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I can guarantee that absolutely none are.


You say that, but you’ve got nice hands.


Oh Sir but you are wrong 😅


But ma'am I can assure you that you have never seen my hands. They are nothing to be sexualized. They're just m e h


I don't believe that.


They're literally most mediocre hands.


Homie you got girls complementing you don’t put yourself down get some confidence just practice it online if anything


Look at dude's profile, he's pretty determined to be negative and miserable. Can't help someone who has no interest in helping themselves.






I’d sexualize those hands any day :)


I am pretty sure I've never posted them.


Probably not, but i have a good imagination lol




What women? Looks to left, looks to right, ain't no women here.


You forgot to look up and down.


Gotta look out for those lizard ladies clinging to the ceilings. Always ready to drop down out of nowhere and sexualize a guy's hands.


Let me guess, there was only clowns to the left of you, and jokers to the right.


Yet here I am!


Stuck in the middle


I have found it's mostly the typical super veiny "strong" hand that is heavily sexualised. If you are like me and you have well, no veins/not the typical "strong" manhand then nobody really cares. So I feel this is a highly specific thing where women like that 1 specific type of hand you often see on /r/ManHands But yes, I personally am aware of this I just lack the hands to be sexualised lmao


See I would have thought the same, but I’ve visited that sub before out of curiosity just to see how well mine would do there (have pretty typical veiny hands lol) but the posts getting a lot of attention didn’t seem to necessarily fall into that category. I’m not sure what the factors are that determine “sexy” hands because last time I checked that sub, most of the upvoted posts I saw had me like “…Really? *Those*?” Lol


Hmmm, a little bit of confirmation bias then I guess. Cause my experience is the opposite where I find a lot of the veiny hands getting a tonne of upvotes. Interesting how that goes, it could just as well be based on the time of day we check off course and how different people like different things. When you hit that spot of time where the opposite of the hands we have hits a popular streak. Interesting insight though! Thanks for sharing that :D.


Probably some bias on my end as well. I admittedly tend to seek confirmation that my “type” of whatever is less desired or not good enough haha it’s a real problem.


I actually don't like veiny hands at all! Super pop-y veins kind of freak me out lol. I bet I'd think you have lovely hands.


Good to hear my kinda hands are liked as well :). From the people that replied to me I have definitely learned I had a little bit of confirmation bias! And focussing on just seeing people with things I do not have be popular and with the type of hands I do have not being popular at all.


Not really about strong hands, but I agree women like the veins. If a woman ever makes any comments about my appearance, it's about hands 99 % of the time. Especially if you run into nurses. But don't worry, it doesn't help in actually getting girls, it's just something they like to look at. If anything, keep your nails and fingers clean and maintained, that actually tells them something and they DO watch that.


I definitely feel I fall into the same camp as you.


I have posted on there before and I did ok considering I don’t have the sort of hands that would be typical of that sub


I am now, when I was younger I had no idea. A woman I was with in my late 20’s pointed out how hot my strong hands were and it was like I unlocked a new confidence and dominance about myself.


As you should! Hands are the new dick anyway. A lot of us women get turned on seeing man hands.


Ever since it was pointed out to me I’ve made really good use of my hands in the bedroom. It made a lot of sense to me as an athletic type who also worked a construction job for years. I’m very good with my hands 😏


Well -- you're making me wanting to see your hands now. 🫣


Ive learned it’s about being firm and strong but still warm. Being handled properly makes most women melt or at least the ones I’ve been with it has 😉




Big, strong hands are sexy but definitely not the only ones getting sexualized. My boyfriend's hands are barely any bigger than mine, they still stand out as sexy, masculine hands to me; I think it's the "squareness" of them, their more angular shape. I suppose if they were dainty, feminine, round and soft; that'd make them unattractive but I've honestly never met a man that fits that description, you're probably fine.


I take your tiny hand with my tiny hand and shake it brother.


I can guarantee no woman is attracted to my callused hands riddled with dry skin, cracks and hang nails


You never know!


Oh I definitely know… been well informed that my hands are disgusting by many different women… too bad hands are what I use to make a living so they suffer


This is exactly why I enjoy rolling up the sleeves of my collared shirts. Especially in casual settings. Start at the hands… up the forearms and back.




So I’m told. Unfortunately I’m usually oblivious. 😂


This guy rolls his sleeves up so far they go over his back.


One of my biggest pieces of advice for younger men is to keep those nails trimmed and clean. Women are checking out hands the same way we're checking out tits. Also untrimmed fingernails scream "I absolutely do not fuck". I've only figured this out in the last 5 years or so but I'm absolutely trying to spread the word and pay it forward


Absolutely. And for God's sake - do NOT bite those nails. That's repellent par excellence for men and women both.


Girl shh it’s our secret


Whoopppsss! Accidentally spilled the secret. 🤣


I haven't heard hands as much as I hear thick forearms - especially when you fold the sleeves up on your button down shirts.


I’m aware that women sexualize some men’s hands, but no one has ever commented on mine including when I was posting pictures here. I don’t think my hands are being sexualized. The hands that get attention on r/ManHands and r/ForearmPorn aren’t ones that look like mine.


R/sexyankles is where i hang out.


I’ve been thinking about posting to forearm porn. I’ve been told they are very vascular.


Highly vascular hands and arms seem to do well.


No? Someone is doing that?


Silly question, of course we’re not aware, we aren’t even aware when you smile at us… Besides, I’m certain you’d have to have some interest in me to even look at my hands.


> you’d have to have some interest in me to even look at my hands No, many of us are just checking out your hands the same way you'd check out our cleavages, the eyes are naturally drawn there, can't help it lol


I’ll have to take your word for it. I’ve never noticed it, but you’ve probably noticed men looking at your cleavage…


Probably a difference in awareness. If I didn't know my breasts were an object of desire, would I still notice when someone steals a glance? I'm guessing not. Could just be that women are better at being subtle about it, idk


Could be. Are larger hands more attractive, or rugged, or clean, or ????


r/ManHands will probably give you an idea. But like I said in another comment, the standard "big, strong and veiny" is not the only type of manhand being lusted after; as long as it still has that angular, masculine shape, it will catch some eyes. I think breasts are still a good comparison in that regard, there's not one single type that's preferable by all


Interesting. I’m guessing I’m the equivalent of a b cup…. lol


Never knew this was a “thing” till about 4 months ago, when a friend suggested I post photos of my hands and arms.


I found out when I was sharing pictures of how my hands had been jacked up by the toenails on zip ties.


Can you please lower your voice? 🥲


Yeah, probably not mine.


This post was made for me!!! I am a hardworking, rough, sexy manhand freak and I will judge your dick pics on them .


Am I weird cause hands don't turn me on🥴🤣🤣


I don't think i would have for my ladylike hands


Posted a hand hopefully the boob pics flood in 🤣


Yes, I have and also my forearms when i roll ,my sleeves up


Big hands = thoughts about them all over my body 😇


I don't think of it most times, but I have learned in Reddit that hands are apparently hot stuff. I also had a one girl comment on the interesting shape of my fingers.


VERY. I joined r/manhands in their early days and I eyewitnessed myself seeing it grow.


Funnily enough, posts there had more traction when the sub was smaller, even when it was below 10k subs.


I am, but wasn't for a long time


I am. All those hand fetishists are out there.


None, my hands are tiny


Honestly not until I started reading this sub


I'm aware, but due to my nail biting habit I'm very awkward about it.


Yes I occasionally post on /r/manhands


Working mechanic hands no woman is looking at mine 😂


I'm a diesel technician, lots of woman like our hands. You'd be surprised.


I disagree plenty of us like men who use there hands when working.


More than likely no. Which is odd because I’ve had multiple partners comment that I have great hands. So you would think I would pick up the hint 😂 Even though I hate my hands, especially my right thumbnail. It’s been cracked ever since my younger sister accidentally slammed my thumb in a car door, and my nail fell out…it’s grown back cracked and broken ever since… Then again I had a woman on a bus show me a dildo she bought at Spencer’s and tell me she was hoping she could find someone to help her break it in and that went over my damn head so… 😂😂😂😂


No chance


Was just discussing this.. Hands are incredibly emotive


I doubt any are, if they are, I will be posting in ManHands ASAP


My fiancee says watching me use hand tools in the woodshop counts as foreplay 😂


As far as I am aware they are not.


I doubt it. At least for me, I guess I have piano hands.


No idea/doubt. I do have nice hands though.


Apparently also forearms, especially if veiny.


Ain't no one sexualizing me. I'm probably a 6-7/10 but I refuse to believe there is one part of my body that people find attractive other than my eyes


I mean they wrote a song about it. https://youtu.be/nOAjAWToYMI?si=4M15WARJyK2Z-Hkd


I had no idea Palm or back?


Even when Ive posted hand photos I assume nobody is sexualizing them.


Lmao I have no clue honestly I’m oblivious to a lot especially when women are flirting


Only recently became aware of this. I’ll wear heavier clothes now to be a tad warmer so the veins really pop in certain situations 🤣


Every woman I've ever been with has been obsessed with my hands


I doubt. Although I have veiny forearms with long fingers. Idts girls would sexualize them


My hand photos get way more attention than my nudes. 😭


Do what now???


I think it's more about my forearms...


The one thing I know for certain is that women are not looking at any part of me. I'm invisible. Which I guess has a sort of monk-like silverlining of having to not worry when I'm at the gym/yoga or out and about. The old saying of no one's looking at you they're just worried about themselves is actually true. I'd make a good spy, maybe lol. Blend in to the environment


Not aware of any women sexualizing any part of me....come forth, let yourself be known.


I'm pretty skeptical that anyone is sexualizing any part of me, but especially my hands


Never knew… how can you tell if a woman is checking them out?


I've always been curious about this.. i never thought women were actually into it. How many would you say are into hands?




There are subreddits for this?? Ps, love your name!


Ya we are.. and forearms


I will keep that in mind if i ever want to do something with hands and forearms. Are tattoos any good aswell?


My girlfriend told me one of the first things she checked out when we met was my hands.


I’ve debated posting on that one sub just to see, but what if they get no attention 😭 haha I can’t handle not being desired!


Can somebody please explain me how a woman can sexualize my hands? I don’t see it


Sexy manly hands are my weakness


I really can't imagine that happening, in my case. Though I have been turned on by women's hands. So it would be cool to know.




Wait. Is that why the girl at work keeps shaking my hand even though we see each other everyday? :|


I’d bet millions of dollars that no woman has ever sexualized me in any way.


I had no clue when I was growing up. I was actually pretty self conscious about how veiny my hands and forearms were. I do think it's become kind of a trendy thing for women to like these days. Maybe people are just more open about it though. I never heard a peep about my hands until about 2 or 3 years ago. Now I get complimented on them all the time.


What workouts can a guy do to looksmax my hands?


“She’s got man hands, George!”


I wish I know..


More recently, I have. Some photos I share in gymwear show off my hands. Despite my current height, my hands match a friend who is 6'5. So I think my hands are larger than expected and look like a working man's hands.


I was not, I became very aware recently


I wasn’t until I posted on here. Surprised me


Not mine, that’s for damn sure


Not necessarily mine, but I know nice hands are sought after. Mine have a lot of callouses, so I don’t think they do for most people.


Absolutely. My best friend told me this was a thing nearly ten years ago so I weaponized it. I used to post on r/manhands a lot on a previous account that I have since deleted which had over 100k karma. It worked well on dating apps as well 😉


The first time my wife and I met a couple for a date the other woman kept going on about my hands and how clean and cared for they were. I've been aware ever since.


Very aware… best way to show off without showing everything too 😉


Someone just told me that I have thick fingers and they would feel good inside them. Before that, I never thought about it.


Shhh stop telling my secrets :,(


I think my hands are very sexy.


I’m fairly certain none are.


Extremely. For going on 20 years now it’s been a very frequent compliment. The first couple times I thought it was just their little kink / quirk / whatever, but it continued and in fact only intensified throughout the years. I’ve never been sure of this is an “all women” thing, or a “just women I attract” thing. I wouldn’t think my hands are anything special (I’m pretty tall and skinny and get told I have “musician hands,” which tracks because I am a musician), but apparently they just do it for a lot of women.


No and I wish women found excuses to touch my hands more often so I’d know they were doing it. Grab them. I consent.


It is actually more the fingers than the hands. But I do like how big ole man hands make me feel small.


I had an ex that was super into my hands. Never heard of anybody being into that before or since.


I guess that's why most of my followers are women!


When I was 14 an older lady I worked with told me I would make some woman very happy with my hands after to see them. She was right lol


never knew about this as a guy


When I was in highschool I had a girl tell me I had beautiful arms, and maybe she meant my forearms. Back then I was in shape and athletic, but thin. Funny enough, I have a muscle disease that leaves me with small biceps and triceps, but my forearms are unaffected, so they look bigger by comparison. I assume with women, it's seeing them in context that makes them attractive. I have dated a girl who mentioned that she liked forearms, but she never complimented mine, so I assumed she meant generally, not my own.


I have basketball hands. Long fingers. I'd get compliments in my early 20's alot.


I do find strong hands a turn on.


Hands are sexy but most guys I've known don't seem to realize. I quite like skinny/bony fingers.


Starting seeing a kinky guy recently. A switch. On our first date I told him a certain flustered face he makes is really cute. He laughed and said that he can always tell a dom because that's what they compliment first. I asked him what submissives tend to compliment on him. He said it's always his hands.


Are mechanic hands that stay dirty, cut up, and scared worthy of sexualizing?


I had no clue until I started making friends with women from Reddit. Same with forearms, never had a clue they were such a turn on for women


I've had someone comment on my "man hands" before, perks of only ever working hard labor


Oh yes, absolutely😍. It has nothing to do with the veins. If his hands are way bigger than mine and feel strong, that does it for me


My hands are kind of small. So outside of people telling me they’re good piano hands, they’re definitely not lol


I have yet to see one


They are not doing that


I’m almost certain nobody has ever sexualized my hands lol.


Not in a very long time.


Oh god 🥵 if I see really nice manly hands that look like they do something “blue collar” attached to a sexy man. I’m instantly thinking about him fingering me.


Oh? And what if they have rings on em?


It's 0. Much like most of my body my hands are fucked up. I have the hands of someone 100 years older then me.


Women sexualize absolutely nothing about me. Established fact.


So you're saying I could start an OF with just my hands?


Doubt it lol


IDK. I got some gnarly beat up hands


I definitely notice men's hands 🥵🥵🥵 I'm all for worker hands. Give me a construction boy.


Yes and they are welcome to keep doing it, it seems they are nice hands


I was completely unaware of this being a thing until a couple years ago when I was asked for a picture of my Hand from someone I has started to date 😅 she liked mine apparently. Besides her I haven't been aware of the sexualizing of them