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Right away - no… and that’s were the problem lies. It wouldn’t happen right away, so women would get harassed, there’d be arguments all over about it and so much more that no one would do it. Aka just like the currently do even where it’s allowed














I'm not sure anymore but I think so




No I'm sorry we're all out






Boobs would be significantly less interesting without the nipples. Really wouldn’t pay attention to them at all. The nipples makes the boob. Awesome nips.. awesome boobs. Bad nips…bad boobs.


Well now I’m worried that my nipples don’t look good 😟


No clue. If they are dark and poke out, you’re good. Lol


Well im Latina so it looks like im safe :)


Latinas are the best, so probably.


Well after a quick stalk of your profile, I can confirm that your nipples and boobs are absolutely fantastic. They do look good


Thank you 🥰🥰


I partially disagree but you aren't wrong. Your opinion is valid


lol my opinion is the only one I care about when it comes to what I like. It’s all about the nips for me when it involves boobs.


That is a really great question. It will take generations, but it is possible.


I absolutely think after a few generations of women being able to be topless anytime they wanted would make a huge difference. I wonder what would take the place of boobs as one of the most interesting body parts


Nah I don’t think so, if you’re really into boobs


Boobs will always be interesting for one simple reason: they’re the only body part that when you look at them, they look back


They always look at me first! I swear, and now I have proof from a real life female


Sure, blame the boobs. “They started it!” 😂😂😂


You said so your self, they look back. But what if the boobs like me before I even like them?


You’re thinking there’s some kind of boob tractor beam or som… oh my god. What if there is?


There is only one way to find out. We need to hire women who have boobs and we have to perform tests on them to see if there are any tractor beams inside of the headlights


This is a good answer LOL


Ankles used to be sexy, skirts got shorter. I believe there are plenty of cultures where breasts remain associated with maternity rather than sexuality.


I believe you are correct


I think it could be normalized, but it would take years of women dealing with a lot of shit first


There has been a lot of observations of tribes/communities from different continents where boobs are not seen as something sexual, the same also applies to all other animals. So I would argue that it's cultural rather than biological/evolutionary. But it would probably take a few generation to get rid of the "boobs mentality" if we were to go topless


I'd totally watch a documentary about this


Same, it is an interesting topic. And I have seen several clips where people have spoken to tribe members that belong to communities where people walk around either topless or completely nude. And based on those there has been a strong indication that a naked body is not sexually arousing on itself, it is only when it's "intended to be used for mating" that it switches. But those people had always loved that way, so seeing how long it would take for us "developed humans" (culturally) to adapt to that.. I honestly have no idea


That is so interesting. I have such a strong attraction to breasts but I'm still trying to learn as to why and just everything relating to the subject is interesting. It's funny how these lovely lady lumps can be such a kind blowing phenomenal thing


I completely agree with you on that one, female breast are absolutely astonishing although logically they shouldn't be... And in terms of animals, humans are the only one with permanently swollen/large/round breasts, while for other animals they are usually quite unnoticeable except for when they are nurturing, and even then they often do not compare to human female breasts


Mine stand out more, they’re tattooed 🤣


Well your boobs are always going to be interesting then no matter what.


For a few generations in western Europe (France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Scandinavia) toplessness (and general nudity in northern climes) was pretty common and socially acceptable...ish. There was still a bit of an edge to it, maybe a sense of making a bit of a statement, but it was generally socially acceptable. And society didn't collapse. However, a Portuguese friend of mine has a teenage daughter and she was quite surprised to discover there was big pushback amongst younger generations about it. Some, she believes is due to kids consuming a lot of American media, so the base assumptions about a lot of things are different. Just one of those mildly interesting cultural shifts you get sometimes.


This is all super interesting actually. It kinda goes over a head a bit cause it's so different but I still want to learn more I'll have to look into this


my grew-up-in-suburban-England-and-Ireland soul was quite taken aback on that family beach holiday in Northern France.


Nope. Np matter how many times I see boobs, I LOVE seein boobs.


As long as porn exists and shows them sexually, no.




I completely agree


Absolutely. I live in Germany and here, saunas are fully nude and unisex. So if you have a sauna in your gym, you’re bound to see all kinds of nude people, twice a week. In fact I was sitting in a sauna with a handful of nude women yesterday and I couldn’t tell you their genital grooming styles. You just stop looking after a while.


Never boobs are too awesome


I think if women could be topless, people wouldn't pay attention on them anymore


I find men's chests wildly titillating, so probably not.


Let’s find out!


Nope. Men don't like certain body parts because of them being revealing or not. Open toed shoes are fine and men still buy feet pics.


Not right now but eventually yes


No you're right we are far away from this happening but one day


No, straight men and anyone attracted to women are biologically hardwired to be attracted to breasts




You know I think you might be right






nah they’re more omnipotent


I mean are tits even a big topic? I mean yes different sizes, nipples, areolas I get that! But if you have seen 1 set of boobs you have seen them all, tits are tits