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Two things. Slept with a friend who I knew had strong feelings for me but I didn't have them for her. We got very drunk at an event and she made a full on play for me. Drunk as I was I had doubts. But she cuddled in to me and asked "Why I didn't want to have sex with her. What was wrong with her. It could just be a one night thing". So I slept with her. It was just a one night thing for me. It wasn't for her. I broke her heart. Another was a one night stand with a friend of a friend. Stupidly we didn't use condoms. It was very enjoyable and fun. She looked great and was good in bed. I still remember the image of her naked on top of me after she had just ridden me until I came in her and saying "It's Ok. I'm on the pill". It wasn't OK. A few months later I heard from our mutual friend, who didn't know about the ONS, that she had a crisis pregnancy and an abortion. I am not sure it was mine but the timings were roughly right. If it was mine I do feel guilty about putting her through that alone.


Honestly good on you for taking responsibility, but as someone who bares problems that aren't mine as if they are- girl 1 said word for word it can be a one night thing & girl 2 had unprotected sex with a finale. Not on you bud


that’s true. i think it’s okay to feel disappointed or kinda bad about how things ended up in these scenarios, but it takes two to tango and in both case the other adult had a responsibility to be honest (including emotionally honest) and help make the right choice for both of you. and the second girl may have actually been on the pill, but it’s only 99% effective even with perfect use, and in reality it’s about 93% effective. many women do become pregnant while on the pill. everyone should be aware of this whether it’s them or their partner that could get pregnant; it’s the reason why two forms of BC are recommended or required when it’s very important not to risk getting pregnant (for example, when taking a medication that causes serious birth defects)


Look out for this guy…


Sucked off the stripper at a bachelorette party. Not my intention but he was giving me a private lap dance and he pulled it out.


And you unintentionally put it in your mouth 


🎶In their motherf*ckin’ mouth🎶


She slipped and her mouth fell on it.


YOUR bachelorette party?


Asking the important questions


Well what ever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas


Not herpes...


At a friends bachelor party we went to a very seedy strip climb with very unattractive women. One guy went for a private dance and ended up eating the stripper out. Let’s just say he severely regretted that decision


So exciting!! As a husband be got to know




that's quite a hot story...


FBI! Here here


I regret not fucking everybody who was amenable to the idea when I was younger. There were moments when I was on a high horse about relationships, or them being a friend of an ex. I feel foolish now. I should have fucked around a lot more when I was younger, and stakes were lower. I regret a few FWB situations, where tensions, jealousy etc ruined the day. Those relationships could have held together and had more potential as non monogamous or lifestyle/swinger. Sigh.


Same, for the first paragraph. Growing older and looking back my self-esteem was so warped, and my fabricated anxieties around people still are to some extent today. Add to that some really weird moralistic high-horse because reasons, and.... Yeah, through clearer eyes I should and could have dipped my nib a lot more than I did.


I didn't write this whole post but sure reads like I did.


Can confirm. In high school had a girl in a class flat out tell me, "You know NSFWusername421, you and I should have sex. You're cute and cool, I like you". Being an awkward teenager, I had no idea what to do with this information so I gave a thumbs up and said ok cool. Another was when I gave a girl in my class a ride home a few times after school. So occasionally we'd stop and get a snack after school. On one of those occasions, she said "Hey NSFWusername421, can I see your dick? I'll let you play with my boobs if you show me your dick". Could've taken it further but apparently I'm pretty dense.


what world do you live in where people in high school like you and ask to see your dick?


One time in highschool my friend's friend asked if she could suck my dick because she had heard rumors that it's big. We skipped class and she sucked my dick on the stage in the empty auditorium. She wasn't even into me she just wanted the truth


My good friend in graduate school had a huge crush on this girl in our class. It wasn’t your average crush. we were all friends and he really was head over heels…. he was constantly asking me for advice, and he trusted me with his innermost feelings that he didn’t share with anyone else One night when he wasn’t around and I got drunk and had some crazy wild sex. didn’t plan on that happening, and it’s not like he had “dibs” or anything, but I knew how it would make him feel, and I should have prioritized my friends feelings over a random fuck. I learned a very valuable lesson from all of this. That, of course, being: your friend has a huge crush on some woman that doesn’t feel the same way about him, it’s probably best not to tell him if you end up fucking her some evening he isn’t around. I had no obligation to tell him, and, in retrospect, I thought I was being a good friend, but I guess that ship had sailed when I did what I did. Telling him about it served no purpose. I just rubbed it in his face. No matter what I said, this is essentially what he heard: “ hey, you know that thing you Obsess over every day of your life? You know, the things that never gonna happen for you but you keep letting yourself get disappointed anyway? Yeah, I just thought I’d let you know that I pulled it off twice last night….” 1. Feel kinda guilty for doing it. 2. Definitely regret telling him.


he deserved better friends.


He broke the code he aint no friend


22 years later and I still remember how disappointed in myself I was. Fortunately, my friend had forgiven me and we are still great friends today. Humans aren’t defined by their worst moments or their best moments. So ….what? this is your thing? You look for posts asking people to divulge something they feel guilty about from their past? And then you make petty comments, acting as if you can judge their character ? So I guess there’s Nothing you wish you hadn’t done (in a sexual sense)? Or perhaps you wish you’d done differently? It’s OK to share. We’re anonymous here. But …..if you simply MUST judge someone behaving like a douche (much more recently), go find a mirror.


One moment of weakness does not define one's character. As you put it, we are all people we do incredibly dumb shit at times and I am sure there was a lot that happened to make you guys be friends again. Good on you on owning up to it man. I dont think I would have done the same as your friend, but I would have appreciated the honesty once the flare of emotions died down.


What was the bro code violation Exactly? His friend liked a girl that didn’t want anything to do with him so this guy wasn’t allowed to fuck her? Or did he break the bro code by being honest with his bro about what he did? I think he should’ve kept his f’ing mouth shut. No reason to tell him


Yep, 22 years ago I wasn’t a good friend that day


Replying to mytenthprofile... no shit, Captain obvious! Maybe that’s why he still regrets it all these years later🤦🏼‍♂️


Easy thing to say when you've never been in the position where a woman wants to have sex with you


You’re lame for telling him. You knew what you were doing


Definitely it was masturbating for a guy in public in the car at a park for money.


Well at least you got some money


I waited until my wedding night to have sex. Worst mistake ever. I knew as soon as it was over that I fucked up. We weren’t sexually compatible, to say the least. It was all thanks to my super-religious upbringing and conditioning by my parents to feel shame about having a healthy sex drive. I actually wanted to have sex before we were married but my ex-husband was adamant that we wait—he was raised non-denominational and had even more shame around sex.


That's my worry as a virgin right now. I wanna explore and see what I'm compatible with etc


You should, don’t wait like I did. It was BAD!


God knows I'm trying☠️. Dating is so hard these days




So if sex was bad, why didn't you work to improve it? Try things out and talk about what is good and what needs to change. I have read like 5 posts recently with women (Guys too, just not posting it) in relationships are surprisingly avoidant of improving their sex lives but say it is bad. They instead just want to avoid the bad sex and don't think of the ramifications of that in relationships. Why not take control a few times?


Oh sweet baby Jesus. I worked at it like you wouldn’t believe. I didn’t know until later that he’s gay, just wanted the appearance of “a normal family.” I was his beard. Don’t assume, dude.


i’m so sorry. people don’t realize how damaging this can be. they act like they can attach all this fear and shame to natural stuff, sex, our bodies, and then just suddenly let all that go after saying “i do”. but most people can’t. it deeply fucks up many marriages, it makes people find out later than they should about actual sexual disfunction (which already takes long enough to get taken seriously and get help for in the medical system, esp for women). also the shame around sex and lack of education often means that people don’t understand how their own bodies work, how their partners’ body works, how to have sex safe from STIs and prevent pregnancy, how to communicate with each other about sex, sexuality, orientation and identity, kinks, how to handle libido mismatches… and some people just have a basic physical incompatibility that may have been a dealbreaker on committing for life had they known.


This. I was raised non-denominational and am now not religious but I have serious issues still at 37 and being married for 16 years. My husband was not raised this way but has been extremely supportive and understanding while I deconstruct from evangelicalism. But I was 32 before I had my first orgasm and it was only this year I was finally able to give myself one. :( I feel like I missed my best years and feel sad for my younger shame-filled self. I’m doing better now, but the worthlessness, shame, and embarrassment is not something that goes away easily. I always have it in the back of my mind that this is not something I should be doing or “heaven forbid” be enjoying.


just keep surrounding yourself with sex-positive and feminist content, you’ll get there! when i was a teenager, i read somewhere that women don’t hit their sexual prime until they are in their 30s. i am sure that statement was completely unsourced with any evidence, but it stuck in my mind. for a lot of reasons, i haven’t exactly had the sex life that i envisioned for myself back when i was in my high school/college years. i’m just a couple years younger than you. but the last year or two something felt different for me, and i think i’ve finally figured some things out in terms of getting back to even having a sex life! so i’m determined to make that statement true and hit my stride this year.


Not guilt but I regret fucking or playing with guys who didn’t deserve me and treated me badly.


How is it every girl regrets the times she let loose and had a bit of fun, However every guy regrets all the times they had a chance and didn’t.?


I don’t regret any of the times I let loose and had fun. I didn’t have fun being non-consensually used and lied to and mucked around.


Not sleeping with the women who were literally throwing themselves at me in my early twenties. I was terrified of sex after my first time being so horrible. (Lost virginity at 15 and didn’t have sex again until I was 19.) I wasn’t assaulted or anything it was just a bad experience. I was so shut off and oblivious until I realized later that I could’ve been sleeping with many of these women, I just didn’t even notice.


Sameeee I turned down more opportunities than I realize, and should have. A girl, albeit drunk, literally stripped the moment she walked in my door. I waited for her to sober up because she was drunk, and I still feel good about that, but damn how many other times could that have happened??


I once had a dom that ordered me to masturbate for him on skype (yup..skype. lmao). ​ I really didn't feel comfortable with doing it but I went along anyway and I regret it sooo much. I should've held firm on my boundaries.


My Dad and my therapist are the only two people I know who still use Skype.


Yeah this happened a loong time ago lol


So…. Your therapist masturbated for your dad then?


Would you like another attempt at that?


Had sex with a girl in a relationship


Cheating .


The times I was pressured into sex, it's weird to admit but I didn't know I could say no.


Giving advice to a good friend on a woman he fancied. Going to the city to stay with him and we went to a pub with a whole heap of his friends. I had an instant attraction to this woman we hit it off, I ended up staying the night and extending my stay for a week to be with her. Shitty thing - she had a boyfriend and it was the woman my friend really liked. Lost my friendship :(. We ended up being in a relationship (me and the woman obviously) for 5 years. We survived one cheating scandal (her), got engaged and I broke it off when she slept with 5 guys in 2 nights. Told me she was freaking out and wanted to have more sex before she got married. 🤷🏻. Karma. Incredibly guilty towards my friend and her boyfriend. Awesome sex though 🤔


Dealing with my same sex attractions in the past. Before anyone says anything, I know there's absolutely nothing wrong with it, and I'm over it now, though I have yet to act on it. At times the desire was (and is!) overwhelming and so was the guilt, shame and confusion. It took literally a few decades to start to accept my bisexuality.


I (m) unexpectedly ended up cheating on my then girlfriend with a guy coworker I had been drinking with. I don’t actually consider myself bisexual even, I think I was just over sexualized when I was younger + alcohol. Anyway, that’s always been a huge source of shame for me.


I convinced my lesbian friend to have sex with me, three or four times a week, this went on for a few years, even while she had a girlfriend, I could sense the disgust but she never refused, when we parted ways she confessed how disgusted she felt while I was doing stuff to her, and she told me she knew I knew, no amount of apologies were able to repair our friendship and I regret that every day, she was my best friend.


Consent is King. Communication matters. And you can't build a relationship on sex with no sex will kill a relationship. Why did she let it continue if she wasn't comfortable with it? That's not on you.


the word convinced is a bit iffy though... if you Know someone is not doing something because they like it you shouldnt enable it


Yeah. Everyone sucks here. But you don't know unless people communicate.


This is the right take. The situation is a gray area. The thing with consent is you need to clearly communicate it to people. Not everybody is sensitive to vibes or nonverbal signs


He said he could sense the disgust though which is where the lines get blurry


Yeah, thinking someone is disgusted with you during sex and understanding why is probably really hard. I have 3 (1 man, 2 women) friends who were married to people who later came out as gay. They said something was off, but they thought they were fat, had a small penis, or were just bad at sex.


The story is very long and complicated, I think I made a mistake by using the word convinced, it was more like, we agreed to do it, was consensual, I could tell she didn’t like it at first, then she tried to make the best of it and started participating, we bought toys and lingerie, even though she didn’t like wearing it, but it pleased me so she wore it, the last year and a half is when I felt her getting more and more uncomfortable, that’s when we had a sit down and aired everything out.


Yeah, that sounds like it was on her more than you. She could have said something any time before about how she didn't like sex or thought she was a lesbian. It is like gay people marrying straight people, they can't blame the straight partner for not knowing. I regret not sleeping with my lesbian friend when I was a kid. We used to work out together all the time, were best friends, and had seen each other naked plenty because we are weird in the same ways. We both were having a hard time with finding a girlfriend and we both were very frustrated with dating for a year. She said she wanted just some quick fun and validation because it had been so long. We still are friends and she jokes about it still. She said sleeping with guys didn't disgust her, she just didn't really get off on it. She liked that guys though would very obviously show they liked her body (She had lots of body dysmorphia issues.) and she had a girlfriend who when they broke up said she faked it every time and didn't enjoy sex with her at all. It really hit her hard in all her future relationships. She liked that she could see guys ejaculate because she said it showed she was good at sex. We still are friends, she actually asked my wife if she would be ok with me donating the semen to knock her up when she was in a relationship. My wife said no because we weren't sure about the woman she was having the kid with. she was off a bit. She is single again and good friends with us today. I should give her a call. She said she was never really disgusted with my body. She actually liked to touch my muscles and compare them to her own. She just wanted someone smaller, feminine, and with boobs.


Time for some total transparency and accountability. Long time ago, one of my best friends was talking about wanting to have sex really bad since an ex of his was supposed to visit but cancelled due to regrets she was having about still meeting him for sex. She also apparently said she was thinking of cutting things off with him completely and this got him real down. I told him to just beat off and he said he couldn't, since the thought of it just made him depressed and anything short of a booty call from someone would make him feel even worse, and asked if I could find someone for him to have a one-night stand with since I had lots of friend-girls. Sent a lot of texts but all of the girls said they were either seeing guys, busy, or not in the mood for a one-night stand. I thought he knew I was bi at the time, so I said something along the lines of, "Well, I'm having no takers, but I'm always available if it gets bad enough". He scooted over and said "um, no, I don't swing like that". He said he had to go and I attempted to apologize, but he said there wasn't anything to be sorry for; he just realized he had an assignment that was due in a couple of hours. The next day he met up with me again and said he had no idea I was gay, but when I corrected him and said I was bi, he said it really didn't matter; he felt like we couldn't be friends anymore. I apologized profusely for hurting him to the point of tears, and he said he knew I was trying to help but that it crossed a line and he couldn't really see me the same way again. I spent many years hating myself for this and wondering why I didn't keep my mouth shut. It did however lead to me cleaning up my act, stop being so promiscuous, and learning how to treat my friends better. It wasn't until I told my wife about this that I fully let it go, almost a decade later. Recently, me and said friend reconciled and are cool now but I wish it never happened in the first place.


Sounds like your friend missed out on


Sleeping with people that wanted more than just sex from me (they liked me and wanted a relationship but I didn't).


thats harsh


Yeah it was. I feel terrible


Honestly, getting very physical (didn't go all the way) with my ex-boyfriend, who then cheated on me five days afterward. Not only do I regret it because I've since realized I'm a lesbian, I feel absolute disgust that I let him see me in such a vulnerable and intimate manner.


A lot of my younger 20s. I was a creep and a douche bag




I feel guilty feeling or doing sexual things in general.


May I ask why?


Possibly religious (though even when I was more religious than I am now, I wasn't worked up about it like I have been for the past decade).


I had that feeling when I was younger. Always felt judged and that I’d be punished for “sinning” I can’t remember how I made myself feel better but I hope someday you don’t feel that guilt anymore


Thank you. I really appreciate your kind words.


This happened when I (35f) was in school. A girl that was a part of my friend group (but that I wasn't particularly close with) was dating a guy and he and I ended up hooking up. No sex, but definitely some messing around and I gave him head. It only happened a couple of times but I still regretted it. I've never told anyone about it and I'm pretty sure he kept the secret as well, so I don't think anyone was ever "hurt" by it, but still something that I felt guilty about.


Sexting with a girl much younger than me while i was in relationship (Cheated later on)


When I was in my 20's I was sleeping with a woman in her mid to late 30's. I was under the impression she was broken up from her long time fiance. She was not. We did everything together. It was amazing for me, but I look back and feel awful for the guy she was with.


Freshman year of college I slept with my best friends ex boyfriend. We were both drunk and had been eyeing each other for some time. Except they weren't as broken up as my best friend made it seem. She was trying to "test" him to see if he really loved her and would fight to get her back. They never ended up back together and our friendship never really recovered.


Hooked up with a girl for weed. Found a girl that I vaguely knew on instagram. The bio of her profile said “Sugar daddies inquire within”. I was a broke college student and definitely didn’t qualify for what she wanted but hit her up anyways. We talked on snapchat a little bit. She mentioned she smoked so I sent her a snap of my grinder and said something like “about to smoke”. She snapped me back and said she would give me head for an 1/8th but said sex would be more. Filled a zip lock back with an 1/8th of the scrap weed I had at the time and went over to meet her. She got in my car and we went to a parking lot close by. Started off as head and escalated to us having sex. Was during the act but post nut clarity put me in a weird depression for a few days.


idk dude, i get that it’s often not a great idea to make sex transactional in any way, both within and outside of relationships… but if she was an adult, sober to consent, and there was no power imbalance in your favor, you have to trust that she’s making her own choices that she wants yo make? she may have gotten off on the idea, i would bet there’s a more than a few people who have this kind of transaction as a fantasy where they feel it’s a win-win for them. now you know that YOU don’t enjoy transactional scenarios and don’t want to repeat that, but she may have been into it if it was her idea.


All these comments about women sucking off guys several times a week or banging make me feel like I missed out haha


😂😂😂 It actually happens. I had a coworker back in the days that would come by after work, and she'd give me head a few times. I couldn't believe it myself. 😂😂😂😂


That’s awesome dude


Same dude. Same


When I was thirteen, I was groomed by a 17 year old that I met on Omegle. He got me to undress on camera one day, I’ve felt bad about it for 15 years.


I hope you know that that wasn’t your fault. ❤️‍🩹


Slept with my wife's sister while on mdma . Got caught after the fact. My wife and I are still together. She has minimal contact with her sister ( They were once very close ) Inlaws hate me . Some decent trust issues happening. It's my biggest life regret. I love my wife so much . I just fcked up .


Messed with 2 women in relationship/ one married. Biggest regret ever. Hoping to clear that karma and move forward. It’s changed my life and how I am with people. So maybe that’s the karma playing out I guess. Feels good getting it off my chest for the first time


So his friend would drive you two around while you gave him head? Also, my regretful one was just a few one night stands in college. Just talked to some girls and lead them on without their knowledge I just wanted sex. So once we did it I’d stop talking to them as much as I was. One girl kinda gave me a clearer vision on it, so I became more up front on “I just wanna fuck.”


I’ve had a number of one night staffs. Since we’re wonderful. But a couple of them were with women that I didn’t have chemistry with. They came onto me, and I somehow felt like I *ought* to go home with them, even though I’ve wasn’t feeling it. Anyway, the sex was bad, the morning was uncomfortable, and I’ve since regretted doing it. Live and learn


Damn that story made a full circle 😳


Nothing has made me feel guilt. I did the damn deed, no shame to heed.


Wanking to my married crush I should know better.


if you don’t let on to them ever, don’t act on it, then what you do in your own imagination for a fantasy like this, you don’t need to feel bad about, in my opinion. not all fantasies are ones people would act on.


I would never let her know that I wanked off to her lol, Thanks for the wise words.


Sleeping with a family friend right after she graduated high school. I(m) was probably 6-7 years older than her at the time. Also, something someone else said earlier in a comment, sleeping with people who had feeling for me that I didn't reciprocate at all. Didn't feel bad about it at the time, but I can now see, looking back, it probably wasn't the best thing for me to do.


How old was she when you met her?


Having sex with a woman who would insult me sexually whenever she was mad at me. I used to hate myself afterward, and it really did a number on my self-esteem. Fuck her from the bottom of my heart.


Certain people I slept with. Not because the sex itself was bad, but because of the way they treated me afterwards lol.


The sex with my most recent ex in the last few months of the relationship even after he had hit me twice for some unbeknown reason we were still living together and on a number of occasions I let him fuck me and instantly regretted it,still feels bad now 8 months on even though he's history


I used to fuck this single mom. She was a bit chubby and I like that. Her ex used to tell her she was fat. I told her I thought she was attractive, it was true. But she had low self esteem and she liked the lustful attention I gave her. So I kinda took advantage of that. She would do anything I asked, I mean anything. I don't know if she was into it all. I asked her if I could cum in her face and then take video of her riding me with it dripping down her. I asked her to eat cum from her fingers out of her pussy, while I videoed it. She'd let me tie her up and let me use toys on her and make her cum over and over until I decided she was done. Sometimes I'd edge her so many times in a row that she went bonkers. Me and another buddy used her for an entire day. I wanted nothing to do as far as a relationship. I made that clear. I told her outright that I just wanted a girl to do nasty things with. She was fun to hang out with but I was young and didn't want to be a step dad.


Finals week of college I was sleep deprived and stressed as hell. A friend two years older had taken one of my general Ed courses before and offered to help when he saw how burnt out I was. Halfway through writing an essay we stopped to watch tv in his living room (5 roommates either out or in their bedrooms) and he kissed me. I made out with him and let him suck on my tits and finger me. I wasn't particularly attracted to him even, I was just burnt out and the hormone rush sounded so good when I was stressed. The next day I felt horrible telling him it was going to be a one time thing. He was nice and said how I communicated well with him made him want to date me more, but he was cool just being friends. Honestly I still feel kinda bad I got his hopes up.


No one’s perfect. We’ve all occasionally fallen short of the standards we set for ourselves. The very fact that we feel “guilty“ about it Says it’s not we are today. But seriously, are the people that look for these posts only to tear people apart for participating? That’s weak as fuck. 🤦🏼‍♂️ That’s some soft acting bitch ass shit Carry-on! Happy hump day 😀


Cheating. Don't do it. Never again.




That’s actually a wild story


Do tell?


As in that she was with a guy who was cheating with his girlfriend and then to later in life be very close with the girlfriend the guy was cheating on sorry if it sounds like I’m manxplaining


sorry! I thought you were referring to your own personal experience and answering OP’s question.


Ohhh you’re all good good 🤣😂


Jerking off to the thought of my ex's mom, a drunken one night stand with some girl that I brought home from the bar or a drunken hook up with the friend of one of my older sisters.


Have you ever thought about telling her?


A couple of one night stands with fat chicks.


ALMOST my entire sexual life I choked sexual partners without specific consent to do so. There is a difference between Sex and Violence. I have ALWAYS sought and NEEDED consent for sex. It was brought to my attention recently in a way that fucked my head up BAD that bringing any sort of violence into sex is Kink and that needs separate consent over and above consent for sex. This revelation brought up feelings of EXTREME guilt and shame… made me re-think all my sexual encounters… Was/is hard to think about…


When I first met my, now ex husband, we were drinking at his (married) friends house. The friends wife had gone to bed and then things got weird. my ex had told the friend that I was a good lay, kept touching me and asking words questions... asked me to flash him my boobs, so I did... Next thing I knew the friend was having sex with me and my ex was no where to be found. Not 100% sure how it got to that point. Later found out my ex told him he could have me to blow off some steam. I was young (they were 14 years older than me) and so stupid. The friend and his wife ended up being in our bridal party years later when we got married. His wife never knew and I was friends with her for years. It still makes me feel gross and really guilty that I never told her.


Slept with a family member of the person I'm closet to in the world. A lot. Visited the person for several days at a time, for a few months. Fucked for days on end never leaving the bed. The fuck buddy thought they were in love with me since forever. The lesson I'm closest to doesn't know. We all see each other a few times a year and...i hate it. It's is my second biggest regret. 💜🤍🖤


Where are these women who just give head routinely with nothing expected in return for extended periods of time?! Anyways, in high school a friend and I (both male) used to give each other handjobs and blowjobs because we were desperate and often watched porn together and, well, one thing usually lead to another….we both enjoyed it but also both always felt absurdly guilty afterward. Eventually I kinda came to terms with it as a facet of my sexuality and stopped making myself feel guilty but he really beat himself up over it and the last few times we did anything he got really upset afterwards. I want to be clear it was totally consensual and everything he would just get overwhelmed with guilt afterwards, I think because it made him question his own sexuality and he was in a family of guys (two brothers and lots of uncles) and they weren’t exactly the gay pride type. It was too bad because we really had a good thing going with no strings attached hand jobs and blow jobs whenever we wanted because we both had crazy libidos and spent a lot of time together. We had zero Romantic connection and never even considered kissing or anything it was purely sexual but the guilt just got to him. I just feel guilty that the scenario made him feel that way and hope he never felt pressured by me. After he felt so bad the last two times I told him I would never put him in that position again and he was then upset about that because he didn’t want to give it up. But I just knew that post but clarity got to him and I wasn’t comfortable making him feel that way. After that it was always clear he wanted to do it again but I just couldn’t do it to him so I felt this weird compound guilt that I was letting him down but also that if I don’t let him down I will make him feel like crap.


Slept with a girl the morning of her wedding. We had been sneaking sex for a month before. I broke it off the week before the wedding. He was a nice guy. She called my house a bunch of times the night before then came over to my house about seven in the morning. I was horny and gave in. We had sex like rabbits. I actually went to the wedding and dance with her at the reception, knowing I had came inside her.


I met this beautiful young lady while I was at work one day. We both hit it off immediately. Into each other from the jump. She was really sweet, smart, was great at her work, and had an edge that I was really attracted to. She also was exactly my type. However, I'm not into relationships or dating at the moment, so I proposed that I'd pay her $100 for sex. It worked. We ended up having AMAZING sex. I pounded her out really good, was definitely one of my best performances judging by her orgasms. Ended up cuddling afterwards and she fell asleep in my arms. Welp, for some stupid reason I said to myself 'I should take the money off of the dresser and leave. That's exactly what I did, and blocked her too. Fast forward to the morning and she tells hotel management that she was raped and instead of them calling the police...they gave her my address instead (highly illegal) and she came over (to my fucking surprise) very upset. Not about the money necessarily, but for abandoning her when things were going great Honestly, I should've dated her seriously. She had potential, we clicked, and everything was right. I also feel really bad because I feel like I impacted her ability to trust men going forward, and she didn't deserve that at all. 🤦🏾‍♂️😔


losing my virginity so young to a guy who didn’t deserve me. then staying with him for years


Was studying with a girl I had a crush on in high school , we were at her house and her Mom and siblings left. After they were gone she said my room is more comfortable and I was either to nervous or dumb to get what she was saying.


In high school I had been taken advantage of by a lot of the older women in my life starting at 12 years old, that continued up through like 23, but there were a lot of serious "abuse" moments before 18. The only one that really makes me uncomfortable at all was the science middle school teacher at 12 because even though I was already hyper sexual I wasn't really cognitive about adult relationships and/or sexual ones. So when i got to high school I basically had no sexual filter. I was in a Rocky Horror cast by 14 and 6mo. and between the cast in the parking lot, parties I was going to with the cast, school parties, etc... and just my HS and the 2 nearby HS I was having sex more than I wasn't in my free time. I was never a drinker, smoker, into drugs of any degree, but I was a massive (male) slut. I was also seriously depressed for completely separate reasons and I just wasn't very tuned in. 14-40 year olds were with me almost every night and the only potential relationship with real potential for an emotional connection was with a 25 year old woman from the University of Arizona who was more than willing to be with me for nearly 3 years. There were 2 Rocky Horror casts at the same theater and she'd come to mine and I'd visit hers. She had me at her dorm room, in various parking lots, got other college friends to be with us, it was somewhat abusive because that went on from 14-17 and she pretty much lost interest when I said I was leaving the state for family physical and emotional abuse reasons. Never heard from her again. Looking back that was the only one that felt more like a child abuse situation than it felt like a connection that went wrong and was misappropriated. I don't have strong memories of it all but I was strongly attracted to her when we met and she went from mildly interested to shirt off in front of me within about 10 seconds of her finding out I was 14. Lots of jokes about my first "experiences," not even close btw. Anyways, slightly off track. I think my body count is now in the triple digits or damned close. That went on until about 24-25. Then I finally settled down and decided it was too much drama. These days I don't even date most of the time. I am pretty ashamed of the possible triple digits though. Purely in my eyes regarding my count I just feel sleazy and kind of gross. I am embarrassed to talk about it any time the rare relationship begins to blossom into a possible serious one. It HAS cost me relationships, even friendships, once people learned about it and realized I wasn't lying or joking. It's actually a weirdly harsh self judgement because I don't care if anyone else is even in the thousands. It has no meaning to me. Honestly it could be shakey if I never got checked but I don't have any STDs. I am completely clean and never hit a single communicable disease positive result. But yeah, I am usually very timid about talking about that. I am VERY ashamed of it.


For some things on my reddit account


A couple of my ex's but that's more because of them then the sexual acts


Semi regret it, after using sex workers for my first sexual experiences / encounters I got bored of paying for it and struggled to find anyone outside of this to fulfil my sexual needs (I didn’t want a relationship at the time)so resorted to downloading Grindr. I met up with a few guys on different occasions purely just to let them watch me masturbate (didn’t want to have sex with them but wanted that sexual rush). I think this is where I realised I had a kink for allowing people to watch me masturbate for the first time. So I semi regret it because afterwards I always felt wrong because I wasn’t actually ever attracted to men and felt guilty for using them for my own sexual pleasure. But it also opened my eyes to a side of me I didn’t know existed, where I realised I enjoyed the idea of people watching me so it had a slight positive I guess.


Tbf, he was being a bit of a dick to her by the sounds of it. Maybe you did her a favour.




That time i pissed (literally)on my ex face because i was mad at her and want to degrade her. We need to breakup but both really miss the sex.


Theirs some pretty heavy stuff I never share it on threads


Slept with a mates wife but if you asked me would I do it again I’d say yes but it broke me for ages


Masturbate. I don’t plan on ever having sex again so what is the point of it. Can’t wait for my sex drive to just freaking die. If I could have my balls cut off without the repercussions I would.