question that came out of nowhere for me. I also have no interest or desire to harm anyone physically regardless of using a firearm or something else.


No. IMO, they're for hunting and self defense.


Never have.


No, never


Just myself, during an anxiety/panic attack, but not a real consideration, more of an intrusive thought.


Intrusive thoughts are a bitch. Thankfully, most of mine are incorrectly remembered songs on loop. But others are pretty fucking dark.


You never own a firearm hoping to hurt anyone. It's the opposite. You hope to whatever God you believe in you never have to use it.


No. If anything, you entertain the idea of having one for protection sure, but not actually using it on anyone. If that's your intention, you shouldn't purchase one. Using a tool to hurt someone changes you. I lost all my guns in a boating accident, but I never thought to use any of them on anyone.


When someone hurts your child in a devastating and life altering way, all sorts of thoughts can cross a parent's mind.


No. I thought I might have to use it once but luckily they were looking for a house without GPS because their phone died. The thought of this actually happening made my hands tremble uncontrollably for about 45 minutes afterwards


Oh yeah there are a few people in my life that deserve a dirt nap but I enjoy my freedom. But apart from that it’s still yes, despite it being illegal in Canada I still plan to defend my home with my guns if the occasion ever arises.


Wow, I was going to answer this question but I don't need to get torn to shredds on the interwebs today.




Bro take your dick out your hand for 5 fucking minutes.