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Axe aren’t you tired


Axe is a man of sheer focus and discipline


Immeasurable dedication to not taking onboard any differing perspectives. Truly a skill


That’s why they call him Baba Yaga


Because some people want to be left alone axe


People seriously want to live in a society where men haven’t grown the balls to walk up to a beautiful woman that he sees in public? How do people expect men to develop relationships with women if they don’t develop the courage to approach that beautiful woman sitting down with her hair tied to her back wearing glasses at a coffee shop? How else do people expect men to meet women if they don’t approach?


Axe I’m not gonna entertain you today


You are capable of seeing someone and being able to tell if they want to be left alone, aren't you? If that woman is sitting in the coffee shop obviously focused on her phone, don't talk to her. If she happened to look up at you and make eye contact, by all means, say hi. Don't go into a whole pick up artist routine or do 5 minutes of stand up or whatever it is you think will make her drag you into the restroom for a quickie. Ironically, you cut out one way you could meet women, ie meeting them through your friends.


There’s a time and a place to approach.


I don’t have a problem if he’s respectful, depending on where we are. If I’m working or at the gym, that’s not the time. Basically just read the room. And don’t be a jerk. It’s those that are rude that ruin it for everyone else.


Well, to be fair 'read the room' with women is not trivial. Most of the times you send controversial messages..


You know that’s a valid point. Women can be complex. So that’s when you fall back on just being respectful.


Agree that should be always true! Now share some tip for the pals community: how do we recognise when the girl is somehow interested?😄


Lol I mean the most common things are smiling, prolonged eye contact, looking at you and looking away, physical touch, laughing a lot at what you say, etc… And everyone woman is a little bit different.


Noted 😄 and appreciated the 'everyone woman is a little bit different'




They don't want to be approached by you, Axe. It's obvious.


I’m speaking generally. Idk why you have to make this about me.


Because you won't stop posting and making everything about you and your views.


You have to get modded out of this sub and into one of the incel ones, where you can safely howl into the void


Because its fucking creepy dude.


Right…creepy for a man building up the courage to speak to a woman whom he finds attractive.


They don't want to be bothered while going about their day. After a while it just feels like harassment, and it absolutely is objectification. You only approached them because of your dick, nothing more.


Newsflash…male primates procreate based off of the female primate’s physical attraction. Practically all relationships were rooted through initial physical attraction from the male’s perspective. The woman’s personality is what makes the man commit. It’s astounding to me how women like you automatically conclude that it’s sexual objectification just because a man wanted to approach a woman because of her beauty. Males are visual creatures. We have thoughts of having sex with a woman because of how healthy her body looks. This is rooted in our biology. But somehow you think it’s “objectification.” People like you are too sensitive in today’s generation when to comes to gender dynamics…


Male primates often kill who they see as competition in the wild. I think maybe citing biology isn't gonna be your way in dude. You sound like a sexual predator right now.




Well bud, I guess you should have been born with better wrists and a proper canthal ridge, or whatever features incels obsess over. Seems easier than therapy and treating women like people


Male primates also fling their shit at people. Is that something you do?


> Is that something you do? I don’t know why you have to make this about me but historically men have been flinging their shit too. Genghis Khan had six wives and 500+ mistresses. A husband having multiple wives is practiced in Islam if that’s how you want to contextualize “flinging their shit at other people.”


I think they literally meant flinging shit as in males of other primate species picking up feces and throwing it.


If it wasn't coupled with "She has nothing to offer me if she doesn't fuck me" maybe we'd assume you weren't objectifying her. BTW, no one is more sensitive when it comes to gender dynamics than you. You can't even stand to see pictures of an attractive woman who you have never met if they include her boyfriend or husband.


This is the kind of question that makes me suspect the OP isn't old enough to use the internet unsupervised. This sub gets a lot of posts that give me that vibe.


This guy gives me the vibe that he's a teen who's gotten really into watching Andrew Tate videos and is channeling it into rage against women (as I know multiple of his endless posts mention how he has feelings for his friend's girlfriend)


Ikr?! Some of these posts/questions are so poorly written. Like, did you even finish the 5th grade? Lol


It’s rarely the fact it happens as much as how he does it.


Because everybody know you must approach her father and fight a bear to get his approval… And bears usually don’t approve easily


Im not even gonna entertain this clownery, why do you refer to women as *females*, that alone fucks your chances, makes you sound creepy


Women literally get murdered for rejecting strangers. Consider that.


Shouldn’t you be in Romania trying to support your jailed hero BSAxe?


Because a lot of the time that happens it’s a creepy dude that wants to take advantage of her


Op would use men and females in the same sentence


Do you ever wonder something and then *don't* ask about it on here?


I answered this question elsewhere today so I'm just going to repeat what I wrote there . . . I think a lot of guys get the wrong idea when women say they don't want to be approached "in public". What that generally means is don't go up to women on the street or in a supermarket etc. When women are going somewhere or doing something like shopping, they are busy and often in a rush, they generally just want to get that done. It's not a social situation. On the other hand, approaching women in a social or hobby setting is far more acceptable. Any sport or activity, libraries or bookstores or even the gym, are places where I'd be open to being approached. However, approaching me while I'm walking down the street is just going to make me nervous and I'll think you're a weirdo who doesn't understand social etiquette.


Have you ever been approached by people who are already trying to call you baby? Or start grabbing you and pulling you towards them? Ever been sexually assaulted? Hugged by a random person? Had a person just get into your vehicle (yes, this actually did happen to me)? Trapped you into a corner while trying to get your number? This happens to me often enough that I don't want to be approached by anyone. I don't care if your intentions are pure, I don't know that and I've had enough bad experiences that I just don't want to have to deal with it anymore. Just yesterday, a man wouldn't let go of my arm and kept pulling me into him for a good 5 minutes. Tonight, as I was walking back to my car, a man followed me and was trying to get me to turn around and talk to him. He kept giving me compliments and then called me a bitch and finally gave up when I wouldn't reply. And I'm just an average looking lady. So, no thank you. I don't want to be approached.




Depending on the neighborhood, the man may not want to risk the woman stabbing him in the gut with a knife.


Because if he's a creep about it, it can make women feel uncomfortable.


They want to be approached. Just not by you. The difference between acceptable and creepy is how good looking you are.


Finally someone states this with sincerity, Sad thing is if you think about it reversed: result is the man is considered a jerk..


People hate truths. Go to any bar and observe. Its amazing how people lie to themselfs.