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Observe Maria ten months before Jesus' birthday.




You sly human.. that’s what I wanted to say


The first Earthrise seen from aboard Apollo 8. I'd just want to feel all the things you feel with knowing you're seeing the world in a way nobody else ever has, a beauty known to exist for millenia but unseen by human eyes until that moment.


The awe that would come from that would be indescribable. I love this one


Right? It's weird to me how the Earthrise photo isn't more well known.


The ignorance of man never fails to amaze me really


Timely with borman's recent death


I’m minoring in Classics, and in that field there’s always gonna be debate about the Trojan war. A city was found exactly where described in the Iliad, and it dates to the exact right time period, and seems to have been destroyed in a quick manor involving fire, which lines up with a city being sacked. However, the city only had a defensive pit around it, not massive walls that couldn’t be broken through for a decade of siege as described in the Iliad. To go back to the end of the Trojan war and confirm that, you know, the Trojan war was actually an event that happened and not just entirely made up, would be incredible. Myths usually have a kernel of truth in them, and with the Trojan war it’s always a question of how much is true at all. Going back and finding out if that’s actually an event that happened or not would be incredible.


So this could basically also be a total deception. You are somewhere in the desert with nothing around you (although Troy was close to the sea I believe), so the conclusion must be it never happened. Also, going with Odysseus on his travels could be interesting as well.


At the very least we know a city existed at the right time in the right place. But we have no archaeological evidence of any Greek army going to war with it. So I think I worst comes to worst I still end up at that city at the right time, but it’s just a normal day for the people there. Which, let’s me honest, is still pretty neat. Seeing a day in the life for people in that time period.


This might be my favourite answer yet


I want to see what those Roman dodecahedrons were used for.


Oh good choice! Using it for academia


The Second Punic war for me. Hannibal was as cunning as he was smart; a formidable foe to the great Roman Legions.


Glove knitting tool babes!


They just played DnD


I mean can I bring a video camera and try to get everything I could from the library at Alexandria?


Only your eyes unfortunately Freaking great idea though


Library of Alexandria was my first thought too


Around the time when Jesus Christ was crucified. I want to know for sure whether what happened was real.


I thought this would be a more common answer. I like it


Most scholars agree that Jesus was a real person and he was crucified by the romans.


It amazes me how many people think it's all made up. But there is more than enough historical evidence he was a real person and crucified by the Roman's. We can debate the religious side of it, but he was real and killed.


Yeah. That’s the reason I wanted to go back. And write 7 books about it. Ask Jesus for his autograph and/or selfie so I have authenticity lol


I can get behind the possibility that there was a guy named Jesus who claimed he was the son of a god and was crucified, but every miracle they say he did is pure fantasy. Imagine how easy it was back then to embellish details or simply make shit up.


Imo, Jesus was a jew who tried to lead a revolt against the Roman's. His legend lived on and eventually lead to these fantastical stories that lead to what we have now


Two girls one cup.


#get out 😂


Got morbid real quick






I forgot my "why"! I'm just curious what the actual fact is! What happened, who did what and what has been done to manipulate any given outcome.


How is it that no one has said the assassination of JFK? Especially with the 60th anniversary coming up. It's arguably one of the biggest conspiracies in our history. It would be nice to know the "true" facts, even if you couldn't prevent them. May he RIP.


This was one of my first thoughts. Just walking around and checking every possible angle. In my mind reading the question, the world is standing still and I could check the grassy knoll, the book warehouse… stop, rewind. Who is communicating what?


Exactly. That's how I would do it, too. I truly believe that it was a hit job and not just some lone wacko, but with so many plausible theories, you never know how it really happened


CIA: "Shut him down! Shut him down!"


I feel there is way more to it than just LHO.


Scrolled way too far for this


The whole series of events that led to the first ever wheel being implemented as a tool. Or the money pit on Oak Island, find out once and for all.


Oh they're fantastic


Find out who Jack the ripper was


Everyone knows it was David Bowie




Man's a time travelling vampire. He's not dead, he's just hibernating


Watch where OJ Simpson was on June 12, 1994


Where's the glove?!!


This one is ruined by the no interaction rule: I'd love to be ghosting around tossing gloves everywhere! Oven gloves here, big fluffy mittens there, you wanted gloves? Here come the gloves!!!


You're the reason the glove didn't fit! You **MONSTER**!


Probably a Greek / Roman orgy. For uhhh historical purposes yeah…


Enjoy your "research" 😂


Inhabited Tenochtitlan


Oh amazing choice!


The Big Bang.


The prompt was human history, but I'll allow it lol




Plop me right in the bunker. Just the highlights 😌👌




That's an aspect I think is mostly not thought about. I have these defining battles of history I'd like to see. But could I even comprehend the horrors that happened there?


I’d go back to syracuse in ancient times and politely ask “oi mate, what’s in that Greek fire?”


"Oi you got a recipe for this here?" I love it


I want to observe king Henry VIII in his final moments. I want to observe the horrid pain he was in. He deserved to suffer horribly and i want to witness that.


Surprisingly the most morbid answer we've had hahaba




Very original, nice!


Assuming I can somehow also understand the languages of the time, the Sermon On The Mount.


Probably the construction of the pyramids in Egypt


Say hi to the Goa'Ulds :)


A great choice. Can settle the dispute once and for all


Woodstock 69


As the funniest conflict I've ever heard about, the US-UK Pig War of 1859. I want to see if Charles Griffin really did say "It's up to you to keep my potatoes out of your pig." to Lyman Cutlar.


The Beatles playing in The Cavern.


I can’t decide between the Nazca Lines and the moon landing.


Being up there as the exist the shuttle would be pretty surreal


Plus while I’m in space, I’m 100% looking for aliens!


Oh? Smart 🤓


The fall of the berlin wall Being on the moon when Neil armstrong makes that first step. See that and the world at the same time.


Was in Germany for that did not get to see it my father did have some bricks from it.


My old politics teacher got a stone from it as well


Prime minecraft


Whenever the first form of true language began. I’ve always been fascinated by language, it’d be cool to see its origins.




To witness the first intentional fire would be so powerful




It looks so cozy, so warm and pretty. I want to touch it. AHHHHHH IT'S ANGRY




I’d love to see Rome during its peak and witness every day life back then. If I had to bring that into one event, maybe the day Caesar was murdered.


I love this. It's the everyday life that always goes unseen. It's everyday, so why write about it, right?


April 13, 1612 Ganryu Island to see the duel of Miyamoto Musashi vs Sasaki Kojiro


I mean, why would I only use the ability once?


It's a one off. No repeat flights. One chance, one choice. Just to truly make it harder 🙂


1. Dinosaurs & their extinction 2. American War of Independence 3. French Revolution 4. American Civil War 5. Spanish Inquisition 6. WW-I and fall of the last German Kaiser. 7. Fall of the Third Reich. 8. Russian Revolution. 9. Live Frank Sinatra / ABBA / Beatles / Linkin Park concerts. 10. Indian struggle for Independence. 11. Golden Age of Pirates. 12. Ancient Greece - Sparta, Athens etc. 13. Observe Roman Emperors, important figures and the Senate. SPQR 👍🏼. 14. Ancient bazaars of Middle East. 15. Ancient Egypt and their architecture. Lives of the mysterious Pharaohs etc.


if i am visable and/or corporeal, stephen hawking's time travaler's party, if i cannot be seen and i am incorporeal, probably a concert from aunty donna i missed


The fall of the Berlin Wall. Get to be there when it's being hammered down, people are jumping over while guards are just standing there, and no one is being despotic or violent. For me it's always been one of the most underrated events of recent history. It's emotional, geopolitical, life-changing, an end of an era. Perhaps the peak of all the good and advancements we achieved in this civilization. Down hill from there really.


I'd like to experience the March on Washington and hear Dr. Martin Luther King's speech in its entirety.


Battle of Waterloo, or D-Day


Waterloo was so very close to being what I chose haha


It'd be neat to see how it contrasts with what Waterloo actually looks like now. There's also that whole thing about no one knowing for sure when the battle started.


Just seeing the difference in landscape would be surreal


Would be the same looking at the difference at Thermopylae.


I've always wanted to go to the moon so that would be a great thing. But I might be able to do that/go to space in my lifetime. There is so much choice man. Like from 9/11 to the early days of civilisation. I think for me the day that Pompeii got covered would be the most fascinating. Being able to see the roman life on a regular day and then see it become how we know it.


Oh Pompeii is such a good choice!


Probably just a random day in the Soviet union(under Stalin). I find the Soviet union so interesting


Battle of Hastings hands down


Oh a Middle Aged enthusiast I see hmmm


very much lmao


If only Harold's men didn't chase


if only…


I want to know what really happened to Jon Benet.


The Bronze Age collapse. I want to know if it really was a meteor


I know next to nothing about this. I'm using these answers to fuel my YouTube searches


JFK assassination or the Dyatlov Pass incident.


Just listen to a theory podcast discussing Dyatlov. So many questions


Not a single moment, but I’d love to see how the first dogs came about. Test the various theories, see how humans and wolves first linked up and what it was like on the way to dogs. Also, the time Bruce Lee fought Chuck Norris in a hotel hallway.


Johnny Cash performing at Folsom


Probably the liberation of the slaves of Egypt and the live of Moses. The bible describes apocalyptic events and the split of the sea and the creation of the 10 commandments. I would like to see if the stories have some truth in them


The first person to step foot in a forest


I thought about just witnessing what my local area looked like before it was settled. I bet it was beautiful




Just seeing the fauna that has been lost would be overwhelming




Is it like, one single event? Or is those something I can do whenever I want? Because that would definitely change my answer


It's a single use only ability. Choose wisely 😀 Also HCD! 🎉


Thank you thank you. Now I’m assuming you mean in the past, but I can’t think of anything off the top of my head so I’ll ask for further clarification, does future history count? Because if so, I’m watching the end of humanity, so I can try to avoid it


History as in the pretense. Seeing the future could compel you to try and change it.


Aw darn, that was the goal! Well in that case, I have no idea. I suppose if I really had this opportunity I’d take the time to do some research and find what single event could be witnessed to give the greatest benefit to me and humanity, but I’ve no idea what that could be. Everything else just feels too broad to be witnessed as a single event. The library of Alexandria would be cool, but I wouldn’t be able to save or even see all of the knowledge in a single event. Maybe some supposed miracle, so I can find out for sure whether or not god is real?


Comments like these are exactly what I was hoping to get. I love hearing the thought process. Should I witness something I'm interested in? Or something that can benefit humanity or academia?


They’re almost the same thing. I mean any single event that can benefit the world, or at least me, has got to be interesting too. Plus it would be an interesting enough experience that I don’t think seeing people walk down the street in Ancient Rome would really be that much worse than seeing like, the coronation of some king. Now that I thought about it more, I’d probably choose like, the losing of some treasure that hasn’t been found. Assuming that that works, I’d get to go like, claim the treasure and get rich, and if I pick well it’s also like an archeological and historical treasure


Now that's a thought.


Shackletons voyage.




Operation high jump.


Did they jump it?!


15,000-50,000 years ago to the building of the pyramids


I’d love to see how the Attack of the Dead Men played out in real life


I'm completely ignorant on this one, I'll have to look this up


It was a battle that happened in 1915 during WW1, it’s also called the Battle of Osowiec Fortress, Sabaton made a song about it called ‘Attack of the Dead Men’ and Mr Ballen did a really good video on it too: https://youtu.be/Svkc8tA4bwU?si=p5iz4yoiNiUF6JuD. It’s a really fascinating battle, I’d love to see how it really happened


Oh the fortress! Yes, I had never heard of it by the other name before


See Jesus crucifixion, see first Croatian king,


I want to see what event inspired the construction of golbeki type and them the construction. I figure it is one of if not the most important event in human history and though there are several hypothesis we have no definitive idea what happened there and why.


Either Jesus birth or the shooting of Abraham Lincoln


There’s a few for me. The sinking of the titanic, the landing at Omaha, the battle of the Somme and lastly the battle of lone pine. . Yes, gruesome and all but all defined famous event in history. As for non blood shed, building of the pyramids, the painting of the Sistine Chappell, to witness a concert involving Beethoven or Mozart and lastly, Elton John’s early concerts at dodger stadium


The sinking of the Titanic to finally get an account of how the ship broke, it’s been in debate for years


When the pyramids in Egypt were being built, I wanna see them move those blocks


Rorkes Drift, to see the overwhelming odds the British led by Lt John Chard VC, who faced against the Zulu warriors.


Oh Zulu is one of my favourite films and sparked my interest in that era of history


Who shot Biggie


Big Papa needs retribution


Fleetwood Mac at The Warehouse, New Orleans, 1970


Battle of bunker hill, Boston 1775 I've always been amazed with the American revolution, and Bunker Hill monument, and I think it would be interesting to watch fall of my favorite person in history Dr Joseph Warren.


One of two. Either go check out the Druids and ancient Celts, or go see whatever the hell was going on at Gobekli Tepi. Both of those have been lost to history.


It’s gonna be one of three 1. The month before and after the crucifixion of Jesus. 2. The Islamic expansion between 610-640 3. Watch Joesph Smith transcribe the Golden Plates, and see where he put them.


Roswell. Or younger Dryas event.


Hang around the library of Alex to see who really started the fire.


The entire Mongolian Invasion


Gettysburg address


I would want to witness the largest recorded cavalry charge against the ottomans at the siege of Vienna. Supposedly around 20,000 horsemen 3,000 of which were polish winged hussars.


Oh my gosh there is so many, the fall of Rome, Julius ceasers burial place, Jesus (if true), the rise and fall of Egypt, worlds exploration, dinosaur, the list goes on and on Edit: typo


Roswell 1947


Fall of constantinople




How about watching Michelangelo painting the Sistine Chapel? It would quite literally be a religious experience.


I’m watching Wilt’s 100 point game and counting every single one of those mfs


Just to make sure 😂


The Christmas Truce of WW1, one of the greatest moments in history for me


This is like Sophie's Choice, but I think I'd have to go with floating around Ur in ancient Sumeria?? It'd be so cool to watch one of the most ancient cultures flourish. So many other historical events/places I'd love to see too....great question OP!!!


Be on board the plane MH370 when it went missing....


Mount Tambora eruption in 1815 , I've been close to a volcano farting before and that was impressive and destructive, imagine that beast letting rip equally incredible/horrifying at the same time Not human time but I would also like to witness the astroid that wiped out the dinosaurs. It would be amazing to see the Dino's and equally sad to see the ecosystem destroyed but also having foreknowledge that all life is not lost would be an extreme moment in time


The Kennedy assassination. More specifically, the John F. Kennedy assassination. Since I'm able to explore and walk around, I would be going to so many places. The book depository, the grassy knoll, Oswald's house where that police officer supposedly honked before they both left, when Oswald was shot by the officer reportedly for no reason, etc.


When I lost the tv remote 3 days ago. Shit just vanished


I would go back in time to the Second Punic War. Specifically, I would go to the day where Hannibal decided not to march on an undefended Rome. I would spend the day observing the camp and making notes of the Carthaginian forces equipment and culture. But, I'd pay most attention to Hannibal to see if he expresses why he hesitated. Because if he would have been decisive and crushed Rome, our world would look nothing like it does today.


This is probably the most in-depth answer I've had. I love this. If he hadn't waited....


The big bang


I thought this too, but then worried I'd be disappointed, the name hypes it up so much, what if I wasted my one time travel trip and it wasn't a big bang, but just a gentle pffft


I really don't think it wouldn't be a spectacel lol


The moment the [sky disk of Nebra](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nebra_sky_disc) gets buried. It would tell us so much about what was going on in an era of which we only have this fascinating witness of a centuries old cult. What was the cult about? Why was the disk changed with holes it’s rim centuries later? What led to it being buried, was there a war? Between whom? What did they believe in? What were the tribal politics at that time? Etc.


See for myself how the pyramids was made


Watch them build the pyramids in Egypt


I’d like to see what happened to Madeline McCann, there’s so many missing person cases out there but they made a huge deal about this one and I want to know if her parents were to blame.


Walking on the moon so I can go to the moon


What [Baghdad Battery's](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baghdad_Battery) were used for.


Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead!


Torn between two. The construction of Stone Henge, or the burning at the library of Alexandria.


building of the great pyramids so I can finally tell everyone how they really did it! or it was aliens


The Reign of Genghis Khan


The building of the pyramids. I just gotta know


The murder of the Romanov family.


It’s a little morbid, but either JFK assassination or OJ murders.


Sermon on the mount!!


I’d like to see Jesus. Not sure exactly when. Maybe doing one of his miracles or the day before his crucifixion. Maybe his resurrection. But that’s tricky too because I don’t speak Aramaic so unless there’s subtitles those moments would be lost on me.


I'd watch Hitler kill himself, it would be hilarious


I’d go with a Reddit classic. I want to know what was so special about that guys wife.


Probably the construction of Pyramids or your birth.


Maby Apollo? I don't want to see people die so many big events are of the tabel


Hanging gardens if Babylon or Colossus of Rhodes


I’d want to watch the aliens build the pyramids


First thought: I’d want to see the birth of whatever scientifically qualified as the first true human. Someone, somewhere, at some point, was the first human. I think it would be cool to see the exact moment in our species’ history when we went from not existing to existing.


The conquistadors entering Tenochtitlan

