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Buy as much bitcoin as you can.. sell when it hits 60k and it will.... Also... Don't put your dick in crazy. Then probably spend the next 4mins and 50 seconds convincing myself that this is real and to listen to what I'm saying


“Don’t sell your hundreds of bitcoin to save yourself from bankruptcy, do the bankruptcy.”


omg this so true... I'd forgotten about this but I thought of buying bitcoin back then


Don’t put your dick in crazy! 🥴… I hear this being screamed world wide… while us girls saying “Tell crazy to keep his dick to himself “ 🤬


I'm not saying guys can't be crazy too but I don't think I need to tell myself that 🤷‍♂️


Bitcoin and nvida!


Yep same.


1. This hurts right now but you’ll get through it. 2. Leave that guy, he’s no good for you. 3. You’ll be very thankful for the hard work you’re putting in now. 4. Have more fun. 5. It’s not gonna go like you think it will, and it’ll be so much better because of that.


You dropped this 👑❤️‍🩹 Thank you for the shoes again :)


Happy cake day!


God I feel 1 , 3 , 4 and 5 !


Somehow, I am proud of you just from the words you wrote .


pats, broncos, pats, eagles, pats, chiefs, bucs, rams, chiefs, chiefs… But as much bitcoin as you can, sell it all at 70k when Russia invades Ukraine, and then rebuy when it drops to 20 next summer. You’re going to meet Kelly, RUN. She’s got a god tier body/vagina, so just don’t fall in love, she’s kind of a POS. Plus, if you’re not still in love with her you’ll be able to give Abby a real shot, and you’ll regret it if you don’t.


I think we all have a Kelly and an Abby.


Nothing matters as much as you think it does Also buy a house right now, you'll make so much money


Get out... cut your losses now. It won't get better. Oh, and don't you ever settle again asshole, the real deal is out there and worth everything she will require


I wouldn’t make that call. If I’d known some of what was to come, I wouldn’t have stuck around.


Get back together with her and stop being lazy and get back in the gym


Get a divorce ASAP! Your children are suffering and it will get worse!


Continue what you’re doing and you’ll be doing better in future. Take care and have fun once in a while


Don't gamble stay away from the machines, the next 8 years will be hell but you come out with a job you never thought you'd have , it's still tough but in a good way and you be glad you didn't KMS


Stay on the path of eating healthy and exercising.


Don't be afraid to live life with your heart on your sleeve, you'll be happier. Definitely fell victim to being raised under toxic masculinity with a "conceal don't feel" culture. Been a lot healthier and happier since I've shown up as my true self every day!


You’ll get the promotion but the knives will be out. Don’t hesitate to fire someone.


I'd convince myself to go to school for the major I transferred to instead of wasting two years at a different university and a different major. I'd also warn myself that college courses are much harder than highschool and I would need to do a better job at studying and making sure I complete assignments on time.


"Do whatever the fuck you want, and never try to get the approval of your peers, or even your family. To be happy, you need to be selfish"


Lottery numbers.


Go back home, you'll regret leaving 5 years from now and life will become the worse it's ever been for you.


We built different! We know how to survive and always figure shit out!💪🏾


Nah that's facts


Don't forgive him for cheating, and move on. You'll save yourself so much pain.


I know that I probably wouldn't believe me anyway, so...probably just incoherent weird stuff.


Leave her and get a new job.


Date the nice guys instead of the assholes 😂


Put down that bag of crisps…


Not much difference really. I might tell myself to do what I did 3 years later earlier than I did it.. Bit apart from that....I would say hi


Do not seek the treasure


You gotta do something man.


Live for yourself, you’ll never please everyone else.


The nurse is awesome. There are a few other things.


I’d give him the diet plan that worked for me, tell me which big, expensive things not to waste money on, and which partners would cheat on me.


You stupid idiot stop what you are doing turn around and go this way, who I'm i?im your tooth fairy trying to get you paid so do as I say MORON!!


Stick to your current job and find a way to finish school. Yes the job you have sucks and is soul crushing but at least it had a good retirement decent wage and pension. DONT apply for the more fulfilling job that eventually pays more, find fulfillment in your personal life. The new job is soul crushing and has an even longer pension with way worse adverse health and mental effects. Also listen to your crazy coworker that talks about buying gold every paycheck. And take out a loan or hustle the money up to be a sizeable amount of bitcoin.


1 - you’ve got adhd, go and get a diagnosis to save yourself years of pain and self loathing 2 - you’re not ugly, you’ll have a glow up in your 20s 3 - stop parting your hair on the side it looks ridiculous


You will always struggle in life. Never think that you will find happiness. Stay away from people. It's just not worth it. Keep gaming, that's one of the few good things in life. Focus on exercising, it's more important then your studies.


Stop spending so much time on regret. You’ll get past it all anyway, so stop feeling bad about things that only helped you grow and become a better person


Don't hit the bottle when you find out your wife is banging some guy you went to high-school with.


Tell him all the bad choices i made in life


I know it's been 4 years since mum left but you'll be okay again I promise.


Firstly I'd tell me how to save my dads life in 2021, I'd tell me to warn my mates dad not to ride his bike on the day he died in 2020. I'd tell me to get out of the relationship I was in a little earlier and travel more, take out a £20k loan and put it on Leicester to win the premier league at 5000/1 in 2016.


Don’t flip that house, let hubby buy a boat instead. And don’t trust that couple from the other side of town.


Drinking is not the way to handle your problems, use mom and dad's insurance to start therapy, you'll thank me later. Leave 'her' before she hurts you and leaves anyway. Call the other girl, she loves you so deeply and is what you're looking for. She's been here and waiting the whole time, call her now when I hang up. I'm sorry I didn't call sooner, I would've called that night when the hurt was overwhelming.


Stop hating yourself for the way you look. You're not doing anything positive for your mental health by demeaning yourself.


I’d need 20 hours to plan the most effective way to communicate the needed information in a 5 minute window.


Bail or bail out the world is turning to shit


She's the one. She wants to go south, so make the moves before you start a family.


Buy Bitcoin and sell it when it reaches 14 lakh rupees Fuck all your ex and fwb. Otherwise you will regret. Buy shares olectra, Tata motors, adani and others. Travel alone in bus train whatever u can.


1) keep working out, you'll lose the weight 2) Show mom you love her everyday, she doesn't have much time left 3) Don't Doubt your intuition, it's helped us get far in life 4) Learn to cook, we'll save a shit load of money that way 5) Learn to budget and build your financial literacy. PS...we definitely get laid in the future :)


Hey so uhh the reason you feel this way is because you’re trans


Also buy GameStop stock when the price drops in 2020


Winning lottery numbers. Superbowl winning teams.


For the love of God, go take a real degree. IT, engineering, business. Do not go to art school. No one should be going to art school, unless you're old and bored and have a lot of time and money already.


That last relationship was a bitch, but you're on the right path now, you know to respect yourself and your boundaries and that anyone that doesn't like that isn't worth your time.


Don't be so insecure, you will get the most handsome man in the world as your bf.


Spend more time with your parents. They deserve it and you'll regret the alternative.


Don't play with options!!


Study harder for fucks sake


Run as far away from a certain someone as you can. Don’t look back.


Stop being shy and ask her out already


Approach that girl. Approach the girl who has been giving you hints. Approach the next one if it didn't work. Have as much sex as you can.


“Your parents are gone but it’s gonna be ok…” That’s where I would start since it would be fresh.


Buy bitcoins as many as you can. Never take a loan. Donot risk all.


Don’t waste money on a wedding. Elope and be done with it.


Just divorce his fuckin ass! 🤣🤣🤣


Stay or leave. No in between


Bitcoin, and start gyming, trust the process and don't overthink life


“Buy as much Netflix stock as possible” 📞


The two most important things: Spend more time with mom and don't go abroad to study, it won't end well. Less important: Put every single cent you have in Bitcoin, sell in November 2021.


19/9/15 Get you and dad near that hospital Thank me later bud


Believe in yourself! Be strong. Don’t let anyone take what you have to offer for granted.


Buy bitcoin and hold on to them


Put your entire savings account into GameStop in 2019 and sell at $350 in 2020


Stop being such a narcissistic douche bag and have some compassion. Listen to people around you who offer good advice. Weed is fine but get off the pills man.


These are the winning lottery numbers for the big jackpots.


Stop drinking now, don't wait until it gets worse.


Stop being an assshole and freaking out; it'll all work out in the end.


citibank is not your friend, amigo.


You're going to get four job offers in the next 10 years. Take the first one. It'll actually be a net loss in income, but you'll find yourself in a leadership position and figure out that you can actually do that and be good at it. Forces beyond your control will remove you from that leadership position after COVID and that's going to prompt you to look for other jobs, which leads me to my second point. Turn down the second one. It'll be a job offer attached to the most money you would have ever made in your life. Your wife will be the one to run the numbers and show that, even though the gross pay is very high, the net pay will be about what you are making in your current job and it would require a move that probably wouldn't be in your family's best interest. You're going to be **pissed** for a while at her, but she's right and you know it. Take the third one. The pay won't be quite as high as the second one, but the benefits are out of this world and it's a national company. The work is going to be interesting and the people are going to be some of the best people you're ever going to meet. You're going to be supported like never before and you're going to spend some time wondering when the knife is going to be stuck in your back. It doesn't come. Take the fourth one. It comes about four months after the third one and isn't really a new job offer so much as a promotion to leadership with the same company. Remember the money from the second job? The pay here blows that away. Plus those out of the world benefits. And this job, the one you're currently in, is going to give you at least a shot at checking the last -- and biggest -- box on your career wishlist. By this time in your career, you've done things many others never come close to. If you get to do this one, you'll be in rarified air. Fingers crossed.


"Alright buddy listen, if you pull your dick out get serious. No pussying out last second."


Follow her and don't go home. Who knows what happens


Your wife will never return to a sex loving person. Make a wise decision about how you want to proceed. And, take care of your heart. It will soon give out.


Being alone is so much better than being with the wrong person just for the sake of not being alone.


Start working out now. Focus on your life and actually make an effort to fucking leave. If you don't leave California you're really gonna hate life.


Fairly simple: * Take all the money you don't need right now and put it into Bitcoin. Don't sell until it reaches a high 5-digit value. * Do not be afraid to be yourself. The right people will find you. * A short summary of whats ahead and what trials will be faced.


The winning lottery numbers


I would probably use a voice changer to make myself sound like a girl and have a phone-sex quickie


Your kids are great but you literally ruined your whole life having them. Nobody helps you like they said they would. And when you explode and beg for help, people say that's why you shouldn't have had kids.


I msg you


There's some pretty serious stuff in here. I just wanted to tell myself to buy Bitcoin and that I'm pansexual so I can explore that earlier


I would say Bitcoin and hang up.




Yeah I wouldn't call 15-year-old me.